1 degree of association
Степень ассоциации, число агрегацииЧисло молекул поверхностно-активного вещества, образующих мицеллу.Англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологиям > degree of association
2 degree of association
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > degree of association
3 degree of association
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > degree of association
4 degree of association
1) Статистика: степень связанности (признаков)2) Нефть: степень ассоциации3) Контроль качества: степень положительной связи, степень связанности признаков -
5 degree of association
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > degree of association
6 degree of association
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > degree of association
7 degree of association
стат.степень связанности (признаков)Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > degree of association
8 degree of association
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > degree of association
9 degree of association
мат.степень связанности (признаков), степень положительной связиEnglish-Russian scientific dictionary > degree of association
10 degree of association
Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > degree of association
11 degree of association
степень связанности признаков; степень положительной связиThe English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > degree of association
12 degree
1) градус2) матем. степень; порядок3) сорт, качество4) диплом5) степень, уровень; ступень•degrees to port — мор. градусы левого борта
degrees to starboard — мор. градусы правого борта
to some degree — до некоторой степени; в известной мере
13 degree
n1) степень2) положение; звание; ученая степень
- college degree
- doctor's degree
- high degree
- honorary degree
- low degree
- degree of accuracy
- degree of association
- degree of automation
- degree of belief
- degree of competition
- degree of cover
- degree of crowding
- degree of damage
- degree of dependence
- degree of depreciation
- degree of efficiency
- degree of fabrication
- degree of finishing
- degree of fitness
- degree of integration
- degree of labour exploitation
- degree of liquidity
- degree of mechanization
- degree of mutual confidence
- degree of patent cover
- degree of precision
- degree of preference
- degree of priority
- degree of quality
- degree of randomness
- degree of rationality
- degree of risk
- degree of self-sufficiency
- degree of service
- degree of substitution
- degree of training
- degree of urgency
- degree of utilization
- degree of utilization of production potential
- degree of wear and tear
- a certain degree
- a lesser degreeEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > degree
14 degree
1) степень; уровень; порядок2) степень родства3) звание, учёная степень -
15 association
1) ассоциация, (со)общество2) объединение, соединение3) связь; сотрудничество• -
16 degree
1) степеньа) относительная мера; сравнительная величинаг) категория; разряд; ранг2) градусб) единица измерения углов, ˚ (1˚ = 2π/360 рад)в) вчт символ ˚г) условная единица измерения различных величин (напр. жёсткости воды, концентрации кислот и др.)3) ступеньа) стадия; этапб) уровень4) вчт порядок5) кратность•- degree of accuracy
- degree of belief
- degree of blocking
- degree of current rectification
- degree of curve
- degree of degeneracy
- degree of dependence
- degree of differential equation
- degree of discrimination
- degree of dissociation
- degree of fill
- degrees of freedom
- degree of inversion
- degree of ionization
- degree of modulation
- degree of redundancy
- degree of safety
- degree of saturation
- degree of voltage rectification
- abstraction degree
- arc degree
- association degree
- completeness degree
- complexity degree
- confidence degree
- conventional degree of distortion
- correlation degree
- divisor degree
- electrical degree
- manifold degree
- node degree
- operator degree
- ramification degree
- rotational degree of freedom
- spherical degree
- translational degree of freedom
- vertex degree
- vibrational degree of freedom -
17 degree
1) степеньа) относительная мера; сравнительная величинаг) категория; разряд; ранг2) градусб) единица измерения углов, ° (1° = 2π/360 рад)в) вчт. символ °г) условная единица измерения различных величин (напр. жёсткости воды, концентрации кислот и др.)3) ступеньа) стадия; этапб) уровень4) вчт. порядок5) кратность•- arc degree
- association degree
- completeness degree
- complexity degree
- confidence degree
- conventional degree of distortion
- correlation degree
- degree of abstraction
- degree of accuracy
- degree of belief
- degree of blocking
- degree of current rectification
- degree of curve
- degree of degeneracy
- degree of dependence
- degree of differential equation
- degree of discrimination
- degree of dissociation
- degree of fill
- degree of inversion
- degree of ionization
- degree of modulation
- degree of redundancy
- degree of safety
- degree of saturation
- degree of voltage rectification - electrical degree
- manifold degree
- node degree
- operator degree
- ramification degree
- rotational degree of freedom
- spherical degree
- translational degree of freedom
- vertex degree
- vibrational degree of freedomThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > degree
18 degree of freedom
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > degree of freedom
19 association degree
20 association degree
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > association degree
См. также в других словарях:
degree of association — Degree of Association Степень ассоциации, число агрегации Число молекул поверхностно активного вещества, образующих мицеллу … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Degree of relationship — is a measurement of kinship, and may generally be measured as either one vertical or horizontal step in a standard family tree. A first degree relative is a family member who shares about 50 percent of their genes with a particular individual in… … Wikipedia
association coefficients — consist of a number used to indicate the degree to which two variables or attributes are related. Two basic types are covariation measures and dis/similarity measures. Covariation measures (such as the Pearsonian product moment correlation, r)… … Dictionary of sociology
Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario — or ARIDO is a self regulatory professional organization for interior designer in Ontario, Canada. It is the only recognized professional organization for interior designers in Ontario. ARIDO has over 3,300 members who represent all areas of… … Wikipedia
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants — Infobox Company company name = The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) company company type = British chartered accountancy body foundation = flagicon|UK [England, UK] (1904) company slogan = ACCA Accountancy s uncommon… … Wikipedia
Association de Karaté japonais du Québec — The Association de Karaté japonais du Québec or Association of Japanese Karate of Quebec (AJKQ) is a non profit organization having the objective of teaching the traditional type of Shotokan karate in Quebec.Foundation of the AJKQ AJKQ was… … Wikipedia
Association football positions — For typical field formations, see Formation (association football). Modern player positions. A second striker (SS) is often employed instead of the centre forward (CF). In the sport of association football, each of the eleven players on a team is … Wikipedia
Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering — The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) was formerly known as the National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT). ATMAE sets standards for academic program accreditation, personal certification, and… … Wikipedia
Association of Reformed Institutions of Higher Education — The Association of Reformed Institutions of Higher Education (ARIHE) is an affiliate of the International Association for Promotion of Christian Higher Education, as the latter s North American Region. IRIHE s member institutions currently… … Wikipedia
Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada — The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) is an organization of seminaries and other graduate schools of theology. It is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and has more than 250 member schools. Its earlier name… … Wikipedia
Association for Research and Enlightenment — The Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) is an organization devoted to the American self proclaimed psychic Edgar Cayce (1877 1945). Its headquarters are in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Founded in 1931, the A.R.E. now boasts several… … Wikipedia