1 Export Yellow Pages
межд. эк., амер. Экспортные желтые страницы*, Желтые страницы для экспорта* (база данных с контактной информацией по американским компаниям, участвующим во внешнеторговой деятельности; поддерживается Управлением по делам экспортных торговых компаний США; предназначена для стимулирования деловых отношений между американскими производителями товаров и услуг и компаниями, оказывающими услуги по организации экспорта, в том числе выступающими в роли торговых посредников)See: -
2 yellow pages
СМИ "желтые страницы" (отдельный том или раздел телефонного справочника, содержащий список фирм и других учреждений по тематическим разделам; печатается на бумаге желтого цвета)See: -
3 export
1. сущ.1) межд. эк. экспорт, вывоз, экспортирование (вывоз за границу товаров для продажи на внешних рынках и оказание услуг нерезидентам как за рубежом, так и на территории родной страны предоставляющей услуги компании)ATTRIBUTES:
military export — военный экспорт, экспорт военных товаров
export from Japan — экспорт [вывоз\] из Японии
export articles, articles of export — статьи [предметы\] экспорта [вывоза\]
volume of export(s) — объем экспорта (обычно о натуральных единицах: тоннах и т. п.)
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:capital export, direct export, export of counterrevolution, export of jobs, export of revolution, export of unemployment, indirect export, invisible export 1), merchandise export 1), service export, temporary export, visible export 1) certificate for export, country of export, propensity to export COMBS: Automated Export Reporting Program, debt-for-export swap, debt service-to-exports ratio, debt-to-export ratio, export-biased growth, Export Administration Regulations, Export Assistance Center, Export Enhancement Program, Export-Import Bank, export/import business, export-import company, export-import trade, Export Information System, export-led growth, Export Legal Assistance Network, export management company, export-oriented industrialization, export participation rate, export performance requirement, gold export point, import-export company, import-export trade, Targeted Export Assistance Program, Bank Export Services Act, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1. 1)2) межд. эк., преим. мн. статья [предмет\] экспорта [вывоза\] ( экспортируемый товар или услуга)Sugar and copra are the chief exports. — Сахар и копра являются главными статьями экспорта.
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:domestic exports, foreign exports, demand for exports, duty on exports, supply of exports, reexport 1. 2)3) мн., межд. эк., стат. объем [стоимость, сумма\] экспорта (стоимость или количество экспортированных товаров; также название разделов в статистической или финансовой отчетности, в которых отражается информация о величине экспорта за период)Balance of trade is the difference between a country’s total imports and exports. — Сальдо торгового баланса определяется как разница между общей суммой импорта и экспорта.
Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplusSee:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus4) комп. экспорт, экспортирование (перенос текстовой информации, графических объектов и т. п. из данного файла или программного приложения в другой файл/приложение)Ant:exports of goods, exports of goods and services, exports of services, general exports, invisible export 2), merchandise export 2), net export, special exports, unrequited exports, visible export 2) COMBS: external debt/exports, balance of trade, balance of payments, trade deficit, trade surplus, merchandise deficit, merchandise surplus, services deficit, services surplus2. гл.1) межд. эк. вывозить, экспортировать ( продавать товары за границу)The company exports mainly to the US, Japan, Canada and Asia. — Компания экспортирует преимущественно в США, Японию, Канаду и Азию.
