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  • 1 Finsbury bridge

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Finsbury bridge

  • 2 stop

    1. transitive verb,
    - pp-
    1) (not let move further) anhalten [Person, Fahrzeug]; aufhalten [Fortschritt, Verkehr, Feind]; verstummen lassen (geh.) [Gerücht, Geschichte, Lüge]; [Tormann:] halten [Ball]
    2) (not let continue) unterbrechen [Redner, Spiel, Gespräch, Vorstellung]; beenden [Krieg, Gespräch, Treffen, Spiel, Versuch, Arbeit]; stillen [Blutung]; stoppen [Produktion, Uhr, Streik, Inflation]; einstellen [Handel, Zahlung, Lieferung, Besuche, Subskriptionen, Bemühungen]; abstellen [Strom, Gas, Wasser, Missstände]; beseitigen [Schmerz]

    stop that/that nonsense/that noise! — hör damit/mit diesem Unsinn/diesem Lärm auf!

    bad light stopped play (Sport) das Spiel wurde wegen schlechter Lichtverhältnisse abgebrochen

    stop the show(fig.) Furore machen

    just you try and stop me! — versuch doch, mich daran zu hindern!

    stop smoking/crying — aufhören zu rauchen/weinen

    stop it! — hör auf [damit]!; (in more peremptory tone) Schluss damit!

    3) (not let happen) verhindern [Verbrechen, Unfall]

    he tried to stop us parkinger versuchte uns am Parken zu hindern

    he phoned his mother to stop her [from] worrying — er rief seine Mutter an, damit sie sich keine Sorgen machte

    stop something [from] happening — verhindern, dass etwas geschieht

    4) (cause to cease working) abstellen [Maschine usw.]; [Streikende:] stilllegen [Betrieb]
    5) (block up) zustopfen [Loch, Öffnung, Riß, Ohren]; verschließen [Wasserhahn, Rohr, Schlauch, Flasche]
    6) (withhold) streichen

    stop [payment of] a cheque — einen Scheck sperren lassen

    2. intransitive verb,
    - pp-
    1) (not extend further) aufhören; [Straße, Treppe:] enden; [Ton:] verstummen; [Ärger:] verfliegen; [Schmerz:] abklingen; [Zahlungen, Lieferungen:] eingestellt werden
    2) (not move or operate further) [Fahrzeug, Fahrer:] halten; [Maschine, Motor:] stillstehen; [Uhr, Fußgänger, Herz:] stehen bleiben

    he never stops to think [before he acts] — er denkt nie nach [bevor er handelt]

    stop dead — plötzlich stehen bleiben; [Redner:] abbrechen

    3) (coll.): (stay) bleiben

    stop at a hotel/at a friend's house/with somebody — in einem Hotel/im Hause eines Freundes/bei jemandem wohnen

    3. noun
    1) (halt) Halt, der

    there will be two stops for coffee on the wayes wird unterwegs zweimal zum Kaffeetrinken angehalten

    bring to a stopzum Stehen bringen [Fahrzeug]; zum Erliegen bringen [Verkehr]; unterbrechen [Arbeit, Diskussion, Treffen]

    come to a stop — stehen bleiben; [Fahrzeug:] zum Stehen kommen; [Gespräch:] abbrechen; [Arbeit, Verkehr:] zum Erliegen kommen; [Vorlesung:] abgebrochen werden

    make a stop at or in a place — in einem Ort haltmachen

    put a stop toabstellen [Missstände, Unsinn]; unterbinden [Versuche]; aus der Welt schaffen [Gerücht]

    without a stopohne Halt [fahren, fliegen]; ohne anzuhalten [gehen, laufen]; ununterbrochen [arbeiten, reden]

    2) (place) Haltestelle, die

    the ship's first stop is Cairo — der erste Hafen, den das Schiff anläuft, ist Kairo

    the plane's first stop is Frankfurtdie erste Zwischenlandung des Flugzeuges ist in Frankfurt

