1 классификация Дьюкса
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2 классификация Дьюкса
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Dukes classification — In 1932 the British pathologist Cuthbert Dukes (1890 1977) devised a famous classification system for colorectal cancer. Several different forms of the Dukes classification were developed.[1][2] However, this system has largely been replaced by… … Wikipedia
Dukes classification — (d ks) [Cuthbert Esquire Dukes, English pathologist, 1890–1977] see under classification … Medical dictionary
Dukes classification — a three class staging system that classifies colorectal carcinoma from A to C based on the extent of the tumor: A, penetration into but not through the bowel wall; B, penetration through the bowel wall; C, lymph node involvement regardless of… … Medical dictionary
Dukes classification — A staging system used to describe the extent of colorectal cancer. Stages range from A (early stage) to D (advanced stage) … English dictionary of cancer terms
Dukes — may refer to:* Dukes (band), a rock group from New Zealand * Dukes, a brand of skate shoe * The Dukes of Stratosphear, a pseudonym used by the British rock band XTC * Albuquerque Dukes, a former Triple A Baseball team * The Dukes of Hazzard , an… … Wikipedia
Dukes' disease — Fourth disease Classification and external resources ICD 10 B09 ICD 9 057.8 Dukes disease or fourth disease … Wikipedia
classification — A systematic arrangement into classes or groups based on perceived common characteristics; a means of giving order to a group of disconnected facts. adansonian c. the c. of organisms based on giving equal weight to every character of the… … Medical dictionary
Dukes staging — a histological classification of the extent of tumours of the colon and rectum, which is useful for prognosis. It formed the basis for many later systems of cancer staging and is still used. Sir C. Dukes (1890 1977), British pathologist … Medical dictionary
Dukes' staging — a histological classification of the extent of tumours of the colon and rectum, which is useful for prognosis. It formed the basis for many later systems of cancer staging and is still used. [Sir C. Dukes (1890–1977), British pathologist] … The new mediacal dictionary
Dukes — Clement, English physician, 1845–1925. See D. disease, Filatov D. disease. Cuthbert E., British pathologist, 1890–1977. See D. classification … Medical dictionary
Cuthbert Dukes — Cuthbert Esquire Dukes, M.D. OBE (1890–1977) was an English physician and pathologist and author for whom the Dukes classification for colorectal cancer is named. Born in Bridgwater, Somerset, Dukes was educated at Caterham School and graduated… … Wikipedia