1 Greenland halibut
2 Greenland halibut
3 Greenland halibut
1) Биология: синекорый палтус (Reinhardtius hipoglossoides), чёрный палтус (Reinhardtius hipoglossoides)2) Рыбоводство: синекорый палтус, чёрный палтус3) Океанография: чёрный палтус (Rheinhardtius hippoglossoides matsuurae Jord. et Starks)4) Макаров: гренландский палтус -
4 Greenland halibut
Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > Greenland halibut
5 Greenland halibut
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > Greenland halibut
6 Greenland halibut
черный палтус, синекорый палтус -
7 Greenland halibut
8 Greenland halibut
English-Russian dictionary restaurant vocabulary > Greenland halibut
9 halibut
arrow-toothed halibut ложный палтус, Paralichthys okivaceus; 2. калифорнийский паралихт, Paralichthys californicus; 3. pl цитаровые, CitharidaeCalifornia halibut калифорнийский паралихт, Paralichthys californicuschicken halibut мелкий палтусGreenland halibut чёрный палтус, синекорый палтус, Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesPacific halibut тихоокеанский белокорый палтус, Hippoglossus stenolepistrue halibut белокорый палтус, Hippoglossus hippoglossusEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > halibut
10 halibut
1) палтус ( Hippoglossus)2) паралихт, ложный палтус ( Paralichthys)3) pl камбаловые ( Pleuronectidae)•- Atlantic halibut
- bastard halibut
- black halibut
- California halibut
- chicken halibut
- false halibut
- Greenland halibut
- Pacific halibut
- red halibut
- shothole halibut
- true halibut* * *• палтус• паралихт -
11 halibut
1. n зоол. белокорый палтус2. n зоол. камбаловые -
12 halibut, Pacific
—1. LAT Hippoglossus stenolepis Schmidt2. RUS белокорый [тихоокеанский] палтус m3. ENG Pacific halibut, alabato4. DEU Pazifischer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m du Pacifique2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > halibut, Pacific
13 halibut, Greenland
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > halibut, Greenland
14 halibut, black
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > halibut, black
15 halibut, blue
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > halibut, blue
16 halibut, lesser
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > halibut, lesser
17 halibut, little
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > halibut, little
18 halibut, mock
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > halibut, mock
19 turbot, Greenland
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > turbot, Greenland
20 turbot, American
—2. RUS чёрный [синекорый, гренландский, тихоокеанский чёрный] палтус m3. ENG Greenland [Newfoundland, American] turbot, black [pacific, Greenland, lesser, mock, blue, little] halibut4. DEU Schwarzer Heilbutt m5. FRA flétan m noir [du Groenland]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > turbot, American
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Greenland halibut — taxobox name = Greenland Halibut image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Pleuronectiformes familia = Pleuronectidae genus = Reinhardtius species = R. hippoglossoides binomial = Reinhardtius… … Wikipedia
Greenland halibut — juodasis paltusas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Reinhardtius hippoglossoides angl. American turbot; black halibut; blue halibut; Greenland halibut; Greenland turbot; lesser halibut; little halibut;… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
greenland halibut — noun Usage: usually capitalized G : a flatfish (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) of the cold parts of the Atlantic that weighs 10 to 25 pounds and is colored on both sides … Useful english dictionary
Greenland (disambiguation) — Greenland is a dependency of Denmark and an island adjacent to the North American continent.Greenland may also refer to:PlacesIn Barbados: * Greenland, Saint Andrew, BarbadosIn Norway: * Grønland, a neighbourhood in OsloIn the United States: *… … Wikipedia
Halibut — This article is about the flatfish species; for the United States Navy ships named Halibut see USS Halibut. Halibut tend to be a mottled brown on their upward facing side and white on their downside Halibut is a flatfish, genus Hippoglossus, from … Wikipedia
Greenland — Greenlander, n. Greenlandish, adj. /green leuhnd, land /, n. a self governing island belonging to Denmark, located NE of North America: the largest island in the world. 55,558; ab. 844,000 sq. mi. (2,186,000 sq. km); over 700,000 sq. mi.… … Universalium
halibut — /hal euh beuht, hol /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) halibut, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) halibuts. 1. either of two large flatfishes, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, of the North Atlantic, or H. stenolepis, of the North Pacific,… … Universalium
Greenland turbot — juodasis paltusas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Reinhardtius hippoglossoides angl. American turbot; black halibut; blue halibut; Greenland halibut; Greenland turbot; lesser halibut; little halibut;… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
Greenland — <p></p> <p></p> Introduction ::Greenland <p></p> Background: <p></p> Greenland, the world s largest island, is about 81% ice capped. Vikings reached the island in the 10th century from Iceland;… … The World Factbook
Greenland Sea — Greenland Sea … Wikipedia
Greenland Sea — a part of the Arctic Ocean, NE of Greenland and N of Iceland. * * * ▪ sea, Arctic Ocean Danish and Norwegian GrØnlandshavet outlying portion of the Arctic Ocean, with an area of 465,000 square miles (1,205,000 square km). It lies south of … Universalium