1 International Centre for Migration Policy Development
1) Общая лексика: Международный центр по развитию миграционной политики (ICMPD)2) Организованная преступность: Международный центр по разработке политики в области миграцииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > International Centre for Migration Policy Development
2 International Centre for Migration Policy Development
<09> Международный центр по разработке политики в области миграцииСборный англо-русский словарь > International Centre for Migration Policy Development
3 international
прил.1) общ. международный; интернациональный (связанный с двумя или более странами, относящийся к нескольким странам, происходящий при участии нескольких стран или их представителей)international peace — международный мир, мир во всем мире
Syn:See:International Accounting Standards, international adjudication, international administration, international administrative law, international affairs, international agency, international agreement, international arbitrage, international arbitration, International Baccalaureate, International Bank Account Number, international bill of exchange, international bond, international borrowing and lending, international business, international business administration, international capital flows, international cartel, international commerce, international commercial arbitration, international commercial law, international commodity agreement, international commodity body, international company, International Comparison Program, international competition, international competitive bidding, international competitiveness, international competitor, International Conference on Financing for Development, international contract, international cooperation, international copyright, international corporation, international credit, International Data Base, international dealer, international debt, international deficit, international delinquency, international department, International Depositary Receipt, International Depository Receipt, international development bank, international diplomacy, international distortion, international diversification, international division, international division of factors, international division of labour, international divorce, international economics, international equity, international equity fund, international exchange ratio, international extradition, international factor movements, international factoring, international finance, international finance subsidiary, international financial institution, international financial system, international firm, international fund, international institution, international investment, international investment position, international investor, international jurist, international labour migration, international law, international leasing, international legal capacity, international liquidity, international load line, international macroeconomics, international management, international market, international marketer, international marketing, international marketing environment, international microeconomics, international migration, international monetary arrangement, international monetary cooperation, international monetary economics, international monetary order, international monetary reform, international monetary reserves, international monetary system, international multimodal transport, international mutual fund, international name, international order, international organization, international payments, international policy coordination, international politics, international private law, international promissory note, international public law, international relations, international reserve currency, international reserve system, international reserves, international sale, international sales contract, international securities, International Securities Identification Number, international standard, International Standard Audiovisual Number, International Standards of Accounting and Reporting, International Standards on Auditing, international surplus, international technology transfer, international tender, international terrorism, international trade, international trademark, international trading company, international transportation, international travel, International Atomic Energy List, International Banking Act, International Bovine Meat Agreement, International Coffee Agreement, International Commercial Terms, International Dairy Arrangement, International Emergency Economic Powers Act, International Financial Reporting Standards, International Gold Pool, International Grains Agreement, International Industrial List, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, International Market Insight, International Merchandise Trade Statistics, International Munitions List, International Olive Oil Agreement, International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms, International Safety Management Code, International Standard Classification of Occupations, International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities, International Sugar Agreement, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, International Wheat Agreement, International Accounting Standards Board, International Accounting Standards Committee, International Accreditation Forum, International Actuarial Association, International Advertising Association, International Air Transport Association, International Anticounterfeiting Coalition, International Association for Feminist Economics, International Association for Financial Planning, International Association for Insurance Law, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics, International Association of Administrative Professionals, International Association of Book-keepers, International Association of Classification Societies, International Association of Financial Executives Institutes, International Association of Insurance Supervisors, International Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, International Association of Political Science, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, International Auditing Practices Committee, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, International Banking Facility, International Broadcasting Bureau, International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, International Chamber of Commerce, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Cocoa Organization, International Coffee Organization, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, International Congress of Accountants, International Congress of Actuaries, International Convention for Safe Containers, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, 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for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Conference on Financing for Development, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations2) общ. международный (распространенный, действующий за пределами национальных границ)See:
* * *
international settlements межгосударственные расчеты, осуществляемые центральными банками. -
См. также в других словарях:
ICMPD – International Centre for Migration Policy Development — მიგრაციის პოლიტიკის განვითარების საერთაშორისო ცენტრი Source: ევროკავშირის სამეზობლო პოლიტიკა და საქართველო: დამოუკიდებელ ექსპერტთა ანალიზი: [პუბლიკაცია / ფრიდრიხ ებერტის ფონდის წარმომადგენლობა საქ ში, ფონდი „ღია საზოგადოება საქართველო“, ფონდის… … Georgian encyclopedia
International development — For other forms of development, see development (disambiguation). These key indicators of human well being have all improved since 1970. International development or global development[1] is a concept that lacks a universally accepted definition … Wikipedia
Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities — (DEPDC) is a non profit, community based NGO (non governmental organization) working in Thailand to prevent child exploitation and prostitution and defending vulnerable minor s rights. The DEP, later the DEPDC, was originally founded in 1988 by… … Wikipedia
International Organizations and Groups — Note: The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) has dissolved and ceases to exist. None of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, including Serbia and Montenegro, have been permitted to participate solely on the basis of the… … Universalium
International child abduction in Mexico — Coat of arms of Mexico Main article: International child abduction Mexico is amongst the world s most popular sources and destinations for international child abduction while also being widely regarded as having one of the least effective systems … Wikipedia
International reactions to the 2006 Lebanon War by evacuations and aid — See also International reactions to the 2006 Lebanon War Evacuation of foreign nationals Despite Lebanon s history of conflict, the suddenness of the latest conflict took many governments by surprise [http://en.geos.tm.fr/newsletter/alertes… … Wikipedia
Policy Network — is a London based centre left international think tank. It is leading platform for long term strategic thinking, policymaking and international best practice, influencing policy debates in the UK, Europe and internationally. Its President is… … Wikipedia
Development aid — Development aid, German stamp (1981). Development aid or development cooperation (also development assistance, technical assistance, international aid, overseas aid, Official Development Assistance (ODA) or foreign aid) is aid given by… … Wikipedia
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
Centre d’Etudes de Populations, de Pauvreté et Politiques Socio-Economiques — Das Centre d’Etudes de Populations, de Pauvreté et Politiques Socio Economiques (CEPS/INSTEAD) in Esch Belval ist eine öffentliche Einrichtung für Sozialforschung, die seit 1989 selbständig unter Oberaufsicht des Kultur und Hochschulministeriums… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Forced migration — (also called deracination originally a French word meaning uprooting) refers to the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region. It often connotes violent coercion, and is used interchangeably with the terms… … Wikipedia