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Mind the step!

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mind (your) step. — Mind/Watch (your) step. something that you say in order to tell someone to walk carefully. Watch your step, the floor s wet and it s a bit slippery …   New idioms dictionary

  • Mind the gap — For other uses, see Mind the gap (disambiguation). A typical mind the gap warning sign found on the Toronto Subway and RT Mind the gap is a warning to train passengers to take caution while crossing the gap between the train door and the station… …   Wikipedia

  • Mind (The Culture) — In Iain M. Banks Culture novels most larger starships, some inhabited planets and all orbitals have their own Minds: sentient, hyperintelligent machines originally built by biological species which have evolved, redesigned themselves, and become… …   Wikipedia

  • step - stairs — ◊ step A step is a raised flat surface which you put your feet on to move to a different level. Mind the step. She was sitting on the top step. A series of steps, for example on a steep slope or on the outside of a building, is called a flight of …   Useful english dictionary

  • step — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 in walking, running, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ large, small ▪ heavy, light ▪ quick, slow ▪ hesitant …   Collocations dictionary

  • mind — mind1 [ maınd ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount the part of you that thinks, knows, remembers, and feels things: His mind was full of the things he had seen that day. I need a walk to clear my mind. in someone s mind: I wonder what s going on in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mind */*/*/ — I UK [maɪnd] / US noun Word forms mind : singular mind plural minds Metaphor: Your mind is like a container or area, with thoughts being stored there or going in and out. The memory of that day is still fresh in my mind. ♦ A few doubts remained… …   English dictionary

  • mind*/*/*/ — [maɪnd] noun [C/U] I your thoughts and attention, or the part of you that thinks, knows, and remembers things You never know what s going on in her mind.[/ex] I can t keep my mind on work when it s so sunny outside.[/ex] She s never been able to… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • mind — /maɪnd / (say muynd) noun 1. that which thinks, feels, and wills, exercises perception, judgement, reflection, etc., as in a human or other conscious being: the processes of the mind. 2. Psychology the psyche; the totality of conscious and… …  

  • mind — n. & v. n. 1 a the seat of consciousness, thought, volition, and feeling. b attention, concentration (my mind keeps wandering). 2 the intellect; intellectual powers. 3 remembrance, memory (it went out of my mind; I can t call it to mind). 4 one s …   Useful english dictionary

  • mind — 1. noun 1) expand your mind Syn: brain, intelligence, intellect, intellectual capabilities, brains, brainpower, wits, understanding, reasoning, judgment, sense, head; informal gray matter, brain cells, smarts 2) he kept …   Thesaurus of popular words

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