    3) (Brit.): (punctuation mark) Satzzeichen, das; see also academic.ru/29834/full_stop">full stop 1)
    4) (in telegram) stop
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [stop] 1. past tense, past participle - stopped; verb
    1) (to (make something) cease moving, or come to rest, a halt etc: He stopped the car and got out; This train does not stop at Birmingham; He stopped to look at the map; He signalled with his hand to stop the bus.) anhalten
    2) (to prevent from doing something: We must stop him (from) going; I was going to say something rude but stopped myself just in time.) zurückhalten
    3) (to discontinue or cease eg doing something: That woman just can't stop talking; The rain has stopped; It has stopped raining.) aufhören
    4) (to block or close: He stopped his ears with his hands when she started to shout at him.) verstopfen
    5) (to close (a hole, eg on a flute) or press down (a string on a violin etc) in order to play a particular note.) greifen
    6) (to stay: Will you be stopping long at the hotel?) bleiben
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stopping or state of being stopped: We made only two stops on our journey; Work came to a stop for the day.) der Halt
    2) (a place for eg a bus to stop: a bus stop.) die Haltestelle
    3) (in punctuation, a full stop: Put a stop at the end of the sentence.) der Punkt
    4) (a device on a flute etc for covering the holes in order to vary the pitch, or knobs for bringing certain pipes into use on an organ.) das Griffloch, die Klappe, das Register
    5) (a device, eg a wedge etc, for stopping the movement of something, or for keeping it in a fixed position: a door-stop.) die Sperre
    - stoppage
    - stopper
    - stopping
    - stopcock
    - stopgap
    - stopwatch
    - put a stop to
    - stop at nothing
    - stop dead
    - stop off
    - stop over
    - stop up
    * * *
    [stɒp, AM stɑ:p]
    <- pp->
    to \stop a ball einen Ball stoppen; goalkeeper einen Ball halten
    to \stop a blow einen Schlag abblocken
    to \stop sb/a car jdn/ein Auto anhalten
    to \stop one's car anhalten
    to \stop the enemy den Feind aufhalten
    to \stop a thief/the traffic einen Dieb/den Verkehr aufhalten
    \stop thief! haltet den Dieb!
    \stop that man! haltet den Mann!
    to \stop sth etw stoppen [o beenden]; (temporarily) etw unterbrechen
    this will \stop the pain das wird dir gegen die Schmerzen helfen
    \stop that nonsense! hör auf mit dem Unsinn!
    \stop it! hör auf [damit]!
    what can I do to \stop this nosebleed? was kann ich gegen dieses Nasenbluten tun?
    something must be done to \stop the fighting den Kämpfen muss ein Ende gesetzt werden
    this fighting has to be \stopped! die Kämpfe müssen aufhören!
    \stop being silly! hör auf mit dem Unsinn!
    I just couldn't \stop myself ich konnte einfach nicht anders
    to \stop the bleeding die Blutung stillen
    to \stop the clock die Uhr anhalten
    the clock is \stopped when a team scores a goal die Spielzeit wird unterbrochen, wenn ein Team ein Tor schießt
    to \stop the engine den Motor abstellen
    to \stop the fighting die Kämpfe einstellen
    to \stop inflation/progress die Inflation/den Fortschritt aufhalten
    to \stop a machine eine Maschine abstellen
    to \stop a match ein Spiel beenden; referee ein Spiel abbrechen
    to \stop the production of sth die Produktion einer S. gen einstellen
    to \stop a rumour einem Gerücht ein Ende machen
    to \stop a speech eine Rede unterbrechen
    to \stop a subscription ein Abonnement kündigen
    to \stop a war einen Krieg beenden
    3. (cease an activity)
    to \stop sth etw beenden, mit etw dat aufhören
    what time do you usually \stop work? wann hören Sie normalerweise auf zu arbeiten?
    you just can't \stop it, can you du kannst es einfach nicht lassen, oder?
    to \stop sb [from] doing sth jdn davon abhalten, etw zu tun
    if she really wants to leave, I don't understand what's \stopping her wenn sie wirklich weggehen will, verstehe ich nicht, was sie davon abhält
    some people smoke because they think it \stops them putting on weight manche rauchen, weil sie meinen, dass sie dann nicht zunehmen
    I couldn't \stop myself from having another piece of cake ich musste einfach noch ein Stück Kuchen essen
    he handed in his resignation — I just couldn't \stop him er hat gekündigt — ich konnte ihn einfach nicht davon abhalten
    you can't \stop me from doing that du kannst mich nicht davon abhalten
    5. (refuse payment)
    to \stop sb's allowance/pocket money jdm den Unterhalt/das Taschengeld streichen
    to \stop [AM payment on] a cheque einen Scheck sperren
    to \stop wages keine Löhne mehr zahlen
    the money will be \stopped out of his salary das Geld wird von seinem Gehalt abgezogen
    to \stop sth etw verstopfen; gap, hole, leak etw [zu]stopfen
    to \stop one's ears sich dat die Ohren zuhalten
    when he starts shouting I just \stop my ears wenn er anfängt zu schreien, mache ich einfach die Ohren zu! fam
    to have a tooth \stopped BRIT ( dated) eine Füllung bekommen
    to \stop sb jdn schlagen
    he was \stopped by a knockout in the fourth round er schied durch K.o. in der vierten Runde aus
    to \stop a left/right eine Linke/Rechte parieren
    to \stop a punch einen Hieb einstecken [müssen]
    8. MUS
    \stopped pipe gedackte Pfeife fachspr
    to \stop a string eine Saite greifen
    to \stop a bullet eine Kugel abbekommen
    to \stop sb's mouth jdm den Mund stopfen fam
    to \stop the rot die Talfahrt stoppen fig
    to \stop the show der absolute Höhepunkt einer Show sein
    <- pp->
    1. (cease moving) person stehen bleiben; car [an]halten
    \stop! halt!
    to \stop dead abrupt innehalten
    to \stop to do sth stehen bleiben, um etw zu tun; car anhalten, um etw zu tun
    I \stopped to pick up the letter that I had dropped ich blieb stehen und hob den Brief auf, den ich hatte fallenlassen; ( fig)
    \stop to [or and] think before you speak erst denken, dann reden!
    2. (cease, discontinue) machine nicht mehr laufen; clock, heart, watch stehen bleiben; rain aufhören; pain abklingen, nachlassen; production, payments eingestellt werden; film, programme zu Ende sein; speaker abbrechen
    I will not \stop until they set them free ich werde keine Ruhe geben, bis sie sie freigelassen haben
    she doesn't know where to \stop sie weiß nicht, wann sie aufhören muss
    his heart \stopped during the operation während der Operation hatte er einen Herzstillstand
    rain has \stopped play das Spiel wurde wegen Regens unterbrochen
    she \stopped right in the middle of the sentence sie hielt mitten im Satz inne
    to \stop [doing sth] aufhören[, etw zu tun], [mit etw dat] aufhören
    once I start eating chocolate I can't \stop wenn ich einmal anfange, Schokolade zu essen, kann ich einfach nicht mehr aufhören
    I just couldn't \stop laughing ich habe mich echt totgelacht sl
    if you have to keep \stopping to answer the telephone, you'll never finish wenn du ständig unterbrechen musst, um ans Telefon zu gehen, wirst du nie fertig werden
    I wish you'd \stop telling me what to do ich wünschte, du würdest endlich damit aufhören, mir zu sagen, was ich tun soll
    \stop being silly! hör auf mit dem Unsinn!
    \stop shouting! hör auf zu schreien
    I \stopped seeing him last year wir haben uns letztes Jahr getrennt
    I've \stopped drinking alcohol ich trinke keinen Alkohol mehr
    she \stopped drinking sie trinkt nicht mehr
    please, \stop crying hör doch bitte auf zu weinen!
    to \stop smoking mit dem Rauchen aufhören; (on plane etc.) das Rauchen einstellen
    to \stop working aufhören zu arbeiten
    4. BRIT (stay) bleiben
    I'm not \stopping ich bleibe nicht lange
    I can't \stop — Malcolm's waiting for me outside ich kann nicht bleiben, Malcolm wartet draußen auf mich
    we \stopped for a quick bite at a motorway services wir machten kurz bei einer Autobahnraststätte Station, um etwas zu essen
    I \stopped at a pub for some lunch ich habe an einem Pub haltgemacht und was zu Mittag gegessen
    can you \stop at the fish shop on your way home? kannst du auf dem Nachhauseweg kurz beim Fischladen vorbeigehen?
    he usually \stops at a bar for a quick drink on the way home normalerweise schaut er auf dem Nachhauseweg noch kurz auf ein Gläschen in einer Kneipe vorbei
    are you \stopping here bleibst du hier?
    to \stop for dinner/tea zum Abendessen/Tee bleiben
    to \stop at a hotel in einem Hotel übernachten
    to \stop the night BRIT ( fam) über Nacht bleiben
    5. TRANSP bus, train halten
    does this train \stop at Finsbury Park? hält dieser Zug in Finsbury Park?
    the train to Glasgow \stops at platform 14 der Zug nach Glasgow hält am Gleis 14
    6. (almost)
    to \stop short of doing sth sich akk [gerade noch] bremsen [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ a. zurückhalten], etw zu tun
    I \stopped short of telling him my secrets beinahe hätte ich ihm meine Geheimnisse verraten
    to \stop at nothing vor nichts zurückschrecken
    1. (cessation of movement, activity) Halt m
    please wait until the airplane has come to a complete \stop bitte warten Sie, bis das Flugzeug seine endgültige Parkposition erreicht hat
    emergency \stop Notbremsung f
    to bring sth to a \stop etw stoppen; project etw dat ein Ende bereiten
    to bring a car to a \stop ein Auto anhalten
    to bring a conversation to a \stop ein Gespräch beenden
    to bring the traffic to a \stop den Verkehr zum Erliegen bringen
    to bring sth to a sudden \stop etw dat ein jähes Ende bereiten
    to come to a \stop stehen bleiben; car also anhalten; rain aufhören; traffic, business zum Erliegen kommen; project, production eingestellt werden
    the conversation came to a \stop das Gespräch verstummte
    to come to a sudden [or dead] \stop car abrupt anhalten [o stehen bleiben]; project, undertaking ein jähes Ende finden
    to make a \stop anhalten
    to put a \stop to sth etw dat ein Ende setzen [o einen Riegel vorschieben
    2. (break) Pause f; AVIAT Zwischenlandung f; (halt) Halt m
    we made two \stops wir haben zweimal haltgemacht
    ... including a thirty minute \stop for lunch... inklusive einer halben Stunde Pause für das Mittagessen
    there were a lot of \stops and starts throughout the project die Entwicklung des Projekts verlief sehr stockend
    to be at [or on] \stop signal auf Halt stehen
    to drive without a \stop durchfahren
    to have a \stop haltmachen
    to have a \stop for coffee ein Kaffeepause machen
    to make a \stop at a service station an einer Raststätte haltmachen
    without a \stop ohne Pause [o Unterbrechung
    3. TRANSP Haltestelle f; (for ship) Anlegestelle f
    the ship's first \stop is Sydney das Schiff läuft als Erstes Sydney an; (for plane) Zwischenlandung f
    the plane's first \stop is Birmingham das Flugzeug wird zunächst in Birmingham zwischenlanden
    I'm getting off at the next \stop bei der nächsten Haltestelle steige ich aus
    is this your \stop? steigen Sie hier aus?
    is this our \stop? müssen wir hier aussteigen?
    bus/tram \stop Bus-/Straßenbahnhaltestelle f
    request \stop Bedarfshaltestelle f (Haltestelle, bei der man den Bus herwinken muss, da er nicht automatisch hält)
    4. TYPO (punctuation mark) Satzzeichen nt; TELEC (in telegram) stop
    5. TYPO (prevent from moving) Feststelltaste f; (for furniture) Sperre f
    6. MUS (knob on an organ) Register nt
    \stop [knob] Registerzug m; (of wind instrument) Griffloch nt
    7. (phonetics) Verschlusslaut m
    8. PHOT Blende f
    9. FIN Sperrung f
    account on \stop gesperrtes Konto
    to put a \stop on a cheque einen Scheck sperren lassen
    to pull out all the \stops alle Register ziehen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= act of stopping) Halt m, Stoppen nt

    to bring sth to a stop (lit) — etw anhalten or stoppen, etw zum Stehen bringen; traffic etw zum Erliegen bringen; (fig) project, meeting, development einer Sache (dat) ein Ende machen; conversation etw verstummen lassen

    to come to a stop (car, machine) — anhalten, stoppen; (traffic) stocken; ( fig, meeting, rain ) aufhören; (research, project) eingestellt werden; (conversation) verstummen

