1 imperviable
[ımʹpɜ:vıəb(ə)l] = impervious -
2 imperviable
[ɪm'pɜːvɪəb(ə)l]Общая лексика: не боящийся порчи -
3 imperviable
4 Imperviable
(adjective), impermeable + imperviousшутл. непроникаемый, непроницаемыйАнгло-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Imperviable
5 impassable
1. a непроходимый; непроезжий2. a непреодолимый3. a не принимаемый в уплату, утративший силу в качестве платёжного средстваСинонимический ряд:1. impenetrable (adj.) impenetrable; impermeable; imperviable; impervious; unpierceable2. insuperable (adj.) dogged; inconquerable; indomitable; insuperable; insurmountable; invincible; resolute; unconquerable; unsurmountable3. not fit for travel (adj.) blocked; closed; difficult; forbidding; inaccessible; not fit for travel; obstructed -
6 impenetrable
1. a непроницаемый; непробиваемый2. a непроходимый, недоступный3. a беспросветный, непроницаемый, непробиваемый4. a непонятный, непостижимый5. a не поддающийся влиянию, воздействиюСинонимический ряд:1. dense (adj.) dense; solid; thick2. impervious (adj.) compact; impassable; impermeable; imperviable; impervious; inaccessible; inviolable; unpierceable3. incomprehensible (adj.) incognizable; incomprehensible; inexplicable; obscure; uncomprehensible; unfathomable; ungraspable; unintelligible; unknowable4. mysterious (adj.) arcane; cabalistic; inscrutable; mysterial; mysterious; mystic; numinous; unaccountable; unexaminable; unguessedАнтонимический ряд:flimsy; obvious; vulnerable -
7 impermeable
1. a непроницаемый, не пропускающий; герметическийimpermeable to water — водонепроницаемый, непромокаемый
2. a тех. плотный, уплотняющийСинонимический ряд:impervious (adj.) airtight; compact; impassable; impenetrable; imperviable; impervious; inaccessible; inviolable; sealed; thick; unpierceable; watertightАнтонимический ряд: -
8 impervious
1. a непроницаемыйfabric impervious to moisture — ткань, не пропускающая влагу
2. a сверхпрочный; не боящийся порчи3. a невосприимчивый; глухойСинонимический ряд:1. impenetrable (adj.) airtight; compact; hermetic; impenetrable; impermeable; imperviable; inviolable; resistant; sealed; tight; unpierceable; waterproof; watertight2. unaffected (adj.) immune; impassable; inaccessible; indifferent; invulnerable; unaffected; unapproachable; untouchedАнтонимический ряд:accessible; permeable; sensitive
См. также в других словарях:
Imperviable — Im*per vi*a*ble, a. Not pervious; impervious. [R.] {Im*per vi*a*ble*ness}, n. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
imperviable — index impervious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
imperviable — im·per·vi·a·ble … English syllables
imperviable — adjective not admitting of passage or capable of being affected a material impervious to water someone impervious to argument • Syn: ↑impervious • Ant: ↑pervious (for: ↑impervious) … Useful english dictionary
Imperviableness — Imperviable Im*per vi*a*ble, a. Not pervious; impervious. [R.] {Im*per vi*a*ble*ness}, n. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Imperviability — Im*per vi*a*bil i*ty, n. The quality of being imperviable. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Impervious — Im*per vi*ous, a. [L. impervius; pref. im not + per through + via way. See {Voyage}.] Not pervious; not admitting of entrance or passage through; as, a substance impervious to water or air. [1913 Webster] This gulf impassable, impervious. Milton … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Imperviously — Impervious Im*per vi*ous, a. [L. impervius; pref. im not + per through + via way. See {Voyage}.] Not pervious; not admitting of entrance or passage through; as, a substance impervious to water or air. [1913 Webster] This gulf impassable,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Imperviousness — Impervious Im*per vi*ous, a. [L. impervius; pref. im not + per through + via way. See {Voyage}.] Not pervious; not admitting of entrance or passage through; as, a substance impervious to water or air. [1913 Webster] This gulf impassable,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
impervious — imperviously, adv. imperviousness, n. /im perr vee euhs/, adj. 1. not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable: The coat is impervious to rain. 2. incapable of being injured or impaired: impervious to wear and tear. 3. incapable of being… … Universalium
impenetrable — I adjective adamantine, closed, complex, crass, difficult, dull, enigmatic, hidden, impassable, impermeable, imperviable, impervious, inaccessible, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, indefinable, inexplicable, inexpressive, inexpugnable,… … Law dictionary