1 Investment Canada Act
док.межд. эк., фин. закон Канады "Об инвестициях"* (принят в 1985 г.; нацелен на стимулирование прямых иностранных инвестиций в Канаду и защиту от потенциально неблагоприятных для канадской экономики поглощений крупных компаний иностранными инвесторами)See: -
2 Investment Canada Act
межд. эк., фин. закон Канады "Об инвестициях"* (принят в 1985 г.; нацелен на стимулирование прямых иностранных инвестиций в Канаду и защиту от потенциально неблагоприятных для канадской экономики поглощений крупных компаний иностранными инвесторами)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > Investment Canada Act
3 Investment Canada Act
1) Общая лексика: Закон Канады по инвестициям ( принят в 1985 г., нацелен на стимулирование прямых иностранных инвестиций в Канаду и защиту от потенциально неблагоприятных для канадской экономики поглощений крупных2) Юридический термин: Федеральный Закон об Инвестициях (Один из законов, регулирующий деятельность компаний во всех провинциях Канады, кроме Квебека (здесь действует Гражданский Закон) -
4 Investment Canada
орг.межд. эк., фин., канад. Инвестиционная Канада*, Бюро Канады по инвестициям* (создано в 1985 г. для контроля за поглощением крупных канадских компаний иностранными инвесторами и учреждением иностранных компаний на территории Канады, а также для стимулирования прямых иностранных инвестиций)Syn:See: -
5 Investment Canada
межд. эк., фин., канад. Инвестиционная Канада*, Бюро Канады по инвестициям* (создано в 1985 г. для контроля за поглощением крупных канадских компаний иностранными инвесторами и учреждением иностранных компаний на территории Канады, а также для стимулирования прямых иностранных инвестиций)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > Investment Canada
6 act
1. сущ.1) общ. дело, поступок, деяние; действие, актcondemn the attack as an act of mindless violence — осудить нападение как акт бессмысленного насилия
criminal act — преступное деяние [действие\], преступление
See:2)а) юр. (законодательный) акт, закон, постановлениеStock Exchange Act — закон "О фондовой бирже"
Act of Congress — закон, принятый конгрессом
Act of Parliament — закон, принятый парламентом
under the act — по закону, в соответствии с законом
under the Bankruptcy Act — по закону [в соответствии с законом\] "О банкротстве"
See:Act of Congress, Act of Parliament, uniform act, Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1974 Trade Act, Act of Settlement 1700, Administration of Estates Act 1925, African Growth and Opportunity Act, Agricultural Trade Act, Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Andean Trade Preference Act, Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act, Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1876, Arms Export Control Act, Bank Export Services Act, Bills of Lading Act 1855, Buy American Act, Byrnes Act, Canada Act 1982, Cargo Preference Act, Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992, Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936, Carriage of Goods by Water Act, Civil Rights Act of 1866, Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, Companies Act 1985, Competition Act 1998, Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act, Courts Act 1971, Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, Crown Proceedings Act 1947, Customs Act, Customs Modernization Act, Data Protection Act 1998, Edge Act, Employment Act 1980, Employment Protection Act 1975, European Communities Act 1972, Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Equal Pay Act, Export Administration Act, Export Trading Company Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Financial Services Act 1986, Food Stamp Act, Foreign Agents Registration Act, Foreign Bank Supervision Enhancement Act, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act, Foreign Trade Zones Act, Freedom of Information Act 2000, FTZ Act, Government of Ireland Act 1920, Hatch Act, Harter Act, Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, House of Lords Act 1999, Human Rights Act 1998, Immigration Act 1971, Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988, Industrial Relations Act 1988, Interception of Telecommunications Act 1985, Interception of Telecommunications Act 1985, International Banking Act, International Emergency Economic Powers Act, Investigatory Powers Act 2000, Investment Canada Act, Life Peerages Act 1958, Local Government Act 1972, Local Government Act 1992, Ministerial and Other Salaries Act 1975, Mod Act, North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, National Health Service Reorganization Act 1973, Obscene Publications Act 1964, Official Secrets Act 1989, Omnibus Trade And Competitiveness Act, Organic Act of Guam, Parliament Act 1949, Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967, Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986, Peerages Act 1963, Pensions Act 1995, Pitt's Health and Morals of Apprentices Act 1802, Police and Criminal Evidence Act, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, 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Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000, Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 I 1. 2), Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 I 1. 2)б) юр., амер. (используется как технический термин, обозначающий законопроект, принятый одной из палат в виде окончательного законопроекта)See:в) юр. акт, (официальный) документ, постановление (напр., официально зафиксированное решение какой-л. комиссии)See:2. гл.1) общ. действовать, предпринимать определенные действия; делать что-л.; принимать участие (в каком-л. деле и т. д.)to act for [on\] behalf of smb. — действовать от чьего-л. имени
to act on behalf of — действовать от чьего-л. имени, представлять кого-л.