    to come to a dead/sudden stop (vehicle) — abrupt anhalten or stoppen; (traffic) völlig/plötzlich zum Erliegen kommen; (rain) ganz plötzlich aufhören; (research, project, meeting) ein Ende nt/ein abruptes Ende finden; (conversation) völlig/abrupt verstummen

    to make a stop (bus, train, tram) — (an)halten; (plane, ship) (Zwischen)station machen

    to put a stop to stheiner Sache (dat) einen Riegel vorschieben

    2) (= stay) Aufenthalt m; (= break) Pause f; (AVIAT, for refuelling etc) Zwischenlandung f
    3) (= stopping place) Station f; (for bus, tram, train) Haltestelle f; (for ship) Anlegestelle f; (for plane) Landeplatz m
    4) (Brit: punctuation mark) Punkt m
    5) (MUS of wind instruments) (Griff)loch nt; (on organ also stopknob) Registerzug m; (= organ pipe) Register nt
    6) (= stopper for door, window) Sperre f; (on typewriter) Feststelltaste f
    7) (PHOT: f number) Blende f
    8) (PHON) Verschlusslaut m; (= glottal stop) Knacklaut m
    2. vt
    1) (= stop when moving) person, vehicle, clock anhalten; ball stoppen; engine, machine etc abstellen; blow abblocken, auffangen; (= stop from going away, from moving on) runaway, thief etc aufhalten; attack, enemy, progress aufhalten, hemmen; traffic (= hold up) aufhalten; (= bring to complete standstill) zum Stehen or Erliegen bringen; (policeman) anhalten; (= keep out) noise, light abfangen, auffangen

    to stop sb dead or in his tracks — jdn urplötzlich anhalten lassen; (in conversation) jdn plötzlich verstummen lassen

    2) (= stop from continuing) activity, rumour, threat, crime ein Ende machen or setzen (+dat); nonsense, noise unterbinden; match, conversation, work beenden; development aufhalten; (temporarily) unterbrechen; flow of blood stillen, unterbinden; progress, inflation aufhalten, hemmen; speaker, speech unterbrechen; production zum Stillstand bringen; (temporarily) unterbrechen

    he was talking and talking, we just couldn't stop him — er redete und redete, und wir konnten ihn nicht dazu bringen, endlich aufzuhören

    the referee stopped play — der Schiedsrichter hat das Spiel abgebrochen; (temporarily)

    3) (= cease) aufhören mit

    to stop doing sth — aufhören, etw zu tun, etw nicht mehr tun

    to stop smoking — mit dem Rauchen aufhören; (temporarily) das Rauchen einstellen

    I'm trying to stop smoking — ich versuche, das Rauchen aufzugeben or nicht mehr zu rauchen

    stop saying thatnun sag das doch nicht immer

    stop it!lass das!, hör auf!

    4) (= suspend) stoppen; payments, production, fighting einstellen; leave, cheque, water supply, wages sperren; privileges unterbinden; subsidy, allowances, grant etc streichen; battle, negotiations, proceedings abbrechen; (= cancel) subscription kündigen; (temporarily) delivery, newspaper abbestellen
    5) (= prevent from happening) sth verhindern; (= prevent from doing) sb abhalten

    to stop oneself — sich beherrschen, sich bremsen (inf)

    there's nothing stopping you or to stop you — es hindert Sie nichts, es hält Sie nichts zurück


    (in participial construction) to stop sb (from) doing sth — jdn davon abhalten or (physically) daran hindern, etw zu tun

    that'll stop the gas (from) escaping/the pipe( from) leaking — das wird verhindern, dass Gas entweicht/das Rohr leckt

    7) (= block) verstopfen; (with cork, bung, cement etc) zustopfen (with mit); (= fill) tooth plombieren, füllen; (fig) gap füllen, stopfen; leak of information stopfen; (MUS) string greifen; finger hole zuhalten

    to stop one's ears with cotton wool/one's fingers — sich (dat) Watte/die Finger in die Ohren stecken

    3. vi
    1) (= halt) anhalten; (train, car) (an)halten, stoppen; (traveller, driver, hiker) haltmachen; (pedestrian, clock, watch) stehen bleiben; (engine, machine) nicht mehr laufen

    stop right there! — halt!, stopp!

    we stopped for a drink at the pub — wir machten in der Kneipe Station, um etwas zu trinken

    to stop at nothing (to do sth) (fig) — vor nichts haltmachen(, um etw zu tun)

    2) (= finish, cease) aufhören; (heart) aufhören zu schlagen, stehen bleiben; (production, payments, delivery) eingestellt werden; (programme, show, match, film) zu Ende sein

    to stop doing sth — aufhören, etw zu tun, mit etw aufhören

    ask him to stop — sag ihm, er soll aufhören

    I will not stop until I find him/convince you — ich gebe keine Ruhe, bis ich ihn gefunden habe/dich überzeugt habe

    stop to think before you speak — erst denken, dann reden

    he never knows when or where to stop — er weiß nicht, wann er aufhören muss or Schluss machen muss

    3) (Brit inf = stay) bleiben (at in +dat, with bei)
    * * *
    stop [stɒp; US stɑp]
    A v/t prät und pperf stopped, obs stopt
    1. aufhören ( doing zu tun):
    stop doing sth auch etwas bleiben lassen;
    do stop that noise hör (doch) auf mit dem Lärm!;
    stop it hör auf (damit)!
    2. a) allg aufhören mit
    b) Besuche etc, WIRTSCH seine Zahlungen, eine Tätigkeit, JUR das Verfahren einstellen
    c) Verhandlungen etc abbrechen
    3. a) allg ein Ende machen oder bereiten, Einhalt gebieten (dat)
    b) den Fortschritt, Verkehr etc aufhalten, zum Halten oder Stehen bringen, stoppen:
    nothing could stop him nichts konnte ihn aufhalten
    c) einen Wagen, Zug etc stoppen, anhalten
    d) eine Maschine, den Motor, auch das Gas etc abstellen
    e) eine Fabrik stilllegen
    f) Lärm etc unterbinden
    g) Boxen: einen Kampf abbrechen
    4. auch stop payment on einen Scheck etc sperren (lassen)
    5. einen Sprecher etc unterbrechen
    6. SPORT
    a) Boxen, Fechten: einen Schlag, Hieb parieren
    b) einen Gegner besiegen, stoppen:
    stop a blow sich einen Schlag einfangen;
    stop a bullet eine Kugel verpasst bekommen; packet A 5
    7. (from) abhalten (von), hindern (an dat):
    stop sb (from) doing sth jemanden davon abhalten oder daran hindern, etwas zu tun
    8. auch stop up ein Leck etc ver-, zustopfen:
    stop one’s ears sich die Ohren zuhalten;
    stop sb’s mouth fig jemandem den Mund stopfen, jemanden zum Schweigen bringen (a. euph umbringen); gap 1
    9. versperren, -stopfen, blockieren
    10. Blut, auch eine Wunde stillen
    11. einen Zahn plombieren, füllen
    12. einen Betrag abziehen, einbehalten ( beide:
    out of, from von)
    13. MUS
    a) eine Saite, einen Ton greifen
    b) ein Griffloch zuhalten, schließen
    c) ein Blasinstrument, einen Ton stopfen
    14. LING interpunktieren
    15. stop down FOTO das Objektiv abblenden
    B v/i
    1. (an)halten, haltmachen, stehen bleiben (auch Uhr etc), stoppen
    2. aufhören, an-, innehalten, eine Pause machen:
    he stopped in the middle of a sentence er hielt mitten in einem Satz inne;
    he’ll stop at nothing er schreckt vor nichts zurück, er geht über Leichen;
    stop out US seine Ausbildung kurzzeitig unterbrechen; dead C 2, short B 1, B 3
    3. aufhören (Lärm, Zahlung etc)
    a) kurz haltmachen,
    b) Zwischenstation machen
    5. stop over Zwischenstation machen
    6. stop by bes US kurz (bei jemandem) vorbeikommen oder -schauen
    7. bleiben:
    stop away (from) fernbleiben (dat), wegbleiben (von);
    stop behind noch dableiben;
    a) auch stop indoors zu Hause oder drinnen bleiben
    b) SCHULE nachsitzen;
    a) wegbleiben, nicht heimkommen,
    b) WIRTSCH weiterstreiken;
    stop up aufbleiben, wach bleiben
    C s
    1. a) Stopp m, Halt m, Stillstand m
    b) Ende n:
    come to a stop anhalten, weitS. zu einem Ende kommen, aufhören;
    put a stop to, bring to a stop A 3 a; abrupt 4
    2. Pause f
    3. BAHN etc Aufenthalt m, Halt m
    4. a) BAHN Station f
    b) (Bus) Haltestelle f
    c) SCHIFF Anlegestelle f
    5. Absteigequartier n
    6. Hemmnis n, Hindernis n
    7. TECH Anschlag m, Sperre f, Hemmung f
    8. WIRTSCH
    a) Sperrung f, Sperrauftrag m (für Scheck etc)
    b) stop order
    9. MUS
    a) Griff m, Greifen n (einer Saite etc)
    b) Griffloch n
    c) Klappe f
    d) Ventil n
    e) Register n (einer Orgel etc)
    f) Registerzug m:
    pull out all the stops fig alle Register ziehen, alle Hebel in Bewegung setzen
    10. LING
    a) Knacklaut m
    b) Verschlusslaut m
    11. FOTO f-Blende f (als Einstellmarke)
    12. a) Satzzeichen n
    b) Punkt m
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,
    - pp-
    1) (not let move further) anhalten [Person, Fahrzeug]; aufhalten [Fortschritt, Verkehr, Feind]; verstummen lassen (geh.) [Gerücht, Geschichte, Lüge]; [Tormann:] halten [Ball]
    2) (not let continue) unterbrechen [Redner, Spiel, Gespräch, Vorstellung]; beenden [Krieg, Gespräch, Treffen, Spiel, Versuch, Arbeit]; stillen [Blutung]; stoppen [Produktion, Uhr, Streik, Inflation]; einstellen [Handel, Zahlung, Lieferung, Besuche, Subskriptionen, Bemühungen]; abstellen [Strom, Gas, Wasser, Missstände]; beseitigen [Schmerz]