Ant:exportation 2)See:2) комп. экспортировать (переносить информацию из данного файла или программного приложения в другой файл/приложение)Ant:exportation 2)See:exportation 2)3. прил.межд. эк. экспортный, вывозной ( относящийся к экспорту)export policy — экспортная политика, политика в области экспорта
Ant:Automated Export System, District Export Council, export advertising, export agent, export bias, export bill of lading, export bonus, export bounty, export broker, export business, export capacity, export cartel, export clearance, export competition, export concentration, export contract, export control, export credit, export crediting, export declaration, export demand, export department, export disincentives, export distributor, export documents, export duty, export earnings, export elasticity, export entry, export factoring, export finance, export financing, export gold point, export house, export incentives, export industry, export insurance, export invoice, export leasing, export letter of credit, export licence, export licensing, export limitation, export manager, export market, export marketing, export merchant, export multiplier, export permit, export pessimism, export platform, export potential, export price, export prices, export pricing, Export Processing Zone, export producer, export products, export promotion, export propensity, export quota, export rate, export refunds, export regulation, export restitution, export restraints, export restrictions, Export Revolving Line of Credit, export risk, export sales, export specialization, export specie point, export statistics, export subsidization, export subsidy, export supply, export surplus, export tariff, export tax, export trade, export trading company, export transaction, export turnover, Export Yellow PagesSee:Automated Export System, District Export Council, export advertising, export agent, export bias, export bill of lading, export bonus, export bounty, export broker, export business, export capacity, export cartel, export clearance, export competition, export concentration, export contract, export control, export credit, export crediting, export declaration, export demand, export department, export disincentives, export distributor, export documents, export duty, export earnings, export elasticity, export entry, export factoring, export finance, export financing, export gold point, export house, export incentives, export industry, export insurance, export invoice, export leasing, export letter of credit, export licence, export licensing, export limitation, export manager, export market, export marketing, export merchant, export multiplier, export permit, export pessimism, export platform, export potential, export price, export prices, export pricing, Export Processing Zone, export producer, export products, export promotion, export propensity, export quota, export rate, export refunds, export regulation, export restitution, export restraints, export restrictions, Export Revolving Line of Credit, export risk, export sales, export specialization, export specie point, export statistics, export subsidization, export subsidy, export supply, export surplus, export tariff, export tax, export trade, export trading company, export transaction, export turnover, Export Yellow Pages
* * *
экспорт: вывоз (продажа) товаров и услуг за границу, в отличие от операций с национальными покупателями.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *вывоз товаров, капиталов или услуг за границу для реализации на внешних рынках -
4 Office of Export Trading Company Affairs
орг.сокр. OETCA межд. эк., амер. Управление по делам экспортных торговых компаний* (содействует развитию американского экспорта путем стимулирования использования услуг торговых посредников и создания совместных предприятий, продающих продукцию на экспорт; поддерживает базы данных по компаниям, специализирующимся на оказании посреднических услуг при экспорте; входит в состав Управления международной торговли (при Министерстве торговли США); создано в соответствии с законом "Об экспортных торговых компаниях" от 1982 г.)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > Office of Export Trading Company Affairs
5 advertising
сущ.1) рекл. реклама (совокупность каких-л. рекламных объявлений; обычно употребляется с указанием места, где размещается данная реклама)Over 60 percent of alcohol advertising [on television\] is shown during sports programming
Asian governments have attempted to limit excessive consumptions by instituting strict control over the content and amount of advertising in the media.
Advertising [on buses\] is one of the important advertising means to which companies and establishments attach great importance because this type of advertisement is a mobile one seen by all.
two-thirds of the food and drink advertising for children under 12 — две трети всей рекламы продуктов питания для детей младше 12-ти лет
Last month, 10 companies that produce almost two-thirds of the food and drink advertising [for children\] under 12 agreed to start cutting back on advertising junk foods.
No person shall within the city distribute [printed\] advertising by placing it within or upon parked automobiles.
2) рекл. реклама, рекламирование (процесс осуществления рекламы; как правило, употребляется с указанием рекламируемого продукта)Alcohol advertising is the promotion of alcoholic beverages by alcohol producers through a variety of media.