to act by deputy — действовать через заместителя [представителя\]
to act on [upon\] smth. — действовать в соответствии с чем-л.
to act on [upon\] an order — действовать по приказу
to act from [out of\] smth. — действовать исходя из чего-л.
They should act to solve the problem. — Им следует действовать, чтобы решить проблему.
It is time to act. — Пора действовать.
He was quick to act. — Он сразу же откликнулся.
2) общ. работать, служить, действовать (в качестве кого-л.), выполнять функцииto act as smb's replacement — замещать кого-л.
She currently acts as accountant. — В данный момент она исполняет функции бухгалтера.
* * *
advance corporation tax Association of Corporate Treasurers* * * -
7 foreign direct investment
сокр. FDI фин. прямые иностранные инвестиции (инвестиции в приобретение доли в собственном капитале предприятий, осуществляемые резидентами данной страны за рубежом или нерезидентами в данной стране)Syn:See:foreign direct investment enterprise, indirect investment, capital account, international capital flows, foreign investment enterprise, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, greenfield investment, brownfield investment, OLI Paradigm, foreign portfolio investment, host country, tariff jumping, Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment, Investment Canada Act
* * *
прямые иностранные инвестиции: 1) покупка нерезидентами контрольных пакетов акций в компаниях данного государства (в отличие от портфельных инвестиций в неконтрольные пакеты ликвидных ценных бумаг); 2) совместные предприятия между резидентами и нерезидентами данного государства.Англо-русский экономический словарь > foreign direct investment
8 security
сущ.1)а) общ. безопасностьto ensure [to provide\] security — обеспечивать безопасность
See:economic security, food security, personal security, national security, national security override, security consultant, security exceptions, security zone, Container Security Initiative, Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Homeland Security, Mutual Security Agency, Security Councilб) общ. защита, охрана (от чего-л.); гарантия, гарантированностьjob security — гарантия занятости, гарантированность сохранения рабочего места
в) пол. органы [служба\] безопасностиSee:2) фин. обеспечение, залог (имущество, используемое в качестве гарантии при кредитовании)against security — под обеспечение, под гарантию
The loan is given against security of the fixed deposit. — Заем предоставлен под обеспечение срочным депозитом.
A company borrows money against security. — Компания занимает деньги под обеспечение.