    stop that/that nonsense/that noise! — hör damit/mit diesem Unsinn/diesem Lärm auf!

    bad light stopped play (Sport) das Spiel wurde wegen schlechter Lichtverhältnisse abgebrochen

    stop the show(fig.) Furore machen

    just you try and stop me! — versuch doch, mich daran zu hindern!

    stop smoking/crying — aufhören zu rauchen/weinen

    stop it! — hör auf [damit]!; (in more peremptory tone) Schluss damit!

    3) (not let happen) verhindern [Verbrechen, Unfall]

    he phoned his mother to stop her [from] worrying — er rief seine Mutter an, damit sie sich keine Sorgen machte

    stop something [from] happening — verhindern, dass etwas geschieht

    4) (cause to cease working) abstellen [Maschine usw.]; [Streikende:] stilllegen [Betrieb]
    5) (block up) zustopfen [Loch, Öffnung, Riß, Ohren]; verschließen [Wasserhahn, Rohr, Schlauch, Flasche]
    6) (withhold) streichen

    stop [payment of] a cheque — einen Scheck sperren lassen

    2. intransitive verb,
    - pp-
    1) (not extend further) aufhören; [Straße, Treppe:] enden; [Ton:] verstummen; [Ärger:] verfliegen; [Schmerz:] abklingen; [Zahlungen, Lieferungen:] eingestellt werden
    2) (not move or operate further) [Fahrzeug, Fahrer:] halten; [Maschine, Motor:] stillstehen; [Uhr, Fußgänger, Herz:] stehen bleiben

    he never stops to think [before he acts] — er denkt nie nach [bevor er handelt]

    stop dead — plötzlich stehen bleiben; [Redner:] abbrechen

    3) (coll.): (stay) bleiben

    stop at a hotel/at a friend's house/with somebody — in einem Hotel/im Hause eines Freundes/bei jemandem wohnen

    3. noun
    1) (halt) Halt, der

    bring to a stopzum Stehen bringen [Fahrzeug]; zum Erliegen bringen [Verkehr]; unterbrechen [Arbeit, Diskussion, Treffen]

    come to a stop — stehen bleiben; [Fahrzeug:] zum Stehen kommen; [Gespräch:] abbrechen; [Arbeit, Verkehr:] zum Erliegen kommen; [Vorlesung:] abgebrochen werden

    make a stop at or in a place — in einem Ort haltmachen

    put a stop toabstellen [Missstände, Unsinn]; unterbinden [Versuche]; aus der Welt schaffen [Gerücht]

    without a stopohne Halt [fahren, fliegen]; ohne anzuhalten [gehen, laufen]; ununterbrochen [arbeiten, reden]

    2) (place) Haltestelle, die

    the ship's first stop is Cairo — der erste Hafen, den das Schiff anläuft, ist Kairo

    3) (Brit.): (punctuation mark) Satzzeichen, das; see also full stop 1)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (mechanics) n.
    Sperre -n f. n.
    Abbruch -e (Sport) m.
    Halt -e m.
    Pause -n f. v.
    absperren v.
    anhalten v.
    arretieren v.
    aufhalten v.
    aufhören v.
    pfropfen v.
    zustöpseln v.

