1 I was very impressed with/ by ...
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2 very
1 adverb(a) (with adj or adv) très, bien;∎ it was very pleasant c'était très ou bien agréable;∎ was the pizza good? - very/not very la pizza était-elle bonne? - très/pas très;∎ I'm not very impressed with the results je ne suis pas très ou tellement impressionné par les résultats;∎ be very careful faites très ou bien attention;∎ he was very hungry/thirsty il avait très faim/soif;∎ I very nearly fell j'ai bien failli tomber;∎ very few/little très peu;∎ so very little si peu;∎ there were very few of them (people) ils étaient très peu nombreux; (objets) il y en avait très peu;∎ he takes very little interest in what goes on il s'intéresse très peu à ce qui se passe;∎ there's very little one can do to help on ne peut pas faire grand-chose pour aider;∎ there weren't very many people il n'y avait pas beaucoup de gens, il n'y avait pas grand monde;∎ it isn't so very difficult ce n'est pas tellement difficile, ce n'est pas si difficile que ça;∎ very good!, very well! (expressing agreement, consent) très bien!;∎ you can't very well ask outright tu ne peux pas vraiment demander directement;∎ that's all very well but… tout ça, c'est très bien mais…∎ our very best wine notre meilleur vin;∎ the very best of friends les meilleurs amis du monde;∎ it's the very worst thing that could have happened c'est bien ce qui pouvait arriver de pire;∎ the very latest designs les créations les plus récentes;∎ at the very latest au plus tard;∎ at the very least/most tout au moins/plus;∎ the very first/last person la (toute) première/dernière personne;∎ the very next day le lendemain même, dès le lendemain;∎ the very next person I met was his brother la première personne que j'ai rencontrée était son frère;∎ we'll stop at the very next town nous nous arrêterons à la prochaine ville;∎ it's nice to have your very own car or a car of your very own c'est agréable d'avoir sa voiture à soi;∎ it's my very own c'est à moi;∎ the very same day le jour même;∎ on the very same date exactement à la même date;∎ Religion the Very Reverend Alan Scott le très révérend Alan Scott(a) (extreme, far)∎ at the very beginning au tout début;∎ at the very back tout au fond;∎ at the very top/bottom of the page tout en haut/en bas de la page;∎ at the very bottom of the sea au plus profond de la mer∎ at that very moment juste à ce moment-là;∎ the very man I need juste l'homme qu'il me faut;∎ those were his very words ce sont ses propos mêmes, c'est exactement ce qu'il a dit;∎ this is the very room where they were murdered c'est dans cette pièce même qu'ils ont été tués;∎ it was a year ago to the very day c'était il y a un an jour pour jour;∎ by its very nature par sa nature même∎ the very idea! quelle idée!;∎ the very thought of it makes me shiver je frissonne rien que d'y penser;∎ it happened before my very eyes cela s'est passé sous mes yeux;∎ archaic the veriest trifle la moindre petite chose;∎ archaic the veriest fool could do it le premier imbécile venu pourrait le faire1 adverb∎ I like French cinema very much j'aime beaucoup le cinéma français;∎ I very much hope to be able to come j'espère bien que je pourrai venir;∎ very much better/bigger beaucoup mieux/plus grand;∎ unless I'm very much mistaken à moins que je ne me trompe;∎ were you impressed? - very much so ça vous a impressionné? - beaucoup∎ the situation remains very much the same la situation n'a guère évolué;∎ it's very much a question of who to believe la question est surtout de savoir qui on doit croirebeaucoup de;∎ there wasn't very much wine il n'y avait pas beaucoup de vin3 pronounbeaucoup;∎ she doesn't say very much elle parle peu, elle ne dit pas grand-chose►► very high frequency très haute fréquence f, (gamme f des) ondes fpl métriques;very low frequency très basse fréquence f -
3 causar
v.1 to cause.el accidente le causó graves lesiones he was seriously injured in the accidentel huracán causó estragos en la costa the hurricane wreaked havoc on the coastel terremotó causó dos mil muertos two thousand people died in the earthquake, the earthquake killed two thousand peopleEl ácido úrico causa la gota Uric acid causes gout.Ella causó que eso ocurriese She caused that to happen.2 to be caused to.Se nos causó un gran daño A great damage was caused to us.* * *1 (provocar) to cause, bring about2 (proporcionar) to make, give* * *verb1) to cause2) make* * *VT [+ problema, consecuencia, víctima] to cause; [+ impresión] to makela explosión causó heridas a dos personas — the explosion injured two people, the explosion left two people injured
sus declaraciones han causado el efecto esperado — her statements have produced o had the desired effect
causar asombro a algn — to amaze sb•
causar emoción a algn — to move sb•
causar extrañeza a algn — to puzzle sb•
causar risa a algn — to make sb laugh* * *verbo transitivo <daños/problema/sufrimiento> to cause; < indignación> to cause, arouse; < alarma> to cause, provoke; < placer> to give* * *= cause, result (in), spark off, inflict, evoke, bring on, bring about, precipitate, give + cause to, give + rise to, give + occasion to.Ex. As usage of the language causes terms to become anachronistic, or as increases in our level of awareness reveal undesirable connotations, we seek to change subject heading terms.Ex. Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.Ex. Like the librarians and the bookshop staff, the club members are catalysts who spark off that fission which will spread from child to child an awareness of books and the habit of reading them.Ex. This article discusses the budget cuts inflicted on Australian libraries.Ex. It is known that in ancient Rome the complexity of the administrative job evoked considerable development of management techniques.Ex. In frequent cases, unionization is brought on by the inept or irresponsible action of management.Ex. Untruth brings about ill reputation and indignity.Ex. What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.Ex. That crucial evidence was withheld from the final report could give cause to bring charges of criminal negligence.Ex. The method of indexing called post-coordinate indexing gives rise to physical forms of indexes which differ from the more 'traditional' catalogues mentioned above.Ex. Many soldiers took advantage of the impoverished conditions giving occasion to assaults, rapes and murders.----* causar ansiedad = cause + anxiety.* causar buena impresión = impress, come across.* causar confusión = wreak + confusion, cause + confusion.* causar conmoción = cause + a ripple.* causar consternación = cause + consternation.* causar daño = do + harm, be injurious, cause + damage, cause + harm, cause + hurt, bring + harm, inflict + damage.* causar daño corporal = cause + injury.* causar daño material = cause + material injury.* causar daños = cause + erosion.* causar desórdenes = riot.* causar destrozos = wreak + devastation.* causar destrucción = wreak + destruction.* causar dificultad = cause + difficulty.* causar disturbios = riot.* causar estragos = wreak + havoc, ravage, run + amok, cause + havoc, create + havoc, play + havoc with.* causar graves daños a = bring + ruin to.* causar impresión = make + impression.* causar molestias = cause + disruption, inconvenience, cause + inconvenience.* causar muchas víctimas = take + a toll on life.* causar muertos = take + a toll on life.* causar pena = cause + hurt.* causar pérdidas = cause + losses.* causar perjuicio = bring + harm.* causar preocupación = evoke + concern, cause + concern.* causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.* causar revuelo = cause + a stir, create + a stir.* causar ruina a = bring + ruin to.* causarse daño = bring + disaster on.* causar sensación = be a sensation, cut + a swath(e), cut + a dash, make + heads turn, make + a big noise, cause + a sensation.* causar sensación en el mundo = make + a big noise in the world.* causar sorpresa = cause + an eyelid to bat.* causar una buena primera impresión = make + a good first impression.* causar una crisis = precipitate + crisis.* causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.* causar una guerra = precipitate + war.* causar una impresión = leave + an impression, make + an impression.* causar una primera impresión = make + a first impression.* causar una reacción = cause + reaction.* causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.* que puede causar detención = arrestable.* sin causar daño = harmlessly.* * *verbo transitivo <daños/problema/sufrimiento> to cause; < indignación> to cause, arouse; < alarma> to cause, provoke; < placer> to give* * *= cause, result (in), spark off, inflict, evoke, bring on, bring about, precipitate, give + cause to, give + rise to, give + occasion to.Ex: As usage of the language causes terms to become anachronistic, or as increases in our level of awareness reveal undesirable connotations, we seek to change subject heading terms.
Ex: Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.Ex: Like the librarians and the bookshop staff, the club members are catalysts who spark off that fission which will spread from child to child an awareness of books and the habit of reading them.Ex: This article discusses the budget cuts inflicted on Australian libraries.Ex: It is known that in ancient Rome the complexity of the administrative job evoked considerable development of management techniques.Ex: In frequent cases, unionization is brought on by the inept or irresponsible action of management.Ex: Untruth brings about ill reputation and indignity.Ex: What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.Ex: That crucial evidence was withheld from the final report could give cause to bring charges of criminal negligence.Ex: The method of indexing called post-coordinate indexing gives rise to physical forms of indexes which differ from the more 'traditional' catalogues mentioned above.Ex: Many soldiers took advantage of the impoverished conditions giving occasion to assaults, rapes and murders.* causar ansiedad = cause + anxiety.* causar buena impresión = impress, come across.* causar confusión = wreak + confusion, cause + confusion.* causar conmoción = cause + a ripple.* causar consternación = cause + consternation.* causar daño = do + harm, be injurious, cause + damage, cause + harm, cause + hurt, bring + harm, inflict + damage.* causar daño corporal = cause + injury.* causar daño material = cause + material injury.* causar daños = cause + erosion.* causar desórdenes = riot.* causar destrozos = wreak + devastation.* causar destrucción = wreak + destruction.* causar dificultad = cause + difficulty.* causar disturbios = riot.* causar estragos = wreak + havoc, ravage, run + amok, cause + havoc, create + havoc, play + havoc with.* causar graves daños a = bring + ruin to.* causar impresión = make + impression.* causar molestias = cause + disruption, inconvenience, cause + inconvenience.* causar muchas víctimas = take + a toll on life.* causar muertos = take + a toll on life.* causar pena = cause + hurt.* causar pérdidas = cause + losses.* causar perjuicio = bring + harm.* causar preocupación = evoke + concern, cause + concern.* causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.* causar revuelo = cause + a stir, create + a stir.* causar ruina a = bring + ruin to.* causarse daño = bring + disaster on.* causar sensación = be a sensation, cut + a swath(e), cut + a dash, make + heads turn, make + a big noise, cause + a sensation.* causar sensación en el mundo = make + a big noise in the world.* causar sorpresa = cause + an eyelid to bat.* causar una buena primera impresión = make + a good first impression.* causar una crisis = precipitate + crisis.* causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.* causar una guerra = precipitate + war.* causar una impresión = leave + an impression, make + an impression.* causar una primera impresión = make + a first impression.* causar una reacción = cause + reaction.* causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.* que puede causar detención = arrestable.* sin causar daño = harmlessly.* * *causar [A1 ]vt‹daños/problema› to cause; ‹indignación› to cause, arouseel incidente causó gran inquietud the incident caused great uneaseverlo así me causa gran tristeza it makes me very sad o it causes me great sadness o it fills me with sadness to see him like thatme causó muy buena impresión I was very impressed with her, she made a very good impression on meeste premio me causa gran satisfacción ( frml); I am delighted to receive this prizeme causó mucha gracia que dijera eso I thought it was o I found it very funny that she should say that* * *
causar ( conjugate causar) verbo transitivo ‹daños/problema/sufrimiento› to cause;
‹ indignación› to cause, arouse;
‹ alarma› to cause, provoke;
‹ placer› to give;
me causó muy buena impresión I was very impressed with her
causar verbo transitivo to cause, bring about: el desaliño causa mala impresión, untidiness makes a bad impression
le causó buena impresión, he was very impressed by him
me causó mucha alegría, it made me very happy
' causar' also found in these entries:
- alborotar
- caer
- cobrarse
- dar
- darse
- deslumbrar
- determinar
- embarazar
- embriagar
- emocionar
- encandilar
- engordar
- espantar
- estragos
- estropear
- fastidiar
- hacer
- ilusionar
- impresión
- impresionar
- incomodar
- meter
- molestar
- molestia
- montar
- obrar
- parecer
- pesar
- plantear
- producir
- provocar
- repeler
- repercutir
- revolver
- salar
- sembrar
- traer
- trastornar
- turbar
- furor
- motivar
- propiciar
- saber
- cause
- derive
- foul up
- impression
- inflict
- painlessly
- riot
- sensation
- set
- start
- trouble
- wreak
- fire
- mischief
- rise
* * *causar vt[daños, problemas] to cause; [placer, satisfacción] to give;el huracán causó estragos en la costa the hurricane wreaked havoc on the coast;el terremoto causó dos mil muertos two thousand people died in the earthquake, the earthquake killed two thousand people;el accidente le causó graves lesiones he was seriously injured in the accident;causar (una) buena/mala impresión to make a good/bad impression;me causa mucha felicidad saber que se hayan reconciliado it makes me very happy to know they've made up with one another;esta crema a veces causa una sensación de picor this cream sometimes causes an itching sensation* * ** * *causar vt1) : to cause2) : to provoke, to arouseeso me causa gracia: that strikes me as being funny* * *causar vb1. (provocar) to cause2. (proporcionar) to make -
4 producir
v.1 to produce (producto, sonido).Los carbohidratos producen energía Carbohydrates produce energy.Los golpes producen lesiones The blows produce injury.Ellos producen galletas They produce cookies.El campo produce manzanas The field produces apples.2 to cause, to give rise to.tu actuación me produce tristeza your conduct makes me very sad3 to yield, to bear.este negocio produce grandes pérdidas this business is making huge losses4 to produce (Cine & television).* * *1 (gen) to produce2 (causar) to cause3 (cosecha, fruto) to yield1 to happen\producir en cadena to mass-produce* * *verb1) to produce, yield2) cause* * *1. VT1) [+ cereales, fruta, petróleo] to producese producen miles de toneladas de aceitunas al año — thousands of tons of olives are produced each year
2) (=fabricar) [+ aceite, coche] to produce, make; [+ electricidad, energía] to produce, generateesta factoría ha producido cinco mil vehículos en un mes — this factory has turned out o produced o made five thousand vehicles in a month
3) [+ cambio, efecto, herida, daños] to cause¿qué impresión te produjo? — what impression did it make on you?
4) (Econ) [+ interés] to yield; [+ beneficio] to yield, generatemis ahorros me producen un interés anual del 5% — my savings yield an annual interest of 5%
5) (=crear) [+ novela, cuadro] to produce6) (Cine, TV) to produce2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) región/país <trigo/tomates/vino> to produce; < petróleo> to produce; persona <trigo/tomates> to produce, grow; <aceite/vino> to produce, makeb) ( manufacturar) to produce, makec) <electricidad/calor/energía> to produce, generated) < sonido> to cause, generate2) (Com, Fin) < beneficios> to produce, generate, yield; < pérdidas> to cause, result in3) <película/programa> to produce4) ( causar) <conmoción/reacción/explosión> to cause2.producirse v pron1) (frml) ( tener lugar) accidente/explosión to occur (frml), to take place; cambio to occur (frml), to happense produjeron 85 muertes — there were 85 deaths, 85 people died o were killed
2) (refl) (frml) < heridas> to inflict... on oneself (frml)* * *= author, breed, deliver, generate, get out, give + birth to, output, produce, result (in), spawn, turn out, yield, throw up, effect, realise [realize, -USA], put out, crank out, bring about.Ex. Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.Ex. The dependence on bosses for recognition, rewards, and advancement breeds an artificiality of relationship, a need to be polite and agreeable.Ex. The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.Ex. Human indexers sometimes make inappropriate judgements, misinterpret ideas, have lapses of memory or concentration, and generate omissions and inconsistencies in their indexing.Ex. I suspect that this emphasis reflects the desire to have a simple rule that everybody can apply and therefore get out cataloging data quickly and cheaply.Ex. By way of illustration: it is the machine's habit to perform remarkable feats, such as augmenting western musical heritage with the discovery that the eighteenth century gave birth to two contemporary composers.Ex. The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.Ex. The present OCLC system does not produce catalog cards in sets, but if it did it could produce over 6,000 different sets for one title.Ex. Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.Ex. Both the original production and revision of STC spawned a large crop of such items which are worth following up.Ex. Once it is available, duplicates in large quantities could probably be turned out for a cent apiece beyond the cost of materials.Ex. This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.Ex. Demands from clients will often throw up an occurrence of similar problems, revealing perhaps the operation of an injustice, the lack of an amenity in the neighbourhood, or simply bureaucratic inefficiency.Ex. Historically, the main reasons for unionization have been to effect better wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.Ex. Librarians, information scientists, and keepers of the archives have to realise the meaning of the so-called electronic library (e-library).Ex. When such a happy occurrence takes place the publisher can put out extra impressions and can publish (or sell the rights for) a paperback edition for a larger market.Ex. Because we have an automated system we can crank out weeding lists on different criteria.Ex. Untruth brings about ill reputation and indignity.----* cambio + producirse = change + come about.* catástrofe + producirse = disaster + strike.* hacer que se produzca una situación = bring about + situation.* hacer que se produzca un resultado = bring about + result.* producir aglomeraciones = cause + crowding.* producir beneficios = reap + dividends, render + returns, achieve + returns, pay + dividends, return + dividends.* producir caos = cause + chaos.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* producir desesperación = yield + despair.* producir dividendos = pay + dividends, return + dividends.* producir dudas = make + Nombre + doubt.* producir el rendimiento máximo = come into + Posesivo + own.* producir en abundancia = churn out, knock out.* producir hostilidad = arouse + hostility.* producir resultado = yield + result.* producir resultados = produce + results, bring + results.* producirse caos = chaos + result, chaos + arise.* producirse un cúmulo de circunstancias que = circumstances + converge.* producir un cambio = effect + change, produce + change, trigger + change.* que produce ansiedad = anxiety-producing.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) región/país <trigo/tomates/vino> to produce; < petróleo> to produce; persona <trigo/tomates> to produce, grow; <aceite/vino> to produce, makeb) ( manufacturar) to produce, makec) <electricidad/calor/energía> to produce, generated) < sonido> to cause, generate2) (Com, Fin) < beneficios> to produce, generate, yield; < pérdidas> to cause, result in3) <película/programa> to produce4) ( causar) <conmoción/reacción/explosión> to cause2.producirse v pron1) (frml) ( tener lugar) accidente/explosión to occur (frml), to take place; cambio to occur (frml), to happense produjeron 85 muertes — there were 85 deaths, 85 people died o were killed
2) (refl) (frml) < heridas> to inflict... on oneself (frml)* * *= author, breed, deliver, generate, get out, give + birth to, output, produce, result (in), spawn, turn out, yield, throw up, effect, realise [realize, -USA], put out, crank out, bring about.Ex: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.
