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MDXC — матем. • Запись числа 1590 римскими цифрами … Словарь обозначений
Winter Quarters Bay — is a small cove of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, located 2,200 miles (3,500 km) due south of New Zealand at 77°50 S. The harbor is the southern most port [ [http://www.nsf.gov/about/budget/fy2000/00OPP.htm U.S. Polar Programs,] National Science… … Wikipedia
837 — Portal Geschichte | Portal Biografien | Aktuelle Ereignisse | Jahreskalender ◄ | 8. Jahrhundert | 9. Jahrhundert | 10. Jahrhundert | ► ◄ | 800er | 810er | 820er | 830er | 840er | 850er | 860er | ► ◄◄ | ◄ | 833 | 834 | 835 | … Deutsch Wikipedia
1591 en science — Années : 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 Décennies : 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 Siècles : XVe siècle XVIe siècle … Wikipédia en Français
Jean Bauhin — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bauhin. Jean Bauhin. Jean Bauhin (ou Johann Bauhin) est le frère de Gaspard Bauhin. Naturaliste d origine … Wikipédia en Français
1590 — Años: 1587 1588 1589 – 1590 – 1591 1592 1593 Décadas: Años 1560 Años 1570 Años 1580 – Años 1590 – Años 1600 Años 1610 Años 1620 Siglos: Siglo XV – … Wikipedia Español
Juan Sánchez Cotán — Bodegón de caza, hortalizas y frutas, firmado «Ju. Sanchez cotan f./1602», Museo del Prado, Madrid, óleo sobre lienzo (69 x 89 cm). Juan Sánchez Cotán (Orgaz, Toledo … Wikipedia Español
Origin of the Serbs — Serbs are a South Slavic people, living mainly in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. There are opinions that ethnonym Serbs possibly has a different root. Various researchers provided several theories about the origin of the Serb… … Wikipedia
1590 — матем. • Запись римскими цифрами: MDXC … Словарь обозначений