    English-german dictionary > stop

  • 3 stop

    [stɒp, Am stɑ:p] vt <- pp->
    to \stop a ball einen Ball stoppen; goalkeeper einen Ball halten;
    to \stop a blow einen Schlag abblocken;
    to \stop sb/ a car jdn/ein Auto anhalten;
    to \stop one's car anhalten;
    to \stop the enemy den Feind aufhalten;
    to \stop a thief/ the traffic einen Dieb/den Verkehr aufhalten;
    \stop thief! haltet den Dieb!;
    \stop that man! haltet den Mann!
    to \stop sth etw stoppen [o beenden]; ( temporarily) etw unterbrechen;
    this will \stop the pain das wird dir gegen die Schmerzen helfen;
    \stop that nonsense! hör auf mit dem Unsinn!;
    \stop it! hör auf [damit]!;
    what can I do to \stop this nosebleed? was kann ich gegen dieses Nasenbluten tun?;
    something must be done to \stop the fighting den Kämpfen muss ein Ende gesetzt werden;
    this fighting has to be \stopped! die Kämpfe müssen aufhören!;
    \stop being silly! hör auf mit dem Unsinn!;
    I just couldn't \stop myself ich konnte einfach nicht anders;
    to \stop the bleeding die Blutung stillen;
    to \stop the clock die Uhr anhalten;
    the clock is \stopped when a team scores a goal die Spielzeit wird unterbrochen, wenn ein Team ein Tor schießt;
    to \stop the engine den Motor abstellen;
    to \stop the fighting die Kämpfe einstellen;
    to \stop inflation/ progress die Inflation/den Fortschritt aufhalten;
    to \stop a machine eine Maschine abstellen;
    to \stop a match ein Spiel beenden; referee ein Spiel abbrechen;
    to \stop the production of sth die Produktion einer S. gen einstellen;
    to \stop a rumour ein Gerücht ein Ende machen;
    to \stop a speech eine Rede unterbrechen;
    to \stop a subscription ein Abonnement kündigen;
    to \stop a war einen Krieg beenden
    to \stop sth etw beenden, mit etw dat aufhören;
    what time do you usually \stop work? wann hören Sie normalerweise auf zu arbeiten?;
    you just can't \stop it, can you du kannst es einfach nicht lassen, oder?
    4) ( prevent)
    to \stop sb [from] doing sth jdn davon abhalten, etw zu tun;
    if she really wants to leave, I don't understand what's \stopping her wenn sie wirklich weggehen will, verstehe ich nicht, was sie davon abhält;
    some people smoke because they think it \stops them putting on weight manche rauchen, weil sie meinen, dass sie dann nicht zunehmen;
    I couldn't \stop myself from having another piece of cake ich musste einfach noch ein Stück Kuchen essen;
    he handed in his resignation - I just couldn't \stop him er hat gekündigt - ich konnte ihn einfach nicht davon abhalten;
    you can't \stop me from doing that du kannst mich nicht davon abhalten
    to \stop sb's allowance/ pocket money jdm den Unterhalt/das Taschengeld streichen;
    to \stop [ (Am) payment on] a cheque einen Scheck sperren;
    to \stop wages keine Löhne mehr zahlen;
    the money will be \stopped out of his salary das Geld wird von seinem Gehalt abgezogen
    6) ( block)
    to \stop sth etw verstopfen; gap, hole, leak etw [zu]stopfen;
    to \stop one's ears sich dat die Ohren zuhalten;
    when he starts shouting I just \stop my ears wenn er anfängt zu schreien, mache ich einfach die Ohren zu! ( fam)
    to have a tooth \stopped ( Brit) (dated) eine Füllung bekommen
    to \stop sb jdn schlagen;
    he was \stopped by a knockout in the fourth round er schied durch K.o. in der vierten Runde aus;
    to \stop a left/ right eine Linke/Rechte parieren;
    to \stop a punch einen Hieb einstecken [müssen]
    8) mus
    \stopped pipe gedackte Pfeife fachspr;
    to \stop a string eine Saite greifen
    to \stop a bullet eine Kugel abbekommen;
    to \stop sb's mouth jdm den Mund stopfen ( fam)
    to \stop the rot die Talfahrt stoppen ( fig)
    to \stop the show der absolute Höhepunkt einer Show sein vi <- pp->
    1) ( cease moving) person stehen bleiben; car [an]halten;
    \stop! halt!;
    to \stop dead abrupt innehalten;
    to \stop to do sth stehen bleiben, um etw zu tun; car anhalten, um etw zu tun;
    I \stopped to pick up the letter that I had dropped ich blieb stehen und hob den Brief auf, den ich hatte fallen lassen; ( fig)
    \stop to [or and] think before you speak erst denken, dann reden!
    2) (cease, discontinue) machine nicht mehr laufen; clock, heart, watch stehen bleiben; rain aufhören; pain abklingen, nachlassen; production, payments eingestellt werden; film, programme zu Ende sein; speaker abbrechen;
    I will not \stop until they set them free ich werde keine Ruhe geben, bis sie sie freigelassen haben;
    she doesn't know where to \stop sie weiß nicht, wann sie aufhören muss;
    his heart \stopped during the operation während der Operation hatte er einen Herzstillstand;
    rain has \stopped play das Spiel wurde wegen Regens unterbrochen;
    she \stopped right in the middle of the sentence sie hielt mitten im Satz inne
    to \stop [doing sth] aufhören[, etw zu tun], [mit etw dat] aufhören;
    once I start eating chocolate I can't \stop wenn ich einmal anfange, Schokolade zu essen, kann ich einfach nicht mehr aufhören;
    I just couldn't \stop laughing ich habe mich echt totgelacht (sl)
    if you have to keep \stopping to answer the telephone, you 'll never finish wenn du ständig unterbrechen musst, um ans Telefon zu gehen, wirst du nie fertig werden;
    I wish you'd \stop telling me what to do ich wünschte, du würdest endlich damit aufhören, mir zu sagen, was ich tun soll;
    \stop being silly! hör auf mit dem Unsinn!;
    \stop shouting! hör auf zu schreien;
    I \stopped seeing him last year wir haben uns letztes Jahr getrennt;
    I've \stopped drinking alcohol ich trinke keinen Alkohol mehr;
    she \stopped drinking sie trinkt nicht mehr;
    please, \stop crying hör doch bitte auf zu weinen!;
    to \stop smoking mit dem Rauchen aufhören;
    (on plane etc.) das Rauchen einstellen;
    to \stop working aufhören zu arbeiten
    4) ( Brit) ( stay) bleiben;
    I'm not \stopping ich bleibe nicht lange;
    I can't \stop - Malcolm's waiting for me outside ich kann nicht bleiben, Malcolm wartet draußen auf mich;
    we \stopped for a quick bite at a motorway services wir machten kurz bei einer Autobahnraststätte Station, um etwas zu essen;
    I \stopped at a pub for some lunch ich habe an einem Pub Halt gemacht und was zu Mittag gegessen;
    can you \stop at the fish shop on your way home? kannst du auf dem Nachhauseweg kurz beim Fischladen vorbeigehen?;
    he usually \stops at a bar for a quick drink on the way home normalerweise schaut er auf dem Nachhauseweg noch kurz auf ein Gläschen in einer Kneipe vorbei;
    are you \stopping here bleibst du hier?;
    to \stop for dinner/ tea zum Abendessen/Tee bleiben;
    to \stop at a hotel in einem Hotel übernachten;
    to \stop the night ( Brit) ( fam) über Nacht bleiben
    5) transp bus, train halten;
    does this train \stop at Finsbury Park? hält dieser Zug in Finsbury Park?;
    the train to Glasgow \stops at platform 14 der Zug nach Glasgow hält am Gleis 14
    6) ( almost)
    to \stop short of doing sth sich akk [gerade noch] bremsen, etw zu tun;
    I \stopped short of telling him my secrets beinahe hätte ich ihm meine Geheimnisse verraten
    to \stop at nothing vor nichts zurückschrecken n
    1) (cessation of movement, activity) Halt m;
    please wait until the airplane has come to a complete \stop bitte warten Sie, bis das Flugzeug seine endgültige Parkposition erreicht hat;
    emergency \stop Notbremsung f;
    to bring sth to a \stop etw stoppen; project etw dat ein Ende bereiten;
    to bring a car to a \stop ein Auto anhalten;
    to bring a conversation to a \stop ein Gespräch beenden;
    to bring the traffic to a \stop den Verkehr zum Erliegen bringen;
    to bring sth to a sudden \stop etw dat ein jähes Ende bereiten;
    to come to a \stop stehen bleiben; car also anhalten; rain aufhören; traffic, business zum Erliegen kommen; project, production eingestellt werden;
    the conversation came to a \stop das Gespräch verstummte;
    to come to a sudden [or dead] \stop car abrupt anhalten [o stehen bleiben]; project, undertaking ein jähes Ende finden;
    to make a \stop anhalten;
    to put a \stop to sth etw dat ein Ende setzen [o einen Riegel vorschieben];
    2) ( break) Pause f; aviat Zwischenlandung f; ( halt) Halt m;
    we made two \stops wir haben zweimal Halt gemacht;
    ... including a thirty minute \stop for lunch... inklusive einer halben Stunde Pause für das Mittagessen;
    there were a lot of \stops and starts throughout the project die Entwicklung des Projekts verlief sehr stockend;
    to be at [or on] \stop signal auf Halt stehen;
    to drive without a \stop durchfahren;
    to have a \stop Halt machen;
    to have a \stop for coffee ein Kaffeepause machen;
    to make a \stop at a service station an einer Raststätte Halt machen;
    without a \stop ohne Pause [o Unterbrechung];
    3) transp Haltestelle f; ( for ship) Anlegestelle f;
    the ship's first \stop is Sydney das Schiff läuft als Erstes Sydney an;
    ( for plane) Zwischenlandung f;
    the plane's first \stop is Birmingham das Flugzeug wird zunächst in Birmingham zwischenlanden;
    I'm getting off at the next \stop bei der nächsten Haltestelle steige ich aus;
    is this your \stop? steigen Sie hier aus?;
    is this our \stop? müssen wir hier aussteigen?;
    bus/tram \stop Bus-/Straßenbahnhaltestelle f;
    request \stop Bedarfshaltestelle f (Haltestelle, bei der man den Bus herwinken muss, da er nicht automatisch hält)
    4) ( punctuation mark) Satzzeichen nt (im Besonderen: Punkt) ( in telegram) stop
    5) typo ( prevent from moving) Feststelltaste f; ( for furniture) Sperre f
    6) mus ( knob on an organ) Register nt;
    \stop [knob] Registerzug m; ( of wind instrument) Griffloch nt
    7) ( phonetics) Verschlusslaut m
    8) phot Blende f
    to pull out all the \stops alle Register ziehen

