1 ditsy
1) Разговорное выражение: легкомысленный2) Сленг: Eccentric, silly or scatterbrained, a person that acts like a blonde or is hyper all the time ( that girl over there is ditsy because she didn't take her pills today), наглый, пижонский, снобистский -
2 ditsy
['dɪtsɪ]= ditzy -
3 Ditsy
(adjective), dizzy + dottyсл. несерьезный, неразумный (PD)Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Ditsy
4 ditzy
['dɪtzɪ]прил.; амер.; разг.; = ditsyлегкомысленный, взбалмошный, сумасбродный; рассеянный
См. также в других словарях:
ditsy — [adj] silly airbrained, airheaded, daffy*, dippy*, dipsy*, dizzy*, dopey, eccentric, empty, giddy, goofy*, inane, kooky*, rattlebrained, scatterbrained; concepts 314,401 … New thesaurus
ditsy — ☆ ditsy [dit′sē ] adj. ditsier, ditsiest [? altered < DIZZY] Slang silly, inane, disorganized, eccentric, etc.: also sp. ditzy … English World dictionary
ditsy — adjective see ditzy … New Collegiate Dictionary
ditsy — /dit see/, adj., ditsier, ditsiest. Slang. flighty and easily confused; mildly or harmlessly eccentric. Also, ditzy. [1975 80; expressive coinage, perh. with elements of DOTTY1 and DIZZY; cf. SY] * * * … Universalium
Ditsy — (of a woman) flighty; empty headed (originally US slang (1970s); probably, blend of dotty + dizzy ) … Dictionary of Australian slang
ditsy — Australian Slang (of a woman) flighty; empty headed (originally US slang (1970s); probably, blend of dotty + dizzy ) … English dialects glossary
ditsy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj., informal, frivolous, eccentric, flighty (see folly). II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. *bubbleheaded, foolish, scatterbrained, absent minded, empty headed, dotty, eccentric, silly. ANT.: sensible … English dictionary for students
ditsy — dit|sy [ˈdıtsi] adj another spelling of ↑ditzy … Dictionary of contemporary English
ditsy — dit|sy [ dıtsı ] another spelling of ditzy … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ditsy — adj silly, eccentric, twee or frivolous. An invented term, popular especially in the USA since the mid 1970s. The word, which is obviously influenced by dizzy , is generally applied to females … Contemporary slang
ditsy — see ditzy … English dictionary