Ex: The dependence on bosses for recognition, rewards, and advancement breeds an artificiality of relationship, a need to be polite and agreeable.Ex: The result could be termed a full-provision data base -- a data base including both text and reference, and delivering much more than the 2 added together.Ex: Human indexers sometimes make inappropriate judgements, misinterpret ideas, have lapses of memory or concentration, and generate omissions and inconsistencies in their indexing.Ex: I suspect that this emphasis reflects the desire to have a simple rule that everybody can apply and therefore get out cataloging data quickly and cheaply.Ex: By way of illustration: it is the machine's habit to perform remarkable feats, such as augmenting western musical heritage with the discovery that the eighteenth century gave birth to two contemporary composers.Ex: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.Ex: The present OCLC system does not produce catalog cards in sets, but if it did it could produce over 6,000 different sets for one title.Ex: Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.Ex: Both the original production and revision of STC spawned a large crop of such items which are worth following up.Ex: Once it is available, duplicates in large quantities could probably be turned out for a cent apiece beyond the cost of materials.Ex: This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.Ex: Demands from clients will often throw up an occurrence of similar problems, revealing perhaps the operation of an injustice, the lack of an amenity in the neighbourhood, or simply bureaucratic inefficiency.Ex: Historically, the main reasons for unionization have been to effect better wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.Ex: Librarians, information scientists, and keepers of the archives have to realise the meaning of the so-called electronic library (e-library).Ex: When such a happy occurrence takes place the publisher can put out extra impressions and can publish (or sell the rights for) a paperback edition for a larger market.Ex: Because we have an automated system we can crank out weeding lists on different criteria.Ex: Untruth brings about ill reputation and indignity.* cambio + producirse = change + come about.* catástrofe + producirse = disaster + strike.* hacer que se produzca una situación = bring about + situation.* hacer que se produzca un resultado = bring about + result.* producir aglomeraciones = cause + crowding.* producir beneficios = reap + dividends, render + returns, achieve + returns, pay + dividends, return + dividends.* producir caos = cause + chaos.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* producir desesperación = yield + despair.* producir dividendos = pay + dividends, return + dividends.* producir dudas = make + Nombre + doubt.* producir el rendimiento máximo = come into + Posesivo + own.* producir en abundancia = churn out, knock out.* producir hostilidad = arouse + hostility.* producir resultado = yield + result.* producir resultados = produce + results, bring + results.* producirse caos = chaos + result, chaos + arise.* producirse un cúmulo de circunstancias que = circumstances + converge.* producir un cambio = effect + change, produce + change, trigger + change.* que produce ansiedad = anxiety-producing.* * *producir [I6 ]vtA1 ‹trigo/tomates› to produce, grow; ‹petróleo› to produce; ‹aceite/vino› to produce, make2 (manufacturar) to produce, makeesta fábrica produce 300 coches a la semana this factory produces o makes o manufactures o turns out 300 cars a week3 ‹electricidad/calor/energía› to produce, generate4 ‹sonido› to produce, cause, generateB1 ( Com, Fin) ‹beneficios› to produce, generate, yield; ‹pérdidas› to cause, give rise to, result in2 «país/club» ‹artista/deportista› to produceC ‹película/programa› to produceD(causar): estas declaraciones produjeron una gran conmoción these statements caused a great stirle produjo una gran alegría it made her very happyme produjo muy buena impresión I was very impressed with herla pomada le produjo un sarpullido the ointment caused a rash o brought her out in a rashver cómo la trata me produce náuseas it makes me sick to see how he treats herA ( frml) (tener lugar) «accidente/explosión» to occur ( frml), to take place; «cambio» to occur ( frml), to happense produjeron varios incidentes several incidents occurred o took placese produjeron 85 muertes there were 85 deaths, 85 people died o were killeddurante la operación de rescate se produjeron momentos de histerismo there were moments of panic during the rescue operationse ha producido una notable mejora there has been a great improvementse produjo heridas con un objeto cortante she cut herself with o she inflicted wounds on herself with a sharp objectdisparó el arma produciéndose la muerte instantánea he fired the gun, killing himself instantlyse produjo varias fracturas al caerse he broke several bones o ( frml) incurred several fractures when he fell* * *
producir ( conjugate producir) verbo transitivo
2 ( causar) ‹conmoción/reacción/explosión› to cause;
producirse verbo pronominal
1 (frml) ( tener lugar) [accidente/explosión] to occur (frml), to take place;
[ cambio] to occur (frml), to happen;
2 ( refl) (frml) ‹ heridas› to inflict … on oneself (frml)
producir verbo transitivo
1 (bienes) to produce: las vacas producen leche, cows give milk
2 (ocasionar, causar) el golpe le produjo una sordera crónica, he became chronically deaf as a result of the blow
(sensaciones, efectos) to cause, generate: la noticia le produjo tristeza, the news made him sad
3 (una obra artística o audiovisual) to produce
' producir' also found in these entries:
- conmocionar
- criar
- dar
- dejar
- desencadenar
- embotellar
- hacer
- marear
- sacar
- saber
- surtir
- traer
- beneficio
- descomponer
- echar
- picar
- produje
- rendir
- serie
bash out
- breed
- churn out
- discontinue
- emit
- give
- induce
- nauseate
- produce
- throw up
- turn out
- yield
- back
- churn
- commotion
- create
- net
- phase
- put
- spawn
* * *♦ vt1. [productos agrícolas, recursos naturales] to produce;las abejas producen miel bees produce honey2. [manufacturar] to produce3. [generar] [calor, sonido] to produce4. [artista, campeón] to produce;un país que ha producido varios campeones mundiales a country which has produced several world champions5. [ocasionar] to cause, to give rise to;tu actuación me produce tristeza your conduct makes me very sad;un medicamento que produce náuseas a medicine which causes nausea;no me produjo muy buena impresión it didn't make a very good impression on me6. [interés] to yield, to bear;este negocio produce grandes pérdidas this business is making huge losses;la operación produjo muchas ganancias para el banco the transaction yielded substantial profits for the bank7. [en cine, televisión] to produce* * *v/t1 ( crear) produce2 ( causar) cause* * *producir {61} vt1) : to produce, to make, to manufacture2) : to cause, to bring about3) : to bear (interest)* * *producir vb1. (elaborar) to produce2. (causar) to cause / to make -
5 causa
f.1 cause (origen).la relación causa-efecto the relationship between cause and effect2 reason.se desconocen las causas del accidente it is not known what caused the accidenta o por causa de because ofpor causa mayor for reasons beyond my/our/etc control3 cause (ideal).dieron su vida por la causa they gave their lives for the causehacer causa común con alguien to make common cause with somebodyser una causa perdida to be a lost cause4 case (law).5 lawsuit, case.pres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: causar.* * *1 (gen) cause2 (motivo) cause, reason, motive\a causa de because of, on account ofhacer causa común con to make common cause withinstruir una causa DERECHO to take legal proceedingspor causa de because of, on account ofcausa mayor good reason■ no se puede faltar al trabajo si no es por causa mayor you can't stay off work unless it's for a very good reasoncausa pública DERECHO public good* * *noun f.* * *ISF1) (=motivo) causela niebla pudo haber sido la causa del accidente — the accident could have been caused by fog, the fog could have been the cause of o reason for the accident
algunos protestaron sin causa justificada — some protested for no good reason o without true cause
conocimiento 2), doctor 1.•
relación causa-efecto — cause and effect relationship2)• a o por causa de — because of
no quiero que sufras por mi causa — I don't want you to suffer for my sake o on my account
3) (=ideal) cause•
hacer causa común con algn — to make common cause with sb4) (Jur) (tb: causa judicial) lawsuit, caseIISF1) Cono Sur (=tentempié) snack, light meal* * *1) ( motivo) causela causa de todas mis desgracias — the cause of o the reason for all my misfortunes
se enfadó sin causa alguna — she got annoyed for no good reason o for no reason at all
a or por causa de — because of
2) (ideal, fin) cause•* * *= root cause, trigger.Ex. This article highlights the root causes of nativism against both immigrants and U.S. immigration policy arising from increasing legal and illegal immigration.Ex. They will however always have some kind of springboard or trigger which has led to their question, and we can work forwards from this.----* apoyar una causa = forward + cause, support + cause.* ayudar a la causa de = help + in the cause of.* buena causa = good cause.* causa de fuerza mayor = act of God.* causa de la ofensa = offending.* causa de mortalidad = lethality.* causa-efecto = causal.* causa fortuita = act of God.* causa justa = just cause, good cause.* causa perdida = lost cause, losing battle.* causa primaria = prime cause.* causa radical, la = radical cause, the.* causas de conflictos armados = warpath.* causa social = social cause.* de causas desconocidas = idiopathic.* decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.* defender la causa de = further + the cause of.* defender + Posesivo + causa = advance + Posesivo + cause.* defender una causa = promote + cause, support + cause, champion + cause.* detectar la causa de algo = smell + cause.* de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.* doctor honoris causa = honorary doctorate.* luchar por una buena causa = fight + the good fight.* luchar por una causa = champion + cause.* luchar por una causa perdida = fight + a losing battle.* que no causa dolor = painless.* relación causa-efecto = cause-effect relation, causal relationship.* retomar una causa = take up + cause.* sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.* sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.* sin causa justificada = without justified reason.* sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.* tener causa justificada = have + good cause.* toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.* tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.* una causa perdida = a dead dog.* * *1) ( motivo) causela causa de todas mis desgracias — the cause of o the reason for all my misfortunes
se enfadó sin causa alguna — she got annoyed for no good reason o for no reason at all
a or por causa de — because of
2) (ideal, fin) cause•* * *= root cause, trigger.Ex: This article highlights the root causes of nativism against both immigrants and U.S. immigration policy arising from increasing legal and illegal immigration.
Ex: They will however always have some kind of springboard or trigger which has led to their question, and we can work forwards from this.* apoyar una causa = forward + cause, support + cause.* ayudar a la causa de = help + in the cause of.* buena causa = good cause.* causa de fuerza mayor = act of God.* causa de la ofensa = offending.* causa de mortalidad = lethality.* causa-efecto = causal.* causa fortuita = act of God.* causa justa = just cause, good cause.* causa perdida = lost cause, losing battle.* causa primaria = prime cause.* causa radical, la = radical cause, the.* causas de conflictos armados = warpath.* causa social = social cause.* de causas desconocidas = idiopathic.* decisión con conocimiento de causa = informed decision.* defender la causa de = further + the cause of.* defender + Posesivo + causa = advance + Posesivo + cause.* defender una causa = promote + cause, support + cause, champion + cause.* detectar la causa de algo = smell + cause.* de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.* doctor honoris causa = honorary doctorate.* luchar por una buena causa = fight + the good fight.* luchar por una causa = champion + cause.* luchar por una causa perdida = fight + a losing battle.* que no causa dolor = painless.* relación causa-efecto = cause-effect relation, causal relationship.* retomar una causa = take up + cause.* sin causa alguna = for no reason, for no specific reason, for no particular reason, for no good reason.* sin causa aparente = for no apparent reason, for apparently no reason.* sin causa justificada = without justified reason.* sin conocimiento de causa = unbeknown to, unbeknownst to.* tener causa justificada = have + good cause.* toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa = informed decision making.* tomar decisiones con conocimiento de causa = make + informed decisions.* una causa perdida = a dead dog.* * *A (motivo) causela causa de todas mis desgracias the cause of o the reason for all my misfortunessería causa suficiente de divorcio it would be adequate grounds for divorcese enfadó sin causa alguna she got annoyed for no good reason o for no reason at allaún no se conocen las causas del accidente the cause of the accident is still unknown, it is still not known what caused the accidentrelación de causa-efecto cause and effect relationshipa or por causa de because ofel partido se suspendió a causa del tiempo the match was postponed because of o on account of o owing to the weatherla cosecha se malogró por causa de las heladas the crop failed because of the frostCompuestos:final causefirst causeB (ideal, fin) causeuna causa perdida a lost causedefender una causa to defend a causehacer causa común con algn to make common cause with sbseguir una causa contra algn to try sbel juicio por la causa que se sigue contra ella por estafa the trial at which she faces charges for o is being tried for fraudCompuestos:lawsuitcriminal proceedings (pl), trial* * *
Del verbo causar: ( conjugate causar)
causa es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
causa sustantivo femenino
1 ( motivo) cause;◊ la causa de todas mis desgracias the cause of o the reason for all my misfortunes;
se enfadó sin causa alguna she got annoyed for no reason at all o for no good reason;
a or por causa de because of
2 ( ideal) cause;
3 (Der) ( pleito) lawsuit;
( proceso) trial
causar ( conjugate causar) verbo transitivo ‹daños/problema/sufrimiento› to cause;
‹ indignación› to cause, arouse;
‹ alarma› to cause, provoke;
‹ placer› to give;
me causó muy buena impresión I was very impressed with her
causa sustantivo femenino
1 cause
2 (motivo) reason: se ha enfadado sin causa, he has got angry for no reason
3 (utopía, ideal) una causa justa, a fair cause
4 Jur (proceso) trial
♦ Locuciones: a o por causa de, because of: su relación se deterioró a causa de los celos, their relationship fell apart because of jealousy
causar verbo transitivo to cause, bring about: el desaliño causa mala impresión, untidiness makes a bad impression
le causó buena impresión, he was very impressed by him
me causó mucha alegría, it made me very happy
' causa' also found in these entries:
- abanderado
- abogar
- actuar
- adherirse
- apoyar
- caída
- caído
- causar
- con
- conocimiento
- de
- desgarrador
- desgarradora
- documentación
- ser
- funesta
- funesto
- gozosa
- gozoso
- horrorosa
- horroroso
- intríngulis
- lamentable
- lastimosa
- lastimoso
- leal
- motivo
- onerosa
- oneroso
- origen
- paladín
- por
- principio
- promotor
- promotora
- relativamente
- sabañón
- sacrificar
- semilla
- soponcio
- temerosa
- temeroso
- terrorífica
- terrorífico
- unirse
- valer
- vergonzosa
- vergonzoso
- vergüenza
- account
- arm
- as
- battle
- because
- blow
- cause
- complication
- devotion
- earthshattering
- further
- get at
- honorary doctorate
- immediate cause
- lost
- mock
- occasion
- of
- owing
- plead
- rain off
- sensational
- suspend
- takeoff
- through
- ultimate
- unsympathetic
- win over
- worthy
- condemn
- court
- crack
- dismiss
- fog
- honorary
- open
- responsible
* * *causa nf1. [origen] cause;la causa última the ultimate cause o reason;el tabaco es la causa de muchas enfermedades respiratorias smoking is the cause of many respiratory diseases;él es la causa directa de todos mis problemas he is directly responsible for all my problems;la relación causa-efecto the relationship between cause and effectcausa final final cause;causa primera first cause2. [razón, motivo] reason;se desconocen las causas del accidente it is not known what caused the accident;por esta causa mueren al año muchos niños every year many children die as a result of this;ello no es causa suficiente para dejar de asistir a clase that isn't a good enough reason for stopping going to school;llegaron tarde a o [m5] por causa del intenso tráfico they arrived late because of the heavy traffic;por causa mayor for reasons beyond my/our/ etc control3. [ideal, objetivo] cause;una causa humanitaria a humanitarian cause;es todo por una buena causa it's all for o in a good cause;abrazar una causa to embrace a cause;dieron su vida por la causa they gave their lives for the cause;hacer causa común con alguien to make common cause with sb;ser una causa perdida to be a lost cause4. Der case;una causa contra alguien a case against sbcausa civil lawsuit;causa criminal criminal case6. Perú [guiso] = dish of mashed potatoes mixed with cheese, olives, sweetcorn and lettuce, eaten cold* * *f1 cause;hacer causa común con make common cause with;causa perdida fig lost cause2 ( motivo) reason;a causa de because of;por mi causa on my account3 JUR lawsuit* * *causa nf1) motivo: cause, reason, motivea causa de: because of2) ideal: causemorir por una causa: to die for a cause3) : lawsuit* * *causa n1. (en general) cause2. (motivo) reason -
6 causa
Del verbo causar: ( conjugate causar) \ \
causa es: \ \3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativoMultiple Entries: causa causar
causa sustantivo femenino 1 ( motivo) cause;◊ la causa de todas mis desgracias the cause of o the reason for all my misfortunes;se enfadó sin causa alguna she got annoyed for no reason at all o for no good reason; a or por causa de because of 2 ( ideal) cause; 3 (Der) ( pleito) lawsuit; ( proceso) trial
causar ( conjugate causar) verbo transitivo ‹daños/problema/sufrimiento› to cause; ‹ indignación› to cause, arouse; ‹ alarma› to cause, provoke; ‹ placer› to give; me causó muy buena impresión I was very impressed with her
causa sustantivo femenino
1 cause
2 (motivo) reason: se ha enfadado sin causa, he has got angry for no reason
3 (utopía, ideal) una causa justa, a fair cause
4 Jur (proceso) trial Locuciones: a o por causa de, because of: su relación se deterioró a causa de los celos, their relationship fell apart because of jealousy
causar verbo transitivo to cause, bring about: el desaliño causa mala impresión, untidiness makes a bad impression
le causó buena impresión, he was very impressed by him
me causó mucha alegría, it made me very happy ' causa' also found in these entries: Spanish: abanderada - abanderado - abogar - actuar - adherirse - apoyar - caída - caído - causar - con - conocimiento - de - desgarrador - desgarradora - documentación - ser - funesta - funesto - gozosa - gozoso - horrorosa - horroroso - intríngulis - lamentable - lastimosa - lastimoso - leal - motivo - onerosa - oneroso - origen - paladín - por - principio - promotor - promotora - relativamente - sabañón - sacrificar - semilla - soponcio - temerosa - temeroso - terrorífica - terrorífico - unirse - valer - vergonzosa - vergonzoso - vergüenza English: about - account - arm - as - battle - because - blow - cause - complication - devotion - earthshattering - further - get at - honorary doctorate - immediate cause - lost - mock - occasion - of - owing - plead - rain off - sensational - suspend - takeoff - through - ultimate - unsympathetic - win over - worthy - condemn - court - crack - dismiss - fog - honorary - open - responsible -
7 causar
causar ( conjugate causar) verbo transitivo ‹daños/problema/sufrimiento› to cause; ‹ indignación› to cause, arouse; ‹ alarma› to cause, provoke; ‹ placer› to give; me causó muy buena impresión I was very impressed with her
causar verbo transitivo to cause, bring about: el desaliño causa mala impresión, untidiness makes a bad impression
le causó buena impresión, he was very impressed by him
me causó mucha alegría, it made me very happy ' causar' also found in these entries: Spanish: admirar - alborotar - caer - cobrarse - dar - darse - deslumbrar - determinar - embarazar - embriagar - emocionar - encandilar - engordar - espantar - estragos - estropear - fastidiar - hacer - ilusionar - impresión - impresionar - incomodar - meter - molestar - molestia - montar - obrar - parecer - pesar - plantear - producir - provocar - repeler - repercutir - revolver - salar - sembrar - traer - trastornar - turbar - furor - motivar - propiciar - saber English: bother - cause - derive - foul up - impression - inflict - painlessly - riot - sensation - set - start - trouble - wreak - fire - mischief - rise -
8 unir
v.1 to join (juntar) (pedazos, habitaciones).unió los dos palos con una cuerda he joined o tied the two sticks together with a piece of stringEllos unieron las telas They joined the fabrics.Ellos unieron los equipos They merged the teams.2 to connect, to link (comunicar) (ciudades, terminales, aparatos).El cable une la tubería The wire connects the tubing.3 to combine.en su obra une belleza y técnica her work combines beauty with techniqueunir algo a algo to add something to something4 to draw together, to assemble, to unify.El amor une a las personas Love draws people together.* * *1 (juntar) to unite, join, join together2 (combinar) to combine (a, with)3 (enlazar) to link (a, to)\unirse en matrimonio formal to unite in marriage* * *verbto unite, join, link- unirse- unirse a* * *1. VT1) (=acercar)a) [+ grupos, tendencias, pueblos] to uniteb) [sentimientos] to unitea nuestros dos países los unen muchas más cosas de las que los dividen — there are far more things that unite our two countries than divide them
c) [lazos] to link, bindlos lazos que unen ambos países — the ties that bind o link both countries
2) (=atar) [contrato] to bindcon el periódico me unía un mero contrato — I was bound to the newspaper by nothing more than a simple contract
el jugador ha rescindido el contrato que lo unía al club — the player has terminated the contract binding him to the club
3) (=asociar, agrupar) to combineuniendo los dos nombres resulta un nuevo concepto — a new concept is created by combining the two nouns
el esquí de fondo une dos actividades: montañismo y esquí — cross-country skiing combines two activities: mountaineering and skiing
decidieron unir sus fuerzas para luchar contra el crimen — they decided to join forces in the fight against crime
ha logrado unir su nombre al de los grandes deportistas de este siglo — he has won a place among the great sporting names of this century
5) [+ objetos, piezas] [gen] to join, join together; [con pegamento, celo] to stick together; [con clavos, puntas] to fasten togethervan a tirar el tabique para unir el salón a la cocina — they are going to knock together the lounge and the kitchen
6) (Culin) [+ líquidos] to mix; [+ salsa] to blend7) (Com) [+ compañías, intereses] to merge2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) < cables> to join; (con cola, pegamento) to stick... together; < esfuerzos> to combinelos unió en matrimonio — (frml) he joined them in matrimony (frml)
b) sentimientos/intereses to uniteunida sentimentalmente a... — (period) romantically involved with...
c) <características/cualidades/estilos> to combine3) ( fusionar) <empresas/organizaciones> to merge4) < salsa> to mix2.unirse v pron1)a) ( aliarse) personas/colectividades to join togetherse unieron para hacer un frente común — they joined forces o united in a common cause
b) características/cualidades to combine3) ( fusionarse) empresas/organizaciones to merge* * *= aggregate, bridge, connect, join together, link, marry, string, unite, confound, piece together, weld into/together, splice, bundle, pool, band, bind + Nombre + together, knit, knit, federate, conjoin, cement.Ex. You have attempted to aggregate the UDC class number incorrectly.Ex. BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.Ex. Plainly, it is not always the case that there is a connection between farming and spelling, and many other documents can be identified where these subjects are not connected.Ex. A portfolio is a container for holding loose materials, e.g. paintings, drawings, papers, unbound sections of a book, and similar materials, consisting of two covers joined together at the back.Ex. These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex. At that time OCLC was already going strong, and we tried to find some backing from the State of New York and possibly from the federal government to marry those two systems.Ex. There is no question of stringing together simple concepts in a preferred citation order to produce a single index description of the summarized subject content of a document.Ex. It has become increasingly difficult to unite both categories in one union and demands for a trade union of library employees have been raised.Ex. The confounding of opposites is also common though, again, care has to be taken to see that we do not confound two subjects on which extensive literature exists.Ex. During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex. The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.Ex. A filmloop is a short length of film enclosed in a cassette and with the end of the film spliced on to the beginning so that it requires no rewinding.Ex. CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex. The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex. The author advises banding retention policies to focus on a few clear options.Ex. People value the public library highly as an educational and community resource and the library acts as an 'information junction' to bind the community together.Ex. I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex. I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex. The usefulness of the many online periodicals and scientific digital libraries that exist today is limited by the inability to federate these resources through a unified interface.Ex. The grotesque is an effect achieved by conjoining disparate framents which do not realistically belong together.Ex. An in-house bulletin may serve to cement firm relationships with the library's personnel.----* conseguir unir = rally.* unir a = tie (to), couple with.* unir esfuerzos = join + hands.* unir fuerzas = join + forces, pool + forces.* unir inextricablemente = interweave.* unir mediante espigas = tenon.* unir mediante hiperenlaces = hotlink [hot-link].* unir mediante mortaja = mortise.* unirse = come together, partner, bond, stand up as + one.* unirse a = ally with, join, hop on, join + Posesivo + ranks.* unirse a una conversación = chime in.* unirse en matrimonio = tie + the knot.* unir sin solapar = butt together.* volverse a unir a = rejoin.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) < cables> to join; (con cola, pegamento) to stick... together; < esfuerzos> to combinelos unió en matrimonio — (frml) he joined them in matrimony (frml)
b) sentimientos/intereses to uniteunida sentimentalmente a... — (period) romantically involved with...
c) <características/cualidades/estilos> to combine3) ( fusionar) <empresas/organizaciones> to merge4) < salsa> to mix2.unirse v pron1)a) ( aliarse) personas/colectividades to join togetherse unieron para hacer un frente común — they joined forces o united in a common cause
b) características/cualidades to combine3) ( fusionarse) empresas/organizaciones to merge* * *= aggregate, bridge, connect, join together, link, marry, string, unite, confound, piece together, weld into/together, splice, bundle, pool, band, bind + Nombre + together, knit, knit, federate, conjoin, cement.Ex: You have attempted to aggregate the UDC class number incorrectly.
