1 emergency cardiac care
English-Russian big medical dictionary > emergency cardiac care
2 emergency cardiac care
Медицина: неотложная кардиологическая помощьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > emergency cardiac care
3 emergency cardiac care
мед.фраз. неотложная кардиологическая помощь -
4 emergency medical care
English-Russian big medical dictionary > emergency medical care
5 rescue emergency care
English-Russian big medical dictionary > rescue emergency care
6 acute care
7 delivery of health care
English-Russian big medical dictionary > delivery of health care
8 domiciliary care
9 hospital care
10 long term care
11 obstetric aid care
12 primary care
13 ECC
1) Общая лексика: Emergency Co-ordination Centre (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: A Error Correction And Control, Error Correction Circuitry, Error Correction Coding, Error Crc Check3) Авиация: entertainment control center, Electronic Engine Control, Eurocontrol Experimental Centre5) Спорт: East Central Conference6) Военный термин: EXFOR Coordination Cell, Electronic Components Code, Enlisted Classification Code, Enlisted Correspondence Course, Eurasian Communist Countries, European Communist Countries, European Community Commission, European Coordination Committee, Experiment Control Center, emergency combat capability, emergency control center, engineering casualty control, equipment category code, equipment configuration control, error checking and correction7) Техника: Energy Conservation Council, electronic calibration center, emergency cooling circuit, emergency core cooling, engineering change control, engineering critical component, error check circuitry8) Химия: Emulsion Cloud Chamber9) Математика: код с исправлением ошибок (error checking code), обнаружение и исправление ошибок (error checking and correction), помехоустойчивый код (error controlled code)10) Религия: East Coast Crips, Episcopal Cathedral Church11) Метеорология: Error Correcting Codewords12) Автомобильный термин: electronic climate control13) Дипломатический термин: European Cultural Centre14) Телекоммуникации: Extended Community Calling, встроенный канал управления (Embedded Control Channel)15) Сокращение: Economic Council of Canada, Elderly Citizens Club, Error Checking & Correction, Error Control Code, Error Correcting Code, European Coordinating Committee, European Cultural Center, European Cultural Commission, Export Consultants Corp. (USA), Error Correction Code (corrects error in memory or transmission), Electron Coupling Control, Elliptic Curves Cryptography, Error Checking and Correcting Memory16) Университет: Error Correction And Checking17) Физика: Engineered Cementitious Composites18) Физиология: Emergency Cardiac Care, Enteric Coated Capsule, External Cardiac Compressions, Extracorporeal Circulation19) Электроника: Error Correction Circuit20) Вычислительная техника: embedded control channel, error correction code, experimental computer complex, extended character code, Electrical Connectivity Checks (CAD), Error Correction Circuit (CPU, POWER), Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (Certicom, Verschluesselung), Error Correction Code (corrects error in memory or transmission), error checking and correcting, расширенный код символа, экспериментальный вычислительный комплекс21) Нефть: emergency control centre22) Экология: Environmental Contaminants Committee23) Образование: Early Childhood Consultant24) Сетевые технологии: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, error checking and control, error checking capability, error-correcting code, возможность контроля ошибок, корректирующий код25) Программирование: диаграмма управления выполнением (см. Execution Control Chart), диаграмма ECC26) Телефония: Extended Call Context27) Сахалин Р: Emergency Command Centres28) Химическое оружие: explosive containment cubicle29) Макаров: emergency core coolant, захват электрона континуумом30) Безопасность: Electronic Check Conversion, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem, Error Checking Code31) Расширение файла: Elliptic Curve Crypto, Error Check Code32) Нефть и газ: Emergency Communications Center33) Электротехника: electric control center, electrical continuous cloth34) Высокочастотная электроника: embedded communication channel35) Должность: European Clinical Chemist36) NYSE. E C C International Corporation37) Программное обеспечение: Error Checking Correcting -
14 ecc
