1 Greek
[griːk] 1.aggettivo greco2.1) (person) greco m. (-a)2) (language) greco m.3.••* * *[ɡriːk]1. adj2. n1) (person) greco (-a)2) (language) grecoancient/modern Greek — greco antico/moderno
* * *Greek /gri:k/A a.greco: the Greek Church, la Chiesa Greca (Ortodossa)B n.3 (fig. arc.) uomo astuto; imbroglione● on (o to) the Greek Calends, alle calende greche; mai □ (archit.) Greek cross, croce greca □ (relig.) the Greek Fathers, i Padri della Chiesa che scrissero in greco □ (stor., mil.) Greek fire, fuoco greco □ (archit.) Greek fret (o Greek key), greca □ (fig.) Greek gift, dono che cela un'insidia □ (zool.) Greek partridge ( Alectoris graeca), coturnice □ (fam.) It's all Greek to me!, per me è greco (o arabo, turco); non ci capisco un'acca!* * *[griːk] 1.aggettivo greco2.1) (person) greco m. (-a)2) (language) greco m.3.•• -
2 word
I 1. [wɜːd]1) parola f., vocabolo m., termine m.to have no words to express sth. — non trovare le o non avere parole per esprimere qcs.
long words — parole difficili, paroloni
with these words he left — dopo aver detto queste parole, se ne andò
the last word — fig. l'ultima novità, l'ultimo grido
to get a word in — riuscire a dire qcs.
not in so many words — non proprio, non esattamente
the spoken word — la lingua parlata, il parlato
to put one's feelings into words esprimere ciò che si prova (a parole); what's the Greek word for "dog"? come si dice "cane" in greco? a word of warning, advice un avvertimento, un consiglio; vulgar is hardly the word for it volgare è dire poco; I've said my last word ho detto tutto ciò che avevo da dire; too sad for words indescrivibilmente triste; in the words of Bush come disse Bush; I mean every word of it parlo sul serio; a man of few words — un uomo di poche parole
2) (anything, something)word got out that... — si è diffusa o è trapelata la notizia che...
to bring, send word that — annunciare, fare sapere che
he left word at the desk that... — ha lasciato detto alla reception che...
to spread the word — passare la parola, dif fondere la notizia
4) (promise) parola f.to break one's word — non mantenere la parola data o la propria parola
to take sb.'s word for it — credere a qcn. sulla parola
to take sb. at his, her word — prendere qcn. in parola
to be as good as one's word — mantenere la propria parola o le promesse
5) (rumour)word has it that... — si dice che...
word got round o around that... — girava voce che
6) (command)if you need anything just say the word — se hai bisogno di qualsiasi cosa, dimmelo
7) (key word) parola f. d'ordine8) the Word relig. la Parola (di Dio); (of Trinity) il Verbo9) inform. parola f., codice m.10) by word of mouth oralmente, verbalmente2.••my word! — (in surprise) caspita, perbacco! (in reproof) vedrai!
to have a word with sb. about sth. — dire una parola a qcn. su qcs.
to have words with sb. — venire a parole con qcn.
II [wɜːd]to put in a good word for sb. — mettere una buona parola per qcn
* * *[wə:d] 1. noun1) (the smallest unit of language (whether written, spoken or read).) parola2) (a (brief) conversation: I'd like a (quick) word with you in my office.) parola3) (news: When you get there, send word that you've arrived safely.) notizia, messaggio4) (a solemn promise: He gave her his word that it would never happen again.) parola2. verb(to express in written or spoken language: How are you going to word the letter so that it doesn't seem rude?) formulare- wording- word processor
- word processing
- word-perfect
- by word of mouth
- get a word in edgeways
- in a word
- keep
- break one's word
- take someone at his word
- take at his word
- take someone's word for it
- word for word* * *I 1. [wɜːd]1) parola f., vocabolo m., termine m.to have no words to express sth. — non trovare le o non avere parole per esprimere qcs.