Ex: BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.Ex: Plainly, it is not always the case that there is a connection between farming and spelling, and many other documents can be identified where these subjects are not connected.Ex: A portfolio is a container for holding loose materials, e.g. paintings, drawings, papers, unbound sections of a book, and similar materials, consisting of two covers joined together at the back.Ex: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex: At that time OCLC was already going strong, and we tried to find some backing from the State of New York and possibly from the federal government to marry those two systems.Ex: There is no question of stringing together simple concepts in a preferred citation order to produce a single index description of the summarized subject content of a document.Ex: It has become increasingly difficult to unite both categories in one union and demands for a trade union of library employees have been raised.Ex: The confounding of opposites is also common though, again, care has to be taken to see that we do not confound two subjects on which extensive literature exists.Ex: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex: The Department of Trade and Industry has undergone many changes over the years; it has been split into two separate departments and welded together again.Ex: A filmloop is a short length of film enclosed in a cassette and with the end of the film spliced on to the beginning so that it requires no rewinding.Ex: CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex: The author advises banding retention policies to focus on a few clear options.Ex: People value the public library highly as an educational and community resource and the library acts as an 'information junction' to bind the community together.Ex: I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex: I want to knit that to another Internet format, which is the Web log -- the 'blog'.Ex: The usefulness of the many online periodicals and scientific digital libraries that exist today is limited by the inability to federate these resources through a unified interface.Ex: The grotesque is an effect achieved by conjoining disparate framents which do not realistically belong together.Ex: An in-house bulletin may serve to cement firm relationships with the library's personnel.* conseguir unir = rally.* unir a = tie (to), couple with.* unir esfuerzos = join + hands.* unir fuerzas = join + forces, pool + forces.* unir inextricablemente = interweave.* unir mediante espigas = tenon.* unir mediante hiperenlaces = hotlink [hot-link].* unir mediante mortaja = mortise.* unirse = come together, partner, bond, stand up as + one.* unirse a = ally with, join, hop on, join + Posesivo + ranks.* unirse a una conversación = chime in.* unirse en matrimonio = tie + the knot.* unir sin solapar = butt together.* volverse a unir a = rejoin.* * *unir [I1 ]vtA1«persona»: unió los trozos con un pegamento she stuck the pieces together with glueunió los cables con cinta aislante he joined the wires with insulating tapeha unido dos estilos muy diferentes he has combined two very different stylesunamos nuestros esfuerzos let us combine our efforts2 «sentimientos/intereses» to unitelos unía el deseo de … they were united by their desire to …los une su afición al deporte their love of sport binds them together o acts as a bond between them o unites themel amor que nos une the love which unites usunida sentimentalmente a … ( period); romantically involved with …3 ‹características/cualidades› unir algo A algo to combine sth WITH sthune a su inteligencia una gran madurez he combines intelligence with great maturityB (comunicar) to linkla nueva carretera une los dos pueblos the new road links the two townsel puente aéreo que une las dos ciudades the shuttle service which runs between o links the two citiesC ‹salsa› to mix■ unirseA1 (aliarse) «personas/colectividades» to join togetherse unieron para hacer un frente común they joined forces o united in a common causelos dos países se unieron en una federación the two countries joined together to form a federationse unieron en matrimonio they were married, they were joined in matrimony ( frml)varias empresas se unieron para formar un consorcio several companies joined together o came together o combined to form a consortiumunirse A algo:se unió a nuestra causa he joined our cause2 «características/cualidades» to combineen él se unen la ambición y el orgullo ambition and pride come together o combine in him, he combines ambition with pridea su belleza se une una gran simpatía her beauty is combined with a very likable personalityB (juntarse) «caminos» to converge, meetdonde el tráfico del oeste se une con el del norte where traffic from the west converges with o meets traffic from the north* * *
unir ( conjugate unir) verbo transitivo
(con cola, pegamento) to stick … together;
‹ esfuerzos› to combine
unir algo a algo to combine sth with sth
2 ( comunicar) ‹ lugares› to link
3 ( fusionar) ‹empresas/organizaciones› to merge
unirse verbo pronominal
1 ( aliarse) [personas/colectividades] to join together;
2 ( juntarse) [ caminos] to converge, meet
3 ( fusionarse) [empresas/organizaciones] to merge
unir verbo transitivo
1 (cables, conexiones) to join, unite
2 (esfuerzos, intereses) to join
(asociar, fusionar) unieron sus empresas, they merged their companies
3 (comunicar) to link: ese camino une las dos aldeas, that path links the two villages
' unir' also found in these entries:
- casar
- empalmar
- fundir
- juntar
- ligar
- remachar
- vincular
- cement
- connect
- couple
- join
- join up
- link
- neither
- screw together
- stick together
- unite
- yoke
- amalgamate
- bring
- marry
- reunite
- splice
- unify
* * *♦ vt1. [juntar] [pedazos, piezas, habitaciones] to join;[empresas, estados, facciones] to unite; Informát [archivos] to merge;unió los dos palos con una cuerda he joined o tied the two sticks with a piece of string;debemos unir fuerzas we must combine forcesles une una fuerte amistad they are very close friends, they share a very close friendship;les une su pasión por la música they share a passion for music;los lazos que nos unen the ties that bind us;Formalunir a dos personas en (santo) matrimonio to join two people in (holy) matrimony3. [comunicar] [ciudades, terminales, aparatos] to connect, to link;la línea férrea que une la capital a o [m5] con la costa the railway o US railroad between o which links the capital and the coast4. [combinar] to combine;en su obra une belleza y técnica her work combines beauty with technique;unir algo a algo [añadir] to add sth to sth;a la desinformación hay que unir también el desinterés de la gente in addition to the lack of information, we have to take into account people's lack of interest5. [mezclar] to mix o blend in;una la mantequilla con el azúcar cream together the butter and the sugar* * *v/t1 join2 personas unite3 características combine ( con with)4 ciudades link* * *unir vt1) juntar: to unite, to join, to link2) combinar: to combine, to blend* * *unir vb1. (juntar) to join2. (comunicar) to link3. (relacionar) to unite -
9 combinar
v.1 to combine.combina lo práctico con lo barato it is both practical and cheapElla combina minerales She combines minerals.Ella combina trabajo y placer She combines business with pleasure.Ella combina posibilidades She permutes possibilities.2 to mix (bebidas).3 to match (colores).4 to arrange, to organize.5 to bind.* * *1 (gen) to combine2 (disponer) to arrange, plan3 QUÍMICA to combine1 (ponerse de acuerdo) to get together* * *verb1) to combine2) match•* * *1. VT1) [+ esfuerzos, movimientos] to combine; [+ colores] to match, mix2) [+ plan, proyecto] to devise, work out2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivoa) < ingredientes> to combine, mix togetherb) < colores> to put togethercombinar algo con algo: combinar el rojo con el violeta to put red and purple together; no puedes combinar esa falda con ese jersey — you can't wear that skirt with that sweater
c) (Quím) to combined) ( reunir) to combine2.combinar vi colores/ropa to go together3.combinarse v prona) personas ( ponerse de acuerdo)b) (Quím) to combine* * *= bridge, combine (together), link, marry, perform + combination, pick and mix, coalesce, blend, mix and match, piece together, concatenate, conflate, mingle (with), mesh, bundle, federate, couple, mix, mash up, conjoin, conjugate, commingle.Ex. BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.Ex. Search aids are available in the form of logical statements which combine terms in order to be able to trace subjects according to a more specific document profile.Ex. These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex. At that time OCLC was already going strong, and we tried to find some backing from the State of New York and possibly from the federal government to marry those two systems.Ex. If a search involves more than a single term, the system searches for each term separately, and reports intermediate results before performing the combination.Ex. Modular courses are already in place from which a student can pick and mix.Ex. Mayo's conclusion was that 'the singling out of certain groups of employees for special attention had the effect of coalescing previously indifferent individuals into cohesive groups with a high degree of group ride or esprit-de-corps'.Ex. In her last appraisal they had observed how she blended many attractive personal qualities with intelligence, energy, and determination.Ex. It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.Ex. During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex. Individual files are concatenated to allow a full Boolean search to all files simultaneously.Ex. Authors did not always read proofs; revises might be omitted and routines conflated.Ex. Not so long ago, the far off lands existed, to most people, in their imagination where they mingled with fairy tales and imaginary stories.Ex. Meshing together the many means of communication remains the central task of libraries and this task continues to require financial support = La tarea central de las bibliotecas sigue siendo la de combinar los númerosos medios de comunicación, algo que continúa necesitando apoyo económico.Ex. CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex. The usefulness of the many online periodicals and scientific digital libraries that exist today is limited by the inability to federate these resources through a unified interface.Ex. The author describes a model for coupling hypertext and a knowledge based system.Ex. Plaster was mixed with water and poured over the type, and allowed to set; when it had hardened it was lifted off the page (the oil preventing it from sticking to the type), and baked hard in an oven.Ex. The name comes from pop music, where DJs have made a hobby out of mashing up multiple, disparate songs to create new sounds.Ex. The grotesque is an effect achieved by conjoining disparate framents which do not realistically belong together.Ex. The problema can be solved by conjugating two bare hard disks.Ex. By mixing the marital property (your paycheck) with the separate property (your inheritance), you have ' commingled' them, and they cannot be considered separate property anymore.----* combinar Algo con Algo = marry + Nombre + with + Nombre.* combinar con = intersperse with.* combinar en = meld (in/into).* combinar intereses = bridge + interests.* que combina diferentes tipos de re = multi-source [multi source].* volver a combinar = recombine [re-combine].* * *1.verbo transitivoa) < ingredientes> to combine, mix togetherb) < colores> to put togethercombinar algo con algo: combinar el rojo con el violeta to put red and purple together; no puedes combinar esa falda con ese jersey — you can't wear that skirt with that sweater
c) (Quím) to combined) ( reunir) to combine2.combinar vi colores/ropa to go together3.combinarse v prona) personas ( ponerse de acuerdo)b) (Quím) to combine* * *= bridge, combine (together), link, marry, perform + combination, pick and mix, coalesce, blend, mix and match, piece together, concatenate, conflate, mingle (with), mesh, bundle, federate, couple, mix, mash up, conjoin, conjugate, commingle.Ex: BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.
Ex: Search aids are available in the form of logical statements which combine terms in order to be able to trace subjects according to a more specific document profile.Ex: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.Ex: At that time OCLC was already going strong, and we tried to find some backing from the State of New York and possibly from the federal government to marry those two systems.Ex: If a search involves more than a single term, the system searches for each term separately, and reports intermediate results before performing the combination.Ex: Modular courses are already in place from which a student can pick and mix.Ex: Mayo's conclusion was that 'the singling out of certain groups of employees for special attention had the effect of coalescing previously indifferent individuals into cohesive groups with a high degree of group ride or esprit-de-corps'.Ex: In her last appraisal they had observed how she blended many attractive personal qualities with intelligence, energy, and determination.Ex: It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.Ex: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex: Individual files are concatenated to allow a full Boolean search to all files simultaneously.Ex: Authors did not always read proofs; revises might be omitted and routines conflated.Ex: Not so long ago, the far off lands existed, to most people, in their imagination where they mingled with fairy tales and imaginary stories.Ex: Meshing together the many means of communication remains the central task of libraries and this task continues to require financial support = La tarea central de las bibliotecas sigue siendo la de combinar los númerosos medios de comunicación, algo que continúa necesitando apoyo económico.Ex: CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex: The usefulness of the many online periodicals and scientific digital libraries that exist today is limited by the inability to federate these resources through a unified interface.Ex: The author describes a model for coupling hypertext and a knowledge based system.Ex: Plaster was mixed with water and poured over the type, and allowed to set; when it had hardened it was lifted off the page (the oil preventing it from sticking to the type), and baked hard in an oven.Ex: The name comes from pop music, where DJs have made a hobby out of mashing up multiple, disparate songs to create new sounds.Ex: The grotesque is an effect achieved by conjoining disparate framents which do not realistically belong together.Ex: The problema can be solved by conjugating two bare hard disks.Ex: By mixing the marital property (your paycheck) with the separate property (your inheritance), you have ' commingled' them, and they cannot be considered separate property anymore.* combinar Algo con Algo = marry + Nombre + with + Nombre.* combinar con = intersperse with.* combinar en = meld (in/into).* combinar intereses = bridge + interests.* que combina diferentes tipos de re = multi-source [multi source].* volver a combinar = recombine [re-combine].* * *combinar [A1 ]vt1 ‹ingredientes› to combine, mix together2 ‹colores› to put togetherno se puede combinar esos dos colores you can't put those two colors togetherno sabe combinar la ropa he isn't very good at coordinating clothescombinar algo CON algo:me gusta la falda pero no tengo con qué combinarla I like the skirt but I have nothing to wear with it o to go with it¿a quién se le ocurre combinar el rojo con el violeta? how could you think of putting red and purple together?no puedes combinar esa falda con ese jersey you can't wear that skirt with that sweater3 ( Quím) to combine4 (reunir) to combine■ combinarvi«colores/ropa»: combinar CON algo; to go WITH sthquiero un bolso que combine con estos zapatos I want a bag that goes with o to go with these shoes1«personas» (ponerse de acuerdo): se combinaron para sorprenderlo they got together to give him a surprisese combinaron para gastarle una broma they got together o ganged up to play a trick on himnos combinamos para estar allí a las seis we all arranged to be there at six2 ( Quím) to combine* * *
combinar ( conjugate combinar) verbo transitivo
‹ ropa› to coordinate;
verbo intransitivo [colores/ropa] to go together;
combinar con algo to go with sth
combinar verbo transitivo, to combine, mix: hay que saber combinar estos dos sabores, you need to know how to best combine these two flavours
' combinar' also found in these entries:
- entonar
- ir
- mezclar
- pegar
- compaginar
- salir
- sintetizar
- combine
- match
- merge
- coordinate
- go
- mix
* * *♦ vt1. [unir, mezclar] to combine;combina lo práctico con lo barato it is both practical and cheap2. [bebidas] to mix3. [colores] to match4. [planificar] to arrange, to organize;combinan sus horarios para que siempre haya alguien en casa they arrange the hours they work so there's always somebody at home5. Mat to permute6. Quím to combine♦ vi[colores, ropa]combinar con to go with;no tengo nada que combine con estos pantalones I haven't got anything to go o that goes with these trousers* * *v/t combine* * *combinar vt1) unir: to combine, to mix together2) : to match, to put together* * *combinar vb1. (en general) to combine2. (tener armonía) to match / to go with -
10 impressionato
photography exposedimpressionato favorevolmente (favourably) impressed* * *impressionato agg.1 (colpito) struck; (turbato) shocked, upset; disturbed: rimase impressionato dalla sua magrezza, he was shocked at how thin she was; rimase bene impressionato dalla giovane donna, he was impressed by the young woman2 (commosso) moved, touched3 (spaventato) frightened4 (fot.) exposed: bene, male impressionato, well, badly exposed.* * *[impressjo'nato] 1.participio passato impressionare2.1) (colpito) impressed (da by, with)2) (scioccato) horrified, disturbed3) fot. [ pellicola] exposed* * *impressionato/impressjo'nato/II aggettivo1 (colpito) impressed (da by, with); sono molto impressionato dal tuo lavoro I'm very impressed with your work2 (scioccato) horrified, disturbed3 fot. [ pellicola] exposed. -
11 impresión
f.1 impression, idea, feeling, vague idea.2 impression, printing, print, mark.3 computer printout, printout.4 edition, number printed.* * *1 (en imprenta) printing2 (huella) impression, imprint■ en una entrevista es importante causar buena impresión in an interview it's important to create a good impression■ el día en que lo conocí me llevé muy mala impresión my first impression of him was not very favourable4 (opinión) impression\cambiar impresiones to compare notesde impresión familiar amazing* * *noun f.1) feeling, impression2) printing* * *SF1) (=sensación) impression¿qué impresión te produjo? — what was your impression of it?
cambiar impresiones — to exchange views•
causar (una) buena impresión a algn, hacer buena impresión a algn — [persona] to make a good impression on sb; [actividad, ciudad] to impress sb•
dar la impresión de, da la impresión de ser un autor maduro — he appears to be a mature authorme da la impresión de que... — I get the impression that...
de impresión — Esp * fabulous *¡estabas de impresión con ese vestido! — you looked fabulous in that dress! *
intercambiar impresiones — to exchange views•
primera impresión — first impression•
tener la impresión de que... — to have the impression that...2) (=susto) shock3) (=huella) imprintimpresión dactilar, impresión digital — fingerprint
4) (Tip) (=acción) printing; (=resultado) print; (=tirada) print runla impresión es tan mala que resulta difícil de leer — the print is so bad that it's difficult to read
una impresión de 5.000 ejemplares — a print run of 5,000 copies
impresión en color(es) — colour printing, color printing (EEUU)
5) (Inform) (=acción) printing; (=resultado) printout6) (Fot) print7) (Bio, Psic) imprinting* * *1)a) (idea, sensación) impressionnos causó or nos hizo muy buena impresión — he made a very good impression on us
me da/tengo la impresión de que me está mintiendo — I have a feeling he's lying to me
b) ( sensación desagradable)2)c) ( huella) imprint•* * *1)a) (idea, sensación) impressionnos causó or nos hizo muy buena impresión — he made a very good impression on us
me da/tengo la impresión de que me está mintiendo — I have a feeling he's lying to me
b) ( sensación desagradable)2)c) ( huella) imprint•* * *impresión11 = excitement, impression, perception, shock, illusion.Nota: Falso amigo.Ex: If done effectively, displays can add interest and even excitement to the process of information discovery.
Ex: This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.Ex: Nevertheless, citation indexes do seek to link documents according to their content (or at least the perception of their content held by the author of the source work).Ex: The shock of Sputnik precipitated a near-frantic concern about our technological complacency, sending the country into a crash program of science education and space exploration in order to regain a lost prestige.Ex: A motion picture is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.* causar buena impresión = impress, come across.* causar impresión = make + impression.* causar una buena primera impresión = make + a good first impression.* causar una impresión = leave + an impression, make + an impression.* causar una primera impresión = make + a first impression.* crear una buena impresión en = make + a good impression on.* dar la impresión = convey + impression, strike + Pronombre Personal, give + the impression that, confer + impression, come off as.* dar la impresión de = contrive, conjure up + a picture of, come across as.* dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo = appear + businesslike.* dar mala impresión = look + bad.* dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.* dar una impresión = make + an impression, leave + an impression, present + an image.* dar una impresión de = give + an impression of.* dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.* dejar una impresión = leave with + the impression, leave + an impression, leave + an imprint, make + an impression.* impresión duradera = lasting impression.* impresión imborrable = indelible impression.* no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.* obtener una impresión = gain + picture.* primera impresión = first impression.* sacar una impresión = gain + picture.* tener la impresión = have + the impression, get + the impression.* tener la impresión de que = get + the feeling that.impresión22 = impression, printing, blowback.Nota: Específicamente, de documento o imagen que ha sido convertido a formato electrónico.Ex: An impression consists of all those copies of an edition printed at one time.
Ex: In the process of the search, prior to display or printing, the computer ranks references according to their weighting.Ex: Blowback refers to the practice of printing electronic documents to paper (blowing them back to tangible form).* cabeza de impresión = print head.* cadena de impresión = print chain.* cola de impresión = print queue.* correr la impresión = slur + impression.* en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.* equipo de impresión = press crew.* etapa anterior a la impresión = prepress [pre-press].* fase anterior a la impresión = prepress phase.* fecha de impresión = imprint date.* forma de impresión = composing frame, forme, plate.* gestor de colas de impresión = print spooler.* impresión a chorros de tinta = ink-jet printing.* impresión a color = colour printing.* impresión de libros = book-printing.* impresión de noticias = news-printing.* impresión de tamaño reducido = microprint, microprinting.* impresión en línea = online print.* impresión en oro = gold tooling.* impresión en papel = print on paper.* impresión en plancha de madera = woodblock printing.* impresión en seco = blind tooling, blind impression.* impresión fuera de línea = offline print.* impresión manual = hand-printing.* impresión mecánica = machine printing.* impresión offset litográfica = offset litho.* impresión por láser = laser printing.* impresión tipográfica = letterpress.* letra cuya impresión en papel no está completa = broken letter.* lugar de impresión = place of printing.* margarita de impresión = print wheel.* permiso de impresión = imprimatur.* petición de impresión = print request.* plancha de cobre para la impresión en huecograbado = intaglio copperplate.* plancha de impresión = plate, printing plate.* plancha de impresión de cobre = copperplate.* plancha de impresión de latón = pewter plate.* plancha de impresión en relieve de cobre = engraved copper plate.* plancha de impresión litográfica = lithographic plate.* proceso de impresión = printing process.* puntura de impresión = press point.* sala de impresión = press room [pressroom].* servicio de impresión = offline print facility.* superficie de impresión = printing surface.* taller de impresión = print shop, printing firm, printing house.* tarifa de impresión = print charge.* terminal de impresión = typewriter terminal.* trabajo de impresión = bookwork.* trabajo de impresión de material efímero = ephemeral jobbing.* trabajos de impresión de material efímero = jobbing work.* * *A1 (idea, sensación) impressionda la impresión de ser demasiado ancho it looks (as if it might be) too widenos causó or nos hizo muy buena impresión he made a very good impression on us, we were very impressed with himme da/tengo la impresión de que me está mintiendo I have a feeling o an idea he's lying to me, I get the impression o feeling he's lying to meno tuvimos oportunidad de cambiar impresiones we didn't get a chance to compare notes o talk about it2(sensación desagradable): tocar el pescado me da impresión handling fish turns my stomachver sangre le daba impresión she couldn't stand the sight of bloodel agua está tan fría que da impresión al entrar the water's so cold, it's a bit of a shock when you first get inB3 (de un disco) pressing4 (huella) imprintla impresión de un pie en la arena a footprint in the sandCompuestos:fingerprintfour-color* printingmulticolor* printing* * *
impresión sustantivo femenino
nos causó or nos hizo muy buena impresión he made a very good impression on us;
me da/tengo la impresión de que me está mintiendo I have a feeling he's lying to me;
cambiar impresiones to exchange ideasb) ( sensación desagradable):
impresión sustantivo femenino
1 Impr (acto) printing
(edición) edition
2 (marca, señal) impression, imprint
3 fig (efecto, emoción) impression
causar buena/mala impresión, to make a good/bad impression
(impacto desagradable) shock
4 fig (opinión) impression: quería saber mi impresión sobre su nuevo marido, she wanted to know what I thought of her new husband
♦ Locuciones: cambiar impresiones, to exchange impressions
familiar de impresión, impressive: tienen una casa de impresión, they've got an impressive house
' impresión' also found in these entries:
- causar
- choque
- darse
- deslumbrar
- efecto
- espanto
- estela
- hacer
- imagen
- lastimosa
- lastimoso
- morrocotuda
- morrocotudo
- negativa
- negativo
- parecer
- sacudida
- shock
- sonar
- chocante
- dejo
- impresionar
- saber
- sensación
- susto
- visceral
- feel
- feeling
- idea
- impact
- impression
- letter-quality
- printing
- sharp
- come
- illusion
- impress
- overall
- sound
- strike
* * *impresión nf1. [efecto] impression;causar (una) buena/mala impresión to make a good/bad impression;dar la impresión de to give the impression of;me dio la impresión de que estaban enfadados I got the impression they were annoyed;le dio mucha impresión ver el cadáver seeing the body was a real shock to him;me causó mucha impresión esa película that film had a great effect on meDep impresión artística artistic impression2. [opinión]me gustaría conocer tu impresión del tema I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the issue;tener la impresión de que to have the impression that;cambiar impresiones to compare notes, to exchange viewsme di un susto de impresión I got a hell of a fright;tiene una casa de impresión he has an incredible o amazing house4. [huella] imprintimpresión dactilar fingerprint;impresión digital fingerprint[edición] edition;una impresión de lujo a de-luxe edition;impresión en color colour printing;impresión a una/dos caras one-/two-sided printingInformát impresión subordinada background printing* * *f1 impression;causar impresión make an impression;causar buena impresión make a good impression2:la sangre le da impresión he can’t stand the sight of blood3 acto printing;impresión en color color printing, Br colour printing4 ( tirada) print run* * *1) : print, printing2) : impression, feeling* * *1. (efecto) impression2. (alteración) shock3. (sensación) feeling -
12 juntar
v.1 to put together.poco a poco ha juntado una valiosa colección de cuadros she has gradually put together a valuable collection of paintingsjuntaron todos los departamentos en un solo edificio they brought all the departments together in a single building2 to join, to connect, to piece together, to put together.Elsa junta los cables Elsa joins the wires.3 to assemble, to bunch up, to bring together, to combine.Ellos juntaron un equipo ganador They assembled a winning team.4 to gather together, to get together, to pull together.Ellos juntaron varios candidatos They gathered together several candidates* * *2 familiar (coleccionar) to collect3 (reunir - dinero) to raise; (- gente) to gather together1 (unirse) to join, get together; (ríos, caminos) to meet2 (acercarse) to squeeze up■ juntaos un poco que no quepo squeeze up, I can't get in4 (amancebarse) to move in ( con, with), start living together* * *verb1) to unite2) assemble, collect3) gather4) pool•- juntarse- juntarse con* * *1. VT1) (=colocar juntos) to put togetherjuntar dinero — (=ahorrar) to save, save up; (=reunir fondos) to raise funds, fundraise
2) (=reunir) [+ amigos, conocidos] to get together; [+ participantes, concursantes] to bring together¿cómo consiguió el director juntar tantas estrellas en una misma película? — how did the director manage to bring together so many stars o get so many stars together in one film?
la final ha juntado a los dos mejores equipos del mundo — the final has brought together the two best teams in the world
3) (=coleccionar) [+ sellos, objetos] to collect4) (=entornar) [+ puerta, ventana] to push to2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( unir) <pies/manos/camas> to put... togetherb) ( reunir)2.juntar monedas/sellos — (esp AmL) to collect coins/stamps
juntarse v pron1) personasa) ( acercarse) to move o get closer togetherjúntense más, así salen todos en la foto — get (in) o move (in) closer together so I can get you all in the picture
b) ( reunirse) to get togetherjuntarse con alguien — to join somebody, meet up with somebody
c) ( relacionarse)juntarse con alguien: yo no me junto con gente de su calaña I don't mix with her sort; se empezó a juntar con malas compañías — she fell into bad company
d) ( como pareja) to live together2)a) desgracias/sucesos to come togetherb) carreteras/conductos to meet, join* * *= assemble, piece together, bundle, pool, put together.Ex. In this case all the works of a given author will be assembled on the shelf under his/her name as well, so it is not really in conflict and I think there is a misinterpretation.Ex. During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex. CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex. The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex. The way in which this scheme is put together in book form often causes some confusion at first.----* Dios los cría y ellos se juntan = birds of a feather flock together.* juntarse = be together.* juntarse con = kick + it with.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* juntar sin solapar = butt together.* * *1.verbo transitivoa) ( unir) <pies/manos/camas> to put... togetherb) ( reunir)2.juntar monedas/sellos — (esp AmL) to collect coins/stamps
juntarse v pron1) personasa) ( acercarse) to move o get closer togetherjúntense más, así salen todos en la foto — get (in) o move (in) closer together so I can get you all in the picture
b) ( reunirse) to get togetherjuntarse con alguien — to join somebody, meet up with somebody
c) ( relacionarse)juntarse con alguien: yo no me junto con gente de su calaña I don't mix with her sort; se empezó a juntar con malas compañías — she fell into bad company
d) ( como pareja) to live together2)a) desgracias/sucesos to come togetherb) carreteras/conductos to meet, join* * *= assemble, piece together, bundle, pool, put together.Ex: In this case all the works of a given author will be assembled on the shelf under his/her name as well, so it is not really in conflict and I think there is a misinterpretation.
