1 digital data storage
цифровое хранение данных
накопитель цифровых данных
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > digital data storage
2 Digital Data Storage
1) Общая лексика: цифровое хранение данных (промышленный стандарт на формат записи на цифровые 4-миллиметровые ленточные картриджи, разработанный компанией Hewlett-Packard и корпорацией Sony в 1988 г. на основе стандарта DAT)2) Программирование: стандарт DDS -
3 digital data storage
1) Общая лексика: цифровое хранение данных (промышленный стандарт на формат записи на цифровые 4-миллиметровые ленточные картриджи, разработанный компанией Hewlett-Packard и корпорацией Sony в 1988 г. на основе стандарта DAT)2) Программирование: стандарт DDS -
4 digital data storage-2
Программирование: формат DDS-2, формат представления данных при цифровой записи на ( магнитную) ленту (кассетного) формата DAT в ЗУ ёмкостью 4 ГБайтУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > digital data storage-2
5 digital data storage
1) цифровая память, цифровое ЗУ2) формат представления данных при цифровой записи на (магнитную) ленту (кассетного) формата DAT, формат DDSEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > digital data storage
6 digital data storage 1
= DDS-1English-Russian electronics dictionary > digital data storage 1
7 digital data storage 2
= DDS-2English-Russian electronics dictionary > digital data storage 2
8 digital data storage 3
= DDS-3English-Russian electronics dictionary > digital data storage 3
9 digital data storage
1) цифровая память, цифровое ЗУ2) формат представления данных при цифровой записи на (магнитную) ленту (кассетного) формата DAT, формат DDSThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > digital data storage
10 digital data storage 1
формат представления данных при цифровой записи на (магнитную) ленту (кассетного) формата DAT в ЗУ ёмкостью 2 ГБайт, формат DDS-1The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > digital data storage 1
11 digital data storage 2
формат представления данных при цифровой записи на (магнитную) ленту (кассетного) формата DAT в ЗУ ёмкостью 4 ГБайт, формат DDS-2The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > digital data storage 2
12 digital data storage 3
формат представления данных при цифровой записи на (магнитную) ленту (кассетного) формата DAT в ЗУ ёмкостью 12 ГБайт, формат DDS-3The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > digital data storage 3
13 Digital Data Storage
= DDSцифровое хранение данных, стандарт DDSпромышленный стандарт на формат записи на цифровые 4-миллиметровые ленточные картриджи, разработанный компанией Hewlett-Packard и корпорацией Sony в 1988 г. на основе стандарта DAT. Различают версииАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > Digital Data Storage
14 digital data storage
English-Russian information technology > digital data storage
15 digital data storage unit
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > digital data storage unit
16 storage
вчт, = STOR1) памятьа) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ2) запоминание; хранение; накопление4) хранилище; склад•- acoustic storage
- associative storage
- auxiliary storage
- bubble storage
- bubble-domain storage
- bubble-lattice file storage
- buffer storage
- bulk storage
- capacitive energy storage
- capacitor storage
- central mass storage
- charge storage
- chemical storage
- circulating storage
- common storage
- content-addressable storage
- control storage
- core storage
- cryoelectronic storage
- cylindrical-film storage
- data storage
- delay-line storage
- di-cap storage
- digital storage
- digital data storage
- digital data storage
- digital data storage
- digital data storage
- diode-capacitor storage
- diode-condenser storage
- disk storage
- drum storage
- dynamic storage
- electrical storage
- electromechanical storage
- electronic storage
- electrostatic storage
- emulsion laser storage
- erasable storage
- external storage
- fast-access storage
- ferritine storage
- ferroacoustic storage
- ferroelectric storage
- fixed storage
- high-capacity storage
- high-speed storage
- hologram storage
- holographic information storage
- image storage
- immediate access storage
- inductive energy storage
- information storage
- information storage and retrieval
- intermediate storage
- internal storage
- key storage
- large-capacity storage
- laser storage
- liquid storage
- local storage
- magnetic storage
- magnetic-card storage
- magnetic-core storage
- magnetic-disk storage
- magnetic domain storage
- magnetic domain-wall storage
- magnetic-drum storage
- magnetic-peg storage