long words — parole difficili, paroloni
with these words he left — dopo aver detto queste parole, se ne andò
the last word — fig. l'ultima novità, l'ultimo grido
to get a word in — riuscire a dire qcs.
not in so many words — non proprio, non esattamente
the spoken word — la lingua parlata, il parlato
to put one's feelings into words esprimere ciò che si prova (a parole); what's the Greek word for "dog"? come si dice "cane" in greco? a word of warning, advice un avvertimento, un consiglio; vulgar is hardly the word for it volgare è dire poco; I've said my last word ho detto tutto ciò che avevo da dire; too sad for words indescrivibilmente triste; in the words of Bush come disse Bush; I mean every word of it parlo sul serio; a man of few words — un uomo di poche parole
2) (anything, something)word got out that... — si è diffusa o è trapelata la notizia che...
to bring, send word that — annunciare, fare sapere che
he left word at the desk that... — ha lasciato detto alla reception che...
to spread the word — passare la parola, dif fondere la notizia
4) (promise) parola f.to break one's word — non mantenere la parola data o la propria parola
to take sb.'s word for it — credere a qcn. sulla parola
to take sb. at his, her word — prendere qcn. in parola
to be as good as one's word — mantenere la propria parola o le promesse
5) (rumour)word has it that... — si dice che...
word got round o around that... — girava voce che
6) (command)if you need anything just say the word — se hai bisogno di qualsiasi cosa, dimmelo
7) (key word) parola f. d'ordine8) the Word relig. la Parola (di Dio); (of Trinity) il Verbo9) inform. parola f., codice m.10) by word of mouth oralmente, verbalmente2.••my word! — (in surprise) caspita, perbacco! (in reproof) vedrai!
to have a word with sb. about sth. — dire una parola a qcn. su qcs.
to have words with sb. — venire a parole con qcn.
II [wɜːd]to put in a good word for sb. — mettere una buona parola per qcn
См. также в других словарях:
Greek key — Greek′ key′ n. archit. fur an ornament consisting of repeated angular figures formed by continuous interlocking vertical and horizontal bands; fret … From formal English to slang
Greek key — noun an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief) there was a simple fret at the top of the walls • Syn: ↑fret, ↑Greek fret, ↑key pattern • Derivationally related forms: ↑fret (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Greek key — This article is about the protein domain; for the design element, see meander (art). In biochemistry, the term Greek key refers to a kind of supersecondary structure or motif of a protein (amino acid) sequence. It is named for its resemblance to… … Wikipedia
Greek key — Protein motif in which 4 beta strands (in one or 2 beta sheets) form a twisted arrangement similar to a pattern often seen on Greek vases … Dictionary of molecular biology
Greek key — noun a pattern of interlocking right angled spirals … English new terms dictionary
Greek fret — noun an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief) there was a simple fret at the top of the walls • Syn: ↑fret, ↑Greek key, ↑key pattern • Derivationally related forms: ↑fret (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
key pattern — noun an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief) there was a simple fret at the top of the walls • Syn: ↑fret, ↑Greek fret, ↑Greek key • Derivationally related forms: ↑fret (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Greek temple — Greek temples (Ancient Greek: polytonic|ὁ ναός , gr. ho naós dwelling , semantically distinct from Latin la. templum temple ) were structures built to house the cult statues within Greek sanctuaries. The temples themselves did usually not… … Wikipedia
Greek Cypriots — Ελληνοκύπριοι Ellinokyprioi … Wikipedia
Greek literature — refers to those writings autochthonic to the areas of Greek influence, typically though not necessarily in one of the Greek dialects, throughout the whole period in which the Greek speaking peoples have existed.Ancient Greek literature (Before AD … Wikipedia
Greek military junta of 1967–1974 — Regime of the Colonels redirects here. For the generic usage as a term for military rule, see military junta. For the Polish regime of colonels, see Piłsudski s colonels. For other uses, see Colonels regime. History of Greece … Wikipedia