1 French sorrel
Биология: щавель щитковидный (Rumex scutatus) -
2 French sorrel
3 sorrel
English sorrel щавель шпинатный, щавель английский, Rumex patientia; щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosafield sorrel щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosellaFrench sorrel щавель щитковидный, щавель садовый крупнолистный, Rumex scutatusgarden sorrel щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosagreen sorrel щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosalady's sorrel кислица рогатая, Oxalis corniculatameadow sorrel щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosamountain sorrel кисличник двухстолбчатый, Oxyria digynaprocumbent yellow sorrel кислица рогатая, Oxalis corniculatared sorrel щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosellasheep sorrel щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosellatrue wood sorrel 1. лихнис кукушкин цвет, Lychnis flos-cuculi; 2. щавель малый, щавелёк, Rumex acetosella; 3. лихнис кукушкин цвет, Lychnis flos-cuculiEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > sorrel
4 sorrel
2) гнедой•- field sorrel
- French sorrel
- garden sorrel
- green sorrel
- horse sorrel
- lady's sorrel
- meadow sorrel
- mountain sorrel
- procumbent yellow sorrel
- red sorrel
- sheep sorrel
- true wood sorrel
- wood sorrel* * *
См. также в других словарях:
French sorrel — skydalapė rūgštynė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Rūgtinių šeimos daržovinis augalas (Rumex scutatus), paplitęs pietų Europoje ir pietvakarių Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Rumex scutatus angl. French sorrel ryšiai: susijęs terminas –… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
French sorrel — noun 1. low perennial with small silvery green ovate to hastate leaves • Syn: ↑garden sorrel, ↑Rumex scutatus • Hypernyms: ↑dock, ↑sorrel, ↑sour grass 2. greens having small tart oval to pointed leaves; preferred to common sorrel for salads … Useful english dictionary
sorrel — sorrel1 /sawr euhl, sor /, n. 1. light reddish brown. 2. a horse of this color, often with a light colored mane and tail. adj. 3. of the color sorrel. [1400 50; late ME < OF sorel, equiv. to sor brown ( < Gmc) + el dim. suffix; see ELLE] sorrel2… … Universalium
sorrel — Ⅰ. sorrel [1] ► NOUN ▪ an edible plant of the dock family with arrow shaped leaves and a bitter flavour. ORIGIN Old French sorele; related to SOUR(Cf. ↑sourness). Ⅱ. sorrel [2] ► NOUN … English terms dictionary
Sorrel — f English: from the plant, so named in the Middle Ages from Old French surele, apparently a derivative of sur sour (of Germanic origin), alluding to the acid taste of its leaves. The spellings Sorrell and Sorell also occur; the rare Sorel is used … First names dictionary
sorrel — I. noun Etymology: Middle English sorel, noun & adjective, from Anglo French, from sor red, auburn, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch soor dry, barren, Old English sēar dry more at sere Date: 15th century 1. a sorrel colored… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sorrel — I. /ˈsɒrəl / (say soruhl) noun 1. light reddish brown. 2. a horse of this colour. –adjective 3. having the colour sorrel. {Middle English sorel, from Old French, from sore yellowish brown, of Germanic origin; compare Middle Low German sōr sere}… …
French Republican Calendar — History of France series French Revolution Causes Estates General National Assembly Storming of the Bastille National … Wikipedia
Sorrel — Recorded in several forms as shown below, this is a surname of French origins. It derives from the pre 8th century word sorel , meaning reddish brown and was a medieval nickname, possibly ethnic for an Anglo Saxon, as these people often had red… … Surnames reference
sorrel — sor|rel [ˈsɔrəl US ˈso: , ˈsa: ] n [U] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: surele, from sur sour ] a plant with leaves that taste bitter, sometimes used in cooking … Dictionary of contemporary English
garden sorrel — noun 1. low perennial with small silvery green ovate to hastate leaves • Syn: ↑French sorrel, ↑Rumex scutatus • Hypernyms: ↑dock, ↑sorrel, ↑sour grass • Part Meronyms: ↑Fren … Useful english dictionary