NCO, noncombat operations————————NCO, noncombatant evacuation order————————NCO, noncommissioned officerEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > NCO
сокр. от Non-Commissioned Officer военнослужащий сержантского состава -
1) Общая лексика: старшина, non-commissioned officer (Военнослужащий, не относящийся к командному составу (т. е. не являющийся т. н. "commissioned officer" или "commanding officer", что одно и то же). К этой категории относятся далеко не т)2) Военный термин: National Cadet Officer, noncombat operations, noncombatant evacuation order, noncommissioned officer, военнослужащий сержантского состава, сержант, СЦО (network centric operation), сетецентрическая операция3) Математика: No Chance On....4) Метеорология: NCEP Central Operations5) военнослужащий некомандного состава6) Сокращение: Network Control Office (ВВС), Non-Commissioned Officer, Numerically-Controlled Oscillator, an isocyanate chemical group (nitrogen, carbon and oxygen atom)7) Физика: Numerical Controlled Oscillator8) Физиология: No complaints offered9) Военно-политический термин: унтер-офицер -
военнослужащий сержантского составаАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > NCO
см. Numerically Controlled OscillatorEnglish-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > NCO
* * *(noncommissioned officer) n. военнослужащий сержантского состава, унтер-офицер, прапорщик -
сокр. от noncommissioned officer -
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[,en,siː'əu]сокр. от non-commissioned officerEnglish-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > NCO
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[,en,siː'əu]сокр. от non-commissioned officerEnglish-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > nco
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воен., сокр. от noncommissioned officerEnglish-Russian Dictionary of Military Terms and Abbreviations > NCO
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[new continuing information]новая дополнительная информация -
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Backup Файл резервного копирования Nero BackItUp -
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сокр. от Non-Commissioned Officer -
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воен. военнослужащий сержантского состава -
19 NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer noun военнослужащий сержантского составаАнгло-русский словарь Мюллера > NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
20 NCO content
Полимеры: содержание NCO-группы
См. также в других словарях:
NCO — may refer to: NCO Group, an international corporation that provides customer service contracting Net Capital Outflow, an economic metric measuring the amount of money from a country holding assets elsewhere NetCDF Operators, a suite of programs… … Wikipedia
NCO — abbrev. noncommissioned officer * * * NCO abbr. noncommissioned officer. * * * … Universalium
-nco — 1 Elemento sufijo de adjetivos despectivos: ‘burranco, cojitranco, zopenco’. ⇒ co. 2 Forma algún nombre de naturaleza: ‘ibicenco’ … Enciclopedia Universal
NCO — [ˌen si: ˈəu US ˈou] n non commissioned officer an officer of low rank in the British army … Dictionary of contemporary English
NCO — [ ,en si ou ] noun count a non commissioned officer: someone of low rank in the army, air force, or MARINES who has earned the rank of officer after joining the military … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
NCO — (noncommissioned officer) n. n.c.o., military officer who does not hold a commission, enlisted soldier given a position of command over other enlisted troops, noncom, officer without a commission (Military) … English contemporary dictionary
NCO — ► ABBREVIATION ▪ non commissioned officer … English terms dictionary
NCO — abbrev. noncommissioned officer … English World dictionary
NCO — abbr. non commissioned officer. * * * |enˌsē|ō abbreviation or noun ( s) noncommissioned officer * * * abbrev Non commissioned officer * * * NCO UK [ˌen siː ˈəʊ] US [ˌen si ˈoʊ] noun [countable] [singular … Useful english dictionary
NCO — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
NCO — [[t]e̱n siː o͟ʊ[/t]] NCOs N COUNT An NCO is a soldier who has a fairly low rank such as sergeant or corporal. NCO is an abbreviation for non commissioned officer . Food for the ordinary Soviet troops and NCOs was very poor … English dictionary