- magnetic-plate storage
- magnetic-tape storage
- magnetic-wire storage
- magnetooptical storage
- main storage
- mass storage
- matrix storage
- mechanical storage
- mercury storage
- minority-carrier storage
- multiple virtual storage
- network attached storage
- network secondary storage
- nonerasable storage
- nonvolatile storage
- off-line storage
- on-line storage
- optical storage
- parallel storage
- parallel-search storage
- permanent storage
- picture storage
- plated-wire storage
- primary storage
- program storage
- protected storage
- random access storage
- rapid-access storage
- read-only storage
- real storage
- reloadable control storage
- removable storage
- resistor storage
- rotating storage
- secondary storage
- semiconductor storage
- semimechanical storage
- sequential storage
- sequential access storage
- single-chip storage
- slow storage
- static storage
- superconductive storage
- tape storage
- temporary storage
- upper storage
- virtual storage
- volatile storage
- Williams-tube storage
- working storage
- zero-access storage -
17 storage
вчт.1) памятьа) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ2) запоминание; хранение; накопление4) хранилище; склад•- associative storage
- auxiliary storage
- bubble storage
- bubble-domain storage
- bubble-lattice file storage
- buffer storage
- bulk storage
- capacitive energy storage
- capacitor storage
- central mass storage
- charge storage
- chemical storage
- circulating storage
- common storage
- content-addressable storage
- control storage
- core storage
- cryoelectronic storage
- cylindrical-film storage
- data storage
- delay-line storage
- di-cap storage
- digital data storage 1
- digital data storage 2
- digital data storage 3
- digital data storage
- digital storage
- diode-capacitor storage
- diode-condenser storage
- disk storage
- drum storage
- dynamic storage
- electrical storage
- electromechanical storage
- electronic storage
- electrostatic storage
- emulsion laser storage
- erasable storage
- external storage
- fast-access storage
- ferritine storage
- ferroacoustic storage
- ferroelectric storage
- fixed storage
- high-capacity storage
- high-speed storage
- hologram storage
- holographic information storage
- image storage
- immediate access storage
- inductive energy storage
- information storage and retrieval
- information storage
- intermediate storage
- internal storage
- key storage
- large-capacity storage
- laser storage
- liquid storage
- local storage
- magnetic domain storage
- magnetic domain-wall storage
- magnetic storage
- magnetic-card storage
- magnetic-core storage
- magnetic-disk storage
- magnetic-drum storage
- magnetic-peg storage
- magnetic-plate storage
- magnetic-tape storage
- magnetic-wire storage
- magnetooptical storage
- main storage
- mass storage
- matrix storage
- mechanical storage
- mercury storage
- minority-carrier storage
- multiple virtual storage
- network attached storage
- network secondary storage
- nonerasable storage
- nonvolatile storage
- off-line storage
- on-line storage
- optical storage
- parallel storage
- parallel-search storage
- permanent storage
- picture storage
- plated-wire storage
- primary storage
- program storage
- protected storage
- random access storage
- rapid-access storage
- read-only storage
- real storage
- reloadable control storage
- removable storage
- resistor storage
- rotating storage
- secondary storage
- semiconductor storage
- semimechanical storage
- sequential access storage
- sequential storage
- single-chip storage
- slow storage
- static storage
- storage of vortices
- superconductive storage
- tape storage
- temporary storage
- upper storage
- virtual storage
- volatile storage
- Williams-tube storage
- working storage
- zero-access storageThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > storage
18 storage
2) запоминание, хранение || запоминать, хранить3) хранилище (в технологиях на основе COM - аналог каталога в структурированном хранилище (structured storage))•- actual storage
- addressable storage
- addressed storage
- analog storage
- annex storage
- archival storage
- assigned storage
- associative storage
- auxillary storage
- backing storage
- backup storage
- beam storage
- buffer storage
- built-in storage
- bulk storage
- byte storage
- capacitor storage
- capacitor-diode storage
- carrousel storage
- carousel storage
- card storage
- carry storage
- changeable storage
- character-organized storage
- circulating storage
- coincident-current magnetic core storage
- coincident-flux magnetic storage
- computer storage
