1 Crypturellus parvirostris
—1. LAT Crypturellus parvirostris ( Wagler)2. RUS короткоклювый криптуреллус m3. ENG small-billed tinamou4. DEU Kleinschnabeltinamu m5. FRA tinamou m à petit becVOCABULARIUM NOMINUM ANIMALIUM QUINQUELINGUE — AVES > Crypturellus parvirostris
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Crypturellus parvirostris — Tinamou à petit bec Tinamou à petit bec … Wikipédia en Français
Crypturellus parvirostris — trumpasnapis tinamas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Crypturellus parvirostris angl. small billed tinamou vok. Kleinschnabeltinamu, m rus. короткоклювый криптуреллус, m pranc. tinamou à petit bec, m ryšiai: platesnis… … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
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Crypturellus — Crypturellus … Wikipédia en Français
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Tinamou a petit bec — Tinamou à petit bec Tinamou à petit bec … Wikipédia en Français
Tinamou à petit bec — (Crypturellus parvirostris) … Wikipédia en Français
List of birds of Peru — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Peru. The avifauna of Peru includes a total of 1879 species, of which 139 are endemic, 3 have been introduced by humans, and 72 are rare or accidental. 91 species are globally threatened.This list s… … Wikipedia
List of birds of Bolivia — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Bolivia. The avifauna of Bolivia includes a total of 1448 species, of which 25 are endemic, 2 have been introduced by humans, and 12 are rare or accidental. 31 species are globally threatened.This… … Wikipedia
Small-billed Tinamou — Conservation status Least Concern … Wikipedia