Ex: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex: CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Ex: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Ex: The way in which this scheme is put together in book form often causes some confusion at first.* Dios los cría y ellos se juntan = birds of a feather flock together.* juntarse = be together.* juntarse con = kick + it with.* juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comer = made for each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.* juntar sin solapar = butt together.* * *juntar [A1 ]vt1 (unir) ‹pies/manos/camas› to put … togethersi juntamos dos mesas, cabremos todos if we put two tables together we'll all be able to fit roundcomo faltó un profesor, juntaron dos clases one teacher was away so they combined two classes o put two classes togetherjunta los verdes con los azules put the green ones and the blue ones together2(reunir): junta las fichas y ponlas en la caja collect up the counters and put them in the boxtendrás que juntar fuerzas para decírselo you'll have to pluck up courage to tell himestán juntando (dinero) para el viaje they are saving (up) for the tripme va a llevar tiempo juntar el dinero it's going to take me some time to get the money together o to raise the moneyjunta monedas/sellos ( esp AmL); she collects coins/stamps3(cerrar): junta la puerta push the door to■ juntarseA «personas»1 (acercarse) to move o get closer togetherjúntense más, así salen todos en la foto get (in) o move (in) closer together so I can get you all in the picture2 (reunirse) to get togethertenemos que juntarnos un día para tomar una copa we must get together for a drink one of these daysse juntó con nosotros en Caracas he met up with us o joined us in Caracasnos juntamos para comprarle un regalo we got o ( BrE) clubbed together to buy her a present¡vaya dos que se han juntado! what a pair!3 (relacionarse) juntarse CON algn:yo no me junto con gente de su calaña I don't mix with her sortse empezó a juntar con malas compañías she fell into bad companyno me junto más contigo ( leng infantil); I'm not playing with you any more4(como pareja): no se podían casar, así que se juntaron they couldn't get married so they started living togetherse volvieron a juntar they got back together againB1 «desgracias/sucesos» to come together¡este mes se nos ha juntado todo! this month it's just been one thing after anotherse juntó el accidente del niño con lo de la mudanza their son's accident came right on top of the move o came just as they were moving house2 «carreteras/conductos» to meet, join* * *
juntar ( conjugate juntar) verbo transitivo
‹ dinero› to save (up);◊ juntar sellos (esp AmL) to collect stamps
juntarse verbo pronominal
1 [ personas]
c) ( como pareja) to live together;
juntar verbo transitivo
1 (unir) to join, put together: juntaremos las sillas, we'll put the chairs together
(ensamblar) to assemble
2 (reunir a personas) quiere juntar a toda la familia, she wants to get all her family together
(reunir animales) to round up
4 (coleccionar) to collect
5 (una cantidad de dinero) to raise
' juntar' also found in these entries:
- reunir
- amontonar
- connect
- gather
- join
- join up
- piece together
- pool
- put together
- throw together
- collect
- hoard
- piece
- put
* * *♦ vt1. [unir] to put together;junta los pies put your feet together;como no cabíamos todos, decidimos juntar las mesas as we didn't all fit, we decided to push the tables together;junté los cables con cinta aislante I tied the wires together with some insulating tape2. [reunir] to put together;[cromos, sellos, monedas] to collect; [fondos] to raise; [personas] to bring together;poco a poco ha juntado una valiosa colección de cuadros she has gradually put together a valuable collection of paintings;he ido juntando dinero todo el año para las vacaciones I've been saving up all year for my Br holidays o US vacation;juntaron todos los departamentos en un solo edificio they brought all the departments together in a single building* * *v/t1 put together; bienes collect, accumulate2 gente gather together* * *juntar vt1) unir: to unite, to combine, to put together2) reunir: to collect, to gather together, to assemble3) : to close partwayjuntar la puerta: to leave the door ajar* * *juntar vb2. (unir) to join together3. (reunir) to get together -
13 convencer
v.to convince.convencer a alguien de algo to convince somebody of somethinglo convencí para que me dejara ir a la fiesta I convinced o persuaded him to let me go to the party* * *1 (de algo) to convince; (para hacer algo) to persuade■ me han convencido para ir a un restaurante japonés they've persuaded me to go to a Japanese restaurant2 familiar (en frases negativas) to like, be keen on1 to be convincing■ el equipo local no convenció con su actuación the local team's performance was not very convincing1 to become convinced, be convinced, convince oneself* * *verbto convince, persuade* * *1. VT1)convencer a algn (de algo) — to convince sb (of sth), persuade sb (of sth)
me convencieron de su inocencia — they convinced o persuaded me he was innocent o of his innocence
al final la convencí de que era verdad — I eventually convinced o persuaded her it was true
no me convenceréis de lo contrario — you won't convince o persuade me otherwise
2)convencer a algn (de o para hacer algo) — to persuade sb (to do sth)
me han convencido de o para que los vote — they persuaded me to vote for them
no iba a salir, pero al final me convencieron — I wasn't going to go out, but in the end they persuaded me (to)
3) (=satisfacer)no nos convence del todo la propuesta — we are not entirely convinced about the proposal, the proposal is not entirely convincing
ninguno de los dos candidatos me convence — neither of the two candidates seems very convincing o good to me
su último disco no me convence nada — I'm not very impressed with her latest record, her latest record doesn't do much for me
parece buena gente, pero no me acaba de convencer — he seems nice enough but I'm not too sure about him
2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) (de hecho, idea) to convinceno se dejó convencer — she wouldn't be convinced o persuaded
b) ( para hacer algo) to persuade2.convencer a alguien para or de que + subj — to persuade somebody to + inf
convencerse v pronconvéncete, estás equivocado! — believe me, you're wrong!
¿te convences de que tenía razón? — do you believe o accept I was right?
* * *= convince, persuade, sell + idea, sell + notion, win over, coax.Ex. I am convinced, from my experience in an undergraduate library, that subject cataloging is as important as descriptive, and that all library users are serious library users.Ex. Teachers of other subjects should also be drawn in to persuade their pupils that life-long use of libraries would also contribute to the country's scientific and technological advancement.Ex. The author outlines some methods of selling to adolescent pupils the idea of reading fiction for fun.Ex. We are having to undertake a programme of effectively selling the notion to various schools within the university, to ensure some acceptance of ejournals when they duly arrive.Ex. It is the latest incentive being offered to attract the Web user and win over their loyalty of custom.Ex. Quite clearly there could be no hope of coaxing such a variety of users into a uniform behaviour pattern.----* convencer a Alguien = prevail on/upon + Alguien.* convencer a Alguien de que haga Algo = talk + Nombre + into.* estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.* estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.* estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.* intentar convencer = work on + Persona.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) (de hecho, idea) to convinceno se dejó convencer — she wouldn't be convinced o persuaded
b) ( para hacer algo) to persuade2.convencer a alguien para or de que + subj — to persuade somebody to + inf
convencerse v pronconvéncete, estás equivocado! — believe me, you're wrong!
¿te convences de que tenía razón? — do you believe o accept I was right?
* * *= convince, persuade, sell + idea, sell + notion, win over, coax.Ex: I am convinced, from my experience in an undergraduate library, that subject cataloging is as important as descriptive, and that all library users are serious library users.
Ex: Teachers of other subjects should also be drawn in to persuade their pupils that life-long use of libraries would also contribute to the country's scientific and technological advancement.Ex: The author outlines some methods of selling to adolescent pupils the idea of reading fiction for fun.Ex: We are having to undertake a programme of effectively selling the notion to various schools within the university, to ensure some acceptance of ejournals when they duly arrive.Ex: It is the latest incentive being offered to attract the Web user and win over their loyalty of custom.Ex: Quite clearly there could be no hope of coaxing such a variety of users into a uniform behaviour pattern.* convencer a Alguien = prevail on/upon + Alguien.* convencer a Alguien de que haga Algo = talk + Nombre + into.* estar convencido = there + be + strong feeling.* estar convencido de la idea de que = be committed to the idea that.* estar muy convencido de = have + strong feelings about.* intentar convencer = work on + Persona.* * *convencer [E2 ]vtA1 (de un hecho, una idea) to convinceno se dejó convencer she wouldn't be convinced o persuadedconvencer a algn DE algo to convince sb OF sthla convenció de la necesidad de tomar medidas he convinced her of the need to take actionno logré convencerlo de lo contrario I couldn't persuade him otherwiselos convencí de que hablaba en serio I persuaded o convinced them that I was seriousel artículo me convenció de que era verdad lo que se rumoreaba the article convinced me that the rumors were trueme costó convencerla de que no tenía razón I had difficulty convincing her that she was wrong2 (para hacer algo) to persuadeyo no quería ir pero mi hermana me convenció I didn't want to go but my sister persuaded me to o persuaded me o talked me into itconvencer a algn PARA or DE QUE + SUBJ to persuade sb to + INFa ver si la convences para que nos dé las llaves do you think you can talk her into giving us o persuade her to give us the keys?no logramos convencerlo de que apoyara nuestra moción we couldn't persuade him to support our motion, we couldn't convince him that he should support our motionno pude convencerlo de que me prestara dinero I couldn't persuade him to lend me any moneyB ( en frases negativas)(satisfacer): es simpático, pero no me acaba de convencer he's nice enough but there's something about him I don't like o something about him I'm not sure aboutno me convence del todo la idea I'm not absolutely sure o completely convinced about the ideala explicación que dio no convenció a nadie his explanation wasn't at all convincingme cuesta decidirme porque ninguno me convence demasiado I can't decide because I'm not really sure about any of them o because none of them is really what I was afterserá muy buena actriz, pero en ese papel no me convence she may be a very good actress, but I don't like her in that rolese lo he dicho mil veces pero no se convence I've told him hundreds of times but he won't be convinced o he won't believe it¡convéncete, estás equivocado! believe me, you're wrong!convencerse DE algo:¿ahora te convences de que tenía razón? now do you believe I was right?te tienes que convencer de que tu madre tiene razón you have to accept that your mother is right* * *
convencer ( conjugate convencer) verbo transitivo
la convencí de que estaba equivocada I convinced her that she was wrong
no pude convencerlo de que or para que me prestara dinero I couldn't persuade him to lend me any money
su explicación no convenció a nadie his explanation wasn't at all convincing
convencerse verbo pronominal
to be convinced;◊ ¿te convenciste? are you convinced?;
convencerse de algo to accept sth;
¿te convences de que tenía razón? do you believe o accept I was right?
convencer verbo transitivo
1 (una idea) to convince
2 (persuadir) la convencimos para que fuera al médico, we persuaded her to go to the doctor's
3 (satisfacer) el peinado no me convence, I'm not sure about the hairstyle
' convencer' also found in these entries:
- enredar
- trabajarse
- nomás
bring round
- coax
- come round
- convince
- get round
- impress
- persuade
- prevail
- put off
- reason
- satisfy
- sway
- talk
- win over
- assure
- budge
- cajole
- come
* * *♦ vt1. [persuadir] to convince;si convenzo a mi hermano, iré con su moto I'll take my brother's motorbike, if I can persuade him to lend me it o if I can talk him into lending me it;convencer a alguien de algo to convince sb of sth;no la convencieron de que era la mejor idea they were unable to convince o persuade her that it was the best idea;lo convencí para que me dejara ir a la fiesta I convinced o persuaded him to let me go to the party;quisimos animarle a que viniera con nosotros, pero no se dejó convencer we tried to encourage him to come with us but were unable to convince him2. [satisfacer]me convence esta lavadora, la voy a comprar I like the sound of this washing machine, I'm going to buy it;su última película no ha convencido a la crítica her latest movie o Br film didn't impress the critics, the critics didn't think much of her latest movie o Br film;esta manera de hacer las cosas no me convence lo más mínimo I'm not at all sure that this is the right way to go about it;es barato, pero no me acaba de convencer o [m5] no me convence del todo it's certainly cheap, but I'm not too sure about it;tus amigos no me convencen I'm not too keen on your friends♦ visu explicación no convenció his explanation wasn't convincing;allá donde va, convence wherever she goes, she creates a good impression;a pesar de ganar, el equipo no convenció although they won, the team failed to impress* * *v/t convince* * *convencer {86} vt: to convince, to persuade* * *convencer vb1. (de algo) to convince2. (persuadir) to persuade3. (agradar) to like -
14 impress
I 1. ['ɪmpres] сущ.1) штамповкаSyn:2) печать, штемпель; штампSyn:3)а) отпечаток, оттискб) впечатление; след, отпечаток, печать (чего-л.)Syn:2. [ɪm'pres] гл.1)а) клеймить, штемпелевать, штамповатьб) отпечатывать, печататьThe duke impressed his seal on the melted wax. — Герцог вдавил печать в расплавленный воск.
Syn:2) (impress on / upon)а) запечатлевать, оставлять след (в чьём-л. сознании)б) внушать; убеждать (кого-л.)He's always trying to impress on me this thought. — Он всегда старается внушить мне эту мысль.
3) производить впечатление, поражатьdeeply / greatly / highly / strongly impress — глубоко, сильно поражённый
She impressed me as a scholar. — Она поразила меня как учёный.
She impressed me with her grasp of the subject. — Она поразила меня своим пониманием предмета.
She was very impressed by one of the male dancers. — Один из танцоров произвёл на неё сильное впечатление.
II [ɪm'pres] гл.The mother is deeply impressed at his devotion to Jane. — Его привязанность к Джейн производит на маму глубокое впечатление.
1) воен. вербовать силой ( на военную или государственную службу)Syn:2) привлекать, вовлекатьThey had impressed a small school to assist in the performances. — Они привлекли учеников младшей школы для участия в представлениях.
Syn:3) реквизировать ( имущество) -
15 trozo
m.piece (pedazo).hacer algo a trozos to do something bit by bitcortar algo en trozos to cut something into piecespres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: trozar.* * *1 piece, chunk* * *noun m.1) piece, bit, chunk2) fragment* * *SM1) (=pedazo) piece, bit2) (Literat, Mús) passagetrozos escogidos — selected passages, selections
* * *a) (de pan, pastel) piece, bit, slice; (de madera, papel, tela) piece, bit; (de vidrio, cerámica) piece, fragmentb) (Lit, Mús) passage* * *= chunk, length, piece, portion, shred, slice, gobbet, fragment, snippet, morsel, broken piece, hunk.Ex. So there is at least that big chunk of a file which is already a rather coherent catalog.Ex. A motion picture is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.Ex. Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.Ex. An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.Ex. The article ' Shreds and patches: macrostatistics on libraries in the European Community' is a summary of the results of a study to compile economic and statistical data.Ex. A number of identical integrated circuits are usually made side by side on a single slice of silicon.Ex. This material includes case studies, games, and model making kits, each containing a pre-digested gobbet of information.Ex. During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex. Automation in libraries can only provide snippets of information, not knowledge.Ex. The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.Ex. Using charred bits of wood from campfires, broken pieces of clay pots, and stone spearpoints and arrowheads, the archaeologist investigates the past.Ex. This is especially good if you cut a turkey breast in hunks and marinade overnight then grill.----* a trozos = piecewise.* compuesto de trozos = piecewise.* con trozos = piecewise.* cortar en trozos = cut + Nombre + up.* dividir en trozos = split into + bits.* hecho de trozos = piecewise.* trozo de = scrap of.* trozo de carne = cut of meat.* trozo de césped arrancado = divot [divet].* trozo de información = tidbit [titbit, -USA], titbit [tidbit, -UK].* trozo de papel = slip.* trozo de piel = skin.* trozo de tela = strip of cloth.* trozo de vasija = potsherd, potsherd.* trozos = odds and ends, bits and pieces, bits and bobs.* un trozo de = a piece of, a snatch of, a stretch of.* * *a) (de pan, pastel) piece, bit, slice; (de madera, papel, tela) piece, bit; (de vidrio, cerámica) piece, fragmentb) (Lit, Mús) passage* * *= chunk, length, piece, portion, shred, slice, gobbet, fragment, snippet, morsel, broken piece, hunk.Ex: So there is at least that big chunk of a file which is already a rather coherent catalog.
Ex: A motion picture is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.Ex: Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.Ex: An extract is one o more portions of a document selected to represent the whole document.Ex: The article ' Shreds and patches: macrostatistics on libraries in the European Community' is a summary of the results of a study to compile economic and statistical data.Ex: A number of identical integrated circuits are usually made side by side on a single slice of silicon.Ex: This material includes case studies, games, and model making kits, each containing a pre-digested gobbet of information.Ex: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Ex: Automation in libraries can only provide snippets of information, not knowledge.Ex: The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.Ex: Using charred bits of wood from campfires, broken pieces of clay pots, and stone spearpoints and arrowheads, the archaeologist investigates the past.Ex: This is especially good if you cut a turkey breast in hunks and marinade overnight then grill.* a trozos = piecewise.* compuesto de trozos = piecewise.* con trozos = piecewise.* cortar en trozos = cut + Nombre + up.* dividir en trozos = split into + bits.* hecho de trozos = piecewise.* trozo de = scrap of.* trozo de carne = cut of meat.* trozo de césped arrancado = divot [divet].* trozo de información = tidbit [titbit, -USA], titbit [tidbit, -UK].* trozo de papel = slip.* trozo de piel = skin.* trozo de tela = strip of cloth.* trozo de vasija = potsherd, potsherd.* trozos = odds and ends, bits and pieces, bits and bobs.* un trozo de = a piece of, a snatch of, a stretch of.* * *1 (de pan, pastel) piece, bit, slice; (de madera, papel, tela) piece, bit; (de vidrio, cerámica) piece, fragmentcortar la zanahoria en trocitos dice the carrot, chop the carrot into small piecesla pintura me quedó a trozos the paint dried all patchy* * *
trozo sustantivo masculino
(de madera, papel, tela) piece, bit;
(de vidrio, cerámica) piece, fragment;
b) (Lit, Mús) passage
trozo sustantivo masculino piece
' trozo' also found in these entries:
- bocado
- de
- hebra
- jirón
- papel
- parte
- tragar
- algodón
- cortar
- cristal
- fierro
- otro
- palo
- pedazo
- piedra
- cut
- fleck
- flint
- gob
- hunk
- joint
- length
- lump
- nugget
- piece
- slab
- slice
- take
- wedge
- chunk
- fall
- fish
- shred
- snippet
* * *trozo nm1. [de pan, tela, metal] piece;cortar algo en trozos to cut sth into pieces2. [de camino] stretch;hacer algo a trozos to do sth bit by bit3. [de obra] extract;[de película] snippet* * *m piece* * *trozo nm1) pedazo: piece, bit, chunk2) : passage, extract* * *trozo n piece -
16 विश्वामित्रः _viśvāmitrḥ
विश्वामित्रः [विश्वं मित्रं यस्य, विश्वस्य मित्रं वा पूर्वपददीर्घः; P.VI.3.13] N. of a celebrated sage. [He was originally a Kṣatriya, being the king of Kānyakubja and son of Gādhi. One day while out hunting, he went to the hermitage of the great sage Vasiṣṭha, and seeing there the cow of plenty, offered him untold treasures in exchange for it, but being refused he tried to take it by force. A long contest thereupon ensued, in which king Viśvāmitra was signally defeated; and so great was his vexation, and withal so greatly was he impressed with the power inherent in Brāhman- ism that he devoted himself to the most rigorous austerities till he successively got the titles Rājarṣi, Riṣi, Maharṣi, and Brahmarṣi, but he was not con- tented till Vasiṣṭha himself called him by the name Brahmarṣi, which, however, took place after several thousands of years. Viśvāmitra several times tried to excite Vasiṣṭha -- for example by killing his one hund- red sons--but the great sage was not in the least perturbed. His power, even before he finally became a Brahmarśi, was very great, as was seen in his transporting Triśaṅku to the skies, in saving Sunah- śepa from the hands of Indra, in creating things after the style of Brahman &c. &c. He was the compa- nion and counsellor of young Rāma to whom he gave several miraculous missiles.]-Comp. -प्रियः Cocoanut (tree and fruit); L. D. B.-सृष्टिः the thing created by विश्वामित्र (these are several as Palmyra, buffalo, ass &c.). -
17 quedar
v.1 to be left, to remain.¿queda azúcar? is there any sugar left?nos quedan 100 pesos we have 100 pesos left¿cuánto queda para León? how much farther is it to León?quedan dos vueltas para que termine la carrera there are two laps to go until the end of the racequedar por hacer to remain to be donequeda por fregar el suelo the floor has still to be cleanedAlgo queda Something is left, something remains.Queda un solo carro There is only one car.Eso queda lejos This is far away.2 to remain, to stay.el viaje quedó en proyecto the trip never got beyond the planning stage¡esto no puede o no va a quedar así! I'm not going to let it rest at this!3 to look.te queda un poco corto el traje your suit is a bit too shortquedar bien/mal a alguien to look good/bad on somebodyquedar bien/mal con algo to go well/badly with something4 to be (informal) (estar situado).queda por las afueras it's somewhere on the outskirts¿por dónde queda? whereabouts is it?5 to keep on, to keep.Ella quedó trabajando She kept on working.6 to fit.Esta camisa me queda (bien) This shirts fits (well).Queda bien It fits well.7 to be left with, to have left, to have.Me quedó un dolar solamente I was left with one dollar only.8 to get, to become.Ella quedó alegre She got happy, she became happy.El caso quedó muy claro The case became very clear.9 to leave.Se me quedó mi sombrero I left my hat.10 to act, to perform, to come across, to do one's part.Quedé muy bien en la reunión I acted [did my part] very well at the meeting.11 to be still pending to.Queda pintar It is still pending to paint.12 to be left to be done.13 to be for.Me queda muy difícil It is very difficult for me.14 to make an appointment.* * *1 (permanecer) to remain, stay2 figurado (terminar) to end3 (cita) to arrange to meet4 (resultado de algo) to be■ al morir sus padres quedó solo en la vida when his parents died he was left all alone in the world5 (favorecer) to look, fit■ ¿qué tal me queda? does it suit me?, how does it look on me?6 (estar situado) to be■ ¿por dónde queda? whereabouts is it?7 (restar) to be left, remain8 (faltar) to be, be still9 quedar en (convenir) to agree to10 quedar por + inf not to have been + past participle■ la cama quedó por hacer the bed had not been made, the bed was left unmade■ queda por ver si llegarán a algún acuerdo it remains to be seen whether they will come to some agreement11 quedar + gerundio to be, remain1 (permanecer) to remain, stay, be2 (resultado de algo) to be, remain3 eufemístico (morirse) to die4 (mar, viento) to become calm; (viento) to drop5 quedarse con (retener algo) to keep\ahí quedó la cosa that's the way it was left¿en qué quedamos? so what's it to be?no quedar títere con cabeza familiar to leave nothing intact'Queda de usted atentamente...' (en cartas) "Yours faithfully..."quedar a deber algo to owe somethingquedar alguien bien/mal to make a good/bad impressionquedar como un señor/una señora familiar to create a very good impressionquedarse atrás figurado to be left behindquedarse con alguien familiar to make a fool of somebody, have somebody onquedarse con la boca abierta figurado to be dumbfounded, be stunnedquedarse con las ganas de algo figurado to go without somethingquedarse en blanco to go blankquedarse sin algo to run out of somethingquedarse sin blanca familiar to be brokequedarse tan tranquilo,-a familiar not to bat an eyelidquedar en nada to come to nothing* * *verb1) to remain2) fit, suit3) be left4) suit•- quedarse* * *Para expresiones como quedarse tan ancho, quedarse con las ganas, quedársele grabado algn, quedarse helado, quedarse parado, ver la otra entrada.1. VERBO INTRANSITIVO1) [indicando lugar] to be¿por dónde queda Correos? — where's the post office?