- condenser-diode storage
- constant storage
- content-addressable storage
- content-addressed storage
- coordinate storage
- core storage
- core-rope storage
- cyclic storage
- data storage
- dedicated storage
- deflection cathode-ray tube storage
- delay-line storage
- delay storage
- demountable storage
- destructive storage
- dicap storage
- digital storage
- diode-capacitor storage
- diode-condenser storage
- direct-access storage
- disk storage
- drum storage
- dynamic storage
- elastic storage
- electromagnetic delay line storage
- electrostatic storage
- erasable storage
- exchangeable disk storage
- external storage
- fast storage
- fast-access storage
- ferrite peg storage
- ferrite rod storage
- ferrite-core storage
- file storage
- fixed storage
- fixed-head disk storage
- flip-flop storage
- floppy disk storage
- flying spot storage
- high-density storage
- high-speed storage
- hydraulic storage
- iconic storage
- image storage
- immediate-access storage
- information storage
- inherent storage
- input storage
- instantaneous storage
- interlaced storage
- interleaved storage
- intermediate storage
- internal storage
- laser storage
- liquid storage
- local storage
- long-term storage
- loop storage
- low-speed storage
- magnetic card storage
- magnetic core matrix storage
- magnetic core storage
- magnetic peg storage
- magnetic plate storage
- magnetic rod storage
- magnetic storage
- magnetic strip storage
- magnetic tape storage
- magnetic wire storage
- magnetic-slug storage
- magnetostrictive delay-line storage
- magnetostrictive storage
- main storage
- manual-switch storage
- mass data storage
- mass storage
- matrix storage
- mechanical storage
- mercury storage
- metal card storage
- microinstruction storage
- micromedia storage
- microwave storage
- minidisk storage
- monolithic storage
- moving-head disk storage
- multiple virtual storage
- multiport storage
- native storage
- nesting storage
- nest storage
- nondestructive storage
- nonerasable storage
- nonoverlayable storage
- nonvolatile storage
- off-line storage
- one-core-per-bit storage
- optical storage
- optoelectronic data storage
- optoelectronic storage
- overlayable storage
- parallel-access storage
- parallel storage
- parallel-search storage
- permanent storage
- permanent-magnet twistor storage
- picture storage
- primary storage
- public storage
- punch-tape storage
- push-down storage
- push-up storage
- quick-access storage
- random-access storage
- rapid-access storage
- read/write storage
- read-only storage
- recirculating storage
- regenerative storage
- reloadable control storage
- removable disk storage
- rope storage
- runtime storage
- scatter storage
- searching storage
- search storage
- secondary storage
- secure storage
- sequential-access storage
- serial-access storage
- serial storage
- shadow storage
- shared storage
- short-term storage
- slow storage
- slug-matrix storage
- solid-state storage
- sonic storage
- spin-echo storage
- static storage
- subsidiary storage
- superconductive storage
- supplementary storage
- switch storage
- tape storage
- tape-cartrige storage
- tape-loop storage
- temporary storage
- terabit storage
- toggle-switch storage
- transformer-type storage
- twistor storage
- two-cores-per-bit storage
- uniformly accessible storage
- variable field storage
- vector storage
- voice storage
- volatile storage
- Williams tube storage
- wire storage
- wired-core storage
- working storage
- zero-access storageEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > storage
19 data
1) величины
2) данные
– accumulate data
– all or none data
– analog data
– application-specific data
– ascertain data
– body of data
– cite data
– code data
– control data
– CRT displays data
– cumulative data
– data array
– data bank
– data bus
– data call
– data channel
– data communication
– data concentrator
– data control
– data conversion
– data converter
– data descriptor
– data display
– data element
– data file
– data format
– data gathering
– data handling
– data input
– data line
– data link
– data modem
– data network
– data output
– data packing
– data panel
– data path
– data placard
– data point
– data potentiometer
– data processing
– data processor
– data rate
– data recorder
– data reducer
– data reduction
– data repeater
– data reproduction
– data set
– data set allocation
– data smoothing
– data storage
– data structure
– data switching
– data teleprocessing
– data transfer
– data unit
– data updating
– data windowing
– display data
– exchange data
– experimental data
– flight data
– generate data
– initial data
– input data