    English-German students dictionary > stop

  • 4 Paul, Robert William

    b. 3 October 1869 Highbury, London, England
    d. 28 March 1943 London, England
    English scientific instrument maker, inventor of the Unipivot electrical measuring instrument, and pioneer of cinematography.
    Paul was educated at the City of London School and Finsbury Technical College. He worked first for a short time in the Bell Telephone Works in Antwerp, Belgium, and then in the electrical instrument shop of Elliott Brothers in the Strand until 1891, when he opened an instrument-making business at 44 Hatton Garden, London. He specialized in the design and manufacture of electrical instruments, including the Ayrton Mather galvanometer. In 1902, with a purpose-built factory, he began large batch production of his instruments. He also opened a factory in New York, where uncalibrated instruments from England were calibrated for American customers. In 1903 Paul introduced the Unipivot galvanometer, in which the coil was supported at the centre of gravity of the moving system on a single pivot. The pivotal friction was less than in a conventional instrument and could be used without accurate levelling, the sensitivity being far beyond that of any pivoted galvanometer then in existence.
    In 1894 Paul was asked by two entrepreneurs to make copies of Edison's kinetoscope, the pioneering peep-show moving-picture viewer, which had just arrived in London. Discovering that Edison had omitted to patent the machine in England, and observing that there was considerable demand for the machine from show-people, he began production, making six before the end of the year. Altogether, he made about sixty-six units, some of which were exported. Although Edison's machine was not patented, his films were certainly copyrighted, so Paul now needed a cinematographic camera to make new subjects for his customers. Early in 1895 he came into contact with Birt Acres, who was also working on the design of a movie camera. Acres's design was somewhat impractical, but Paul constructed a working model with which Acres filmed the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race on 30 March, and the Derby at Epsom on 29 May. Paul was unhappy with the inefficient design, and developed a new intermittent mechanism based on the principle of the Maltese cross. Despite having signed a ten-year agreement with Paul, Acres split with him on 12 July 1895, after having unilaterally patented their original camera design on 27 May. By the early weeks of 1896, Paul had developed a projector mechanism that also used the Maltese cross and which he demonstrated at the Finsbury Technical College on 20 February 1896. His Theatrograph was intended for sale, and was shown in a number of venues in London during March, notably at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square. There the renamed Animatographe was used to show, among other subjects, the Derby of 1896, which was won by the Prince of Wales's horse "Persimmon" and the film of which was shown the next day to enthusiastic crowds. The production of films turned out to be quite profitable: in the first year of the business, from March 1896, Paul made a net profit of £12,838 on a capital outlay of about £1,000. By the end of the year there were at least five shows running in London that were using Paul's projectors and screening films made by him or his staff.
    Paul played a major part in establishing the film business in England through his readiness to sell apparatus at a time when most of his rivals reserved their equipment for sole exploitation. He went on to become a leading producer of films, specializing in trick effects, many of which he pioneered. He was affectionately known in the trade as "Daddy Paul", truly considered to be the "father" of the British film industry. He continued to appreciate fully the possibilities of cinematography for scientific work, and in collaboration with Professor Silvanus P.Thompson films were made to illustrate various phenomena to students.
    Paul ended his involvement with film making in 1910 to concentrate on his instrument business; on his retirement in 1920, this was amalgamated with the Cambridge Instrument Company. In his will he left shares valued at over £100,000 to form the R.W.Paul Instrument Fund, to be administered by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, of which he had been a member since 1887. The fund was to provide instruments of an unusual nature to assist physical research.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Fellow of the Physical Society 1920. Institution of Electrical Engineers Duddell Medal 1938.
    17 March 1903, British patent no. 6,113 (the Unipivot instrument).
    1931, "Some electrical instruments at the Faraday Centenary Exhibition 1931", Journal of Scientific Instruments 8:337–48.
    Further Reading
    Obituary, 1943, Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 90(1):540–1. P.Dunsheath, 1962, A History of Electrical Engineering, London: Faber \& Faber, pp.
    308–9 (for a brief account of the Unipivot instrument).
    John Barnes, 1976, The Beginnings of Cinema in Britain, London. Brian Coe, 1981, The History of Movie Photography, London.
    BC / GW

    Biographical history of technology > Paul, Robert William

  • 5 Abrahampstead, Cricklewitch, Goldberg's Green, Yidsbury

    Названия лондонских районов Hampstead, Cricklewood, Golders Green и Finsbury на еврейский манер. Эти шутливые названия стали популярны в конце XX в., подчёркивая тем самым преобладание еврейского населения в этих районах.

    English-Russian dictionary of expressions > Abrahampstead, Cricklewitch, Goldberg's Green, Yidsbury

  • 6 Arup, Sir Ove

    b. 16 April 1895 Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    d. 5 February 1988 Highgate, London, England
    English consultant engineer.
    Of Scandinavian parentage, Arup attended school in Germany and Denmark before taking his degree in mathematics and philosophy at Copenhagen University in 1914. He then graduated as a civil engineer from the Royal Technical College in the same city, specializing in the theory of structures.
    Arup retained close ties with Europe for some time, working in Hamburg as a designer for the Danish civil engineering firm of Christiani \& Nielsen. Then, in the 1930s, he began what was to be a long career in England as an engineering consultant to a number of architects who were beginning to build with modern materials (par-ticularly concrete) and methods of construction. He became consultant to the famous firm of Tecton (under the direction of Berthold Lubetkin) and was closely associated with the leading projects of that firm at the time, notably the High-point flats at Highgate, the Finsbury Health Centre and the award-winning Penguin Pool at the Regent's Park Zoological Gardens, all in London.
    In 1945 Arup founded his own firm, Ove Arup \& Partners, working entirely as a consultant to architects, particularly on structural schemes, and in 1963 he set up a partnership of architects and engineers, Arup Associates. The many and varied projects with which he was concerned included Coventry Cathedral and the University of Sussex with Sir Basil Spence, the Sydney Opera House with Joern Utzon and St Catherine's College, Oxford, with Arne Jacobsen.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    CBE 1953. Commander of the Order of Danneborg, awarded by King Frederik of Denmark, 1975. Honorary Doctorate Tekniske Hojskole, Lyngby, Denmark 1954. Honorary DSc Durham University 1967, University of East Anglia 1968, Heriot-Watt University 1976. RIBA Gold Medal 1966. Institution of Structural Engineers Gold Medal 1973. Fellow of the American Concrete Institution 1975.
    Further Reading
    J.M.Richards, 1953, An Introduction to Modern Architecture, London: Penguin. H.Russell-Hitchcock, 1982, Architecture, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, London: Pelican.
    C.Jencks, 1980, Late-Modern Architecture, London: Academy Editions.

    Biographical history of technology > Arup, Sir Ove

  • 7 Ayrton, William Edward

    b. 14 September 1847 London, England
    d. 8 November 1908 London, England
    English physicist, inventor and pioneer in technical education.
    After graduating from University College, London, Ayrton became for a short time a pupil of Sir William Thomson in Glasgow. For five years he was employed in the Indian Telegraph Service, eventually as Superintendent, where he assisted in revolutionizing the system, devising methods of fault detection and elimination. In 1873 he was invited by the Japanese Government to assist as Professor of Physics and Telegraphy in founding the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokyo. There he created a teaching laboratory that served as a model for those he was later to organize in England and which were copied elsewhere. It was in Tokyo that his joint researches with Professor John Perry began, an association that continued after their return to England. In 1879 he became Professor of Technical Physics at the City and Guilds Institute in Finsbury, London, and later was appointed Professor of Physics at the Central Institution in South Kensington.
    The inventions of Avrton and Perrv included an electric tricycle in 1882, the first practicable portable ammeter and other electrical measuring instruments. By 1890, when the research partnership ended, they had published nearly seventy papers in their joint names, the emphasis being on a mathematical treatment of subjects including electric motor design, construction of electrical measuring instruments, thermodynamics and the economical use of electric conductors. Ayrton was then employed as a consulting engineer by government departments and acted as an expert witness in many important patent cases.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1881. President, Physical Society 1890–2. President, Institution of Electrical Engineers 1892. Royal Society Royal Medal 1901.
    28 April 1883, British patent no. 2,156 (Ayrton and Perry's ammeter and voltmeter). 1887, Practical Electricity, London (based on his early laboratory courses; 7 edns followed during his lifetime).
    1892, "Electrotechnics", Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 21, 5–36 (for a survey of technical education).
    Further Reading
    D.W.Jordan, 1985, "The cry for useless knowledge: education for a new Victorian technology", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 132 (Part A): 587– 601.
    G.Gooday, 1991, History of Technology, 13: 73–111 (for an account of Ayrton and the teaching laboratory).

