1 лицевые страницы (в настольных издательских системах)
лицевые страницы (в настольных издательских системах)
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Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > лицевые страницы (в настольных издательских системах)
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2) Aviation: backward turn, turn, leg4) Engineering: bank, double-page spread (издания), double-truck spread (издания), roll-out (на курс полёта), sweep, swivel, two-page spread (издания), unfolding5) Mathematics: half-turn6) Law: deployment7) Automobile industry: U-turn, banking, sharp turn, supplemental motion, turning, (сокр. от U-turn) uey8) Cinema: double truck9) Polygraphy: centre spread, facing pages, page spread, two-page opening, two-page opening (книги, газеты)10) Electronics: slewing11) Information technology: (звонков VoIP) hairpin12) Astronautics: attitude maneuver, clocking, re-orientation, turning flight13) Advertising: opening (книги), two-page opening (газеты, книги), spread (книги, газеты), double page spread (формат рекламного объявления)14) Sakhalin energy glossary: upending -
3 разворот страниц
4 страницы в развороте
Information technology: facing pagesУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > страницы в развороте
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1) ( газеты или журнала) DPS2) facing pagesРусско-английский индекс к Англо-русскому толковому словарю терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию > разворот
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См. также в других словарях:
facing pages — noun two facing pages of a book or other publication • Syn: ↑spread, ↑spread head, ↑spreadhead • Hypernyms: ↑page • Hyponyms: ↑center spread, ↑centre spread, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Facing pages — Две страницы раскрытой книги, разворот … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Facing the Flag — infobox Book | name = Facing the Flag title orig = Face au drapeau translator = Cashel Hoey image caption = author = Jules Verne illustrator = Léon Benett cover artist = country = France language = French series = Voyages Extraordinaires #42… … Wikipedia
Facing the wishes — infobox Book | name = Facing the Wishes orig title = translator = editor = Idit Porat author = Elyasaf Kowner country = Israel language = English, Hebrew series = genre = Artists books publisher = Pardes Publishing House release date = February… … Wikipedia
Kids' Pages Family Magazine — is a 501(c) nonprofit organization located in Arvada, Colorado. It was founded in 2002 by Ellen Blair who saw an opportunity to match resources from advertisers with families in need. As a result Kids Pages Cares was started and it leverages… … Wikipedia
Death Without Denial Grief Without Apology: A Guide for Facing Death and Loss — Death Without Denial Grief Without Apology … Wikipedia
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
BIBLE — THE CANON, TEXT, AND EDITIONS canon general titles the canon the significance of the canon the process of canonization contents and titles of the books the tripartite canon … Encyclopedia of Judaism
XSL Formatting Objects — Infobox file format name = XSL Formatting Objects icon = logo = extension = .xml mime = application/xml, text/xml (deprecated) type code = uniform type = public.xml magic = owner = [http://www.w3.org/ World Wide Web Consortium] genre = Markup… … Wikipedia
English-language editions of The Hobbit — This list contains only complete, printed English language editions of The Hobbit . It is not for derived or unprinted works such as screenplays, graphic novels, or audio books.Criteria for separate editionsFor this list, a printing is a separate … Wikipedia
double spread — 1. any pair of facing pages in a completed book, magazine, etc. 2. a picture, advertisement, etc., occupying two facing pages. [1955 60] * * * double page spread or double spread noun The two facing pages of a publication, as used for an… … Useful english dictionary