– insert data
– key in data
– load data
– move data
– output data
– performance data
– present data
– process data
– ranked data
– raw data rate
– receive data
– reduction of data
– reference data
– reproduce data
– retrieve data
– sampled data
– sequence of data
– set data into
– set data manually
– store data
– update data
– withdraw data
abstract data type — <math.> объект информационный абстрактный
areal data density — информационная поверхностная плотность записи
automatic data processing — автоматизация информационных работ, <comput.> обработка данных автоматическая
data storage unit — <comput.> блок хранения данных
lineary data density — информационная продольная плотность записи
randomly fluctuating data — нерегулярно изменяющиеся, флуктуирующие данные
serial synchronous data — последовательно передаваемые данные, данные последовательно передаваемые совместно с тактовыми сигналами
20 storage
1) хранение; накопление2) запоминающее устройство, ЗУ; память3) запоминание, сохранение в памяти•- addressed storage
- associative storage
- auxiliary storage
- backup storage
- beam storage
- buffer storage
- charge storage
- computer storage
- control storage
- data storage
- delay-line storage
- digital media storage
- digital storage
- direct-access storage
- disk storage
- dynamic storage
- electrostatic storage
- erasable storage
- ferroacoustic storage
- free-field storage
- frequency-domain optical storage
- high-density storage
- in-line storage
- input storage
- intermediate memory storage
- internal storage
- laser-emulsion storage
- logical storage
- magnetic-core storage
- magnetic-drum storage
- main storage
- message storage
- nickel-cadmium storage
- nonvolatile storage
- off-line storage
- on-line storage
- optical storage
- optical-disk storage
- output storage
- parallel-search storage
- peripheral storage
- permanent storage
- primary storage
- program storage
- protected storage
- push-down storage
- random-access storage
- read-only storage
- regenerative storage
- screen storage
- secondary storage
- serial storage
- single-chip storage
- static storage
- unprotected storage
- virtual storage
- volatile storage
- zero-access storageEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > storage
См. также в других словарях:
Digital Data Storage — Digital Data Storage, DDS Normen … Universal-Lexikon
Digital Data Storage — This article is about a particular data storage media. For the general meaning, see data storage device. Digital Data Storage (DDS) is a format for storing computer data on a Digital Audio Tape (DAT). DDS uses tape with a width of 3.8mm, with the … Wikipedia
Digital Data Storage — Speichermedium Digital Data Storage (DDS) DDS2 Kassette Allgemeines Typ Magnetband Kapazität 1,3 160 GB Lebensdauer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Data storage — can refer to: Computer data storage; memory, components, devices and media that retain digital computer data used for computing for some interval of time. Any data storage device; that records (stores) or retrieves (reads) information (data) from … Wikipedia
Data storage device — Many different consumer electronic devices can store data … Wikipedia
Data storage tag — A data storage tag (DST), also sometimes known as an archival tag, is a data logger that uses sensors to record data at predetermined intervals. Data storage tags usually have a large memory size and a long lifetime. Most archival tags are… … Wikipedia
Data Storage Technology — This article is about the Ampex product. For the general topic, see Data storage (disambiguation). Data Storage Technology (DST) is a 19 mm (3/4 ) wide magnetic tape data storage format created by Ampex in 1992. The DST format was also made by… … Wikipedia
Magnetic tape data storage — uses digital recording on to magnetic tape to store digital information. Modern magnetic tape is most commonly packaged in cartridges and cassettes. The device that performs actual writing or reading of data is a tape drive. Autoloaders and tape… … Wikipedia
Computer data storage — 1 GB of SDRAM mounted in a personal computer. An example of primary storage … Wikipedia
Holographic data storage — is a potential replacement technology in the area of high capacity data storage currently dominated by magnetic and conventional optical data storage. Magnetic and optical data storage devices rely on individual bits being stored as distinct… … Wikipedia
Digital Audio Tape — can also refer to a compact cassette with digital storage: DCC or one of several digital reel to reel formats Digital Audio Tape A 90 minute DAT cart … Wikipedia