1 одутлая лобелия
Русско-английский сельскохозяйственный словарь > одутлая лобелия
2 кошачья лапка подорожниколистная
1) Biology: ladie's tobacco (Antennaria plantagifolia)2) Botanical term: Indian tobacco (Antennaria plantagifolia), woman's tobacco (Antennaria plantagifolia)3) Agriculture: ladies' tobacco (Antennaria plantagifolia)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кошачья лапка подорожниколистная
3 лобелия надутая
inflated lobelia, inflated cardinal-flower, asthma weed, Indian tobacco, ladies' tobacco (Lobelia inflata)Русско-англо-латинский словарь лекарственных растений > лобелия надутая
4 лобелия одутлая
inflated lobelia, inflated cardinal-flower, asthma weed, Indian tobacco, ladies' tobacco (Lobelia inflata)Русско-англо-латинский словарь лекарственных растений > лобелия одутлая
5 лобелия надутая
6 табак
tobacco, the weed, Indian weed, soothing weed; tobacco-plant (растение); разг. baccy, Indian weed* * ** * *tobacco, the weed, Indian weed, soothing weed* * *pigtailrappeetobaccoweed -
7 табак
муж.tobacco, the weed, Indian weed, soothing weed; tobacco-plant (растение); разг. baccy, Indian weedжевательный табак — chewing tobacco, chew
листовой табак — leaf tobacco, flake tobacco
нюхательный табак — snuff, snuffy
нюхать табак — to take snuff, to snuff
прессованный табак — plug; разг. hard
••дело табак! разг. — things are in a bad way; things are in a sorry state
8 табак
2) Medicine: tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.)3) Colloquial: Indian weed, baccy (сокр. от tobacco)4) Botanical term: tobacco (Nicotiana), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)5) Jargon: Virginia weed, Virginian weed, corn shucks, rock-hound candy, gauge, cabbage, dust, gage, hay, the weed6) Makarov: soothing weed
См. также в других словарях:
Indian tobacco — Indian In di*an (?; 277), a. [From India, and this fr. Indus, the name of a river in Asia, L. Indus, Gr. ?, OPers. Hindu, name of the land on the Indus, Skr. sindhu river, the Indus. Cf. {Hindu}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of or pertaining to India… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Indian tobacco — Indian tobacco, s. Lobelia … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Indian tobacco — n 1) an American wild lobelia (Lobelia inflata) with small blue flowers that is the source of the drug lobelia 2) LOBELIA (2) … Medical dictionary
Indian tobacco — ☆ Indian tobacco n. a poisonous annual plant (Lobelia inflata) of the bellflower family, common over the E U.S., with light blue flowers in slender spikes, and inflated pods … English World dictionary
Indian tobacco — noun 1. tobacco plant of South America and Mexico • Syn: ↑wild tobacco, ↑Nicotiana rustica • Hypernyms: ↑tobacco, ↑tobacco plant 2. North American wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic • … Useful english dictionary
Indian tobacco — a common American plant, Lobelia inflata, of the lobelia family, having small, blue flowers and inflated capsules. [1610 20] * * * ▪ plant (species Lobelia inflata), annual plant of the family Campanulaceae, native to open woodlands of North… … Universalium
Indian-tobacco — pūstažiedė lobelija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Lobelijinių šeimos vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Lobelia inflata), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Lobelia inflata angl. Indian tobacco vok. indianischer Tabak; Lobelie pranc … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Indian tobacco — noun Date: circa 1618 1. a poisonous North American annual lobelia (Lobelia inflata) with small blue or white flowers 2. a wild tobacco (Nicotiana bigelovii syn. N. quadrivalvis) found in dry valleys from southern California to southern Oregon … New Collegiate Dictionary
indian-tobacco — n. Lobelia (North American species, Lobelia inflata) … New dictionary of synonyms
Indian tobacco — In′dian tobac co n. pln a North American plant, Lobelia inflata, lobelia family, with small blue flowers and inflated capsules • Etymology: 1610–20 … From formal English to slang
Indian tobacco — /ɪndiən təˈbækoʊ/ (say indeeuhn tuh bakoh) noun a common American herb, Lobelia inflata, with small blue flowers and inflated capsules …