1 гладить против шерсти
1) General subject: comb somebody's hair the wrong way, rub the fur the wrong way, rub the wrong way, (кого-л.) stroke against the hair, stroke the fur the wrong way, (кого-л.) stroke the wrong way, to stroke fur the wrong way, (кого-л.) stroke the wrong way, to stroke hair the wrong way, (кого-л.) comb hair the wrong way, (кого-л.) rough up the wrong way, (кого-л.) ruffle feathers, rub up the wrong way2) Literal: stroke the wrong wayУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > гладить против шерсти
2 гладить (кого-л.) против шерсти
General subject: stroke against the hair, stroke the wrong way, to stroke fur the wrong way, stroke the wrong way, to stroke hair the wrong way, comb hair the wrong way, rough up the wrong way, ruffle feathersУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > гладить (кого-л.) против шерсти
3 соединительный штрих
1) Engineering: hairline2) Polygraphy: bar, hair-stroke, hair-stroke (буквы), joining stroke, thin stroke4) Advertising: hair lineУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > соединительный штрих
4 пригладить волосы
General subject: give hair a smooth, smooth down hair, stroke down hair, to smoothen down ( one's) hair, give hair a smooth, flatten (one's) hair (down) -
5 засечка
1) General subject: click (у лошади), cut, hair stroke, interference, nick, overreach (у лошади)2) Geology: cross-bearing3) Military: intercept (цели), interception (цели), intersection sight, localization (цели), location (цели)4) Engineering: break (ткани), crease (ткани), dent, dyeing strip (ткани от крашения), hag, intersection, notch groove, serif (литеры)5) Professional term: fixing, position fixing6) Chemistry: crease7) Construction: tick8) Mathematics: mark9) Railway term: cross-bearing (геод.)10) Law: notch11) Veterinary medicine: calking (ранение венчика копыта шипом подковы)12) Mining: cross-bearing (при съёмке), inset, resection (при съёмке)13) Diplomatic term: acquisition14) Forestry: dawk (на бревне)15) Polygraphy: hair-stroke (на концах основных штрихов литеры), hairline, hairline (на концах основных штрихов буквы)16) Textile: wrinkle (порок ткани)17) Topography: crossbearing18) Astronautics: cross bearing, fix19) Cartography: cutting point, intersection point, point of intersection20) Patents: serif (на концах основных штрихов литеры)21) Arms production: intersection (sight), recorded observation (цели)22) Makarov: blaze (на дереве), intersection (деревьев)23) Horse breeding: hit, overreach (подковой) -
6 волосная линия
1) General subject: hair stroke -
7 тонкая линия
1) General subject: hair stroke2) Biology: striola3) Aviation: hairline4) Construction: light line5) Mathematics: fine line (на чертеже), thin line (на чертеже)7) Makarov: hair-line -
8 тонкая, волосная линия
General subject: hair-line, hair-strokeУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > тонкая, волосная линия
9 засечка
notch groove, hag, ( литеры) serif* * *засе́чка ж.1. лес. dawk2. полигр. serif, hair stroke3. геод. cross bearing, intersectionде́лать засе́чки дуго́й strike an arc (with x as a centre and Th as radius)иско́мая то́чка получа́ется засе́чкой ли́нии ca ли́нией bc — the desired point is located as the line ca cuts the line bcобра́тная засе́чка геод. — resectionпряма́я засе́чка геод. — intersectionопределя́ть [находи́ть] (расстоя́ние до) то́чки прямы́ми засе́чками — locate a point by (the method of) intersectionзасе́чка тка́ни — crease, breakзасе́чка тка́ни от кра́шения — dyeing strip* * * -
10 засечка
1. ж. лес. dawk2. ж. полигр. serif, hair strokeтреугольная засечка, треугольный сериф — latin serif