    Biographical history of technology > Ayrton, William Edward

  • 8 Buckle, William

    b. 29 July 1794 Alnwick, Northumberland, England
    d. 30 September 1863 London, England
    English mechanical engineer who introduced the first large screw-cutting lathe to Boulton, Watt \& Co.
    William Buckle was the son of Thomas Buckle (1759–1849), a millwright who later assisted the 9th Earl of Dundonald (1749–1831) in his various inventions, principally machines for the manufacture of rope. Soon after the birth of William, the family moved from Alnwick to Hull, Yorkshire, where he received his education. The family again moved c.1808 to London, and William was apprenticed to Messrs Woolf \& Edwards, millwrights and engineers of Lambeth. During his apprenticeship he attended evening classes at a mechanical drawing school in Finsbury, which was then the only place of its kind in London.
    After completing his apprenticeship, he was sent by Messrs Humphrys to Memel in Prussia to establish steamboats on the rivers and lakes there under the patronage of the Prince of Hardenburg. After about four years he returned to Britain and was employed by Boulton, Watt \& Co. to install the engines in the first steam mail packet for the service between Dublin and Holyhead. He was responsible for the engines of the steamship Lightning when it was used on the visit of George IV to Ireland.
    About 1824 Buckle was engaged by Boulton, Watt \& Co. as Manager of the Soho Foundry, where he is credited with introducing the first large screw-cutting lathe. At Soho about 700 or 800 men were employed on a wide variety of engineering manufacture, including coining machinery for mints in many parts of the world, with some in 1826 for the Mint at the Soho Manufactory. In 1851, following the recommendations of a Royal Commission, the Royal Mint in London was reorganized and Buckle was asked to take the post of Assistant Coiner, the senior executive officer under the Deputy Master. This he accepted, retaining the post until the end of his life.
    At Soho, Buckle helped to establish a literary and scientific institution to provide evening classes for the apprentices and took part in the teaching. He was an original member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, which was founded in Birmingham in January 1847, and a member of their Council from then until 1855. He contributed a number of papers in the early years, including a memoir of William Murdock whom he had known at Soho; he resigned from the Institution in 1856 after his move to London. He was an honorary member of the London Association of Foreman Engineers.
    1850, "Inventions and life of William Murdock", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 2 (October): 16–26.

    Biographical history of technology > Buckle, William

  • 9 Eccles, William Henry

    b. 23 August 1875 Ulverston, Cumbria, England
    d. 27 April 1966 Oxford, England
    English physicist who made important contributions to the development of radio communications.
    After early education at home and at private school, Eccles won a scholarship to the Royal College of Science (now Imperial College), London, where he gained a First Class BSc in physics in 1898. He then worked as a demonstrator at the college and studied coherers, for which he obtained a DSc in 1901. Increasingly interested in electrical engineering, he joined the Marconi Company in 1899 to work on oscillators at the Poole experimental radio station, but in 1904 he returned to academic life as Professor of Mathematics and Physics and Department Head at South West Polytechnic, Chelsea. There he discovered ways of using the negative resistance of galena-crystal detectors to generate oscillations and gave a mathematical description of the operation of the triode valve. In 1910 he became Reader in Engineering at University College, London, where he published a paper explaining the reflection of radio waves by the ionosphere and designed a 60 MHz short-wave transmitter. From 1916 to 1926 he was Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at the Finsbury City \& Guilds College and a private consulting engineer. During the First World War he was a military scientific adviser and Secretary to the Joint Board of Scientific Societies. After the war he made many contributions to electronic-circuit development, many of them (including the Eccles-Jordan "flip-flop" patented in 1918 and used in binary counters) in conjunction with F.W.Jordan, about whom little seems to be known. Illness forced Eccles's premature academic retirement in 1926, but he remained active as a consultant for many years.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1921. President, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1926–7. President, Physical Society 1929. President, Radio Society of Great Britain.
    1912, "On the diurnal variation of the electric waves occurring in nature and on the propagation of electric waves round the bend of the earth", Proceedings of the Royal Society 87:79. 1919, with F.W.Jordan, "Method of using two triode valves in parallel for generating oscillations", Electrician 299:3.
    1915, Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy.
    1921, Continuous Wave Wireless Telegraphy.
    Further Reading
    1971, "William Henry Eccles, 1875–1966", Biographical Memoirs of the Royal Society, London, 17.

    Biographical history of technology > Eccles, William Henry

  • 10 Hancock, Walter

    b. 16 June 1799 Marlborough, Wiltshire, England d. 14 May 1852
    English engineer and promoter of steam locomotion on common roads.
    He was the sixth son of James Hancock, a cabinet-maker and merchant of Marlborough, Wiltshire. Initially Walter was apprenticed to a watchmaker and jeweller in London, but he soon turned his attention to engineering. In 1824 he invented a steam engine in which the cylinder and piston were replaced by two flexible bags of several layers of canvas and rubber solution, which were alternately filled with steam. The engine worked satisfactorily at Hancock's works in Stratford and its simplicity and lightness suggested its suitability for road carriages. Initial experiments were not very successful, but Hancock continued to experiment. After many trials in and around London, the Infant began a regular run between Stratford and London in February 1831. The following year he built the Era for the London and Brighton Steam Carriage Company. The Enterprise was next put on the road, by the London and Paddington Steam Carriage Company in April 1833. The Autopsy started to run from Finsbury Square to Pentonville in October of the same year and ran alternately with the Erin between the City and Paddington. Hancock's interest in steam road locomotion continued until about 1840, by which time he had built ten carriages. But by then public interest had declined and most of the companies involved had failed. Later, he turned his attention to indiarubber, working with his brother Thomas Hancock. In 1843 he obtained a patent for cutting rubber into sheets and for a method of preparing a solution of rubber.
    1838, Narrative of Twelve Years of Experiments (1824–1836) Demonstrative of the Practicability and Advantages of Employing Steam Carriages on Common Roads, London.

    Biographical history of technology > Hancock, Walter

  • 11 Lanchester, Frederick William

    b. 28 October 1868 Lewisham, London, England
    d. 8 March 1946 Birmingham, England
    English designer and builder of the first all-British motor car.
    The fourth of eight children of an architect, he spent his childhood in Hove and attended a private preparatory school, from where, aged 14, he went to the Hartley Institution (the forerunner of Southampton University). He was then granted a scholarship to the Royal College of Science, South Kensington, and also studied practical engineering at Finsbury Technical College, London. He worked first for a draughtsman and pseudo-patent agent, and was then appointed Assistant Works Manager of the Forward Gas Engine Company of Birmingham, with sixty men and a salary of £1 per week. He was then aged 21. His younger brother, George, was apprenticed to the same company. In 1889 and 1890 he invented a pendulum governor and an engine starter which earned him royalties. He built a flat-bottomed river craft with a stern paddle-wheel and a vertical single-cylinder engine with a wick carburettor of his own design. From 1892 he performed a number of garden experiments on model gliders relating to problems of lift and drag, which led him to postulate vortices from the wingtips trailing behind, much of his work lying behind the theory of modern aerodynamics. The need to develop a light engine for aircraft led him to car design.
    In February 1896 his first experimental car took the road. It had a torsionally rigid chassis, a perfectly balanced and almost noiseless engine, dynamically stable steering, epicyclic gear for low speed and reverse with direct drive for high speed. It turned out to be underpowered and was therefore redesigned. Two years later an 8 hp, two-cylinder flat twin appeared which retained the principle of balancing by reverse rotation, had new Lanchester valve-gear and a new method of ignition based on a magneto generator. For the first time a worm and wheel replaced chain-drive or bevel-gear transmission. Lanchester also designed the machinery to make it. The car was capable of about 18 mph (29 km/h): future cars of his travelled at twice that speed. From 1899 to 1904 cars were produced for sale by the Lanchester Engine Company, which was formed in 1898. The company had to make every component except the tyres. Lanchester gave up the managership but remained as Chief Designer, and he remained in this post until 1914.
    In 1907–8 his two-volume treatise Aerial Flight was published; it included consideration of skin friction, boundary-layer theory and the theory of stability. In 1909 he was appointed to the Government's Committee for Aeronautics and also became a consultant to the Daimler Company. At the age of 51 he married Dorothea Cooper. He remained a consultant to Daimler and worked also for Wolseley and Beardmore until 1929 when he started Lanchester Laboratories, working on sound reproduction. He also wrote books on relativity and on the theory of dimensions.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    bht=1907–8, Aerial Flight, 2 vols.
    Further Reading
    P.W.Kingsford, 1966, F.W.Lanchester, Automobile Engineer.
    E.G.Semler (ed.), 1966, The Great Masters. Engineering Heritage, Vol. II, London: Institution of Mechanical Engineers/Heinemann.