the control of medicines advertising in the UK — контроль за рекламой лекарств в Соединенном Королевстве
ATTRIBUTES: accessory 2. 1), advance 3. 2), aerial 3. 1), agricultural, air 2. 1),
alternative 2. 3), ambient 1. 1), audiovisual, auxiliary 2. 1), block 1. 4) а), boastful, broadcast 2. 1), n1, classified 1. 1), commercial 1. 4) а), comparative, competing 1. 1) а), competitive 1. 2) а), concept 1. 2) а), consumer 1. 1) а), continuity 1. 1) а), controversial 1. 1) а), cooperative 2. 1), n2, coordinated, corporate 1. 2) а), б, corrective 1. 1), creative, deceptive, demographic, denigratory, dissipative, domestic 1. 2) а),
foreign 1) б), global, professional 1. 3) б), regional, repeat 3. 3) б), strategic, superior 3. 1) б), test 3. 3) б), traditional
Syn:See:accessory advertising, advance advertising, advocacy advertising, aerial advertising, agricultural advertising, air advertising, aisle advertising, alternative advertising, ambient advertising, analogy advertising, association advertising, audiovisual advertising, auxiliary advertising, bait advertising, bait and switch advertising, bait-and-switch advertising, bank advertising, banner advertising, bargain advertising, bargain-basement advertising, block advertising, boastful advertising, brand advertising, brand image advertising, brand name advertising, breakthrough advertising, broadcast advertising, burst advertising, business advertising, business paper advertising, business publication advertising, business-to-business advertising, car-card advertising, cause advertising, challenged advertising, charity advertising, children's advertising, cinema advertising, classified advertising, combative advertising, commercial advertising, comparative advertising, comparison advertising, competing advertising, competitive advertising, concept advertising, consumer advertising, continuity advertising, controversial advertising, co-op advertising, cooperative advertising, coordinated advertising, corporate advertising, corporate image advertising, corrective advertising, counter advertising, counteradvertising, coupon advertising, creative advertising, deceptive advertising, demographic advertising, demonstration advertising, denigratory advertising, direct advertising, direct response advertising, direct-action advertising, direct mail advertising, direct-mail advertising, directory advertising, display advertising, dissipative advertising, domestic advertising, door-to-door advertising, educational advertising, electric advertising, electrical advertising, e-mail based advertising, entertaining advertising, ethical advertising, export advertising, eye-catching advertising, factual advertising, false advertising, farm advertising, fashion advertising, film advertising, financial advertising, flexform advertising, follow-up advertising, foreign advertising, fraudulent advertising, full-page advertising, gender advertising, general advertising, generic advertising, global advertising, goodwill advertising, group advertising, hard-sell advertising, hard-selling advertising, heavy advertising, help wanted advertising, high-pressure advertising, house advertising, house-to-house advertising, idea advertising, illuminated advertising, image advertising, impact advertising, indirect action advertising, indirect-action advertising, individual advertising, indoor advertising, industrial advertising, information advertising, informational advertising, informative advertising, in-house advertising, initial advertising, innovative advertising, institutional advertising, in-store advertising, insurance advertising, international advertising, interstate advertising, introductory advertising, intrusive advertising, issue advertising, joint advertising, large-scale advertising, launch advertising, legal advertising, local advertising, mail advertising, mail-order advertising, mass advertising, mass-media advertising, media advertising, military advertising, misleading advertising, mobile advertising, mood advertising, movie theatre advertising, multimedia advertising, multinational advertising, national advertising, non-business advertising, non-commercial advertising, novelty advertising, obtrusive advertising, offbeat advertising, off-season advertising, on-line advertising, on-target advertising, opinion advertising, oral advertising, outdoor advertising, out-of-home advertising, package advertising, periodical advertising, personality advertising, persuasive advertising, point-of-purchase advertising, point-of-sale advertising, political advertising, postal advertising, postcard advertising, poster advertising, postmark advertising, pre-launch advertising, premium advertising, press advertising, prestige advertising, price advertising, primary advertising, print advertising, private sector advertising, problem-solution advertising, procurement advertising, producer advertising, product advertising, product-comparison advertising, professional advertising, promotional advertising, public relations advertising, public sector advertising, public service advertising, public-affairs advertising, public interest