1) Общая лексика: Emergency Co-ordination Centre (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: A Error Correction And Control, Error Correction Circuitry, Error Correction Coding, Error Crc Check3) Авиация: entertainment control center, Electronic Engine Control, Eurocontrol Experimental Centre5) Спорт: East Central Conference6) Военный термин: EXFOR Coordination Cell, Electronic Components Code, Enlisted Classification Code, Enlisted Correspondence Course, Eurasian Communist Countries, European Communist Countries, European Community Commission, European Coordination Committee, Experiment Control Center, emergency combat capability, emergency control center, engineering casualty control, equipment category code, equipment configuration control, error checking and correction7) Техника: Energy Conservation Council, electronic calibration center, emergency cooling circuit, emergency core cooling, engineering change control, engineering critical component, error check circuitry8) Химия: Emulsion Cloud Chamber9) Математика: код с исправлением ошибок (error checking code), обнаружение и исправление ошибок (error checking and correction), помехоустойчивый код (error controlled code)10) Религия: East Coast Crips, Episcopal Cathedral Church11) Метеорология: Error Correcting Codewords12) Автомобильный термин: electronic climate control13) Дипломатический термин: European Cultural Centre14) Телекоммуникации: Extended Community Calling, встроенный канал управления (Embedded Control Channel)15) Сокращение: Economic Council of Canada, Elderly Citizens Club, Error Checking & Correction, Error Control Code, Error Correcting Code, European Coordinating Committee, European Cultural Center, European Cultural Commission, Export Consultants Corp. (USA), Error Correction Code (corrects error in memory or transmission), Electron Coupling Control, Elliptic Curves Cryptography, Error Checking and Correcting Memory16) Университет: Error Correction And Checking17) Физика: Engineered Cementitious Composites18) Физиология: Emergency Cardiac Care, Enteric Coated Capsule, External Cardiac Compressions, Extracorporeal Circulation19) Электроника: Error Correction Circuit20) Вычислительная техника: embedded control channel, error correction code, experimental computer complex, extended character code, Electrical Connectivity Checks (CAD), Error Correction Circuit (CPU, POWER), Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (Certicom, Verschluesselung), Error Correction Code (corrects error in memory or transmission), error checking and correcting, расширенный код символа, экспериментальный вычислительный комплекс21) Нефть: emergency control centre22) Экология: Environmental Contaminants Committee23) Образование: Early Childhood Consultant24) Сетевые технологии: Elliptic Curve Cryptography, error checking and control, error checking capability, error-correcting code, возможность контроля ошибок, корректирующий код25) Программирование: диаграмма управления выполнением (см. Execution Control Chart), диаграмма ECC26) Телефония: Extended Call Context27) Сахалин Р: Emergency Command Centres28) Химическое оружие: explosive containment cubicle29) Макаров: emergency core coolant, захват электрона континуумом30) Безопасность: Electronic Check Conversion, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem, Error Checking Code31) Расширение файла: Elliptic Curve Crypto, Error Check Code32) Нефть и газ: Emergency Communications Center33) Электротехника: electric control center, electrical continuous cloth34) Высокочастотная электроника: embedded communication channel35) Должность: European Clinical Chemist36) NYSE. E C C International Corporation37) Программное обеспечение: Error Checking Correcting
См. также в других словарях:
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Emergency medicine — is a speciality of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of acute illnesses and injuries that require immediate medical attention. While not usually providing long term or continuing care, emergency medicine physicians diagnose a… … Wikipedia
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Emergency medical services in the Netherlands — infobox country common name = Netherlands capital = Amsterdam [cite web|url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the world factbook/geos/nl.html|title=All facts unless otherwise cited are from: The CIA World Fact Book|accessdate=2008 10 06]… … Wikipedia
Emergency nursing — is a nursing specialty in which nurses care for patients in the emergency or critical phase of their illness or injury. While this is common to many nursing specialties, the key difference is that an emergency nurse is skilled at dealing with… … Wikipedia
Cardiac output — (Q or or CO ) is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by a left or right ventricle in the time interval of one minute. CO may be measured in many ways, for example dm3/min (1 dm3 equals 1000 cm3 or 1 litre). Q is… … Wikipedia
Emergency psychiatry — is the clinical application of psychiatry in emergency settings.[1][2] Conditions requiring psychiatric interventions may include attempted suicide, substance abuse, depression, psychosis, violence or other rapid changes in behavior. Psychiatric… … Wikipedia
Cardiac Arrest (TV series) — Cardiac Arrest was a controversial medical drama series made for British television by World Productions for the BBC and first broadcast between 1994 and 1996.CreationThe series was created by Jed Mercurio (writing under the pseudonym John… … Wikipedia
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