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См. также в других словарях:

  • -eer — is a suffix first recorded in the 17c, replacing an earlier (French) form ier. One of its first occurrences is in mountaineer (first used in Shakespeare s The Tempest, 1610, in the meaning ‘one who lives in the mountains’). In more recent use, it …   Modern English usage

  • EER — may refer to: Energy efficiency ratio, or COP, a measure to assess heat pumps and air conditioners Energy efficiency rating, a score out of six stars applied to housing in the Australian Capital Territory East of England Regiment, a British army… …   Wikipedia

  • -eer — suffix meaning one who (operates, produces, deals in); anglicized form of Fr. ier, from L. arius, iarius; Cf. ARY (Cf. ary) …   Etymology dictionary

  • -eer — [ir] [Fr ier < L arius] suffix 1. forming nouns a) a person or thing that has to do with [auctioneer, mountaineer] b) a person who writes, makes, etc.: sometimes used derogatorily [pamphleteer, profiteer] 2. forming verbs to have to do with… …   English World dictionary

  • EER — abbrev. energy efficiency ratio …   English World dictionary

  • eer — fac·tion·eer; fic·tion·eer; foun·tain·eer; hack·but·eer; jav·e·lin·eer; mis·sil·eer; muf·fin·eer; mu·ni·tion·eer; pag·eant·eer; pi·geon·eer; pis·tol·eer; pon·ton·eer; rev·o·lu·tion·eer·ing; un·ion·eer; car·a·van·eer; EER; auc·tion·eer;… …   English syllables

  • EER —    an abbreviation for energy efficiency rating, a U.S. measure of the efficiency of an air conditioner. The EER is computed as the cooling capacity of the unit (in Btu per hour) divided by the electric power consumed (in watts) at a temperature… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • EER — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres   Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • EER — extended echo ranging …   Military dictionary

  • -eer — noun suffix Etymology: Middle French ier, from Latin arius more at ary one that is concerned with professionally, conducts, or produces < auctioneer > < pamphleteer > often in words with derogatory meaning < profiteer > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • EER — See energy efficiency ratio. * * * …   Universalium

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