2) [indicando posición]•
quedar [atrás], no quieren quedar atrás en la carrera espacial — they don't want to be left behind {o} fall behind in the space race3) [indicando resultado]a) [con adjetivos, adverbios, locuciones preposicionales, participios]•
quedar [ciego] — to go blind•
quedar [huérfano] — to be orphaned•
quedar [viuda]/[viudo] — to be widowed, lose one's husband/wifeb)• quedar [en] algo, ¿en qué quedó la conversación? — how did the conversation end?
c)• quedar [sin], miles de personas han quedado sin hogar — thousands of people have been left homeless
la reconstrucción del puente ha quedado sin hacer por falta de presupuesto — the rebuilding of the bridge has been abandoned because of a shortage of funds
4) [en el trato, al hablar]•
quedar [bien], regalando flores siempre queda uno bien — taking flowers always makes a good impression•
quedar [mal], nos hiciste quedar mal haciendo esas preguntas — you made us look bad by asking those questions•
quedar [por] algo — to be left looking like sthaunque fue idea de todos, yo quedé por el culpable — although everyone was to blame, it ended up looking as if it was my fault
quedar en [ridículo], ha quedado en ridículo — he ended up looking a foolquería que su marido quedara en ridículo — she wanted to make her husband look a fool, she wanted to show her husband up
5) (=permanecer) to stayquedo a la espera de sus noticias — [en carta] I look forward to hearing from you
6) (=haber todavía) to be left¿queda algo de la cena? — is there any dinner left?
de la ciudad solo queda el castillo — all that remains {o} is left of the city is the castle
se me cayó un poco de vino, pero no ha quedado ninguna mancha — I spilt some wine, but it didn't leave a stain
si a 8 le quito 2, quedan 6 — if I take 2 from 8, I'm left with {o} it leaves 6
quedarle [a algn], ¿le quedan entradas para esta noche? — do you have any tickets left for tonight?•
quedar [a deber] algo — to owe sthno tenía suficiente y tuve que quedarle a deber — I didn't have enough money on me, so I had to owe him
quedan pocos días [para] la fiesta — the party is only a few days away•
quedar [por] hacer, nos queda por pagar la luz — we still have to pay the electricity bill•
no me queda más [remedio] — I have no alternative (left)que no quede —
por mí que no quede, yo he ayudado en lo que he podido — it won't be for want of trying on my part, I helped as much as I could
7) (Educ) [asignatura]8) [ropa] (=ser la talla) to fit; (=sentar) to suit¿qué tal (de grande) te queda el vestido? — does the dress fit you?
no queda bien así/aquí — it doesn't look right like that/here
9)• quedar [en] (=acordar) —
¿quedamos en eso, entonces? — we'll do that, then, all right?
quedar en {o} LAm de hacer algo — to agree to do sth
quedaron en esperar unos días antes de tomar una decisión definitiva — they agreed to wait a few days before taking a final decision
quedar en [que] — to agree that¿en qué quedamos? ¿lo compras o no? — so what's it to be then? are you going to buy it or not?
10) (=citarse) to arrange to meethabíamos quedado, pero no se presentó — we had arranged to meet, but he didn't turn up
¿quedamos a las cuatro? — shall we meet at four?
¿cómo quedamos? — where shall we meet and what time?
quedar [con] algn — to arrange to meet sb¿quedamos con ella en la parada? — shall we meet her at the bus stop?
2.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) (en un estado, una situación)quedar viudo/viuda — to be widowed
quedar sin hogar/en la miseria — to be left homeless/destitute
ha quedado acordado que... — it has been agreed that...
¿dónde quedamos la clase pasada? — where did we get (up) to in the last class?
¿quién quedó en primer/último lugar? — who was o came first/last?; (+ me/te/le etc)
me quedó muy claro que... — it was quite clear to me that...
si no vamos, quedamos mal — it'll look bad if we don't go
quedó en ridículo — ( por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself; ( por culpa ajena) he was made to look a fool
3) ( permanecer)¿queda alguien adentro? — is there anyone left inside?
quedamos a la espera de su confirmación — (frml) we await your confirmation (frml)
quedo a sus gratas órdenes — (frml) (Corresp) Sincerely yours (AmE), Yours faithfully (BrE)
quedar EN algo: todo quedó en suspenso everything was left in the air; nuestros planes quedaron en nada our plans came to nothing; quedar atrás — persona to fall behind; rencillas/problemas to be in the past
4) (+ me/te/le etc)a) tamaño/tallame queda grande/largo/apretado — it's too big/long/tight for me
la talla 12 le queda bien — the size 12 fits (you/him) fine
b) ( sentar)el azul/ese peinado te queda muy bien — blue/that hairdo really suits you
5)a) (acordar, convenir)quedar EN algo: ¿en qué quedaron? what did you decide?; ¿entonces en qué quedamos? so, what's happening, then?; quedamos en que yo iría we agreed o arranged that I would go; quedar EN or (AmL) DE + INF: quedaron en no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anything; quedó en venir a las nueve — she said she would come at nine
b) ( citarse)¿a qué hora/dónde quedamos? — what time/where shall we meet?
6) ( estar situado) to bequeda justo enfrente de la estación — it's right opposite the station; (+ me/te/le etc)
me queda muy lejos/cerca — it's very far/near from where I live (o work etc)
7) (en 3a pers)a) ( haber todavía)¿queda café? — is there any coffee left?
sólo quedan las ruinas — only the ruins remain; (+ me/te/le etc)
¿te queda algo de dinero? — do you have any money left?
¿te queda alguna duda? — is there anything you still don't understand?
b) ( sobrar) comida/vino to be left (over)8) ( faltar)¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? — how many kilometers are there to go?; (+ me/te/le etc)
2.quedar POR + INF: queda mucho por ver/visitar there is still a lot to see/visit; aún quedan estudiantes por pagar there are still some students who haven't paid; (+ me/te/le etc) aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to do; no me/le queda otra (AmL fam) I have/he has no choice; por... que no quede (Esp fam): venga, por intentarlo que no quede come on, let's at least give it a try; hazlo, por mí que no quede — go ahead, don't let me stop you
1) quedarse v pron2)a) ( en un lugar) to stayquedarse en casa/en la cama — to stay at home/in bed
se quedaron en París/en un hotel — they stayed in Paris/in a hotel
b) (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl)quédate tranquilo, yo me ocuparé del asunto — relax, I'll take care of it
¿te quedaste con hambre? — are you still hungry?
se me quedó mirando — he sat/stood there staring at me, he just stared at me
de repente el motor se quedó — (AmL) the engine suddenly died on me
3) (+ me/te/le etc)a) (fam) ( memorizar)b) (Andes) ( olvidarse)c) (Esp) ( llegar a ser)4)quedarse CON algo: se quedó con mi libro she kept my book; entre él y su mujer no sé con cuál me quedo there's not much to choose between him and his wife; me quedo con éste I'll take this one; quedarse con alguien — (Esp fam) ( engañarlo) to take somebody for a ride (colloq)
* * *= remain.Ex. Needless to say, any errors which remain are entirely our responsibility.----* aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda = You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.* el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.* estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).* hacer que Uno se quede dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.* hacer una marca para indicar el lugar donde uno se ha quedado leyen = mark + Posesivo + place.* mecer a Alguien hasta que quede dormido = rock + Nombre + to sleep.* mente + quedarse en blanco = mind + go blank.* mientras queden = while stocks last.* Nombre de Lugar + quedarse chico = outgrow + Nombre de Lugar.* no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.* para que quede más claro = for main effects.* quedar Algo a Alguien = be left with.* quedar anulado con el paso del tiempo = be overtaken by events.* quedar atrapado = get + caught.* quedar constatado = go on + record.* quedar deshecho = go to + pieces.* quedar destrozado = go to + pieces.* quedar en segundo plano = come in + a poor second.* quedar en suspenso = go into + abeyance.* quedar exempto de = discharge from.* quedar + Expresión Temporal = be + Expresión Temporal + off.* quedar igual = remain + the same.* quedar impactado = be impressed.* quedar impresionado = be impressed.* quedar impune = go + scot-free, go + scot-free, get away + scot-free.* quedar inpune = go + unpunished.* quedar libre = become + vacant.* quedar mal = lose + face.* quedar muchísimo por hacer = a great deal more needs to be done.* quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.* quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).* quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.* quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar patas arriba = flip-flop.* quedar pendiente = remain, remain + to be done.* quedar peor = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).* quedar por hacer = remain + to be done.* quedar por + Infinitivo = remain + to be + Participio.* quedar por ver = be an open question, remain + to be seen.* quedar registrado = go on + record.* quedarse = stay, stay behind, board.* quedarse abandonado en una isla desierta = be stranded on a desert island.* quedarse a dormir en la casa de un amigo = sleepover.* quedarse afónico = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse al margen = stand by.* quedarse a medias = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* quedarse anodadado = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse anticuado = date.* quedarse arriba = sit on + top.* quedarse atascado = get + stuck.* quedarse atónito = be astonished, be bowled over, stun into + speechlessness.* quedarse atrancado = get + stuck.* quedarse atrás = fall behind, hang back, trail, trail behind, be behind.* quedarse boquiabierto = give + a gasp of, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse completamente atónito = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse con = pocket, cream off.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* quedarse congelado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse corto = stop + short of, fall + short, fall + short of.* quedarse dentro de casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse de piedra = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse dormido = fall + asleep, doze off, nod off, drop off to + sleep, go to + sleep.* quedarse dormido al volante = fall + asleep at the wheel.* quedarse embarazada = become + pregnant, be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse en = stick at.* quedarse en blanco = go + blank, mind + go blank.* quedarse encallado = be stranded.* quedarse en casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse en el camino = fall by + the wayside.* quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.* quedarse en el sitio = die + there and then.* quedarse en estado = become + pregnant.* quedarse en la cama hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.* quedarse en la estacada = be left out on a limb.* quedarse en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.* quedarse en silencio = fall + silent, lapse into + silence.* quedarse en tablas = split down the middle.* quedarse estancado = stagnate.* quedarse estupefacto = stun into + speechlessness, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, be speechless, be gobsmacked, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedar segundo = come off + second-best.* quedarse hecho polvo = be gutted, feel + gutted.* quedarse helado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse huérfano = orphan.* quedarse igual = be none the wiser.* quedarse impresionado = be bowled over.* quedarse inamovible = stay in + place.* quedarse inmóvil = stay + still.* quedarse levantado = stay up.* quedarse mudo = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse obsoleto = be overtaken by events, outgrow.* quedarse parado = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse pasmado = stun.* quedarse patidifuso = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse patitieso = freeze to + death.* quedarse pequeño = overflow.* quedarse prendado = smite.* quedarse prendado de = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to.* quedarse prendado por = take + a liking to.* quedarse preñada = become + pregnant, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse quieto = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse ronco = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sin = run + short (of), miss out on, run out of, run out.* quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.* quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin fuelle = run out of + steam.* quedarse sin fuerza = lose + steam.* quedarse sin gas = lose + steam.* quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness, be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.* quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* quedarse sin sentido = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* quedarse sin voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sorprendido por = be amazed by, be amazed at.* quedarse tan fresco = not bat an eyelash, not bat an eyelid.* quedarse tieso = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tieso de frío = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tirado = be stranded.* quedarse varado = get + stuck, be stranded.* quedarse viudo = widow.* quedar sin castigo = go + unpunished.* quedar un poco = be some way off.* quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar vacante = become + vacant.* quedar vacío = empty.* que no queda bien = ill-fitting.* que queda = surviving.* que queda mal = ill-fitting.* que quede entre nosotros = between you and me, between ourselves.* según quedó indicado en = as was pointed out in.* siempre queda una esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* si queda tiempo = time permitting.* todo queda en casa = all in the family.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1) (en un estado, una situación)quedar viudo/viuda — to be widowed
quedar sin hogar/en la miseria — to be left homeless/destitute
ha quedado acordado que... — it has been agreed that...
¿dónde quedamos la clase pasada? — where did we get (up) to in the last class?
¿quién quedó en primer/último lugar? — who was o came first/last?; (+ me/te/le etc)
me quedó muy claro que... — it was quite clear to me that...
si no vamos, quedamos mal — it'll look bad if we don't go
quedó en ridículo — ( por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself; ( por culpa ajena) he was made to look a fool
3) ( permanecer)¿queda alguien adentro? — is there anyone left inside?
quedamos a la espera de su confirmación — (frml) we await your confirmation (frml)
quedo a sus gratas órdenes — (frml) (Corresp) Sincerely yours (AmE), Yours faithfully (BrE)
quedar EN algo: todo quedó en suspenso everything was left in the air; nuestros planes quedaron en nada our plans came to nothing; quedar atrás — persona to fall behind; rencillas/problemas to be in the past
4) (+ me/te/le etc)a) tamaño/tallame queda grande/largo/apretado — it's too big/long/tight for me
la talla 12 le queda bien — the size 12 fits (you/him) fine
b) ( sentar)el azul/ese peinado te queda muy bien — blue/that hairdo really suits you
5)a) (acordar, convenir)quedar EN algo: ¿en qué quedaron? what did you decide?; ¿entonces en qué quedamos? so, what's happening, then?; quedamos en que yo iría we agreed o arranged that I would go; quedar EN or (AmL) DE + INF: quedaron en no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anything; quedó en venir a las nueve — she said she would come at nine
b) ( citarse)¿a qué hora/dónde quedamos? — what time/where shall we meet?
6) ( estar situado) to bequeda justo enfrente de la estación — it's right opposite the station; (+ me/te/le etc)
me queda muy lejos/cerca — it's very far/near from where I live (o work etc)
7) (en 3a pers)a) ( haber todavía)¿queda café? — is there any coffee left?
sólo quedan las ruinas — only the ruins remain; (+ me/te/le etc)
¿te queda algo de dinero? — do you have any money left?
¿te queda alguna duda? — is there anything you still don't understand?
b) ( sobrar) comida/vino to be left (over)8) ( faltar)¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? — how many kilometers are there to go?; (+ me/te/le etc)
2.quedar POR + INF: queda mucho por ver/visitar there is still a lot to see/visit; aún quedan estudiantes por pagar there are still some students who haven't paid; (+ me/te/le etc) aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to do; no me/le queda otra (AmL fam) I have/he has no choice; por... que no quede (Esp fam): venga, por intentarlo que no quede come on, let's at least give it a try; hazlo, por mí que no quede — go ahead, don't let me stop you
1) quedarse v pron2)a) ( en un lugar) to stayquedarse en casa/en la cama — to stay at home/in bed
se quedaron en París/en un hotel — they stayed in Paris/in a hotel
b) (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl)quédate tranquilo, yo me ocuparé del asunto — relax, I'll take care of it
¿te quedaste con hambre? — are you still hungry?
se me quedó mirando — he sat/stood there staring at me, he just stared at me
de repente el motor se quedó — (AmL) the engine suddenly died on me
3) (+ me/te/le etc)a) (fam) ( memorizar)b) (Andes) ( olvidarse)c) (Esp) ( llegar a ser)4)quedarse CON algo: se quedó con mi libro she kept my book; entre él y su mujer no sé con cuál me quedo there's not much to choose between him and his wife; me quedo con éste I'll take this one; quedarse con alguien — (Esp fam) ( engañarlo) to take somebody for a ride (colloq)
* * *= remain.Ex: Needless to say, any errors which remain are entirely our responsibility.
* aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda = You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy.* el que lo encuentre se lo queda = finders keepers.* estar quedándose sin = run + low (on).* hacer que Uno se quede dormido = put + Nombre + to sleep.* hacer una marca para indicar el lugar donde uno se ha quedado leyen = mark + Posesivo + place.* mecer a Alguien hasta que quede dormido = rock + Nombre + to sleep.* mente + quedarse en blanco = mind + go blank.* mientras queden = while stocks last.* Nombre de Lugar + quedarse chico = outgrow + Nombre de Lugar.* no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.* para que quede más claro = for main effects.* quedar Algo a Alguien = be left with.* quedar anulado con el paso del tiempo = be overtaken by events.* quedar atrapado = get + caught.* quedar constatado = go on + record.* quedar deshecho = go to + pieces.* quedar destrozado = go to + pieces.* quedar en segundo plano = come in + a poor second.* quedar en suspenso = go into + abeyance.* quedar exempto de = discharge from.* quedar + Expresión Temporal = be + Expresión Temporal + off.* quedar igual = remain + the same.* quedar impactado = be impressed.* quedar impresionado = be impressed.* quedar impune = go + scot-free, go + scot-free, get away + scot-free.* quedar inpune = go + unpunished.* quedar libre = become + vacant.* quedar mal = lose + face.* quedar muchísimo por hacer = a great deal more needs to be done.* quedar mucho más por hacer = much more needs to be done.* quedar mucho (para) = have + a long way to go (before), there + be + a long way to go (before).* quedar mucho por conocer = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar mucho por hacer = more needs to be done, have + a long way to go.* quedar mucho por saber = there + be + a great deal yet to be learned, there + be + still a great deal to be learned.* quedar patas arriba = flip-flop.* quedar pendiente = remain, remain + to be done.* quedar peor = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar poco (para) = have + a short way to go (before).* quedar por hacer = remain + to be done.* quedar por + Infinitivo = remain + to be + Participio.* quedar por ver = be an open question, remain + to be seen.* quedar registrado = go on + record.* quedarse = stay, stay behind, board.* quedarse abandonado en una isla desierta = be stranded on a desert island.* quedarse a dormir en la casa de un amigo = sleepover.* quedarse afónico = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse al margen = stand by.* quedarse a medias = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* quedarse anodadado = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse anticuado = date.* quedarse arriba = sit on + top.* quedarse atascado = get + stuck.* quedarse atónito = be astonished, be bowled over, stun into + speechlessness.* quedarse atrancado = get + stuck.* quedarse atrás = fall behind, hang back, trail, trail behind, be behind.* quedarse boquiabierto = give + a gasp of, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse completamente atónito = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse con = pocket, cream off.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* quedarse congelado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse corto = stop + short of, fall + short, fall + short of.* quedarse dentro de casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse de piedra = You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather.* quedarse dormido = fall + asleep, doze off, nod off, drop off to + sleep, go to + sleep.* quedarse dormido al volante = fall + asleep at the wheel.* quedarse embarazada = become + pregnant, be up the spout, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse en = stick at.* quedarse en blanco = go + blank, mind + go blank.* quedarse encallado = be stranded.* quedarse en casa = stay + indoors.* quedarse en el camino = fall by + the wayside.* quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.* quedarse en el sitio = die + there and then.* quedarse en estado = become + pregnant.* quedarse en la cama hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.* quedarse en la estacada = be left out on a limb.* quedarse en la ignorancia = leave + Nombre + in the dark.* quedarse en silencio = fall + silent, lapse into + silence.* quedarse en tablas = split down the middle.* quedarse estancado = stagnate.* quedarse estupefacto = stun into + speechlessness, eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, be speechless, be gobsmacked, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedar segundo = come off + second-best.* quedarse hecho polvo = be gutted, feel + gutted.* quedarse helado = be frozen stiff.* quedarse huérfano = orphan.* quedarse igual = be none the wiser.* quedarse impresionado = be bowled over.* quedarse inamovible = stay in + place.* quedarse inmóvil = stay + still.* quedarse levantado = stay up.* quedarse mudo = be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse obsoleto = be overtaken by events, outgrow.* quedarse parado = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse pasmado = stun.* quedarse patidifuso = eyes + pop (out), Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + head, Posesivo + eyes + pop out of + Posesivo + socket.* quedarse patitieso = freeze to + death.* quedarse pequeño = overflow.* quedarse prendado = smite.* quedarse prendado de = take + a fancy to, take + a shine to.* quedarse prendado por = take + a liking to.* quedarse preñada = become + pregnant, have + a bun in the oven.* quedarse quieto = stand + still, stand by.* quedarse ronco = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sin = run + short (of), miss out on, run out of, run out.* quedarse sin aliento = run out of + breath.* quedarse sin conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin fuelle = run out of + steam.* quedarse sin fuerza = lose + steam.* quedarse sin gas = lose + steam.* quedarse sin habla = stun into + speechlessness, be speechless, be gobsmacked.* quedarse sin negocio = go out of + business.* quedarse sin palabras = stun into + speechlessness, be at a loss for words, be lost for words.* quedarse sin sentido = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.* quedarse sin suerte = run out of + luck, luck + run out.* quedarse sin voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.* quedarse sorprendido por = be amazed by, be amazed at.* quedarse tan fresco = not bat an eyelash, not bat an eyelid.* quedarse tieso = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tieso de frío = be frozen stiff.* quedarse tirado = be stranded.* quedarse varado = get + stuck, be stranded.* quedarse viudo = widow.* quedar sin castigo = go + unpunished.* quedar un poco = be some way off.* quedar un poco perjudicado = be a little worse prepared, be a little worse off.* quedar vacante = become + vacant.* quedar vacío = empty.* que no queda bien = ill-fitting.* que queda = surviving.* que queda mal = ill-fitting.* que quede entre nosotros = between you and me, between ourselves.* según quedó indicado en = as was pointed out in.* siempre queda una esperanza = where there's life there's hope.* si queda tiempo = time permitting.* todo queda en casa = all in the family.* * *quedar [A1 ]viA(en un estado, una situación): quedó viuda muy joven she was widowed o she lost her husband when she was very youngquedó huérfano a los siete años he was orphaned when he was seven years oldtuvo un ataque y quedó paralítico he had a stroke and was left paralyzedcientos de familias quedaron sin hogar/en la miseria hundreds of families were left homeless/destitutelas calles quedaron desiertas the streets were left desertedel sombrero quedó hecho un acordeón the hat was o got squashed flatel coche ha quedado como nuevo the car is as good as new (now)algunas fotos quedaron mal some of the photos came out badlyha quedado precioso pintado de blanco it looks beautiful painted whiteha quedado acordado que … it has been agreed that …y que esto quede bien claro and I want to make this quite clear¿cómo quedó la cosa? ¿quién tenía razón? what happened in the end? who was right?¿dónde quedamos la clase pasada? where did we get (up) to in the last class?¿quién quedó en primer/último lugar? who was o who came first/last?(+ me/te/le etc): no me había quedado claro y se lo pregunté otra vez I hadn't quite understood o I hadn't got things quite clear, so I asked him againel postre te quedó riquísimo that dessert (you made) was deliciousB(en la opinión de los demás): si no vamos, quedamos mal it'll look bad if we don't goquedarás muy bien con ese regalo it's a lovely present, they'll be delightedme hiciste quedar muy mal diciendo eso you really showed me up saying thatse emborrachó y nos hizo quedar mal a todos he got drunk and embarrassed us allquedó en ridículo (por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself; (por culpa ajena) he was made to look a foolquedar mal/bien con algn: si no voy quedaré mal con ellos they won't think much of me o it won't go down very well if I don't turn upno se puede quedar bien con todo el mundo you can't please everybodylos invitó a todos para no quedar mal con nadie he invited them all so as not to offend anyone o to cause any offense*C(permanecer): quedaron en casa they stayed at home¿queda alguien adentro? is there anyone left inside?le quedó la cicatriz she was left with a scarlo lavé pero le quedó la mancha I washed it but the stain didn't come outesto no puede quedar así we can't leave/I'm not going to leave things like thisquedo a sus gratas órdenes ( frml) ( Corresp) Sincerely yours ( AmE), Yours faithfully o ( frml) I remain, yours faithfully ( BrE)le quedo a deber 5 euros I owe you 5 eurosquedar EN algo:todo ha quedado en un mero proyecto none of it has got beyond the planning stagetodos nuestros planes quedaron en nada all our plans came to nothingquedar atrás: pronto quedó atrás he soon fell behindhemos tenido nuestras diferencias pero todo eso ha quedado atrás we've had our differences but all that's behind us now o that's all water under the bridge nowD (+ me/te/le etc)1«tamaño/talla»: me queda grande/largo/apretado it's too big/long/tight for mela talla 12 le queda bien or (Col, Méx) le queda the size 12 fits (you/him) fine2(sentar): el azul te queda muy bien blue really suits you, you look really good in blueese peinado le quedaba muy bien that hairstyle really suited her, her hair looked really good like thatese vestido te queda estupendo that dress looks fantastic on you, you look great in that dressA (acordar, convenir) quedar EN algo:quedamos en eso, vienes tú a mi casa let's do that, then, you come to my house, so that's agreed, you're coming to my house¿al final en qué quedaron? what did you decide/arrange/agree in the end?¿en qué quedamos? ¿lo quieres o no? well o so, do you want it or not?¿entonces en qué quedamos? ¿nos vemos mañana o no? so, what's happening, then? are we meeting tomorrow or not?quedar EN + INFor ( AmL) quedar DE + INF:quedaron en no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anythingquedó en venir a las nueve she said she would come at nine, she arranged to come at ninequedar EN QUE:quedamos en que iría él a recogerlo we agreed o arranged that he would go and pick it upB(citarse): me tengo que ir porque he quedado con Rafael I have to go because I've arranged to meet Rafael¿a qué hora/dónde quedamos? what time/where shall we meet?quedé con unos amigos para cenar I arranged to meet some friends for dinner, I arranged to go out for dinner with some friendsSentido III (estar situado) to bequeda justo enfrente de la estación it's right opposite the station(+ me/te/le etc): puedo ir yo, me queda muy cerca I can go, it's very near where I live ( o work etc)A1(haber todavía): no queda café there's no coffee leftno quedan entradas there are no tickets leftsólo quedan las ruinas only the ruins remain(+ me/te/le etc): es el único pariente que me queda he is the only relative I have left, he is my only living relative¿te queda algo de dinero? do you have any money left?¿te ha quedado alguna duda? is there anything you still don't understand?me han quedado dos asignaturas (pendientes) I have to make up two subjects o take two subjects over ( AmE), I have to retake two subjects ( BrE)no nos queda más remedio que ir we have no alternative o no choice but to go, we'll just have to goya no me quedan fuerzas para seguir I no longer have the strength to go on, I don't have the strength to go on any moreme queda la satisfacción de haber cumplido con mi deber I have the satisfaction of having done my duty2 (sobrar) to be left, be left overme comí la ensalada que había quedado del almuerzo I ate up the salad that was left (over) from lunchel vino que quede se puede guardar para la próxima fiesta we can keep any wine that's left (over) for the next partyB1(faltar): quedan cinco minutos para que acabe la clase there are five minutes to go to o five minutes left to the end of the class¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? how many kilometers are there to go?, how far is it now?(+ me/te/le etc): todavía le quedan dos años he still has two years to go o do¡ánimo! ¡ya te queda poco para terminar! come on! you've almost finished!2 quedar POR + INF:quedan tres pacientes por ver there are three more patients to be seenaún queda gente por pagar some people haven't paid yet, some people still haven't paid(+ me/te/le etc): aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to dopor … que no quede ( Esp fam): venga, por intentarlo que no quede come on, let's at least give it a tryhazlo, por mí que no quede go ahead, don't let me stop you■ quedarseA1 (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):te estás quedando calvo you're going baldse quedó huérfana/sorda a los seis años she was orphaned/she went deaf when she was six years oldcuando se fue me quedé muy sola when he left I felt very lonelyme quedé helado cuando me lo dijo I was staggered when she told mequédate tranquilo, yo me ocuparé del asunto don't (you) worry about it, I'll take care of itme quedé dormido en el sofá I fell asleep on the sofa2quedarse con/sin algo: ¿te has quedado con hambre? are you still hungry?me quedé sin postre I didn't get any dessertse ha quedado sin trabajo she's out of work, she's lost her jobme quedé sin saber qué había pasado I never did find out what had happened3( Esp) (llegar a ser) (+ me/te/le etc): el vestido se te ha quedado corto the dress is too short on you nowla casa se les está quedando pequeña the house is getting (to be) too small for them4 (olvidarse) (+ me/te/le etc):se me quedó el paraguas I left my umbrella behindB1(permanecer): pienso quedarme soltera I intend to stay singleno me gusta quedarme sola en casa I don't like being (left) on my own o being alone in the houseno te quedes ahí parado y haz algo don't just stand there, do something!nos quedamos charlando toda la noche we spent the whole night chattingse me quedó mirando he sat/stood there staring at me, he just stared at mela escena se me ha quedado grabada en la memoria the scene has remained engraved o is engraved on my memoryiba para pintor pero se quedó en profesor de dibujo he set out to be a painter but he ended up as an art teacherse quedó en la mesa de operaciones ( euf); he died on the operating tablede repente el motor se quedó ( AmL); the engine suddenly died on me2 (en un lugar) to stayquédate aquí stay hereme quedé a dormir en su casa I spent o stayed the night at his housenos quedamos en un hotel/en casa de unos amigos we stayed at a hotel/with some friendsse tuvo que quedar en el hospital una semana más she had to stay o remain in (the) hospital for another weekse quedó en casa/en la cama todo el día she stayed at home/in bed all dayA ‹cambio/lápiz› to keepquédatelo, yo tengo otro keep it, I have another onequedarse CON algo:quédate con la foto si quieres you can keep the photo o ( colloq) hang on to the photo if you wantse quedó con mi libro she kept my book, she didn't give my book backentre él y su mujer no sé con cuál de los dos me quedo there's not much to choose between him and his wifesi me lo rebaja me quedo con él if you knock something off the price, I'll take it ( colloq)quedarse con algn ( Esp fam) (burlarse de él) to have sb on ( colloq) (engañarlo) to take sb for a ride ( colloq)B( Chi) «pierna/brazo» (+ me/te/le etc): quiso levantarse pero se le quedó la pierna he tried to get up but he couldn't move his legse le queda la pierna al caminar he drags one leg when he walks* * *
quedar ( conjugate quedar) verbo intransitivo
1 (en un estado, una situación):◊ quedar viudo/huérfano to be widowed/orphaned;
quedó paralítico he was left paralyzed;
el coche quedó como nuevo the car is as good as new (now);
y que esto quede bien claro and I want to make this quite clear;
¿quién quedó en primer lugar? who was o came first?
2 ( en la opinión de los demás):◊ si no voy quedaré mal con ellos it won't go down very well o it'll look bad if I don't turn up;
lo hice para quedar bien con el jefe I did it to get in the boss's good books;
quedé muy bien con el regalo I made a very good impression with my present;
me hiciste quedar muy mal diciendo eso you really showed me up saying that;
nos hizo quedar mal a todos he embarrassed us all;
quedó en ridículo ( por culpa propia) he made a fool of himself;
( por culpa ajena) he was made to look a fool
3 ( permanecer):◊ ¿queda alguien adentro? is there anyone left inside?;
le quedó la cicatriz she was left with a scar;
esto no puede quedar así we can't leave things like this;
nuestros planes quedaron en nada our plans came to nothing;
quedar atrás [ persona] to fall behind;
[rencillas/problemas] to be in the past
4 (+ me/te/le etc)a) [tamaño/talla]:
la talla 12 le queda bien the size 12 fits (you/him) fineb) ( sentar):◊ el azul le queda bien/mal blue suits her/doesn't suit hera) (acordar, convenir):◊ ¿en qué quedaron? what did you decide?;
¿entonces en qué quedamos? so, what's happening, then?;
quedaron en or (AmL) de no decirle nada they agreed o decided not to tell him anything;
quedó en or (AmL) de venir a las nueve she said she would come at nineb) ( citarse):◊ ¿a qué hora quedamos? what time shall we meet?;
quedé con unos amigos para cenar I arranged to meet some friends for dinner
( estar situado) to be;
me queda muy lejos it's very far from where I live (o work etc)
(en 3a pers)
◊ ¿te queda algo de dinero? do you have any money left?;
¿queda café? is there any coffee left?;
solo quedan las ruinas only the ruins remain;
no nos queda más remedio que ir we have no choice but to go
2 ( faltar):
¿cuántos kilómetros quedan? how many kilometers are there to go?;
todavía le quedan dos años he still has two years to go o do;
queda mucho por ver there is still a lot to see;
aún me queda todo esto por hacer I still have all this to do;
no me/le queda otra (fam) I have/he has no choice
quedarse verbo pronominal
b) (en un estado, una situación) (+ compl):
quedarse dormido to fall asleep;
quedarse sin trabajo to lose one's job
2 (+ me/te/le etc)a) ( permanecer):
no me gusta quedarme sola en casa I don't like being alone in the house;
no te quedes ahí parado don't just stand there!;
nos quedamos charlando hasta tarde we went on chatting until late in the evening;
se me quedó mirando he sat/stood there staring at me;
de repente el motor se quedó (AmL) the engine suddenly died on meb) (Andes) ( olvidarse):
c) (Esp) ( llegar a ser):
‹cambio/lápiz› to keep;
me quedo con este I'll take this one
quedar verbo intransitivo
1 (en un estado) quedar bien, (una persona) to make a good impression
(un objeto) to look nice
quedar en ridículo, to make a fool of oneself
2 (en un lugar) to be: mi casa no queda lejos, my house is not far from here
3 (sobrar) to be left: ¿queda más té?, is there any tea left?
4 (faltar) (tiempo) to go: quedan dos días para las vacaciones, there are two days to go till the holidays
5 (convenir) to agree: quedamos en ir al cine, we agreed to go to the cinema
6 (citarse) to meet: quedaré con mi hermana, I'll arrange to meet my sister
7 (una ropa, un peinado, etc) to suit: te queda grande, it's too big for you
' quedar' also found in these entries:
- cumplir
- descolgarse
- embarazarse
- enmudecer
- estar
- lucirse
- restar
- sobrar
- sopa
- venir
- aire
- aislado
- anillo
- bailar
- calle
- constar
- descubierto
- desmano
- enganchar
- faltar
- lejísimos
- manifiesto
- mano
- rezagado
- tabla
- appal
- appall
- arrange
- date
- egg
- fit
- flu
- gasp
- go
- leave
- lie
- long
- meet
- one-upmanship
- remain
- rest
- side
- smoke
- stand
- stand about
- stand around
- agree
- alternatively
- catch
- come
- get
- keep
- narrow
- out
- over
- place
- remand
- runner
- scar
- scot-free
- show
- strand
- unpunished
- water
- widow
* * *♦ vi1. [permanecer] to remain, to stay;nuestros problemas quedaron sin resolver our problems remained unsolved;los tipos de interés han quedado al mismo nivel interest rates have stayed o remained at the same level;no le quedaron secuelas del accidente he suffered no after-effects from the accident;Andes, RPen el apuro, quedaron los abrigos the coats got left behind o forgotten in the rush;quedo a su entera disposición para cualquier consulta [en cartas] I am available to answer any enquiries you may have;todo quedó en un buen susto she suffered nothing worse than a shock;el viaje quedó en proyecto the trip never got beyond the planning stage;todos nuestros problemas han quedado atrás all our problems are behind us now2. [haber aún] to be left, to remain;¿queda azúcar? is there any sugar left?;no queda azúcar there isn't any sugar left;no nos queda leche we're out of milk;queda gente dentro haciendo el examen there are still some people left inside doing the exam;queda poco del casco antiguo de la ciudad little remains of the old part of the city;nos quedan 50 pesos we have 50 pesos left;lo que quede dáselo al perro give whatever's left over to the dog;no me quedan ganas de seguir hablando I don't feel like talking any more;me queda la esperanza de volver algún día I can only hope that one day I will return;Amno queda otra there's nothing else for it;voy a tener que vender el auto para pagar las cuentas, no queda otra I'm going to have to sell the car to pay the bills, there's nothing else for it3. [faltar]¿cuánto queda para Buenos Aires? how much further is it to Buenos Aires?;quedan dos vueltas para que termine la carrera there are two laps to go until the end of the race;queda poco/un mes para las vacaciones there's not long to go/there's a month to go until the holidays, it's not long/it's a month until the holidays;queda mucho para mi cumpleaños my birthday's a long way off;me quedan dos días para terminar el trabajo I have two days (left) to finish the work;sólo me queda despedirme hasta la próxima semana all that remains is for me to say goodbye until next week;quedar por hacer to remain to be done;queda por fregar el suelo the floor has still to be cleaned;nos quedan bastantes sitios por visitar we still have quite a lot of places to visit4. [mostrarse, dar cierta imagen]quedar bien/mal (con alguien) to make a good/bad impression (on sb);le gusta quedar bien con todo el mundo he likes to keep everyone happy;quedaste estupendamente trayendo flores you made a very good impression by bringing flowers;voy a quedar fatal si no voy it'll look really bad if I don't go;no me hagas quedar mal don't show me up;quedaste como un mentiroso you ended up looking like o you came across like a liar;quedó como un idiota he ended up o he was left looking stupidel cuadro queda muy bien ahí the picture looks great there;el salón os ha quedado muy bonito the living-room has turned out lovely, you've made a great job of the living-room;quedar claro to be clear;no quiero que llegues después de las once, ¿queda claro? I don't want you back later than eleven, is that clear?;quedar en [llegar, acabar] to end in;quedar en quinto lugar, quedar el quinto to come fifth;quedar en nada to come to nothing;RP Famquedamos en veremos we left it openesta falda me queda un poco justa this skirt is a bit tight;¡qué bien te queda ese traje! that dress really suits you!, you look great in that dress!;esa camisa te queda mal that shirt doesn't suit you;¿te quedan bien los zapatos? do the shoes fit you?;quedar bien/mal con algo to go well/badly with sth;Méx Méxesas cortinas le quedan mal al salón those curtains don't go well in the living-room¿cuándo/dónde quedamos? when/where shall we meet?;hemos quedado el lunes we've arranged to meet on Monday;he quedado con Juan para jugar al tenis I've arranged to play tennis with Juan¿en qué has quedado? what have you decided to do?;quedar en que… to agree that…;quedé con ellos en que iría I told them I'd go;¿en qué quedamos? what's it to be, then?9. [estar situado] to be;queda por las afueras it's somewhere on the outskirts;¿por dónde queda? whereabouts is it?¿cuántas te han quedado? how many subjects from last year do you have to resit this year?♦ vtRP Famquedarla: no apuestes todo a una sola posibilidad porque si no sale, la quedás don't put all your eggs in one basket because if it doesn't work out, you've had it;¿quién la queda? [en juego] who's counting?♦ v impersonalpor mí que no quede don't let me be the one to stop you;que no quede por falta de dinero we don't want it to fall through for lack of money;por probar que no quede we should at least try it* * *v/i1 ( permanecer) stay;esto queda entre nosotros this is just between us;quedar cerca be nearbyquedó sin resolver it remained unresolved, it wasn’t sorted out;¿cómo quedó? how did it end up?;queda por hacer it still has o needs to be done3 ( sentar):4 ( sobrar) be left;¿queda mucho tiempo? is there much time left?;5 ( encontrarse):quedar con alguien fam arrange to meet (with) s.o.;¿dónde habíamos quedado? where had we arranged to meet?6 ( acordar):quedar en algo agree to sth;¿en qué quedamos? what did we agree?7:por mí que no quede it’s fine by me* * *quedar vi1) permanecer: to remain, to stay2) : to bequedamos contentos con las mejoras: we were pleased with the improvements3) : to be situatedqueda muy lejos: it's very far, it's too far away4) : to be leftquedan sólo dos alternativas: there are only two options left5) : to fit, to suitestos zapatos no me quedan: these shoes don't fit6)quedar bien (mal) : to turn out well (badly)7)quedar en : to agree, to arrange¿en qué quedamos?: what's the arrangement, then?* * *quedar vb1. (haber) to be left¿quedan cebollas? are there any onions left?2. (permanecer) to remain3. (tener) to have left4. (faltar) to have to do5. (distancia, tiempo)6. (resultar) to be7. (estar) to be¿dónde queda la estación? where's the station?¿a qué hora quedamos? what time shall we meet?9. (ponerse de acuerdo) to agree10. (sentar bien ropa) to suit -
18 impresionar
v.1 to impress.El anuncio impacta a los jóvenes The ad has impact on young people.2 to expose (photography).3 to make an impression.4 to put oneself over.* * *1 (causar admiración) to impress■ me impresionó mucho el libro cuando lo leí por primera vez the first time I read the book it made a great impression on me■ sus hazañas bélicas no me impresionan ni lo más mínimo his war exploits don't impress me in the slightest2 (afectar) to affect; (inquietar) to disturb3 (película) to expose* * *verb* * *1. VT1) (Téc) [+ disco] to cut; [+ foto] to expose2) [+ persona] (=causar impresión a) to impress, strike; (=conmover) to move, affect; (=horrorizar) to shock2.VI (=causar impresión) to make an impression3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( causar buena impresión)me impresionó muy bien — (RPl) he made a very good impression (on me)
b) ( conmover) to moveverlo llorar me impresionó mucho — seeing him cry really moved me o made a deep impression on me
c) ( alarmar) to shockd) ( sorprender) to strikelo que más me impresionó fue... — what struck me most was...
2) (Fot) < película> to expose2.impresionar vi to impress3.impresionarse v pron to be shocked (o moved etc)* * *= move, strike + Pronombre Personal, dazzle, shock, bedazzle, wow, impress, touch + Posesivo + life, make + a splash.Ex. Twenty years ago, I was moved by Lubetzky's document, as I was a library school student, and today I am just slightly disappointed because he has added confusion for me rather than clarity to the situation.Ex. 'You commented earlier,' she said ingenuously, aloud, 'that Kass didn't strike you as the union type'.Ex. The image of the reference librarian, as portrayed by Katherine Hepburn in the film, 'Desk Set,' suggests the superb flair and intellectual acumen with which reference librarians would like to dazzle their patrons.Ex. The gush of water could serve many purposes and was prescribed to soothe, to refrigerate, to stop a swelling, to widen pores, to shock the patient.Ex. Why were others, especially in the west, so bedazzled by the achievements of the ancient Greeks, that they decided to adopt numerous of their beliefs and values?.Ex. He makes science easy to understand and ' wows' the reader with terrific examples of how modern genetic research is lifting the curtain on human history.Ex. When children are aware that records are kept there are always some who will want to impress or please.Ex. Despite his faults, he still manages to change and touch many people's lives through his infectious laughter.Ex. Israeli wine may be young, but it's making a splash worldwide.----* para impresionar = for effect.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)a) ( causar buena impresión)me impresionó muy bien — (RPl) he made a very good impression (on me)
b) ( conmover) to moveverlo llorar me impresionó mucho — seeing him cry really moved me o made a deep impression on me
c) ( alarmar) to shockd) ( sorprender) to strikelo que más me impresionó fue... — what struck me most was...
2) (Fot) < película> to expose2.impresionar vi to impress3.impresionarse v pron to be shocked (o moved etc)* * *= move, strike + Pronombre Personal, dazzle, shock, bedazzle, wow, impress, touch + Posesivo + life, make + a splash.Ex: Twenty years ago, I was moved by Lubetzky's document, as I was a library school student, and today I am just slightly disappointed because he has added confusion for me rather than clarity to the situation.