Syn:See:а) фин., обычно мн. ценная бумага (документ, который закрепляет право владения или отношения займа, может передаваться из рук в руки и является инструментом привлечения финансирования; в американском законодательстве трактуется как сделка по предоставлению денежных средств в пользование другого лица с целью извлечения прибыли, удостоверяющий такую сделку документ, а также право на его приобретение или продажу, которые характеризуются следующими обстоятельствами: а) мотивацией продавца, заключающейся в привлечении капитала, необходимого для общего использования в коммерческом предприятии продавца или для финансирования существенных инвестиций, б) мотивацией покупателя, заключающейся в получении прибыли от предоставления средств, в) выступлением инструмента в роли предмета обычной торговли, г) разумными ожиданиями покупателя о применении к инструменту федеральных законов о ценных бумагах, д) отсутствием сокращающего риск фактора, напр., выражающегося в применении к инструменту другой схемы регулирования)ATTRIBUTES [creator\]: Treasury, municipal, muni, state, local, foreign, home, home country, domestic, agency 1), federal agency 1), state agency, authority 2), private, private sector, public, public sector, public utility 2), external, internal, international, industrial, tax district, railroad, school, school district, refunding, advance refunding, equipment trust, new money 2)
ATTRIBUTES [purpose\]: tax anticipation 2), revenue anticipation, grant anticipation, bond anticipation, private activity, reorganization 2), savings, capital 2), income, guaranteed income, growth 1), war, defence, debt conversion, construction 1), infrastructure, infrastructure renewal, housing 1), manufactured housing 1), equipment trust, equipment, consolidated, mezzanine 2)
pollution control municipal securities — муниципальные ценные бумаги для реализации экологических проектов
The Company also issued $39 million of variable and fixed rate Pollution Control Securities in 1994.
ATTRIBUTES [owner\]: registered, bearer, negotiable, transferable, non-transferable, outstanding 4)
Liquidations from such a pool would require the manager to liquidate longer securities which are much more volatile.
Only the insurance companies and funds have preference for the longer-dated securities.
The Portfolio Manager is now investing some of the District’s portfolio in longer-term securities.
The government could persuade lenders to take up only about 60% of US$1.2 billion in six-month securities on offer.
Two- and 3-year securities have a minimum of $3 billion.
ATTRIBUTES [rights\]: alternate 2) б), antidilutive, assented, asset-backed, auction rate, backed, callable, closed-end mortgage, collateralized, collateral trust, combination 3) в), companion, consolidated mortgage, convertible 2) а), debenture 2) а), definitive, double-barreled 3) а), endorsed, exchange, exchangeable, extendible, federal home loan bank, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, first mortgage, general obligation, guaranteed 2) а), general mortgage home loan, insured, interchangeable, irredeemable 2) а), junior 2) б), junior lien, moral obligation, mortgage 3. 3) а), mortgage-backed, non-assented, noncallable, non-participating, open-end mortgage, parity, participating 2) а), preferred 2) а), prior lien, profit-sharing, property 2) а), putable, real estate, redeemable 3) а), revenue 3. 1) а), second lien, second mortgage, secured, senior 2) б), senior lien, serial, series 2) б), subordinated, tax increment, tranche, unassented, unsecured, z-tranche
This is a series of Frequently Asked Questions about other Special Purpose Securities handled by the Special Investments Branch.
ATTRIBUTES [currency\]: dual currency, reverse-dual currency
The Bank accepts as collateral Canadian dollar securities issued or guaranteed by the Government of Canada.
But if you have an expectation of a weakening dollar, does it still make sense to invest in US dollar-denominated securities?
ATTRIBUTES [income\]: adjustable rate, annuity, auction rate, bank-qualified, capital growth, capped, coupon-bearing, collar, collared, coupon 1), credit-sensitive, deep discount, defaulted, deferred-coupon, deferred interest, discount 1. 1), double-exempt, fixed annuity, fixed-coupon, fixed-rate, fixed-income, flat, flat income, floating rate, floored, full coupon, interest-bearing, non-interest-bearing, non-qualified, non-bank-qualified, life annuity, mismatch, original issue discount, premium 1. 1), qualified 1. 2) б), qualifying 1. 2) б), reset, split coupon, step-down, step-up, stripped, taxable, tax-credit, tax-exempt 1. 1), tax-free, tax-exempt, tax-preferred, variable-coupon, variable annuity, variable rate, zero-coupon
The prepayment rate for mortgages backing Ginnie Mae's 13 percent securities was 47.3 percent.
