1 Graphics Data Display Manager
File extension: GDDMУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Graphics Data Display Manager
2 graphics data base
массив геометрических параметров (необходимых, напр., для конструирования деталей и изделий с использованием дисплея, управляемого от Ж1)Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > graphics data base
3 graphics data bus
Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > graphics data bus
4 HP-PCL graphics data
File extension: PCL (HP Printer Control Language)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > HP-PCL graphics data
5 Bitmap graphics
File extension: ART (B&W, many - First Publisher - Xara Studio), ATK (Andrew Toolkit Raster Object file), B&W (black and white, atari - mac), BBNNG (BBN BitGraph terminal Display Pixel Data (DPD) sequence), BGA (OS/2), BIF (b&w Binary Image Format, Image Capture board), BIT (X11), BM (1bit text, X Window BitMap), BMP (PC Paintbrush - many), BOB (BOB Image file), BW (SGI image), BYU (Movie BYU format), CALS (Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support), CCRF (Calcomp Raster File, B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers), CEG (Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics), CM (8bit, Unix Puzzle), CMU (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap Formats), CMUWM (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap Formats), CMYK (raw cyan magenta yellow and black bytes), CORE (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file), CPI (Colorlab Processed Image), CSLM (Zeiss CSLM file), CUBE (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file, Cubicomp PictureMaker), CUBI (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file, Cubicomp PictureMaker), CVS (Canvas drawing), DCX (Multipage PCX - many faxes), DDB, DDIF (DEC DDIF file), DF (Hierarchical Data File, NCSA), DIB (Device Independent Bitmap), DPX (Digital Moving Picture Exchange, Cineon DPX file), EIDI (Electric Image EIDI file), ERM, FAC (UNIX Faceserver image file, Usenix FACE), FACE (UNIX Faceserver image file, Usenix FACE), FAL (image header information, Q0 format), FOP (Freedom of Press), FPX (Kodak FlashPix), G3 (Group 3 FAX file), GIF (GIF87A/GIF89A CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format), GIFF (GIF87A/GIF89A CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format), GIS (Erdas gray-scale image), GM (Autologic files), GM2 (mode 2 black/white, Autologic files), GO (GraphOn graphics file), GOULD (Gould scanner file), GRAY (raw gray bytes), HIPS (HIPS file), HRF (Hitachi Raster Format, CADCore), IAX (IBM Image Access eXecutive file), IC1 (Atari Image), ICR (NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file), ILBM (Amiga Interleaved Bitmap format), IM (Sun raster file), IM1 (1bit, Sun raster file), IM32 (32bit, Sun raster file), IM8 (8bit, Sun raster file), IRIS (Silicon Graphics RGB image file), IVB (Truevision Targa format), JIF (JPEG File Interchange Format), JPC (Japan Picture format), JPE (JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format), JPEG (JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format), JTF (JPEG Tagged Interchange Format), LAN (Erdas true colour image), LANDSAT (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file), LBM (Amiga Interleaved Bitmap format, Deluxe Paint), LISPM (Lisp Machine file), LJ (HP LaserJet graphics file), LTM (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file), MBFAVS (AVS X image file), MBFX (AVS X image file), MIFF (Magick Image File Format), MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics), MPT (Multipage TIFF), NCSA (Hierarchical Data File, NCSA), NEO (Atari NeoChrome image file), NEWS (NeWS image file), NRF (Neutral Raster File), PAC (Atari STAD Image), PAT (1bit, Patent data, US Patent and Trademark Office), PDA, PICT2 (Apple Macintosh PICT file), PJ (HP PaintJet PCL graphics file), PJXL (HP PaintJet XL PCL graphics file), PNF (Portable Network graphics Frame, standalone stream), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), PNM (PBM Portable aNyMap), PR (Sun raster file), PRF (Pixel Run Format, Improces - Fastgraph), PSE (IBM printer Page SEgment), PSEG (IBM printer Page SEgment), PTX (Printronix graphics file), PUZZ (8bit, X11 Puzzle), PUZZLE (8bit, X11 Puzzle), PXR (Pixar image, Photoshop), PZL (8bit, Unix Puzzle), QDV (8bit, Random Dot QDV file), RAST (Sun raster image), RL8, RLE (Utah Run-Length Encoded image file), SR (Sun Rasterfile), TARGA (Truevision Targa format), TRIF (Tiled Raster Interchange Format), VGA (OS/2 bitmap) -
6 24bit data Bitmap graphics
File extension: 24BУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > 24bit data Bitmap graphics
7 Flexible Image Transport System Graphics and data
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Flexible Image Transport System Graphics and data
8 Harvard Graphics for Windows Data
File extension: RLBУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Harvard Graphics for Windows Data
9 NCSA Hierarchical Data File Bitmap graphics
File extension: HDFУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > NCSA Hierarchical Data File Bitmap graphics
10 Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics
Abbreviation: PVGУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics
11 VDA-FS surface data Graphics file
File extension: VDAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > VDA-FS surface data Graphics file
12 память графических данных
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > память графических данных
13 устройства графических данных
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > устройства графических данных
14 структура данных изображения
Русско-английский словарь по информационным технологиям > структура данных изображения
15 разработка информационной структуры
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > разработка информационной структуры
16 файл графических данных
Русско-английский глоссарий по космической технике > файл графических данных
17 графические данные
1. graphic data2. graphicsРусско-английский большой базовый словарь > графические данные
18 графические средства оживления изображений
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > графические средства оживления изображений
19 графическое изображение
1. graphic presentation2. graphic representationРусско-английский большой базовый словарь > графическое изображение
20 эластичное графическое изображение
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > эластичное графическое изображение
См. также в других словарях:
Graphics data — Данные о графическом материале … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Data General — Industry Computer Fate Acquired Successor EMC Corporation Founded 1968 … Wikipedia
Data processing — otheruses|Data entry clerk Data processing is any computer process that converts data into information or knowledge. [i.e. data processing can be any computer operation or series of operations performed on data to get insightful information.] The … Wikipedia
Graphics — (from Greek gr. ; see graphy) are visual presentations on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, computer screen, paper, or stone to brand, inform, illustrate, or entertain. Examples are photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, diagrams,… … Wikipedia
Data presentation architecture — (DPA) is a skill set that seeks to identify, locate, manipulate, format and present data in such a way as to optimally communicate meaning and proffer knowledge. Contents 1 Origin and context 2 Objectives 3 Scope 4 … Wikipedia
Data Design Interactive — Type Private Founded United Kingdom (1983) Headquarters Stourbridge, United Kingdom Data Design … Wikipedia
Data collection — is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data, for example, as part of a process improvement or similar project. The purpose of data collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions about important… … Wikipedia
Data General Nova — System Data General Nova 1200 front panel … Wikipedia
graphics card — noun (computing) A printed circuit board that stores visual data and conveys it to the display screen • • • Main Entry: ↑graph * * * ˈgraphics card 7 [graphics card] noun ( … Useful english dictionary
Data Execution Prevention — (DEP) is a security feature included in modern operating systems. It is known to be available in Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems and is intended to prevent an application or service from executing code from a non… … Wikipedia
Data reduction — is the transformation of numerical or alphabetical digital information derived empirical or experimentally into a corrected, ordered, and simplified form. Columns and rows are moved around until a diagonal pattern appears, thereby making it easy… … Wikipedia