Ex: 'You commented earlier,' she said ingenuously, aloud, 'that Kass didn't strike you as the union type'.Ex: The image of the reference librarian, as portrayed by Katherine Hepburn in the film, 'Desk Set,' suggests the superb flair and intellectual acumen with which reference librarians would like to dazzle their patrons.Ex: The gush of water could serve many purposes and was prescribed to soothe, to refrigerate, to stop a swelling, to widen pores, to shock the patient.Ex: Why were others, especially in the west, so bedazzled by the achievements of the ancient Greeks, that they decided to adopt numerous of their beliefs and values?.Ex: He makes science easy to understand and ' wows' the reader with terrific examples of how modern genetic research is lifting the curtain on human history.Ex: When children are aware that records are kept there are always some who will want to impress or please.Ex: Despite his faults, he still manages to change and touch many people's lives through his infectious laughter.Ex: Israeli wine may be young, but it's making a splash worldwide.* para impresionar = for effect.* * *impresionar [A1 ]vtA ‹persona›ver a mi padre llorar me impresionó mucho seeing my father cry really affected me o moved me o made a deep impression on meme impresionó mucho verla tan delgada it really shocked me to see her looking so thinlo que más me impresionó fue el estado lamentable del edificio what struck me most was the terrible state the building was inme impresionó muy bien ( RPl); he made a very good impression (on me), he really impressed meB1 ( Fot) ‹película› to expose2 ‹disco› to press■ impresionarvito impresste lo dice para impresionar he's only saying it to impress youto be shocked ( o moved etc)* * *
impresionar ( conjugate impresionar) verbo transitivo
1a) ( causar buena impresión):
◊ verlo llorar me impresionó mucho seeing him cry really affected o moved me
2 (Fot) ‹ película› to expose
verbo intransitivo
to impress
I verbo transitivo
1 (causar admiración) to impress
(sobrecoger) to shock
(conmover) me impresionó ver llorar a mi padre, seeing my father cry made a deep impression on me
2 Fot to expose
II verbo intransitivo to impress
' impresionar' also found in these entries:
- calar
- sacudir
- apantallar
- impactar
- flex
- impress
- name-dropper
- shock
- shake
* * *♦ vt1. [asombrar] to amaze, to astonish2. [emocionar] to move;[conmocionar, horrorizar] to shock;me impresiona mucho ver sangre the sight of blood horrifies me;le impresionó mucho ver el cadáver seeing the body was a real shock to him3. [maravillar] to impress4. Fot to expose5. RP [causar impresión en]me impresionó muy bien/mal he made a very good/bad impression on me♦ vi1. [asombrar] to be amazing o astonishing2. [emocionar] to be moving;[conmocionar, horrorizar] to be shocking3. [maravillar] to make an impression* * *v/t:* * *impresionar vt1) : to impress, to strike2) : to affect, to moveimpresionar vi: to make an impression* * *impresionar vb1. (causar admiración) to impress2. (inquietar) to shock -
19 beeindrucken
v/t impress; er war sehr / tief beeindruckt auch it etc. made quite an impression / a deep impression on him; ich war positiv / negativ ( davon) beeindruckt I was / wasn’t very impressed (by it); er lässt sich nicht so leicht beeindrucken he isn’t easily impressed; er ließ sich ( dadurch) nicht im Geringsten beeindrucken he wasn’t at all impressed (by it)* * *to impress* * *be|ein|dru|cken [bə'|aindrʊkn] ptp beeindrucktvtto impress; (= Eindruck hinterlassen auch) to make an impression ondavon lasse ich mich nicht beéíndrucken — I won't be impressed by that
* * *1) (to cause feelings of admiration etc in (a person): I was impressed by his good behaviour.) impress2) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) strike* * *be·ein·dru·cken *[bəˈʔaindrʊkn̩]vt* * *transitives Verb impress* * *beeindrucken v/t impress;ich war positiv/negativ (davon) beeindruckt I was/wasn’t very impressed (by it);er lässt sich nicht so leicht beeindrucken he isn’t easily impressed;* * *transitives Verb impress* * *v.to impose v.to impress v. -
20 bien
adv.1 well (debidamente, adecuadamente).¿cómo estás? — bien, gracias how are you? — fine, thankshacer algo bien to do something wellhas hecho bien you did the right thing¡bien hecho! well done!habla inglés bien she speaks English wellcierra bien la puerta shut the door properlyhiciste bien en decírmelo you were right to tell me¿vamos bien de gasolina? are we doing all right for petrol o (British) gas?, have we got plenty of (United States) petrol o (British) gas? (United States)2 very (muy, bastante).hoy me he levantado bien temprano I got up nice and early todayquiero un vaso de agua bien fría I'd like a nice cold glass of water3 all right, OK (vale, de acuerdo).¿nos vamos? — bien shall we go? — all right4 quite happily.ella bien que lo haría, pero no le dejan she'd be happy to do it, but they won't let herintj.1 all right, OK, it's OK, it's okay.2 well done.3 well then.4 good.m.1 good (concepto abstracto).el bien y el mal good and evilhacer el bien to do good (deeds)2 good (provecho).esto te hará bien this will do you goodpor el bien de for the sake oflo hice por tu bien I did it for your own good3 good (note).4 possession, good, article, asset.5 well-being, good, welfare.Buscamos su bien We seek his well-being.6 benefit, sake.Para su bien For his sake.* * *► adverbio1 (gen) well■ trabaja bien her work is good, she does a good job■ todo eso está muy bien, pero... that's all very well, but...2 (como es debido) properly, right■ si no pronuncias bien, no te van a entender if you don't pronounce the words properly, they won't understand you■ ¡pórtate bien! behave yourself!3 (acertadamente) right, correctly4 (con éxito) successfully5 (de acuerdo) O.K., all right■ ven mañana a las dos, --bien come tomorrow at two, --all right6 (de buena gana) willingly, gladly7 (mucho) very8 (fácilmente) easily■ bien se ve que... it is easy to see that...9 (de gusto, olor, aspecto, etc) good, nice, lovely10 (de salud) well■ ¿te encuentras bien? are you feeling all right?11 (físicamente) good-looking► adjetivo1 (acomodado) well-off1 good2 (bienestar) benefit1 property sing, possessions► conjunción bien... bien1 either... or■ se lo enviaremos bien por correo, bien por mensajero we'll send it to you either by post or by messenger\en bien de for the sake ofestarle bien algo a alguien to serve somebody righthacer bien to do goodbien que althoughtener a bien de hacer algo to be good enough to do something¡ya está bien! that's enough!bien de consumo consumer itembienes de consumo consumer goodsbien de equipo capital assetbienes de equipo capital goods, capital assetsbienes inmuebles real estate singbienes muebles movables, personal property sing* * *1. adj. 2. adv.1) well2) correctly, properly3) all right4) easily•- más bien- si bien3. interj. 4. noun m.- bienes- bienes de consumo
- bienes de equipo
- bienes raíces* * *1. ADV1) (=satisfactoriamente) wellhablas bien el español — you speak good Spanish, you speak Spanish well
bien gracias, ¿y usted? — fine thanks, and you?
¡muy bien! — very good!; [aprobando un discurso] hear, hear!
¡qué bien! — great!, excellent!
oler bien — to smell good•
saber bien — to taste good2) (=correctamente)¿has puesto bien la rueda? — have you put the wheel on properly?
si no cierras la tapa bien, se saldrá el líquido — if you don't screw the top on properly, the liquid will leak out
¡bien hecho! — well done!
has contestado bien — you gave the right answer, you answered correctly
hacer bien en, hiciste bien en decírselo — you were right to tell him, you did the right thing in telling him3)• estar bien, ¿estás bien? — are you all right?, are you OK?
¡está bien!, lo haré — O.K. o all right, I'll do it!
¡pues sí que estamos bien! — this is a fine mess we're in!
ese libro está muy bien — that book's very good, that's a very good book
que esté(s) bien — Col * bye *
¡eso no está bien! — [a un niño] that's not very nice!
¡ya está bien! — that's enough!
estar bien de algo, estar bien de salud — to be well, be in good health4) (=de acuerdo)¡bien! — all right!, O.K.!
-¿quieres que vayamos al cine? -bien — "shall we go to the cinema?" - "O.K. o all right"
5) (=muy)esperamos hasta bien entrada la noche — we waited until very late at night, we waited until well into the night
6)• bien de (=muchos) —
¡te han dado bien de regalos! — you got a lot of presents!
7) (=de buena gana)yo bien iría, pero... — I'd gladly go, but..., I'd be happy to go, but...
8) (=fácilmente) easilybien se ve que... — it is easy to see that...
¡bien podía habérmelo dicho! — he could have told me!
9) [locuciones]•
estar a bien con algn — to be on good terms with sb•
de bien en bien o mejor — better and better•
bien que mal — one way or another, by hook or by crook•
más bien — rathermás bien bajo — on the short side, rather short
más bien creo que... — I actually think...
pues bien — well•
tener a bien hacer algo — to see fit to do sthsus padres tienen a bien que se vaya a vivir con su tía — her parents have seen fit to send her to live with her aunt
le ruego tenga a bien inscribirme en la lista — please be so kind as to include me on the list, I would be grateful if you would include me on the list
bien es verdad que... — it is of course true that...•
¿y bien? — well?2. CONJ1)• si bien — although
si bien es cierto que... — although it's true that...
2)• no bien, ni bien Cono Sur —
no bien llegó, empezó a llover — no sooner had he arrived than it started to rain, as soon as he arrived it started to rain
3) [en alternancia]bien por avión, bien en tren — either by air or by train
bien se levantó, bien se sentó — whether he stood up or sat down
3.ADJ [persona] well-to-do; [restaurante, barrio] posh *4. SM1) (=bondad) good2) (=provecho) goodel bien común o público — the common good
3) [apelativo]•
mi bien — my dear, my darling4) pl bienes (=géneros) goods; (=propiedad) property sing, possessions; (=riqueza) riches, wealth singbienes muebles — personal property sing, goods and chattels
bienes raíces — real estate sing, realty sing (EEUU)
bienes relictos — estate sing, inheritance sing
* * *Iadjetivo invariable1) [estar] ( sano) wellno me siento or encuentro bien — I don't feel well
2) [estar] (fam) ( refiriéndose al atractivo sexual) good-looking, attractive3) [estar] (cómodo, agradable)¿vas bien ahí atrás? — are you all right in the back?
4) ( agradable) <oler/saber>5) [estar]¿está bien así, señorita? — is that all right, miss?
podríamos ir mañana, si te parece bien — we could go tomorrow, if you like
¿lo has leído? está muy bien — have you read it? it's very good
está bien! si no quieres hacerlo no lo hagas — all right o okay, then! don't do it if you don't want to
no funciona - pues qué bien! — (iró) it's not working - oh, great! (iro)
6) [estar] (correcto, adecuado) right7)a) ( suficiente)estar or andar bien de algo — to be all right for something
¿estamos bien de aceite? — are we all right for oil?
b)ya está bien de jugar, ahora a dormir — you've been playing long enough, now go to bed
8)a) (fam) ( de buena posición social) <familia/gente> well-to-doun barrio bien — a well-to-do o (BrE) posh area
b) (RPl fam) <gente/persona> ( honrado) respectable, decentII1) ( de manera satisfactoria) <dormir/funcionar/cantar> well2) ( ventajosamente) well3) ( favorablemente)4)a) (a fondo, completamente) well, properlybien cocido — well o properly cooked
¿cerraste bien? — did you lock the door properly?
bien sabes que... — you know perfectly well that...
b) (con cuidado, atención) <escuchar/mirar> carefully5) ( correctamente) wellbien hecho/dicho! — well done/said!
6) ( como intensificador)a) ( muy) very¿estás bien seguro? — are you positive?
ser bien de adentro — (Per fam) to be a good sort
b) ( fácilmente) easilybien pudo suceder — it could well o easily have happened
c) (en recriminaciones, protestas)bien podías haberlo ayudado — you could o might have helped him!
d)bien que...: bien que llama cuando necesita dinero — he soon calls when he needs money
7) (en locs)IIImás bien: es más bien delgada she's quite slim; no bien as soon as; si bien although; estar a bien con alguien to be on good terms with somebody; tener a bien hacer algo (frml): le rogamos tenga a bien abonar esta suma — we would ask you to pay this sum (frml)
a) ( como enlace)bien, sigamos adelante — right then o fine, let's continue
bien,... ¿dónde estábamos? — right,... where were we?
pues bien, como te iba diciendo... — so, as I was telling you...
b)IVbien! — ( expresando aprobación) well done!
Vpuede abonarse o bien al contado o bien en 12 cuotas mensuales — (frml) payment may be made either in cash or in twelve monthly installments
1) (Fil) good2)a) (beneficio, bienestar) goodb)hacer bien — (+ me/te/le etc)
3) ( en calificaciones escolares) grade of between 6 and 6.9 on a scale of 1-104)a) ( posesión)b) bienes masculino plural (Fin) assets (pl)•* * *Iadjetivo invariable1) [estar] ( sano) wellno me siento or encuentro bien — I don't feel well
2) [estar] (fam) ( refiriéndose al atractivo sexual) good-looking, attractive3) [estar] (cómodo, agradable)¿vas bien ahí atrás? — are you all right in the back?
4) ( agradable) <oler/saber>5) [estar]¿está bien así, señorita? — is that all right, miss?
podríamos ir mañana, si te parece bien — we could go tomorrow, if you like
¿lo has leído? está muy bien — have you read it? it's very good
está bien! si no quieres hacerlo no lo hagas — all right o okay, then! don't do it if you don't want to
no funciona - pues qué bien! — (iró) it's not working - oh, great! (iro)
6) [estar] (correcto, adecuado) right7)a) ( suficiente)estar or andar bien de algo — to be all right for something
¿estamos bien de aceite? — are we all right for oil?
b)ya está bien de jugar, ahora a dormir — you've been playing long enough, now go to bed
8)a) (fam) ( de buena posición social) <familia/gente> well-to-doun barrio bien — a well-to-do o (BrE) posh area
b) (RPl fam) <gente/persona> ( honrado) respectable, decentII1) ( de manera satisfactoria) <dormir/funcionar/cantar> well2) ( ventajosamente) well3) ( favorablemente)4)a) (a fondo, completamente) well, properlybien cocido — well o properly cooked
¿cerraste bien? — did you lock the door properly?
bien sabes que... — you know perfectly well that...
b) (con cuidado, atención) <escuchar/mirar> carefully5) ( correctamente) wellbien hecho/dicho! — well done/said!
6) ( como intensificador)a) ( muy) very¿estás bien seguro? — are you positive?
ser bien de adentro — (Per fam) to be a good sort
b) ( fácilmente) easilybien pudo suceder — it could well o easily have happened
c) (en recriminaciones, protestas)bien podías haberlo ayudado — you could o might have helped him!
d)bien que...: bien que llama cuando necesita dinero — he soon calls when he needs money
7) (en locs)IIImás bien: es más bien delgada she's quite slim; no bien as soon as; si bien although; estar a bien con alguien to be on good terms with somebody; tener a bien hacer algo (frml): le rogamos tenga a bien abonar esta suma — we would ask you to pay this sum (frml)
a) ( como enlace)bien, sigamos adelante — right then o fine, let's continue
bien,... ¿dónde estábamos? — right,... where were we?
pues bien, como te iba diciendo... — so, as I was telling you...
b)IVbien! — ( expresando aprobación) well done!
Vpuede abonarse o bien al contado o bien en 12 cuotas mensuales — (frml) payment may be made either in cash or in twelve monthly installments
1) (Fil) good2)a) (beneficio, bienestar) goodb)hacer bien — (+ me/te/le etc)
3) ( en calificaciones escolares) grade of between 6 and 6.9 on a scale of 1-104)a) ( posesión)b) bienes masculino plural (Fin) assets (pl)•* * *bien11 = fine [finer -comp., finest -sup.], neatly, tidy, jolly + Adjetivo/Adverbio, aright, alright [all right], all right [alright], good.Ex: The solution is fine when the qualifying term that the user seeks is present, and is used relatively consistently.
Ex: This arrangement is ideal for well-defined subjects which coincide neatly with the interest of the library user.Ex: This was all very tidy, but who was to judge significance?.Ex: The public library people and some others have needs that have long been unmet, but jolly well ought to be as soon as possible.Ex: Another wise precaution at this preliminary stage is to make sure that he has heard aright.Ex: The article 'The kids are alright?' presents some of the findings of the questionnaire study which had as its focus the qualitative impact of public libraries on children's reading.Ex: So the system apparently works all right and no one is suggesting that it needs a major overhaul.Ex: It is imperative for young people to learn to be empathetic, both for their own good and for the good of society as a whole.* abrigarse bien = wrap up + warm.* acoger bien = welcome.* aguantarlo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.* ahora bien = now.* bastante bien = good enough, rather well, fairly + Verbo.* bien aceptado = well-accepted.* bien acomodado = well-to-do, well-off.* bien administrado = well-managed.* bien afeitado = clean shaven.* bien andado = well trodden.* bien anunciado = well-advertised, well-announced.* bien arado = well-tilled.* bien argumentado = well-considered.* bien arreglado = well-groomed.* bien comprendido = well-understood.* bien común, el = common good, the, common wealth, the.* bien conectado = well-connected.* bien conocido = well-known, well-understood.* bien conseguido = well-rendered.* bien conservado = well-kept.* bien considerado = all things considered.* bien construido = well-built.* bien controlado = well-regulated.* bien cuidado = clean-cut, well-tended.* bien cultural = cultural product.* bien definido = well-defined, clearly defined, clearly-drawn, clean-cut, articulated, clear-cut.* bien demarcado = hard-edged.* bien de todos, el = common good, the.* bien dicho = amen to that!.* bien diferenciado = well differentiated.* bien dirigido = well-regulated.* bien documentado = well documented [well-documented].* bien dotado = well-equipped, well-endowed, well-resourced.* bien dotado de medios = well-resourced.* bien dotado de personal = well-staffed.* bien dotado de recursos = well-resourced.* bien educado = urbane.* bien encaminado = a step in the right direction.* bien ensayado = well-practised [well-practiced, -USA].* bien entrada la noche = late at night.* bien equilibrado = well balanced [well-balanced].* bien equipado = well-appointed, well-equipped, well-resourced.* bien equipado de medios = well-resourced.* bien equipado de recursos = well-resourced.* bien escrito = well-written.* bien estructurado = well thought out, well-structured [well structured].* bien expresado = well-articulated.* bien financiado = well-funded.* bien formado = shapely [shapelier -comp., shapeliest -sup.], articulated.* bien formalizado = well-formalised [well-formalized].* bien formulado = well-formulated.* bien fundado = well-justified, well-formulated.* bien fundamentado = well-founded.* bien gestionado = well-managed.* bien gobernado = well-regulated, well-governed.* bien hecho = well-made, well formed [well-formed], well-rendered, well done.* ¡bien hecho! = the way to go!.* bien iluminado = well-lit.* bien informado = well-informed, informed.* bienintencionado = well-intentioned, well meant, well-intended, well-meaning.* bien justificado = well-founded, well-formulated.* bien llevado = well-run.* bien merecido = well deserved, well deserved, well-earned.* bien mirado = all things considered.* bien... o... = either... or..., either... or....* bien ordenado = well-kept, well-ordered, in good order.* bien organizado = well-organised [well-organized], well-structured [well structured].* bien pagado = well-paid.* bien parecido = personable, good looking.* bien pensado = well thought out.* bien planeado = well-planned.* bien planificado = well-planned.* bien practicado = well-practised [well-practiced, -USA].* bien preparado = well-trained, well-prepared.* bien presentado = well-presented, well-rendered.* bien producido = well-produced, well-made.* bien proporcionado = shapely [shapelier -comp., shapeliest -sup.].* bien provisto = well-endowed.* bien provisto (de) = well-stocked (with).* bien público = public good, commonwealth.* bien recibido = welcome.* bien reconocido = well-recognised [well-recognized].* bien redondito = well-rounded.* bien remunerado = well-paid.* bien representado = well represented, well-rendered.* bien seleccionado = well-chosen, well-selected.* bien sincronizado = well-synchronised [well-synchronized, -USA].* bien surtido (de) = well-stocked (with).* bien testado = well-tested.* bien tratado = well represented.* bien uniformado = well-uniformed.* bien ventilado = airy [airier -comp., airiest -sup.].* bien vestido = well-dressed, dapper.* bien visto = welcome.* caerse bien = hit it off.* cambiar Algo para bien = turn + Nombre + into a good thing.* cambiar para bien = change for + the better.* casar bien = fit in + well.* comenzar bien = get off to + a (good/great) start, make + a good start.* comprender bien = be clear in your mind.* comprenderse bien = be well understood.* conservarse bien = keep + well.* cosas + ir bien = things + go well.* creer que estar bien = feel + right.* cuatro verdades bien dichas = home truth.* dársele Algo bien a Uno = be good at.* dársele a Uno bien las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.* dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.* desempeñar bien una función = perform + well.* despedirse de Alguien deseándole que todo vaya bien = wish + well.* el bien de = the good of.* empezar a ir bien = fall into + place.* estar bien = be okay, be in good shape, be in good health.* estar bien de salud = be in good health.* estar bien encaminado = be on the right track.* estar bien pensado = be carefully thought out.* funcionar bien = be in order.* gente bien = well-to-do, well-off.* hablar muy bien de = rant and rave.* hablarse bien de Algo o Alguien = be well spoken of.* hacer Algo muy bien = do + an excellent job of, make + an excellent job of.* hacer bien = do + good.* hacerlo bien = put + matters + right, be right on track.* hacer sentir bien = make + Nombre + feel good.* hasta ahora, todo bien = so far, so good.* haz el bien y no mires a quién = cast your bread upon the waters.* impuesto de bienes inmuebles (IBI) = property tax.* ir bien = go + well, do + well, go + strong.* ir bien encaminado = be on the right track.* ir todo bien = be fine.* jugar bien + Posesivo + baza = play + Posesivo + cards right.* jugar bien + Posesivo + cartas = play + Posesivo + cards right.* llevarlo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.* llevarse bien = get along, on good terms.* llevarse bien con Alguien = get on with + Pronombre Personal.* lo que está bien y lo que está mal = rights and wrongs.* mantener los ojos bien abiertos = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.* mantenerse bien = keep + well.* marchar bien = go + strong.* más bien = if you like, instead.* más bien bajo = shortish.* más bien pequeño = smallish.* más bien todo lo contrario = quite the opposite, quite the contrary, quite the reverse.* masticar bien = chew up.* mirándolo bien = all things considered.* muy bien = nicely.* ¡muy bien! = the way to go!.* muy bien pagado = highly paid.* muy bien + podría + Verbo = might + well + Verbo.* muy bien + puede + Verbo = may well + Verbo.* muy bien remunerado = highly paid.* no caer bien = not take + kindly to.* no estar bien equilibrado = skew.* no hay mal que por bien no venga = to every cloud, there is a silver lining.* no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise.* no importa lo bien = no matter how well.* no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.* no ser bien visto = be in the doghouse.* no tomárselo bien = not take + kindly to.* pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.* para bien = for the best, for the better.* para bien de = in the best interests of, for the good of.* para bien de Alguien = in + Posesivo + best interest.* para bien o para mal = for better or (for) worse, for good or (for) ill, for good or (for) evil.* para el bien de = for the benefit of.* para + Posesivo + propio bien = for + Posesivo + own good.* parecer bien = be all right with + Persona.* pasarlo bien = have + fun, be a great time.* pasárselo bien = have + a good time, have + a great time.* pasárselo la mar de bien = have + a whale of a time, have + a great time.* persona que duerme bien = good sleeper.* por ahora todo va bien = so far, so good.* por el bien del saber = for knowledge's sake.* puede muy bien ser = could well be.* puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.* puede que al final sea para bien = be a blessing in disguise.* pues bien = well.