1 Earth radiation budget radiometer
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Earth radiation budget radiometer
2 Earth radiation budget radiometer
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > Earth radiation budget radiometer
3 Earth radiation budget radiometer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Earth radiation budget radiometer
4 radiometer
радиометр, радиометрический приёмник-
acoustic radiometer
airborne radiometer
all-wave radiometer
along-track radiometer
- atmospheric sounder radiometer -
cavity radiometer
chopper radiometer
cloud-top altitude radiometer
coastal zone color radiometer
cooled cell radiometer
correlation radiometer
cross-track radiometer
Dicke radiometer
differential-correlation radiometer
Earth radiation budget radiometer
electronically scanned radiometer
far-infrared radiometer
gamma radiometer
geosynchronous radiometer
global ozone monitoring radiometer
heterodyne radiometer
high-resolution radiometer
hollow radiometer
imaging radiometer
infrared radiometer
laser radiometer
limb radiance inversion radiometer
mechanically scanned radiometer
microwave radiometer
moderate resolution radiometer
multichannel radiometer
multifrequency radiometer
multispectral radiometer
narrow-band radiometer
near-infrared radiometer
ocean color imaging radiometer
omnidirectional radiometer
optical radiometer
pressure-modulated radiometer
satellite-borne radiometer
scanning radiometer
self-balanced radiometer
self-calibrating radiometer
sky noise radiometer
solar extinction radiometer
spectral radiometer
spectrally scanning radiometer
spin scan radiometer
surface composition mapping radiometer
switching Dicke radiometer
switching radiometer
thermocouple radiometer
vertical temperature profile radiometer
visible and infrared radiometer
wide field-of-view satellite radiometer
wide field satellite radiometer
wide field-of-view radiometer
wide field radiometer
См. также в других словарях:
Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System — Falschfarbenaufnahme der Erde durch das CERES Instrument des Terra Satelliten Das Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) ist ein klimatologisches Experiment der NASA, das seit Januar 1998 in der Erdumlaufbahn durchgeführt wird.[1]… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System — Artist representation of CERES instruments scanning Earth in Rotating Azimuth Plane mode. Clouds and the Earth s Radiant Energy System (CERES) is on going[update] NASA climatological experiment from Earth … Wikipedia
Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment — Typ: Forschungssatellit Land: USA Behörde … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liste der Erdbeobachtungssatelliten — Das ist die Liste der Erdbeobachtungssatelliten. Chronologische Übersicht (unvollständig) Inhaltsverzeichnis: 1960er · 1970er · 1980er · 1990er · 2000er · 2010er Startdatum Mission Bild Organisation (Land) Bemerkung 1960er … Deutsch Wikipedia
SORCE — Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment Typ: Forschungssatellit Land (Organisation): USA (NASA) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Programme Nimbus — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Nimbus. Satellite Nimbus (vue d artiste) … Wikipédia en Français
Explorer 7 — Infobox Spacecraft Name = Explorer 7 Organization = NASA Major Contractors = Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mission Type = Earth science Satellite Of = Earth Launch = October 13, 1959 at 15:36 UTC Launch Vehicle = Jupiter C Mission Duration = 2 years… … Wikipedia
Nimbus program — Artist s drawing of the general design of the Nimbus series of satellites. The solar panel wings move throughout the day to track the Sun during the daylight part of the satellite’s orbit. The 10 foot tall satellite has the attitude control… … Wikipedia
Roy Spencer (scientist) — Roy W. Spencer Ph.D. is a principal research scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR E) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has served as senior… … Wikipedia
Megha-Tropiques Mission — The Megha Tropiques Mission (MTM) is a planned mission to study the water cycle in the tropical atmosphere in the context of climate change. [ [http://meghatropiques.ipsl.polytechnique.fr/ Mission description] . MEGHA TROPIQUES: water cycle in… … Wikipedia
Megha-Tropiques — An artist s conception of Megha Tropiques in orbit Operator ISRO / CNES Major contractors ISRO Mission type … Wikipedia