[high, higher, medium, low, lower\] coupon security — с [высоким, более высоким, средним, низким, более низким\] купоном [доходом\]
The State governments and their utilities had proposed issuing of low coupon securities for refinancing the SLR securities.
high [higher, medium, low, lower\] income security — с высоким [более высоким, средним, низким, более низким\] доходом
You'd be prudent to select issues with short maturities that can later be replaced with higher-income securities as interest rates rise.
high [higher, medium, low, lower\] yield security — с высокой [более высокой, средней, низкой, более низкой\] доходностью
The higher yield securities with higher risk can form the portion that you are willing to gamble.
What happens is that the company that is insured anticipates in advance and knows that low-coverage/high-premium securities will fetch lower prices.
ATTRIBUTES [creation\]: original issue discount, OID, fully paid, partly paid, private placement 2., publicly offered, when-issued
ATTRIBUTES [destruction\]: bullet, bullet-maturity, drawn, single-payment, sinking fund 1), planned amortization class, targeted amortization class, variable redemption
ATTRIBUTES [status\]: listed 2), unlisted, non-listed, delisted, quoted, unquoted, rated 3), non-rated, speculative grade, investment grade, gilt-edged
ATTRIBUTES [size\]: baby, penny
ATTRIBUTES [structured\]: structured, well-structured, non-structured, range, range accrual, capital protected, principal protected, capital guaranteed, reverse floating rate, inverse floating rate, participation, equity index participation, equity participation, market participation, equity linked, equity index-linked, index-linked, market-indexed, equity-linked, credit-linked, reverse convertible, indexed, non-indexed, dual-indexed, capital-indexed, coupon-indexed, interest-indexed, current-pay, gold-indexed, catastrophe, cat, catastrophe-linked, catastrophe risk-linked, cat-linked, catastrophe insurance, cat-linked, catastrophe insurance, disaster, act of God, earthquake, earthquake-risk, hurricane
Argentina will not be required to make an adjustment to the amounts previously paid to holders of the GDP-linked Securities for changes that may affect the economy.
Proposals to create GDP-indexed securities are naturally supported by the arguments in this paper
ATTRIBUTES [form\]: book-entry, certificated
security market — фондовый рынок, рынок ценных бумаг
ACTIONS [passive\]:
to issue a security — выпускать [эмитировать\] ценную бумагу
to place [underwrite\] a security — размещать ценную бумагу
to earn $n on a security — получать доход в n долл. от ценной бумаги
to list a security, to admit a security to a listing, to accept security for trading in a exchange — допускать ценную бумагу к торгам (на бирже), включать в листинг
ACTIONS [active\]:
a security closes at $n up[down\] m% — курс закрытия ценной бумаги составил $n, что на m% выше [ниже\] вчерашнего
security price — цена [курс\] ценной бумаги
See:debt security, equity security, hybrid security, antidilutive securities, asset-backed securities, auction rate securities, baby securities, book-entry securities, certificated security, control securities, convertible securities, coupon security, dated security, deep discount security, discount securities, drop-lock security, equity-linked securities, fixed income security, foreign interest payment security, gross-paying securities, inflation-indexed security, interest-bearing securities, irredeemable securities, junior securities, letter security, listed securities, marketable securities, negotiable security, net-paying securities, non-convertible securities, participating securities, pay-in-kind securities, perpetual security, primary security, secondary security, unlisted securities, zero-coupon security, securities analyst, security analyst, securities broker, securities dealer, security dealer, securities market, security market, securities trader, International Securities Identification Number, financial market, principal, interest, issuer, Uniform Sale of Securities Act, Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, Culp v. Mulvane, Investment Company Act, Investment Advisers Act, SEC v. CM Joiner Leasing Corp., SEC v. W. J. Howey Co., SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company of America, SEC v. United Benefit Life Insurance Company, Tcherepnin v. Knight, SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc.б) фин., обычно мн. (право владения или отношения займа, закрепленные в документе, который может передаваться из рук в руки и является инструментом привлечения финансирования)в) юр., амер. (трактуется как сделка по предоставлению денежных средств в пользование другого лица с целью извлечения прибыли, удостоверяющий такую сделку документ, а также право на его приобретение или продажу, которые характеризуются следующими обстоятельствами: а) мотивацией продавца, заключающейся в привлечении капитала, необходимого для общего использования в коммерческом предприятии продавца или для финансирования существенных инвестиций, б) мотивацией покупателя, заключающейся в получении прибыли от предоставления средств, в) выступлением инструмента в роли предмета обычной торговли, г) разумными ожиданиями покупателя о применении к инструменту федеральных законов о ценных бумагах, д) отсутствием сокращающего риск фактора, напр., выражающегося в применении к инструменту другой схемы регулирования)See:Securities Act of 1933, Investment Company Act, Investment Advisers Act, SEC v. CM Joiner Leasing Corp., SEC v. W. J. Howey Co., SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company of America, SEC v. United Benefit Life Insurance Company, Tcherepnin v. Knight, SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc.
