1 Georgiër
n. Georgian, resident of Georgia, person of Georgian origin (country located on the eastern shore of the Black Sea) -
2 Georgisch
adj. Georgian, of or pertaining to Georgia (country located on the eastern shore of the Black Sea) -
3 Iberier
n. Iberian, resident of the Iberian Peninsula; resident of the ancient country of Iberia (located in the eastern part of the present-day Georgian Republic) -
4 Iberiër
n. Iberian, resident of the Iberian Peninsula; resident of the ancient country of Iberia (located in the eastern part of the present-day Georgian Republic) -
5 groezisch
adj. Georgian -
6 Georgisch
7 Georgiër
Georgiër, Georgische1 Georgian
См. также в других словарях:
Georgian — may refer to:* Georgian people, a nation or an ethnic group originating in the Caucasus * Georgian language, a South Caucasian language * citizen of Georgia (country) * Georgian alphabet * Something from or related to the U.S. state of Georgia *… … Wikipedia
georgian — GEORGIÁN, Ă, georgieni, e, s.m. şi f., adj. 1. s.m. şi f. Persoană care face parte din populaţia de bază a Georgiei sau este originară de acolo; gruzin. 2. adj. Care aparţine Georgiei sau populaţiei ei, privitor la Georgia sau la populaţia ei;… … Dicționar Român
Georgian — Geor gi*an, a. 1. Of or pertaining to Georgia, a former Soviet republic, now an independent country in the Causcuses in Asia, or to Georgia, one of the United States. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or relating to the reigns of the four Georges, kings of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Georgian — Geor gi*an, n. A native of, or dweller in, Georgia. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Georgian — (adj.) 1855, in reference to the reigns of the first four king Georges of England (1714 1830). C.1600 as pertaining to Georgia in the Caucasus; 1762 as pertaining to Georgia in North America; the noun in this sense is c.1400 (Caucasus), 1741… … Etymology dictionary
Georgian — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to or characteristic of the reigns of the British Kings George I IV (1714 1830). 2) relating to British neoclassical architecture of this period … English terms dictionary
Georgian — [jôr′jən] adj. 1. a) of the reigns of George I, II, III, and IV of England (1714 1830) b) designating or of the artistic style of this period 2. of or characteristic of the period of the reign of George V of England 3. of the country of Georgia… … English World dictionary
Georgian — /jawr jeuhn/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the period of British history from the accession of George I in 1714 to the death of George IV in 1830, or the four kings named George who reigned successively during this period. 2. of or pertaining to… … Universalium
Georgian — I. noun Date: 15th century 1. a native or inhabitant of Georgia in the Caucasus 2. the language of the Georgian people II. adjective Date: 1607 of, relating to, or constituting Georgia in the Caucasus, the Georgians, or Georgian III. noun Date:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Georgian — 1. noun a) The language of the country of Georgia. b) A person from the country of Georgia or descended from them. 2. adjective a) Of, from, or pertaining to the country of Georgia, the Georgian people or the Georgian language … Wiktionary
Georgian — Geor•gian [[t]ˈdʒɔr dʒən[/t]] adj. 1) why of or pertaining to the period of British history from the accession of George I in 1714 to the death of George IV 2) why of or pertaining to George V or his reign 3) fur archit. of or designating the… … From formal English to slang