1 National Smallbore Rifle Association
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > National Smallbore Rifle Association
2 National Stunt Riding Association
Sports: NSRAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > National Stunt Riding Association
3 Nuclear Safety Research Association
Abbreviation: NSRAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Nuclear Safety Research Association
4 northern sea route administration
Oil: NSRAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > northern sea route administration
См. также в других словарях:
NSRA — may refer to: National Shoe Retailers Association National Smallbore Rifle Association The national UK association for smallbore rifles National Street Rod Association An association of Street Rod shows in the U.S. Non Smokers Rights Association… … Wikipedia
NSRA — National Shoe Retailers Association (Business » Firms) * National Stunt Riding Association (Community » Sports) … Abbreviations dictionary
NSRA — abbr. National Small bore Rifle Association … Dictionary of abbreviations
NSRA — abbrev National Small bore Rifle Association … Useful english dictionary
National Association of Target Shooting Sports — The National Association of Target Shooting Sports (NATSS), was a working group comprising the representatives of the NRA, NSRA and CPSA to explore the possibility of merging the UK s three main National Governing Bodies for Target Shooting.… … Wikipedia
Non-Smokers' Rights Association — (NSRA) is a Canadian non profit organization dedicated to fighting tobacco usage. Its sister non profit organization is the Smoking and Health Action Foundation (SHAF), a registered charity in Canada. SHAF provides education on the issues of… … Wikipedia
National Smallbore Rifle Association — The National Smallbore Rifle Association, The NSRA, is the national governing body for all Small bore Rifle and Pistol Target Shooting in the United Kingdom, including Airgun and Match Crossbow Shooting. Originally formed in 1901 as the Society… … Wikipedia
Hot rod — imagestack Hot rods are typically American cars with large engines modified for linear speed. Nobody knows for sure the origin of the term hot rod. One explanation is that the term is a contraction of hot roadster, meaning a roadster that was… … Wikipedia
National Street Rod Association — Logo The National Street Rod Association or NSRA is an organization that hosts a number of Street Rod and Hot Rod shows in the United States. The shows that are put on by the NSRA are: Event Name Years* Month Site Southwest Street Rod Nationals… … Wikipedia
Street Rod Nationals — The Street Rod Nationals is the world s largest Street Rod gathering. It is hosted, annually, by the NSRA (National Street Rod Association). Every year that it has been held in its current location, in Louisville, Kentucky, the event has topped… … Wikipedia
Geschichte der Personenschifffahrt auf dem Rhein — Defiance, erstes Dampfschiff auf dem Rhein Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Entwicklung der Personenschifffahrt auf dem Rhein nach Beginn der Dampfschifffahrt. Das erste Dampfschiff, der englische Schaufelraddampfer Defiance, erreichte am 12. Juni… … Deutsch Wikipedia