1 national electronics distributors association
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > national electronics distributors association
2 National Electronics Distributors Association
= NEDAEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > National Electronics Distributors Association
3 National Electronics Distributors Association
Национальная ассоциация предприятий оптовой торговли изделиями электронной промышленности ( США)The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > National Electronics Distributors Association
4 Association
- Association for Information Systems Professionals
- Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association for Systems Management - American Software Association
- American Standards Association - Data Processing Management Association - National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians
- National Association of Communication System Engineers
- National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- National Association of Securities Dealers - Radio Manufactures Association
- Recording Industry Association of America - Systems and Procedures Association
- Telecommunication Industry Association -
5 Association
в соч.- American Communication Association
- American Radio Association
- American Radio-Telegraphists Association
- American Software Association
- American Standards Association
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association for Information Systems Professionals
- Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association for Systems Management
- Association for Women in Computing
- Association of Cinematograph and Television Technicians
- Association of Computer Users
- Association of Data Processing Service Organizations
- Association of Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association of Microelectronic Professionals
- British Engineering Standards Association
- British Robot Association
- British Videogram Association
- Canadian Standards Association
- Cellular Telecommunication Industry Association
- Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
- Data Interchange Standards Association
- Data Processing Management Association
- Electronic Engineering Association
- Electronic Industries Association of Japan
- Electronic Industries Association
- Electronic Messaging Association
- European Computer Manufactures Association
- Exchange Carriers Standards Association
- Fiber Channel Association
- Independent Computer Consultants Association
- Information Systems Security Association
- Infrared Data Association
- Interactive Multimedia Association
- International Communication Association
- International Computer Facsimile Association
- International Computer Security Association
- International Standards Association
- International Trademark Association
- Japan Electronic Industry Development Association
- Japanese Industrial Robot Association
- Message-Oriented Middleware Association
- MIDI Manufacturer's Association
- Multimedia Telecommunications Association
- National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians
- National Association of Broadcasters
- National Association of Communication System Engineers
- National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- National Association of Securities Dealers
- National Cable Television Association
- National Computer Graphics Association
- National Computer Security Association
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- National Electronics Distributors Association
- Optical Storage Technology Association
- Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
- Radio and Electronics Engineering Association
- Radio Manufactures Association
- Radio-Electronics-Television Manufacturers Association
- Recording Industry Association of America
- Scientific Apparatus Manufacturers Association
- SCSI Trade Association
- Semiconductor Industry Association
- Special Libraries Association
- Surface Mount Equipment Manufactures Association
- Systems and Procedures Association
- Telecommunication Industry Association
- Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
- Video Electronic Standard AssociationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Association
national electronics distributors association - национальная ассоциация предприятий оптовой торговли изделиями электронной промышленности -
= National Electronics Distributors AssociationНациональная ассоциация предприятий оптовой торговли изделиями электронной промышленности ( США) -
1) Военный термин: national emergency defense airlift2) Техника: national electronics distributors association3) Экология: National Environmental Development Association4) Общественная организация: National Eating Disorders Association -
сокр. от National Electronics Distributors AssociationНациональная ассоциация предприятий оптовой торговли изделиями электронной промышленности ( США)The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > NEDA
10 distributor
сущ.торг. дистрибьютор (независимая организация оптовой торговли, закупающая товары за свой счет и впоследствии продающая эти товары всем заинтересованным покупателям, включая других оптовиков, розничных торговцев, конечных потребителей, и обычно предоставляющая такие услуги, как демонстрация, поставка, кредитование, допродажное и послепродажное обслуживание и т. д.); распространитель ( товаров)End users do not usually buy from a distributor; they buy from retailers or dealers. — Конечные пользователи обычно не покупают у дистрибьютора, а приобретают товары у розничных торговцев или дилеров.
Syn:See:door-to-door distributor, exclusive distributor, export distributor, film distributor, house-to-house distributor, import distributor, industrial distributor, local distributor, national distributor, sole distributor, truck distributor, wholesale distributor, distributor brand, distributor's brand, distributor's house brand, network of distributors, Agent/Distributor Service, National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, wholesaler, service wholesaler, manufacturer's customer, store brand, distribution firm, distribution network, door-to-door distribution, distributorship, sales agent
* * *
дистрибьютор: независимый оптовый торговец, продающий товары всем потребителям, включая др. оптовиков, розничных торговцев, конечных потребителей, и предоставляет такие услуги, как демонстрация, поставка, кредитование; = service wholesaler.* * *. независимый посредник (частное лицо или фирма), осуществляющий оптовые закупки продукции у крупных производителей и ее сбыт потребителям; как правило, Д. обеспечивает хранение товара и его подготовку к непосредственному использованию, потреблению. . Словарь экономических терминов 1 .* * *дистрибью тор; распределительнезависимый посредник или один из цепочки посредников, который специализируется на доведении товаров или услуг, предлагаемых производителями, до потребителей
См. также в других словарях:
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