* * *
безопасность, сохранность, ценная бумага, обеспечение, гарантия: 1) ценная бумага; свидетельство долга или собственности; сертификаты ценных бумаг, векселя; см. securities; 2) обеспечение: активы и др. собственность, которые могут быть использованы как обеспечение кредита или облигаций; в случае отказа заемщика от погашения кредита обеспечение может быть реализовано; = collateral security; 3) безопасность: процедуры, обеспечивающие безопасность банка, его активов и документации, включая физическую защиту, процедуры внутреннего аудита; 4) гарантия: гарантия выполнения обязательств другого лица, в т. ч. личная гарантия; = personal security.* * *Ценная бумага - документ/сертификат, являющийся свидетельством собственности на акции, облигации и другие инвестиционные инструменты. Безопасность - меры, предпринимаемые для обеспечения конфиденциальности передаваемой по линиям связи персональной информации о клиенте, совершаемых им операциях и т.п. . гарантия по ссуде; обеспечение кредита; обеспечение ссуды; обеспечение; ценная бумага; отдел охраны (банка, компании) Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *финансовые активы, включающие акции, правительственные облигации и ценные бумаги с государственной гарантией, облигации компании, сертификаты паевых фондов и документы, подтверждающие право собственности на предоставленные в ссуду или депонированные денежные средства; страховые полисы к таким активам не относятся -
9 flow-through shares
фин. проточные акции* Details of the Flow-Through Shares (FTSs) and Flow-Through Warrants (FTWs) Subscribed.http:www.greaterkwchamber.com/market_watch_flowthru_Jun04.shtmlFlow-Through shares are one of the few remaining tax-assisted investment vehicles available to investors in Canada. Flow-Through Limited Partnerships are tax-advantaged vehicles designed to invest in a portfolio of flow-through shares, usually issued by resource-based companies. Since the introduction of the tax system in 1954, the Canadian government has been working on additional ways to encourage exploration and development in the resource sector. In the 1993 Federal budget, the government allowed certain investors to deduct exploration expenses against income. Since that time there has been a dramatic increase in exploration activity.Flow-through shares do not exist to circumvent any tax rules or to take advantage of any loopholes in the Tax Act. These flow-through shares benefit from certain provisions within the Tax Act that were explicitly created by government, as mentioned above.There are actually three advantages created by flow-through shares, with respect to taxation. The primary benefit of flow-through share investing is the ability of the investment to convert income, in the current year, into capital gains in future years. With the preferential tax treatment of capital gains over income, there is an immediate benefit to the investor. The second is that a tax deferral is created.It is assumed, unless in a highly inflationary environment, that if one can defer the payment of taxes to a later date, that individual has gained a definite advantage. The third advantage created is through tax efficiency. The purchase and subsequent tax credit creates an ACB or adjusted cost base of zero. This is part of the first advantage, whereby income is converted into capital gains. However, there is an added advantage with this conversion. It allows an individual to benefit from capital losses, those losses that have accumulated from past investments in non-registered accounts, by creating capital gains that can be partially or fully offset by those losses.In evaluating tax shelters, it is important to evaluate the tax shelter in the same way as a non-tax shelter investment. That is to say legal and accounting advisers should be consulted and the investment should be examined from a business risk and return point of view. For example, with a real estate investment, the real estate market in the target area should be examined. It may not make a lot of sense to acquire real estate, even if tax sheltered, in a market which is declining. -
10 IDA