3. ж. геод. cross bearing, intersectionискомая точка получается засечкой линии ca линией bc — the desired point is located as the line ca cuts the line bc
Синонимический ряд:зарубка (сущ.) зарубина; зарубка; затес -
11 раздражать
1) General subject: acerbate, aggravate, anger, annoy, annoy (кого-л.), arouse (кого-либо), badger, chafe, crab (кого-л.), curdle, discomfit, disgruntle, displease, embitter, enchafe, envenom, exacerbate, exasperate, exasperate (ранку, болячку), exulcerate, fray, gall, get down, get in hair (кого-л.), get on nerves, get on one's nerves, get somebody's back up, get under the skin, give the needle, give the pip (кого-л.), goad, grate, grate on, (обыкн. on) grater, harry, heat, herry, huff, irritate, itch, jangle, jar, jar (on, upon), madden, mag, make nervous (кого-л.), nag, nark, needle, nettle, peeve, prod, provoke, put somebody's back up (кого-либо), rasp, roil, roughen, rouse, rub, rub the fur the wrong way, rub the wrong way, ruffle, set somebody's back up (кого-либо), set somebody's nerves on edge, shake up, sour, spite, stick pins into (кого-л.), stroke against the hair (кого-л.), stroke the fur the wrong way, stroke the wrong way, to stroke fur the wrong way (кого-л.), stroke the wrong way, to stroke hair the wrong way (кого-л.), thorn, tickle, torment, torture, try, twist tail (кого-л.), vellicate (щипками, уколами), venom, vex, wear on, put out, set teeth on edge, rough up (кого-л.), set nerves on edge (кого-л.), get goat (кого-л.), get under skin (кого-л.), rough up the wrong way (кого-л.), get goat (сердить, кого-л.), rankle, go against one's grain, jangle (sb's) nerves2) Biology: exasperate (напр. кожу)3) Medicine: stimulate4) Colloquial: crab-tree (кого-л.), crabber (кого-л.), get somebody's goat, give the fidgets (кого-л.), rattle, rile, tick off5) Dialect: edge6) American: get on nerves (кого-л.)7) Obsolete: irk8) Literal: stroke the wrong way (кого-л.)10) British English: get up somebody's nose (informal), get up somebody's nostrils (informal), mither11) Australian slang: crap off, get in ( smb.'s) hair (кого-л.), get up (smb.'s) nose (кого-л.), give (smb.) the irrits (кого-л.)14) Jargon: bug, get in (one's) hair, rank, turn (someone) off, drive up the wall (=annoy), give someone a pain, wig15) Invective: piss off16) Aviation medicine: incense17) Makarov: aggravate (кожу), fret, get under (smb.'s) skin (кого-л.), go against the grain, go against the hair, imbitter, try temper (кого-л.), chafe against, chafe on, chafe upon, cheese off18) West Indies: bex19) Taboo: bitch off, bum somebody out (кого-л.), fuck somebody off, fuck with somebody (кого-л.), get on (one's) wick (кого-л.), get on one's wick, get one's mad up, gripe somebody's ass (кого-л.), make (one's) shit hang sideways, pee somebody off (кого-л.), piss somebody off (кого-л.), rag20) Phraseological unit: grind (one's) gears (It really grinds my gears when inconsiderate people litter.), harsh (one's) mellow21) Idiomatic expression: under my skin (пример: I can't stand him, he really gets under my skin), get up the nose (get up one's nose) -
12 гладить против шерсти
stroke smb.'s hair the wrong way; stroke smb. against the hair; rub smb. up the wrong way; stroke smb. against the grain; put smb.'s back up- Кого вы побоялись? Товарища Ермасова? Не хотели гладить против шерсти? А придётся! Придётся высказаться, товарищ Уманский... (Ю. Трифонов, Утоление жажды) — 'Who are you afraid of? Comrade Yermasov? You didn't want to stroke his hair the wrong way. Well, you'll have to. You'll have to be frank, Comrade Umansky.'
Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > гладить против шерсти
13 задать головомойку
1) General subject: (кому-л.) comb hair, (кому-л.) give a rating, haul over the coals (кому-л.), (кому-л.) rate soundly, slate, (кому-л.) stroke hair, take over the coals (кому-л.), call over the coals, haul over the coals2) Makarov: give fits, (кому-л.) comb hair for him, (кому-л.) stroke hair for him, dress down, call over the coals (кому-л.), comb hair for him (кому-л.), drag over the coals (кому-л.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > задать головомойку
14 задать (кому-л.) головомойку
1) General subject: comb hair, give a rating, rate soundly, stroke hair2) Makarov: comb hair for him, stroke hair for himУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > задать (кому-л.) головомойку
15 гладить против шерсти
rub the wrong way словосочетание:rub the wrong way (гладить против шерсти, раздражать)stroke the wrong way (гладить против шерсти, раздражать кого-л.)stroke hair the wrong way (гладить против шерсти, раздражать кого-л.)Русско-английский синонимический словарь > гладить против шерсти
16 гладить кого-либо против шерсти
1) General subject: stroke somebody the wrong way, stroke somebody's hair the wrong way2) Set phrase: stroke someone the wrong wayУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > гладить кого-либо против шерсти
17 штрих
1) General subject: accent, bowing, dash, hatch, hatching, line, liquid paper, smooch, smutch, stroke, touch, trait2) Geology: stria3) Medicine: streak4) Engineering: dash line, dash mark, finger (дифракционной решётки), groove (дифракционной решётки), hachure, line mark, marking, slant (знак), slash (знак), slit (дифракционной решётки)5) Mathematics: feature, prime, prime mark6) Metallurgy: hachure (на чертеже)7) Polygraphy: character stroke, character stroke (в рисунке знака, буквы), crease, ruling (дифракционной решётки)8) Electronics: dot9) Information technology: accent (в качестве индекса), bar10) Geophysics: beam11) Metrology: graduated line (шкалы), hair line (окулярной шкалы или сетки), line mark (шкалы), prime (буквенного условного обозначения), ruling (шкалы)12) Perfume: connotation, hint13) Polymers: coat (резиновой смеси)15) Makarov: dash (в черчении), line (на шкале прибора), liquid paper (используется для внесения правки в рукопись), mark (на шкале прибора), marking (на шкале прибора), slant (знак деления), slash (знак; наклонный) -
18 раздражать кого-либо
1) General subject: give a pain in the neck, give somebody a pain, give the needle to somebody, jar upon a person, stroke somebody the wrong way, stroke somebody's hair the wrong way2) Jargon: bug (This kind of thing really bugs me. Эта вещь раздражает меня. Всё это раздражает меня.), rank out, hack, needle, get on someone case, get to someoneУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > раздражать кого-либо
19 совокупление
1) General subject: coition, coupling, sexual intercourse2) Biology: copulation3) Law: congress4) Physiology: coitus5) Jargon: woo, the works (необычное, доставившее особое удовольствие)6) Invective: jazz, lay, ride a pony7) Taboo: ( the) other, Bologna bop (см. sausage), Donald (см. Donald Duck), Dutch kiss, Irish dip, Irish whist (where the Jack takes the ace) (см. jack, ace), Moll Peatley's jig, Ugandan affairs (sing) (обычно совершаемое в "экзотическом" месте, напр. в общественном туалете), Zinzanbrook (произносится zin-zan-bruck), a little conversation, accommodation, act, act of acts, any (usu get any), ass (usu have/get some ass), axe-grinding, banana, bang (usu have a bang), bash, bawdy banquet, bean-spilling, bedtime story, bedventure, belly ride, belly-bamping, belt, biggie, bike ride to Brighton, bit (обычно "на стороне"), bit of brush (usu have a bit of brush), bit of fish (usu have a bit of fish), bit of flat (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of fun (usu have a bit of fun) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hair (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hard for a bit of soft, bit of how's yer father, bit of jam (usu have a bit of jam), bit of meat (usu have a bit of meat) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of nifty (usu have a bit of nifty) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of share (usu have a bit of share), bit of skirt (usu do/ have/look for a bit of skirt), bit of snibley (usu have a bit of snibley; особ. с точки зрения мужчины), bit of that there (usu have a bit of that there), blanket drill (usu have a blanket drill), blanket hornpipe (usu have a blanket hornpipe), bonk (usu have a bonk), boody, boom-boom, booting, boozle, buckwild (usu get buckwild), bunk-up, bunk-up (usu have a bunk-up), bush patrol, business, butt, buttock-jig, button working (см. button), candy (часто употребляется в блюзах), carnal knowledge, cauliflower (usu a bit of cauliflower), cha-cha, charver, chauvering, chingazo, chuff, chunk, congress (usu be in congress), cooze, cosy, counter, crack (usu have/get a crack), crumpet (usu get/have a piece of crumpet), cunt, cut a side, cut off the joint (с точки зрения мужчины), cuzzy, daily mail, dash in the bloomers (обычно быстрое и внебрачное), dash up the channel (usu have/take a dash up the channel), depth charge, doctors and