Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

Lei Kung (Chinese Taoist deity who punishes both earthly mortals guilty of secret crimes and evil spirits)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Lei Kung — ▪ Chinese Taoist deity Pinyin  Lei Gong (Chinese: “Duke of Thunder”),  also called  Lei Shen        (“Thunder God”), Chinese Taoist deity who, when so ordered by heaven, punishes both earthly mortals guilty of secret crimes and evil spirits who… …   Universalium

  • Lei Gong — Statue of Lei Gong in Tainan Fengshen Temple ( the temple of Wind god). In Chinese mythology, Lei Gong (雷公) (Chinese: Duke of Thunder ), also called Lei Kung, or Lei Shen (“Thunder God”), is the Chinese Taoist deity who, when so ordered by heaven …   Wikipedia

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