1) Компьютерная техника: Indirect Data Addressing2) Медицина: iron deficiency anemia (сидеропеническа), iron deficiency anemia (сидеропеническая)3) Американизм: Integrated Disability Action4) Военный термин: Immediate Decision Act, Institute for Defense Analysis, immediate damage assessment, indirect damage assessment, information, decision, action, integrated digital avionics, internal defense assistance, intrusion detection alarm5) Техника: Industrial Diamond Association of America, Institute of Defense Analysis, infrared detection array, integro-differential analyzer, interactive differential analyzer, intrusion detection and assessment, ionospheric dispersion analysis6) Шутливое выражение: I Don't Administer7) Религия: International Dhamma Activities8) Экономика: International Development Agency9) Биржевой термин: Investment And Development Agency10) Грубое выражение: Idiot Dumb And Arrogant, Incredibly Delicious Ass11) Телекоммуникации: InDirect Access (в Великобритании, вид услуги, предоставляемый BT [British Telecom])12) Сокращение: Import Duties Act, Industrial Development Agency, Initial Design Activities (Australia), Installation Design Authority, Institute for Defense Analyses (USA), Institute for Defense Analyses, Intercommunication Data Areas, International Dark-sky Association, International Disarmament Agency13) Университет: Individual Development Accounts, Interactive Degree Audit14) Физиология: Iron deficiency anemia15) Вычислительная техника: increment/decrement address, independent disk array, intelligent drive array, International Dark-sky Association (Space), Interface for Distributed Automation (TCP/IP), Interchange of Data between Administrations (organization, Europa)16) Нефть: Американская промышленная алмазная ассоциация (Industrial Diamond Association of America)17) Банковское дело: Международная ассоциация развития (International Development Association)18) Фирменный знак: Idyll Dandy Acres, Idyll Dandy Artists19) Деловая лексика: Individual Development Account, Investment Dealers Association, агентство международного развития (International Development Agency)20) Инвестиции: International Development Association, Ассоциация инвестиционных дилеров (Investment Dealers Association of Canada - IDA)21) Сетевые технологии: Interface For Distributed Automation, integrated digital access22) Программирование: Instruction Data Address, Interactive Dis- Assembler23) Макаров: иминодиацетат (лиганд)24) Расширение файла: Intelligent Disk Array25) МИД: (International Development Association) МАР (Международная ассоциация развития)26) Общественная организация: In Defense of Animals, International Day of Action27) Должность: Ill Do Anything, Interactive Decision Assistant28) Аэропорты: Idaho Falls, Idaho USA -
11 Ida
1) Компьютерная техника: Indirect Data Addressing2) Медицина: iron deficiency anemia (сидеропеническа), iron deficiency anemia (сидеропеническая)3) Американизм: Integrated Disability Action4) Военный термин: Immediate Decision Act, Institute for Defense Analysis, immediate damage assessment, indirect damage assessment, information, decision, action, integrated digital avionics, internal defense assistance, intrusion detection alarm5) Техника: Industrial Diamond Association of America, Institute of Defense Analysis, infrared detection array, integro-differential analyzer, interactive differential analyzer, intrusion detection and assessment, ionospheric dispersion analysis6) Шутливое выражение: I Don't Administer7) Религия: International Dhamma Activities8) Экономика: International Development Agency9) Биржевой термин: Investment And Development Agency10) Грубое выражение: Idiot Dumb And Arrogant, Incredibly Delicious Ass11) Телекоммуникации: InDirect Access (в Великобритании, вид услуги, предоставляемый BT [British Telecom])12) Сокращение: Import Duties Act, Industrial Development Agency, Initial Design Activities (Australia), Installation Design Authority, Institute for Defense Analyses (USA), Institute for Defense Analyses, Intercommunication Data Areas, International Dark-sky Association, International Disarmament Agency13) Университет: Individual Development Accounts, Interactive Degree Audit14) Физиология: Iron deficiency anemia15) Вычислительная техника: increment/decrement address, independent disk array, intelligent drive array, International Dark-sky Association (Space), Interface