advertising, public-issue advertising, public-service advertising, radio advertising, railway advertising, reason-why advertising, recruitment advertising, regional advertising, reinforcement advertising, remembrance advertising, reminder advertising, repeat advertising, retail advertising, retentive advertising, saturation advertising, scented advertising, screen advertising, seasonal advertising, selective advertising, self-advertising, semi-display advertising, show-window advertising, sky advertising, slide advertising, social advertising, social cause advertising, soft-sell advertising, specialty advertising, split-run advertising, spot advertising, store advertising, strategic advertising, street advertising, strip advertising, subliminal advertising, sustaining advertising, switch advertising, tactical advertising, target advertising, taxi top advertising, teaser advertising, television advertising, test advertising, testimonial advertising, tie-in advertising, tombstone advertising, total advertising, trade advertising, trademark advertising, traditional advertising, transformational advertising, transit advertising, transportation advertising, truthful advertising, truth-in-advertising, two-step formal advertising, unacceptable advertising, unfair advertising, untruthful advertising, visual advertising, vocational advertising, wall advertising, word-of-mouth advertising, written advertising, yellow pages advertising, advertising abuse, advertising action, advertising aids, advertising analysis а), advertising appeal, advertising approach, advertising audience, advertising awareness, advertising balance, advertising band, advertising believability, advertising break, advertising brochure, advertising catalogue, advertising circular, advertising claim 1) а), advertising clutter, advertising column, advertising communication, advertising competition 2) а), advertising copy, advertising coupon, advertising credibility, advertising cue, advertising decay, advertising deception, advertising device, advertising emphasis, advertising exaggeration, advertising exposure 2) а), advertising factor а), advertising film, advertising folder, advertising frequency, advertising gift, advertising gimmick, advertising handbill, advertising hoarding, advertising image, advertising impact, advertising impression, advertising influence, advertising insert, advertising intensity, advertising jingle, advertising label, advertising leaflet, advertising letter, advertising literature 1) а), advertising location, advertising magazine, advertising material, advertising matter, advertising media, advertising medium, advertising novelty, advertising operation 2) а), advertising page, advertising pamphlet, advertising panel, advertising penetration, advertising perception, advertising personality, advertising playback, advertising point, advertising posttest, advertising pretest, advertising puffery, advertising pylon, advertising race, advertising readership, advertising recall, advertising response, advertising retention, advertising sample, advertising section 2) а), advertising site, advertising slogan, advertising space, advertising specialty, advertising sponsorship, advertising spoof, advertising spot, advertising standards, advertising structure, advertising supplement, advertising test, advertising testing, advertising text, advertising threshold, advertising time, advertising vehicle, advertising wearout, advertising wedge, Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, Code of Advertising Practice, Defining Advertising goals for Measured Advertising Results, Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, ICC Guidelines / Code on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet, ICC International Code of Advertising Practice, ICC International Code of Environmental Advertising, ICC International Codes of Marketing and Advertising Practices, Standard Advertising Register, Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies, Standards of Practice of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, Advertising Association, Advertising Association of the West, Advertising Checking Bureau, Advertising Club of New York, Advertising Council, Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc. 2), Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc., Advertising Council, Inc.3) рекл. рекламное дело, рекламная деятельность, рекламный бизнес (реклама как вид деятельности безотносительно каких-л. конкретных продуктов; реклама как одна из функций организации)advertising counsellor [consultant\] — рекламный консультант, консультант по рекламе
advertising expert — рекламный эксперт, эксперт по рекламе
