1 European strawberry weevil
English-russian biological dictionary > European strawberry weevil
2 European strawberry weevil
1) Биология: скосарь бороздчатый (Otiorrhynchus sulcatus)2) Энтомология: скосарь бороздчатый (лат. Otiorrhynchus sulcatus)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > European strawberry weevil
3 weevil, European strawberry
1. LAT Otiorrhynchus sulcatus Fabricius2. RUS скосарь m бороздчатый3. ENG European strawberry weevil, black vine weevil4. DEU gefurchter Dickmaulrüßler m5. FRA charançon m noir de la vigne, otiorrhynque m sillonnéDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > weevil, European strawberry
4 weevil
долгоносик, слоник; pl долгоносики, слоники ( Curculionidae)- alder-tree weevil
- almond blossom weevil
- anthribid weevils
- apple blossom weevil
- apple bud weevil
- apple flea weevil
- arbor-vitae weevil
- artichoke pear-shaped weevil
- banded pine weevil
- bark weevil
- bean weevil
- beech flea weevil
- beet root weevil
- birch flea weevil
- birch weevil
- biscuit weevil
- black elm bark weevil
- black vine weevil
- blossom weevil
- boll weevil
- broad-bean weevil
- broad-nosed grain weevil
- bronze apple-tree weevil
- brown leaf weevil
- cabbage and turnip gall weevil
- cabbage seed weevil
- cabbage seed-pod weevil
- carrot weevil
- cherry weevil
- chestnut weevil
- Chinese weevil
- clover pear-shaped weevil
- clover seed weevil
- clover-head weevil
- clover-leaf weevil
- coffee-bean weevil
- cowpea weevil
- cranberry weevil
- deodar weevil
- Engelmann spruce weevil
- European strawberry weevil
- figwort weevil
- fir weevil
- flea weevil
- four-spotted bean weevil
- fungus weevils
- glaucous leaf weevil
- grain weevils
- granary weevil
- hazel leaf-roller weevil
- hazelnut weevil
- heather weevil
- ivy and hop weevil
- larch weevil
- larger pine weevil
- leaf-rolling weevils
- lentil weevil
- lesser clover-leaf weevil
- lucerne weevil
- mango seed weevil
- minor pine weevil
- Monterey-pine weevil
- nut weevil
- oak flea weevil
- palm weevil
- pea leaf weevil
- pea pear-shaped weevil
- pea weevil
- pear blossom weevil
- pear leaf-eating weevil
- pear-shaped weevil
- pecan weevil
- pine cone weevil
- pine gall weevil
- pine root collar weevil
- pine weevil
- primitive weevils
- raspberry fruit weevil
- raspberry weevil
- ribbed pine weevil
- rice water weevil
- rice weevil
- rough strawberry weevil
- scarred weevils
- short-nosed weevils
- short-winged weevils
- silver-green leaf weevil
- Sitka-spruce weevil
- spotted pea weevil
- strawberry fruit weevil
- strawberry root weevil
- strawberry weevil
- sugar-beet weevil
- sweet-clover weevil
- sweet-potato weevil
- Tahitian coconut weevil
- thurberian weevil
- tooth-nosed weevil
- turnip and cabbage gall weevil
- turnip gall weevil
- white pine weevil
- willow flea weevil
- willow weevil
- yucca weevil* * *• слоник• слоники -
5 weevil, black vine
1. LAT Otiorrhynchus sulcatus Fabricius2. RUS скосарь m бороздчатый3. ENG European strawberry weevil, black vine weevil4. DEU gefurchter Dickmaulrüßler m5. FRA charançon m noir de la vigne, otiorrhynque m sillonnéDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > weevil, black vine
6 5833
1. LAT Otiorrhynchus sulcatus Fabricius2. RUS скосарь m бороздчатый3. ENG European strawberry weevil, black vine weevil4. DEU gefurchter Dickmaulrüßler m5. FRA charançon m noir de la vigne, otiorrhynque m sillonné
См. также в других словарях:
Strawberry — Straw ber*ry, n. [AS. stre[ a]wberige; stre[ a]w straw + berie berry; perhaps from the resemblance of the runners of the plant to straws.] (Bot.) A fragrant edible berry, of a delicious taste and commonly of a red color, the fruit of a plant of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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Strawberry leaf — Strawberry Straw ber*ry, n. [AS. stre[ a]wberige; stre[ a]w straw + berie berry; perhaps from the resemblance of the runners of the plant to straws.] (Bot.) A fragrant edible berry, of a delicious taste and commonly of a red color, the fruit of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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