nurses (usu play doctors and nurses), dunking, ejectment in love lane, essence of bend-over, extras, feather-bed jig, ficky-fick, fig-fig, first game ever played, fish supper, flagrant delight (игра слов на лат. in flagrante delicto в момент совершения преступления), flame, flatback (в традиционной позиции "мужчина сверху"), flesh session, flip, flop, frame, freak, frig, frock, fuck, fuckeding, fucking, fucky, fun and games, futz, futzing, go, greens, grind (usu do a grind), ground rations (pl), grummet, hanky-panky (особ. при измене любовнице или жене), he-ing and she-ing, home run (см. first base, third base; игра слов на бейсбольном термине), horizontal exercise, horizontal jogging, horizontal refreshment, hose, hot beef injection, hot meat injection, hot roll with cream, hot session, houghmagandy, how's your father, hump, humpery, humpty, hunk, hunk of ass, in and out, interflora (намек на flower power, движение хиппи, девизом которого была фраза make love not war), interior decorating (обычно днем), invitation to the waltz (см. waltz), jackass (usu have/get some ass), jelly, jerk, jig, jiggery pokery, jing-jang (от кит. инь-ян), jive (usu have a jive), jobbing, joy ride, knockie, kwela, lame duck, lay (usu have a lay), leap (usu do a leap), leap in the dark, legover (usu get one's leg over q.v.), lewd infusion, limit, lipwork, little bit, little bit of keg, meat injection, mount (usu do a mount), mugging up, nail (usu have a nail), nasty, national indoor game, naughty, navel engagement (игра слов на naval engagement морское сражение), necessary (usu do the necessary), nibble (usu have a nibble), nifty, night games, nobbing, noogie, nookey, nudge, nudge, nurtle, nut, nutt (особ. приятное), oats, oil change, old one-two, one, one with t'other, pank (см. hanky-panky; особ. вне брака), parallel parking, party, patha-patha, peter, piece, piece of ass, piece of skirt, piece of tail, pile, pile-driving, play the back nine, pleasure, pom-pom, poon (особ. с темнокожей женщиной), pork prescription, porking, portion, prod, pudding, pump, punani, punch (usu have a punch), push (usu have a push), pussy, put-and-take, quim-sticking, quim-wedging, quimming, rabbit-habit, ram, ram job, religious oservances, ride (см. bare-back riding; usu have/take a ride), rip-off, rocking chair, rogering, roll (usu have a roll; обыч. с точки зрения мужчины), roll-in-the-hay, root, route, rub-belly, rudeness, rudies (sing), rule of three, rump-work, rumpo, sausage and donut situation (гетеросексуальное), scene, score, screw, screwing, seeing-to (usu give someone a good seeing-to), service, sex, sex-job, sexperience, shafting (usu give somebody a good shafting), shag, shake, short time, short-arm practice, shot, shot downstairs, shove, shudder, skirt, slam, slap and tickle, slithery, smack, snack-up, snag, snake in the grass, snibbet, some, splosh (usu a bit of splosh), squeeze-'em-close, squelching, strap, strap-on, stroke (usu have/take a stroke), stuff, stuffing (usu give somebody a good stuffing; с точки зрения мужчины), stunt, swing, tail, tail-wagging, ten, that thing, tick-tack, tiffin, tip, tough stuff, trade, trick, trim, trip up the Rhine, trouser action, tumble-in, tummy-tickling, turbot for tea, turn, ugly, under, under cover, valentino, wax, wham (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wham-bam (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wild thing, work (usu get (some) work), works (pl), yig-yag, you-know-what, zig-zag -
20 раздражать кого-л.
jar on a person словосочетание:get back up (раздражать кого-л., рассердить)give the needle (раздражать кого-л.)jar on a person (раздражать кого-л.)jar upon a person (раздражать кого-л.)put back up (раздражать кого-л., рассердить)set back up (раздражать кого-л., рассердить)set nerves on edge (раздражать кого-л.)Русско-английский синонимический словарь > раздражать кого-л.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Hair stroke — Hair Hair (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hair stroke — n. a very fine line in writing or printing … English World dictionary
hair stroke — noun a very fine line in writing or printing • Hypernyms: ↑hairline * * * noun 1. : a delicate stroke in writing 2. : serif * * * a fine line in writing or printing. [1625 35] * * * hair stroke … Useful english dictionary
hair stroke — noun a) (printing) a fine line drawn out at the top or bottom of a letter b) (penmanship) a line as fine as a hair … Wiktionary
hair stroke — a fine line in writing or printing. [1625 35] * * * … Universalium
Hair-stroke — Соединительный штрих (буквы); Засечка (на концах основных штрихов буквы) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
hair stroke — n. very fine line in writing; very thin line in printing … English contemporary dictionary
hair-stroke — … Useful english dictionary
Hair — (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming a covering … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hair bracket — Hair Hair (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hair cells — Hair Hair (h[^a]r), n. [OE. her, heer, h[ae]r, AS. h[=ae]r; akin to OFries. h[=e]r, D. & G. haar, OHG. & Icel. h[=a]r, Dan. haar, Sw. h[*a]r; cf. Lith. kasa.] 1. The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English