1 NATO Air Base Satcom
Abbreviation: NABSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > NATO Air Base Satcom
2 Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programs and Budgets
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programs and Budgets
3 North American Bluebird Society
Veterinary medicine: NABSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > North American Bluebird Society
4 nuclear-armed bombardment satellite
Military: NABSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > nuclear-armed bombardment satellite
6 важная персона
1) General subject: Hogen Mogen, a big gun, a big noise, a great gun, a man of importance, big bug, big pot, cock of the dunghill, cock of the walk, formidable personality, grand seigneur, grandee, great gun, heavy swell, high muck a muck, high-muck-a-muck, high-up man, mogul, personage, sachem, somebody, something, big fish2) Colloquial: big boy, big deal, big noise, big shot, heavy, high hat, high-up, pot, swell, big cheese, big gun3) American: biggie, high-hat, higher-up, highhat, pumpkin (обыкн. some pumpkins), punkin (обыкн. some pumpkins)4) French: cordon bleu5) Ironical: panjandrum6) Military: VIP7) Cinema: hot-shot8) Jargon: V.I.P., Visiting important person, bigwig, high pillow, high shot, his nibs, nabs, nibs, pow-wow, heavyweight, key figure, Mr. Big, big up, don, high muck-a-muck, high muckety-musk, high-monkey monk, hoo-per-doo, hooper-dooper, hooperdoo, wheel9) Business: VIP (very important person), very important person10) Makarov: a very important person11) Taboo: hot shit12) Phraseological unit: grand poobah (He once played golf with the grand poobah of their company.) -
7 его милость
8 спутник-бомбардировщик с ЯО на борту
Military: NABS, nuclear-armed bombardment satelliteУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > спутник-бомбардировщик с ЯО на борту
9 спутник-бомбардировщик с ядерным оружием на борту
Military: NABS, Nuclear Armed Bombardment SatelliteУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > спутник-бомбардировщик с ядерным оружием на борту
10 ловит
См. также в других словарях:
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