Syn:See:above-the-line advertising, below-the-line advertising, flat fee advertising, investment advertising, per inquiry advertising, advertising account, advertising activity, advertising agency, advertising agent, advertising agreement, advertising allowance, advertising analysis б), advertising appropriation, advertising assistant, advertising audit, advertising brief, advertising broker, advertising budget, advertising business, advertising campaign, advertising canvasser, advertising claim 2) б), advertising club, advertising code, advertising community, advertising company, advertising competition 1) б), advertising contract, advertising contractor, advertising control, advertising cooperative, advertising copywriting, advertising cost, advertising coverage, advertising customer, advertising department, advertising director, advertising directory, advertising drive, advertising effect, advertising effectiveness, advertising efficiency, advertising environment, advertising ethics, advertising exchange, advertising executive, advertising expenditures, advertising expenses, advertising exposure 1) б), &3, advertising factor б), advertising firm, advertising guide, advertising industry, advertising injury, advertising landscape, advertising legislation, advertising leverage, advertising liability, advertising linage, advertising literature 2) б), advertising man, advertising management, advertising manager, advertising method, advertising mix, advertising monopoly, advertising network, advertising objective, advertising office, advertising operation 1) б), advertising order, advertising outcome, advertising outlay, advertising output, advertising people, advertising performance, advertising personnel, advertising plan, advertising planner, advertising planning, advertising portfolio, advertising practice, advertising practitioner, advertising professional, advertising programme, advertising purpose, advertising rate, advertising register, advertising representative, advertising research, advertising restrictions, advertising sales agents, advertising schedule, advertising section 1) б), advertising self-regulation, advertising services, advertising specialist, advertising spending, advertising statistics, advertising strategy, advertising substantiation, advertising support, advertising talent, advertising theory, advertising value, advertising variable, advertising weight, media buy, copywriting, advertology
* * *
реклама, рекламирование: использование печатных, теле-, радио- и иных посланий, оплаченных рекламодателем, для благоприятного воздействия на потенциальных покупателей товара или клиентов.* * *размещение объявлений; размещение рекламы; рекламирование. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *эмоционально окрашенная информация об основных характеристиках отдельных видов страхования и страховых операций с целью формирования устойчивого спроса на страховые услуги-----средство распространения информации и убеждения людей через прессу, телевидение, радиовещание, объявления, плакаты и другим образом
См. также в других словарях:
Export Yellow Pages — The Export Yellow Pages (EYP), is a multi media trade and promotion resource for exporters that provides U.S. companies, exporters and export related service providers across all industries a convenient way to engage in export promotion and… … Wikipedia
One World Yellow Pages — (One World), is a business to business yellow pages directory published by Global Publishers that was launched in April 2008 to provide companies and service providers an opportunity to search, connect, and transact with business partners and… … Wikipedia
List of Yellow Pages — places around the world A * Afghanistan: In Afghanistan, the Canadian INGO Peace Dividend Trust launched a free online directory with over 2700 verified and registered Afghan enterprises in late 2006. The goal is to make the Afghan marketplace… … Wikipedia
Yellow Engine — {{{description}}} … Wikipédia en Français
Global Publishers — is an international publisher of print and online yellow pages directories. Global is a privately held company based in Glendale, Wisconsin with its corporate offices located at 5055 N. Lydell Avenue, Suite 2100, Glendale, Wisconsin (USA) 53217.… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Tirupur — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction native name=Tirupur type=city latd = 11.18|longd=77.25 locator position=right state name=Tamil Nadu district= leader title= Chairman leader name= Mr Palanisamy leader title=MLA leader name= Mr Govindasamy… … Wikipedia
Carnoustie — infobox UK place country = Scotland official name= Carnoustie population= 10,561 (2001 census) os grid reference= NO565346 latitude=56.501682 longitude= 2.707141 scots name= Carnoustie unitary scotland= Angus lieutenancy scotland= Angus… … Wikipedia
Campinas — Infobox Settlement official name = Campinas nickname = Cidade das Andorinhas , Brazilian Silicon Valley , Princesa ´d Oeste motto = imagesize = 250px image caption = Skyline of Campinas image mapsize = 250px map caption = Location of Campinas… … Wikipedia
Economy of Iran — The economy of Iran is a transition economy where a continuing strong labour force growth unmatched by commensurate real economic growth is driving up unemployment to a level considerably higher than the official estimate of 11%. [… … Wikipedia
Kingston upon Hull — City of Kingston upon Hull City and Unitary Authority area The Queen s Gardens, Maritime Museum, and City Hall (rear) in Kingston upon Hull … Wikipedia