    Biographical history of technology > Lanchester, Frederick William

  • 12 Lubetkin, Berthold

    b. 12 December 1901 Tiflis, Georgia
    d. 23 October 1990 Bristol, England
    Soviet émigré architect who, through the firm of Tecton, wins influential in introducing architecture of the modern international style into England.
    Lubetkin studied in Moscow, where in the years immediately after 1917 he met Vesnin and Rodchenko and absorbed the contemporary Constructivist ideas. He then moved on to Paris and worked with Auguste Perret, coming in on the ground floor of the modern movement. He went to England in 1930 and two years later formed the Tecton group, leading six young architects who had newly graduated from the Architectural Association in London. Lubetkin's early commissions in England were for animals rather than humans. He designed the gorilla house (1932) at the Regent's Park Zoological Gardens, after which came his award-winning Penguin Pool there, a sculptural blend of curved planes in reinforced concrete. He also worked at Whipsnade and at Dudley Zoo. The name of Tecton had quickly became synonymous with modern methods of design and structure, particularly the use of reinforced concrete; such work was not common in the 1930s in Britain. In 1938–9 the firm was responsible for another pace-setting design, the Finsbury Health Centre in London. Tecton was disbanded during the Second World War, and although it was reformed in the late 1940s it did not recover its initiative in leading the field of modern work. Lubetkin lived on to be an old man but his post-war career did not fulfil his earlier promise and brilliance. He was appointed Architect-Planner of the Peterlee New Town in 1948, but he resigned after a few years and no other notable commissions materialized. In 1982 the Royal Institute of British Architects belatedly remembered him with the award of their Gold Medal.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    RIBA Gold Medal 1982.
    Further Reading
    John Allan, 1992, Architecture and the Tradition of Progress, RIBA publications. R.Furneaux Jordan, 1955, "Lubetkin", Architectural Review 36–44.
    P.Coe and M.Reading, 1981, Lubetkin and Tecton, University of Bristol Arts Council.

    Biographical history of technology > Lubetkin, Berthold

  • 13 Perry, John

    b. 14 February 1850 Garvagh, Co. Londonderry, Ireland (now Northern Ireland)
    d. 4 August 1920 London, England
    Irish engineer, mathematician and technical-education pioneer.
    Educated at Queens College, Belfast, Perry became Physics Master at Clifton College in 1870 until 1874. This was followed by a brief period of study under Sir William Thomson in Glasgow. He was then appointed Professor of Engineering at the Imperial College of Japan in Tokyo, where he formed a remarkable research partnership with W.E. Ayrton. On his return to England he became Professor of Engineering and Mathematics at City and Guilds College, Finsbury. Perry was the co-inventor with Ayrton of many electrical measuring instruments between 1880 and 1890, including an energy meter incorporating pendulum clocks and the first practicable portable ammeter and voltmeter, the latter being extensively used until superseded by instruments of greater accuracy. An optical indicator for high-speed steam engines was among Perry's many patents. Having made a notable contribution to education, particularly in the teaching of mathematics, he turned his attention in the latter period of his life to the improvement of the gyrostatic compass.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1885. President, Institution of Electrical Engineers 1900. Whitworth Scholar 1870.
    28 April 1883, jointly with Ayrton, British patent no. 2,156 (portable ammeter and voltmeter).
    1900, England's Neglect of Science, London (for Perry's collected papers on technical education).
    Further Reading
    D.W.Jordan, 1985, "The cry for useless knowledge: education for a new Victorian technology", Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers 132 (Part A): 587– 601.

    Biographical history of technology > Perry, John

  • 14 Stuart, Herbert Akroyd

    b. 1864 Halifax, England
    d. 1927 Perth, Australia
    English inventor of an oil internal-combustion engine.
    Stuart's involvement with engines covered a period of less than ten years and was concerned with a means of vaporizing the heavier oils for use in the so-called oil engines. Leaving his native Yorkshire for Bletchley in Buckinghamshire, Stuart worked in his father's business, the Bletchley Iron and Tin Plate works. After finishing grammar school, he worked as an assistant in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the City and Guilds of London Technical College. He also formed a connection with the Finsbury Technical College, where he became acquainted with Professor William Robinson, a distinguished engineer eminent in the field of internal-combustion engines.
    Resuming work at Bletchley, Stuart carried out experiments with engines. His first patent was concerned with new methods of vaporizing the fuel, scavenging systems and improvement of speed control. Two further patents, in 1890, specified substantial improvements and formed the basis of later engine designs. In 1891 Stuart joined forces with R.Hornsby and Sons of Grantham, a firm founded in 1815 for the manufacture of machinery and steam engines. Hornsby acquired all rights to Stuart's engine patents, and their superior technical resources ensured substantial improvements to Stuart's early design. The Hornsby-Ackroyd engines, introduced in 1892, were highly successful and found wide acceptance, particularly in agriculture. With failing health, Stuart's interest in his engine work declined, and in 1899 he emigrated to Australia, where in 1903 he became a partner in importing gas engines and gas-producing plants. Following his death in 1927, under the terms of his will he was interred in England; sadly, he also requested that all papers and materials pertaining to his engines be destroyed.
    July 1886, British patent no. 9,866 (fuel vapourization methods, scavenging systems and improvement of speed control; the patent describes Stuart as Mechanical Engineer of Bletchley Iron Works).
    1890, British patent no. 7,146 and British patent no. 15,994 (describe a vaporizing chamber connected to the working cylinder by a small throat).
    Further Reading
    D.Clerk, 1895, The Gas and Oil Engine, 6th edn, London, pp. 420–6 (provides a detailed description of the Hornsby-Ackroyd engine and includes details of an engine test).
    T.Hornbuckle and A.K.Bruce, 1940, Herbert Akroyd Stuart and the Development of the Heavy Oil Engine, London: Diesel Engine Users'Association, p. 1.

    Biographical history of technology > Stuart, Herbert Akroyd

  • 15 Taylor, William

    b. 11 June 1865 London, England
    d. 28 February 1937 Laughton, Leicestershire, England
    English mechanical engineer and metrologist, originator of standard screw threads for lens mountings and inventor of "Dimple" golf balls.
    William Taylor served an apprenticeship from 1880 to 1885 in London with Paterson and Cooper, electrical engineers and instrument makers. He studied at the Finsbury Technical College under Professors W.E.Ayrton (1847–1908) and John Perry (1850–1920). He remained with Paterson and Cooper until 1887, when he joined his elder brother, who had set up in Leicester as a manufacturer of optical instruments. The firm was then styled T.S. \& W.Taylor and a few months later, when H.W.Hobson joined them as a partner, it became Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, as it was known for many years.
    William Taylor was mainly responsible for technical developments in the firm and he designed the special machine tools required for making lenses and their mountings. However, his most notable work was in originating methods of measuring and gauging screw threads. He proposed a standard screw-thread for lens mountings that was adopted by the Royal Photographic Society, and he served on screw thread committees of the British Standards Institution and the British Association. His interest in golf led him to study the flight of the golf ball, and he designed and patented the "Dimple" golf ball and a mechanical driving machine for testing golf balls.
    He was an active member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, being elected Associate Member in 1894, Member in 1901 and Honorary Life Member in 1936. He served on the Council from 1918 and was President in 1932. He took a keen interest in engineering education and advocated the scientific study of materials, processes and machine tools, and of management. His death occurred suddenly while he was helping to rescue his son's car from a snowdrift.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    OBE 1918. FRS 1934. President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1932.
    Further Reading
    K.J.Hume, 1980, A History of Engineering Metrology, London, 110–21 (a short account of William Taylor and of Taylor, Taylor and Hobson).

    Biographical history of technology > Taylor, William

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  • Finsbury — (spr. Finsbörro), Division von London; 1851 : 323,772 Ew …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Finsbury — (spr. finnsbĕrĭ), Stadtteil von London, zum Verwaltungsbezirk Holborn gehörig, nördlich bei der City, mit (1901) 9972 Einw …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Finsbury — (spr. bĕrĭ), nördl. Stadtteil von London, (1901) 101.463 E …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Finsbury — [finz′ber΄ē; ] Brit [, finz′bə ri] former metropolitan borough of EC London, now part of Islington * * * …   Universalium

  • Finsbury — [finz′ber΄ē; ] Brit [, finz′bə ri] former metropolitan borough of EC London, now part of Islington …   English World dictionary

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