for Distributed Automation (TCP/IP), Interchange of Data between Administrations (organization, Europa)16) Нефть: Американская промышленная алмазная ассоциация (Industrial Diamond Association of America)17) Банковское дело: Международная ассоциация развития (International Development Association)18) Фирменный знак: Idyll Dandy Acres, Idyll Dandy Artists19) Деловая лексика: Individual Development Account, Investment Dealers Association, агентство международного развития (International Development Agency)20) Инвестиции: International Development Association, Ассоциация инвестиционных дилеров (Investment Dealers Association of Canada - IDA)21) Сетевые технологии: Interface For Distributed Automation, integrated digital access22) Программирование: Instruction Data Address, Interactive Dis- Assembler23) Макаров: иминодиацетат (лиганд)24) Расширение файла: Intelligent Disk Array25) МИД: (International Development Association) МАР (Международная ассоциация развития)26) Общественная организация: In Defense of Animals, International Day of Action27) Должность: Ill Do Anything, Interactive Decision Assistant28) Аэропорты: Idaho Falls, Idaho USA -
12 income
сущ.эк. доход, поступления; заработокATTRIBUTES:
monthly income — месячный доход [заработок\]
annual income — годовой доход [заработок\]
per capita [per head\] income — доход на душу населения
to live within [beyond\] one's income — жить по [не по\] средствам
The IDS is a relatively recent addition to the income securities market in Canada.
See:accrued income, active income, adjusted gross income, comprehensive income, consolidated taxable income, consumer income, deferred income, disability income, disposable income, dividend income, foreign income, gross income, gross national income, gross national disposable income, national income, net income, net national income, imputed income, investment income, labour income, net income, pension income, premium income, psychic income, retirement income, self-employment income, supplemental security income, income bond, income drawdown, income elasticity, income segment, income segmentation, income shares, income smoothing, income statement, income support, income tax, income terms of trade, income generating unit, income protection insurance, loss of income, business income insurance, disability income insurance, family income benefit insurance, income replacement ratio, income-related benefit, life income fund, income limited partnership, low-income housing limited partnership, annuity income shares, contribution income statement, investment income balance, debt-to-income ratio, fixed income security, high-income countries, lower middle-income countries, low-income countries, low-income country under stress, upper middle-income countries, Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Department of Work and Income
* * *
доход, прибыль, заработок.* * *Доход, прибыль. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *сумма, которую лицо или организация получили в качестве награды за усилия (например, заработок или торговая прибыль) или в качестве дохода на капиталовложения (например, рента или процент)-----Банки/Банковские операциипревышение поступлений и прочих случайных и экстраординарных доходов над издержками и убытками периода; также чистая прибыль; иногда используется в отношении поступлений (приход)
См. также в других словарях:
Investment Canada Act - ICA — A piece of legislation designed to provide for the review of significant investments made in Canada by non Canadians in order to ensure they benefit Canada. The Investment Canada Act provides regulations pertaining to non Canadians who acquire… … Investment dictionary
cañada — /keuhn yah deuh, yad euh/, n. Chiefly Western U.S. 1. a dry riverbed. 2. a small, deep canyon. [1840 50; < Sp, equiv. to cañ(a) CANE + ada n. suffix] * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural resources … Universalium
Canada — /kan euh deuh/, n. a nation in N North America: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 29,123,194; 3,690,410 sq. mi. (9,558,160 sq. km). Cap.: Ottawa. * * * Canada Introduction Canada Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural… … Universalium
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