* que bota bien = bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.].* que no ajusta bien = ill-fitting.* que no cierra bien = leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup], leaking.* que no queda bien = ill-fitting.* que rebota bien = bouncy [bouncier -comp., bounciest -sup.].* recibir bien = welcome.* recibir bien una iniciativa = welcome + initiative.* salir bien = go + well.* salir bien al final = turn out + right in the end.* salir todo bien = land on + Posesivo + (own two) feet.* seguir haciéndolo bien = keep up + the good work.* seguir trabajando bien = keep up + the good work.* sentar bien a Alguien = look + good on + Nombre.* sentirse bien = feel + good, wellness, feel + right, get + high.* sentirse bien con Uno mismo = feel + right.* ser algo bien conocido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.* ser algo (muy) bien sabido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.* ser por el bien de Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.* estar suficientemente bien + Participio Pasado = be sufficiently well + Participio Pasado.* ser suficientemente bien + Participio Pasado = be sufficiently well + Participio Pasado.* ser un hecho bien conocido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.* ser un hecho bien sabido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.* servir muy bien = take + Nombre + a long way.* si bien es cierto que = albeit (that).* sin bien se mira = all things considered.* sino más bien = rather.* sino (que) más bien = but rather.* todo ir bien = all + be + well with the world.* tomárselo bien = take it in + Posesivo + stride.* un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.* usar Algo bien = put to + good use.* venir bien = be none the worse for (that), suit + best.* venir muy bien = fit + the bill.* ver bien = welcome.* * *bien1A [ ESTAR] (sano) wellmi padre no anda or no está bien my father's not very wellno me siento or encuentro bien I don't feel well¡tú no estás bien de la cabeza! you're not right in the head!estuvo enfermo pero ya está bien he was ill but he's all right nowB [ ESTAR](económicamente acomodado): los padres están muy bien her parents are well offno son ricos, pero están bien they're not rich but they're reasonably well off o they're comfortably offC [ ESTAR] ( fam) (refiriéndose al atractivo sexual) good-looking, attractiveD [ ESTAR](cómodo, agradable): estoy bien aquí I'm fine o all right here¿vas bien allí atrás? are you all right in the back?se está bien a la sombra it's nice in the shadeE (agradable) ‹oler/saber›¡qué bien huele! it smells really good!¡qué bien hueles! you smell nice!este café sabe muy bien this coffee tastes very good o niceF [ ESTAR](satisfactorio): ¿está bien así, señorita? is that right o all right, miss?estás or quedaste or saliste muy bien en esta foto you look very nice o really good in this photographese cuadro no queda bien ahí that painting doesn't look right therepodríamos ir mañana, si te parece bien we could go tomorrow, if you likela casa está muy bien the house is very nice¿lo has leído? está muy bien have you read it? it's very good¡está bien!, si no quieres hacerlo no lo hagas all right o okay, then! if you don't want to do it, don't¡qué bien, mañana es fiesta! great! tomorrow's a holiday!la lavadora no funciona — ¡pues qué bien! ( iró); the washing machine's not working — oh, great! o well, that's great! ( iro)G [ ESTAR] (correcto, adecuado) rightestá bien que se premie la iniciativa it's right o good that initiative should be rewardedestuviste bien en negarle la entrada you did o were right to refuse to let him inH1 (indicando suficiencia) estar bien DE algo:¿estamos bien de aceite? are we all right for oil?no ando bien de tiempo I'm a bit short of time, I don't have much time2ya está bien that's enoughya está bien de jugar, ahora a dormir you've been playing long enough, now go to bedI1 ( fam) (de buena posición social) ‹familia/gente› well-to-doviven en un barrio bien they live in a well-to-do o ( BrE) posh areabien2A (de manera satisfactoria) ‹dormir/funcionar/cantar› wellse come de bien allí … the food is so good there!¿cómo te va? — bien, ¿y a ti? how are things? — fine, how about you?no le fue bien en Alemania things didn't work out for her in Germanyquien bien te quiere te hará llorar you have to be cruel to be kindB (ventajosamente) wellel local está muy bien ubicado the premises are very well situatedvendió el coche muy bien she sold the car well o for a good priceC(favorablemente): me habló muy bien de ti he spoke very highly of youyo prefiero pensar bien de la gente I prefer to think well of peopleD1 (a fondo, completamente) well, properly¿cerraste bien? did you make sure the door was locked (properly)?el cerdo debe comerse bien cocido pork should be well cooked o properly cooked before being eatenbien sabes que … you know perfectly well o very well that …2 (con cuidado, atención) carefullyescucha bien lo que te voy a decir listen carefully to what I'm going to sayE (correctamente) wellpórtate bien behave yourselfhiciste bien en decírselo you did the right thing to tell him¡bien dice tu padre que eres un terco! your father's dead right when he says you're stubborn¡bien hecho/dicho! well done/said!1 (muy) verycanta bien mal he sings really o very badlyllegó bien entrada la noche she arrived very late at night¿estás bien seguro? are you positive o certain?, are you absolutely sure?bien por debajo de lo normal well below averageponte bien adelante sit close to the front, sit well forward2 (fácilmente) easilyvale bien dos millones it's worth two million easilyyo no me acuerdo pero bien pudo ser I don't remember but it could well o easily have been34bien que …: pero bien que llama cuando necesita dinero he's quick enough to call when he needs money, though¿por qué no le compras algo?, a ti bien que te gusta que te hagan regalos why don't you buy her something? you like it when people give you presentsG ( en locs):más bien: una chica más bien delgada a rather thin girlno me cae bien — di más bien que no lo puedes ver I don't like him — what you mean is you can't stand the sight of himno bien or ( RPl) ni bien. as soon asno bien llegó, le dieron la noticia no sooner had he arrived than they told him the news, as soon as he arrived they told him the newssi bien althoughestar a bien con algn to be on good terms with sbtener a bien hacer algo ( frml): le rogamos tenga a bien abonar esta suma a la mayor brevedad posible we would ask you to pay this sum as soon as possible ( frml)le ruego tenga a bien considerar mi solicitud I would be grateful if you would consider my applicationCompuesto:bien nacido, bien nacidabien31(como enlace): bien, sigamos adelante right then o fine, let's continuebien, … ¿dónde estábamos? now o right, … where were we?y bien ¿estás dispuesto a hacerlo o no? so, are you prepared to do it or not?pues bien, como te iba diciendo … so, as I was telling you …2¡bien! (expresando aprobación) well done!¡bien, muchachos! well done, boys!no habrá clases hoy — ¡bieeeen! there won't be any lessons today — yippee o hurrah!bien4puede abonarse (o) bien al contado (o) bien en 12 cuotas mensuales ( frml); payment may be made (either) in cash or in twelve monthly installmentso bien te disculpas o te quedas castigado either you say you're sorry or I'll keep you inbien5A ( Fil) goodel bien y el mal good and evilhaz bien y no mires a quién do good to all alikeun hombre de bien a good manB1 (beneficio, bienestar) goodes por tu bien it's for your own goodtrabajar por el bien de todos to work for the good of allque sea para bien I hope things go well for you/him/themacepté, no sé si para bien o para mal I accepted, though I'm not sure if it was a good move or not2sus palabras me hicieron mucho bien what he said helped me a lot o did me a lot of goodC ( apelativo) dear, darlingD (en calificaciones escolares) grade of between 6 and 6.9 on a scale of 1-10E(posesión): el único bien valioso the only item of valuela orden afecta a todos sus bienes the order applies to all his assets o possessions o goodsCompuestos:common assetbienes comunales common propertyconsumer article o itembienes de consumo consumer goodscapital item o assetbienes de equipo capital goods o assetsmpl livestock ( sing or pl)joint asset ( acquired during marriage)bienes gananciales joint property, community property ( AmE)immovable item o assetitem of unclaimed propertymovable itembienes muebles movables, personal property, goods and chattelsimmovable item o assetownerless piece of land ( o asset etc)* * *
bien 1 adjetivo invariable
1 [estar] (de salud, en general) well;
sentirse or encontrarse bien to feel well;◊ ¿cómo estás? — muy bien, gracias how are you? — (I'm) very well, thank you;
¡qué bien estás! you look really well!;
¡tú no estás bien de la cabeza! you are not right in the head
2 [estar]a) (cómodo, agradable):◊ ¿vas bien ahí atrás? are you all right in the back?;
se está bien a la sombra it's nice in the shade;
la casa está muy bien the house is very nice
◊ la fecha/el reloj está bien the date/the clock is right;
¿está bien así? is this all right?;
si te parece bien if that's all right with you;
el cuadro no queda bien ahí the picture doesn't look right there
◊ ¿estamos bien de aceite? are we all right for oil?;
ya está bien that's enough
3 [estar]
◊ ¿lo has leído? está muy bien have you read it? it's very good
4 (fam)
bien 2 adverbio
◊ habla muy bien inglés she speaks English very well o very good English;
¡bien hecho/dicho! well done/said!;
pórtate bien behave yourself;
hiciste bien en decírselo you were right to tell him;
siéntate bien sit properly
◊ bien cocido well o properly cooked;
¿cerraste bien? did you lock the door properly?;
bien sabes que … you know perfectly well that …
bien entrada la noche very late at night;
¿estás bien seguro? are you positive?b) ( en locs)
no bien as soon as;
si bien although
■ interjección:◊ ¡(muy) bien! well done!, (very) good!;
¡qué bien! great!
■ conjunción: bien … o … either … or …;
se puede subir bien a pie o a caballo you can go up either on foot or on horseback
bien 3 sustantivo masculino
1 (Fil) good;
hacer el bien to do good deeds;
un hombre de bien a good man
◊ es por mi/tu bien it's for my/your own goodb)
3 ( en calificaciones escolares) grade of between 6 and 6.9 on a scale of 1-10
4◊ bienesa) sustantivo masculino plural (Com) goods;
b) (Der) property;
bienes inmuebles or raíces real estate (AmE), property (BrE);
bienes muebles personal property, goods and chattels;
bienes públicos public property
I sustantivo masculino
1 (justicia, bondad) good
no sabe diferenciar entre el bien y el mal, he can't tell the diference between good and evil
una persona de bien, a good person
2 (provecho, ventaja) lo hago por tu bien, I do it for your sake
en bien de la comunidad, for the good of community
3 (propiedad) property: no tiene ningún bien con el que avalar el crédito, he has no property or goods to guarantee his credit
bienes, goods
bienes de consumo, consumer goods pl; bienes gananciales, communal property
bienes inmuebles/raíces, real estate
II adverbio
1 (correctamente) well: hiciste bien en protestar, you were right to protest
toca bien el piano, she plays piano well
2 (sano) well, fine
sentirse/encontrarse bien, to feel well
3 (satisfactoriamente) este vestido te sienta bien, this dress suits you
oler bien, to smell nice
vivir bien, to be comfortably off
4 (antepuesto a un adjetivo: muy) very, quite
una cerveza bien fría, a nice cold beer
bien pronto, very early, very soon
(de buena gana) willingly, gladly: bien me iría ahora al cine, I'd love to go to the movies now
III conj ahora bien, now, now then
bien... o bien..., either... or...
bien que mal, one way or another
más bien, rather, a little
no bien, as soon as: no bien llegó..., no sooner had she arrived than...
pues bien, well then
o bien, or, or else
si bien, although, even though...: si bien es cierto que..., although it's quite clear that...
IV exclamación ¡bien!, good!, great!
¡está bien!, (¡de acuerdo!) fine!, all right
¡muy bien!, excellent, first class!
¡qué bien!, great!, fantastic
(desaprobación) ¡pues qué bien!, that's all I needed!
¡ya está bien!, that's (quite) enough!
V adj inv un barrio bien, a well-to-do neighbourhood
un niño bien, a rich kid
En general se traduce por well. Sin embargo, cuando hablamos de personas decimos fine al referirnos a su salud: ¿Qué tal estás? - Muy bien, gracias. How are you? - Fine, thanks. Para describir un objeto puedes usar good: Ese libro está muy bien. That book is very good.
' bien' also found in these entries:
- acabar
- acero
- agarrar
- ahora
- alternar
- amarrar
- andar
- antes
- atrancar
- avenida
- avenido
- avenirse
- bailar
- barbaridad
- base
- bastante
- cabeza
- caer
- casar
- cerrarse
- columpiarse
- cómo
- comprobar
- comunicada
- comunicado
- comunitaria
- comunitario
- coña
- concesión
- considerada
- considerado
- consuelo
- contraria
- contrario
- convenir
- cumplir
- dar
- darse
- decirse
- declarar
- defenderse
- deteriorarse
- diáfana
- diáfano
- dinero
- discreta
- discreto
- disfrutar
- disputarse
- acquit
- agree
- airy
- all right
- along
- alternatively
- antisocial
- appreciate
- aptly
- articulate
- at
- aware
- balance
- ball
- begin
- behave
- beneath
- best
- better
- bookmobile
- boom
- border
- bouncy
- by
- card
- charity
- cheap
- clean-shaven
- clockwork
- closely
- cloud
- come in
- come off
- come out
- conform
- congenial
- convenient
- cosy
- cozy
- deserve
- do
- done
- effective
- either
- enjoy
- enunciate
- equipped
- familiar
- far
* * *♦ adj inv[respetable]una familia bien a good family;un barrio bien a good area;Pey a posh area;un restaurante bien a posh restaurant;Peyniño bien rich kid;gente bien well-to-do people♦ nm1. [concepto abstracto] good;el bien y el mal good and evil;se cree que está por encima del bien y del mal she thinks ordinary moral laws don't apply to her;hacer el bien to do good (deeds);un hombre de bien a good man2. [provecho] good;los padres desean el bien de los hijos parents desire the best for their children;esto te hará bien this will do you good;si se marcha, nos hará un bien a todos if she leaves, she'll be doing us all a favour;espero que el cambio sea para bien I hope the change is for the best, I hope the change works out well;por el bien de for the sake of;lo hice por tu bien I did it for your own good;han trabajado muy duro por el bien de todos they have worked very hard for the good of everyone3. [nota] = mark between 6 and 6.9 out of 10, ≈ pass, ≈ C♦ bienes nmpl1. [patrimonio] propertybienes de capital capital assets;bienes comunales common property;bienes fungibles perishables;bienes gananciales shared possessions;bienes inmateriales intangible assets;bienes inmuebles real estate, US real property;bienes muebles personal property;bienes públicos public property;bienes raíces real estate, landed property2. [productos] goodsbienes de consumo consumer goods;bienes de consumo duraderos consumer durables, US hard goods;bienes de equipo capital goods;bienes de producción industrial goods;bienes terrenales worldly goods♦ adv1. [debidamente, adecuadamente] well;¿cómo estás? – bien, gracias how are you? – fine, thanks;habla inglés bien she speaks English well;¡agárrate bien! hold on tight!;cierra bien la puerta shut the door properly;conoce bien el tema she knows a lot about the subject, she knows the subject well;¿vamos bien de gasolina? are we doing all right for Br petrol o US gas?, have we got plenty of Br petrol o US gas?;bien mirado [bien pensado] if you look at it closely;[bien visto] well-regarded;bien pensado on reflection;contestar bien [correctamente] to answer correctly;[cortésmente] to answer politely;escucha bien,… listen carefully,…;estar bien relacionado to have good connections;le está bien empleado he deserves it, it serves him right;hacer algo bien to do sth well;has hecho bien you did the right thing;hiciste bien en decírmelo you were right to tell me;pórtate bien be good, behave yourself;salir bien librado to get off lightly;todo salió bien everything turned out well;vivir bien [económicamente] to be well-off;[en armonía] to be happy2. [expresa opinión favorable] well;¡muy bien! very good!, excellent!;¡bien hecho! well done!;me cayó muy bien I liked her a lot;me han hablado bien de él they have spoken well of him to me;en Portugal se come muy bien the food is very good in Portugal;estar bien [de aspecto] to be nice;[de salud] to be o feel well; [de calidad] to be good; [de comodidad] to be comfortable;¡está bien! [bueno, vale] all right then!;[es suficiente] that's enough!;este traje te está bien this suit looks good on you;la tienda está bien situada the shop is well situated;está bien que te vayas, pero antes despídete it's all right for you to go, but say goodbye first;tal comportamiento no está bien visto such behaviour is frowned upon;encontrarse bien [de salud] to feel well;no se encuentra nada bien she doesn't feel at all well;oler/saber bien to smell/taste nice o good;¡qué bien huele en esta cocina! it smells nice o good in this kitchen!;opinar bien de alguien to think highly of sb;no acaba de parecerme bien I don't really think it's a very good idea;no me parece bien que no la saludes I think it's wrong of you not to say hello to her;¿te parece bien así? is it O.K. like this?, is this all right?;pasarlo bien to have a good time;¡qué bien, mañana no trabajo! great, I don't have to go to work tomorrow!;Irónico¡qué bien, ahora dice que no me puede pagar! isn't that just great, now she says she can't pay me!;salir bien to turn out well;¡qué bien sales en la foto! you look great in the photo!;sentar bien a alguien [ropa] to suit sb;[comida] to agree with sb; [comentario] to please sb;el rojo no te sienta nada bien red doesn't suit you at all;come tan rápido que no le puede sentar bien she eats so quickly she's bound to get indigestion;algunos consideran que una copita de vino sienta bien some people think a glass of wine is good for you;no le sentó nada bien que lo criticaras en público he didn't like you criticizing him in public at all, he was none too impressed by you criticizing him in public;tu ayuda va a venir muy bien your help will be very welcome;no me viene nada bien salir esta tarde it's not very convenient for me o it doesn't really suit me to go out this afternoon;bien está lo que bien acaba all's well that ends wellbien abierto wide open;abre bien la boca open wide4. [uso enfático] pretty;un regalo bien caro a pretty expensive present;vamos a llegar bien tarde we're going to be pretty late;estoy bien cansado I'm pretty tired;hoy me he levantado bien temprano I got up nice and early today;quiero un vaso de agua bien fría I'd like a nice cold glass of water5. [vale, de acuerdo] all right, O.K.;¿nos vamos? – bien shall we go? – all right6. [de buena gana, fácilmente] quite happily;ella bien que lo haría, pero no le dejan she'd be happy to do it o she'd quite happily do it, but they won't let her7. [expresa protesta]¡bien podrías haberme avisado! you could at least have told me!;¡bien podrías pagar tú esta vez! it would be nice if you paid for once o for a change!8. [en frases]bien es verdad que… it's certainly true that…;¡bien por…! three cheers for…!;¡ya está bien! that's enough!;¡ya está bien de hacer el vago! that's enough lazing around!;estar a bien con alguien to be on good terms with sb;¡pues (sí que) estamos bien! that's all we needed!;tener a bien hacer algo to be good enough to do sth;le rogamos tenga a bien pasarse por nuestras oficinas we would ask you to (be good enough to) come to our offices♦ conjbien… bien either… or;puedes venir bien por avión, bien por barco you can come by plane or by boat;dáselo bien a mi hermano, bien a mi padre give it to either my brother or my father♦ interj1. [aprobación] good!, great!;[fastidio] oh, great!;hoy saldréis al recreo media hora antes – ¡bien! break time will be half an hour earlier today – great!;se acaba de estropear la televisión – ¡bien, lo que nos faltaba! the television has just broken down – oh great, that's all we needed!2. [enlazando]y bien, ¿qué te ha parecido? well o so, what did you think of it?;y bien, ¿a qué estás esperando? well, what are you waiting for?♦ más bien loc conjrather;no estoy contento, más bien estupefacto I'm not so much happy as stunned;más bien creo que no vendrá I rather suspect she won't come, I think it unlikely that she'll comeno sooner, as soon as;no bien me había marchado cuando empezaron a… no sooner had I gone than they started…♦ si bien loc conjalthough, even though* * *I m good;por tu bien for your own good;bienes pl goods, property sg ;hombre de bien good man;estar por encima del bien y del mal be above the lawII adj:¡está bien! it’s OK!, it’s alright!;estoy bien I’m fine, I’m OK;¿estás bien aquí? are you comfortable here?;la gente bien well-to-do peopleIII adv1 well; ( muy) very;¡bien hecho! well done!;bien está lo que bien acaba all’s well that ends well2 ( correctamente) well, properly3 en locuciones:más bien rather;tener a bien hacer algo see fit to do sth;hicieron bien en reservar los billetes con tanta antelación they did the right thing booking the tickets so far ahead;haces bien en llevarte el paraguas it’s a good idea to take your umbrella;estar (a) bien con alguien be on good terms with s.o.IV conj:o bien … o … either … or …;si bien, bien que although;no bien as soon asV int:¡ya está bien! that’s it!, that’s enough!;pues bien well* * *bien adv1) : well¿dormiste bien?: did you sleep well?2) correctamente: correctly, properly, righthay que hacerlo bien: it must be done correctly3) : very, quiteel libro era bien divertido: the book was very amusing4) : easilybien puede acabarlo en un día: he can easily finish it in a day5) : willingly, readilybien lo aceptaré: I'll gladly accept it6)bien que : although7)más bien : ratherbien adj1) : well, OK, all right¿te sientes bien?: are you feeling all right?2) : pleasant, agreeablelas flores huelen bien: the flowers smell very nice3) : satisfactory4) : correct, rightbien nm1) : goodel bien y el mal: good and evil2) bienes nmpl: property, goods, possessions* * *bien1 adj (acomodado) well off / richbien2 adv1. (en general) wellel examen le fue bien the exam went well / he did well in the exam2. (de salud) well / fineayer me dolía el estómago, pero ya estoy bien I had a stomachache yesterday, but I'm fine nowestoy muy bien, gracias I'm very well, thank you¿estás bien? are you all right?¡qué bien huele! what a nice smell! / it smells really good!4. (de manera correcta) properly / correctly / right5. (para intensificar) very / quitebien caliente nice and hot / very hot6. (de acuerdo) all right / OK¿vienes? Bien are you coming? OKbien3 conj either... orse puede ir bien en tren, bien en autocar you can either go by train or by coachbien4 n1. (lo bueno) good2. (beneficio) good3. (nota académica) good / C
См. также в других словарях:
impressed — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look, seem, sound ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
very — [[t]ve̱ri[/t]] ♦ 1) ADV: ADV adj/adv (emphasis) Very is used to give emphasis to an adjective or adverb. The problem and the answer are very simple... It is very, very strong evidence indeed... I m very sorry... They are getting the hang of it… … English dictionary
impressed — im|pressed [ ım prest ] adjective admiring someone or something very much, especially because of an unusually good achievement, quality, or skill: Dan looked impressed but slightly confused. impressed by/with: I was very impressed by the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
impressed — UK [ɪmˈprest] / US adjective admiring someone or something very much, especially because of an unusually good achievement, quality, or skill Dan looked impressed but slightly confused. impressed by/with: I was very impressed by the efficiency of… … English dictionary
with — We say a relationship/a connection/contact with someone/something: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Police want to question a man in connection with the robbery. But: a relationship/a connection/contact/a between two things.… … Combinatory dictionary
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People associated with Anne Frank — Annelies Marie “Anne” Frank (12 June 1929–early March 1945) was a Jewish girl who, along with her family and four other people, hid in rooms at the back of her father s Amsterdam company during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Helped by… … Wikipedia
Jones Very — (August 28, 1813 May 8, 1880) was an American essayist, poet, clergymen, and mystic associated with the American Transcendentalism movement.Born in Salem, Massachusetts to two unwed first cousins, Jones Very became associated with Harvard… … Wikipedia