1 london superconductor
Электроника: лондоновский сверхпроводник -
2 London superconductor
English-russian dictionary of physics > London superconductor
3 London superconductor
English-Russian electronics dictionary > London superconductor
4 London superconductor
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > London superconductor
5 london superconductor
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > london superconductor
6 superconductor
•- coupled superconductors
- filamentary superconductor
- gapless superconductor
- hard superconductor
- high-field superconductor
- high-temperature superconductor
- London superconductor
- monofilamentary superconductor
- multifilamentary superconductor
- organic superconductor
- Pippard superconductor
- soft superconductor
- ternary superconductor
- twisted superconductor
- two-dimensional superconductor
- type-I superconductor
- type-II superconductor -
7 superconductor
•- coupled superconductors
- filamentary superconductor
- gapless superconductor
- hard superconductor
- high-field superconductor
- high-temperature superconductor
- London superconductor
- monofilamentary superconductor
- multifilamentary superconductor
- organic superconductor
- Pippard superconductor
- soft superconductor
- ternary superconductor
- twisted superconductor
- two-dimensional superconductor
- type-I superconductor
- type-II superconductorThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > superconductor
1) Общая лексика: Learning and Teaching Scotland2) Компьютерная техника: Language Tag System3) Военный термин: Location Targeting System, laboratory test set, laser tracking system4) Техника: License Tracking System, Licensing Tracking System, laser technology satellite, launch telemetry stations, liftoff transmission subsystem, logic test system5) Шутливое выражение: Long Tall Sally6) Математика: линейное топологическое пространство (linear topological space)7) Религия: Life's Too Short8) Автомобильный термин: low coolant switch9) Металлургия: стенд внепечной обработки (ladle treatment station)10) Оптика: laser thermal simulation, laser-triggered switch11) Сокращение: LAS Tactical Switch, Laser Training System, Link Translator System, Low frequency Transmit Subsystem, long-term survivor, lights (огни)12) Университет: London Theological Seminary, Lutheran Teachers Seminary13) Электроника: Low Temperature Superconductor14) Вычислительная техника: долговременная поддержка (характеристика версии программного обеспечения)15) Нефть: unit low-temperature separator unit16) Экология: land treatment system17) Деловая лексика: Leadership Training Service18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: низкотемпературная сепарация (low temperature separation)19) Сахалин Р: low temperature separation20) Сахалин Ю: low temperature separator21) Кабельные производство: low-temperature superconductor22) Карачаганак: длительная консервация (скважины) (long-term suspension)23) Электротехника: long-term stability24) Аэропорты: Altus, Oklahoma USA25) Программное обеспечение: Lot Tracking System26) AMEX. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
См. также в других словарях:
London equations — The London equations, developed by brothers Fritz and Heinz London in 1935, [cite journal last= London first= F. coauthors= H. London month= March title= The Electromagnetic Equations of the Supraconductor journal= Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) volume … Wikipedia
Superconductor — Supraleiter sind Materialien, deren elektrischer Widerstand beim Unterschreiten einer kritischen Temperatur Tc sprunghaft auf einen unmessbar kleinen Wert fällt. Ein Magnet schwebt über einem mit flüssigem Stickstoff gekühlten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
London penetration depth — In superconductivity, London penetration depth (usually denoted as lambda, or lambda L,) characterizes the typical distance to which a weak magnetic field penetrates into a superconductor.Typical values of lambda L, are between 50 and 500 nm.… … Wikipedia
London moment — The London moment is a quantum mechanical phenomenon whereby a spinning superconductor generates a magnetic field whose axis lines up exactly with the spin axis.The term may also refer to the magnetic moment of any rotation of any superconductor … Wikipedia
London field — Inside a superconductor, the valence electrons are free to move so free, in fact, that in the aggregate they behave like a superfluid, not subject to friction. As a consequence, during rotation of the superconductor around an axis of symmetry,… … Wikipedia
London moment — noun a) A quantum mechanical phenomenon whereby a spinning superconductive metal sphere generates a magnetic field whose axis lines up exactly with the spin axis. b) The … Wiktionary
Type-II superconductor — A Type II superconductor is a superconductor characterised by its gradual transition from the superconducting to the normal state within an increasing magnetic field. Typically they superconduct at higher temperatures and magnetic fields than… … Wikipedia
Efecto Meissner — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Imán levitando sobre un material superconductor. Para experimentar los efectos de la superconductividad es necesario enfriar la muestra a muy bajas temperaturas … Wikipedia Español
Superconductivity — is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials generally at very low temperatures, characterized by exactly zero electrical resistance and the exclusion of the interior magnetic field (the Meissner effect).The electrical resistivity of a metallic … Wikipedia
Superconductividad — Problemas no resueltos de la física: Superconductores de alta temperatura: ¿Por qué ciertos materiales muestran superconductividad a temperaturas mucho mayores de 50 K? … Wikipedia Español
Meissner effect — Diagram of the Meissner effect. Magnetic field lines, represented as arrows, are excluded from a superconductor when it is below its critical temperature. The Meissner effect is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor during its… … Wikipedia