1 Controlled Substances Act
Наркотики: Закон о контролируемых веществах (CSA)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Controlled Substances Act
1) Общая лексика: capacity supply agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Communications Streaming Architecture, carrier servicing area3) Авиация: код-шеринговое соглашение (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), code sharing agreement (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), код-шеринг4) Морской термин: Canada Shipping Act, Канадский Закон о судоходстве5) Медицина: Central Sleep Apnea6) Американизм: Commuter Student Association, Confederate States Alliance7) Военный термин: Central Security Agency, Central Supplies Agency, Central Supplies Agency of NATO, Chief Scientific Adviser, Chief Scientist, Army, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Chief of Staff, US Army, Combat Support Associates, Communications Agency, Communications Satellite Act, Confederate States Army, Controlled Shooting Area, Corps Storage Area, Corps Support Activity, central supply agency, close support area, combat surveillance agency, combat system architecture, commercial service area, commercial service authorization, computer system analyst, conical scan antenna, contractor support area, cross-service agreement, customer supply assistance, Combat Support Agency (ies)8) Техника: Computing Service Association, Cryogenic Society of America, carry-save adder, chopper-stabilized amplifier, conditional sum adder, core special assembly, core structure accident9) Сельское хозяйство: Community Supported Agricultural, Community Supported Agriculture, Consumer Supported Agriculture10) Шутливое выражение: Can't Stand America11) Математика: Cross Sectional Area12) Британский английский: Child Support Agency13) Юридический термин: Child Sexual Abuse, Community Safety Agency, Controlled Substances Act, Crime Syndicate Of America, Оценка Химической Безопасности (Chemical Safety Assessment( Регламент REACH)), Consulting Services Agreement14) Фармакология: Crystalline Sodium Amoxicillin15) Грубое выражение: Customer Shit Accepter, Cute Sexy Angel16) Телекоммуникации: Call Service Area, Carrier Service Area, Carrier Serving Area17) Сокращение: Canadian Space Agency, Candidate Supplemental Application (in USPS employee application process), Chief Scientific Adviser, defence scientific staff (UK), Chief of Staff, Army, Common Support Aircraft (US Navy), Common Support Aircraft, Computer Sciences of Australia Pty Limited, Computer System Architects Ltd (UK), Corps Supply Area, Customer / Supplier Agreement (USPS, 2008), Communication Signal Analyser, Confederate States of America18) Университет: Cambodian Student Association, Center For Supercomputing Applications, Central Student Accounting, Chinese Student Association, Chinese Students Association19) Электроника: CIM systems architecture20) Вычислительная техника: China Software Alliance, Chip System Architecture, Client Service Agent, Communication Signal Analyzer, common system area, Communication Streaming Architecture (Intel, MCH, DNB)22) Иммунология: Clinical Skills Assessment, chicken serum albumin23) Канадский термин: Canadian Securities Administrators (Канадские комиссии по регулированию рынка ценных бумаг)24) Фирменный знак: Continental Security Agency25) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Civil, Structural, Architectural( архитектурно-строительные решения)26) СМИ: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts27) Деловая лексика: Common Sense Approach28) Бурение: обсадная колонна спущена до глубины (casing set at), Critical Speed Application29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Канадская ассоциация стандартов (Canadian Standard Association), Civil, Structural, Architectural30) Сетевые технологии: API-интерфейс ведения календаря и планирования, Calendaring and Scheduling API, client/server architecture, архитектура клиент/сервер, контроллер безопасности сети с централизованным управлением, общая системная область защиты31) Полимеры: Canadian Standards Association32) Автоматика: common service area33) Пластмассы: Canadian Standards Associates34) Сахалин Р: Canadian Standard Association, Canadian standard association35) Научный термин: "Coordination and support actions" (Проекты типа "Coordination and support actions" направлены на координацию, согласование, налаживание связей и объединение научных проектов, программ, правил и норм программы FP7)36) Медицинская техника: charge sampling amplifier37) Химическое оружие: Chemical storage area, Chief of Staff of the Army, configuration status accounting38) Авиационная медицина: cross section area39) Макаров: cost of solar array40) Безопасность: Cisco Security Agent41) Расширение файла: InterComm ASCII Sheet File, Ultimate Ride Roller Coaster file, Calendaring and Scheduling API (IBM)42) Карачаганак: Condensate Sales Agreement (Договор купли-продажи газового конденсата, ДКПГК)43) Рыболовство: (Catch-Survey Analysis) модель популяционного анализа на основе синтеза учётных и промысловых индексов44) Электротехника: corrugated seamless aluminum (sheath)45) Должность: Certified Senior Advisor, Chief Software Architect, Community Standard Advisor, Customer Support Advisor, Customer Support Associate, Customized Services Administrator, Customized Services Administrators46) Правительство: Consolidated Statutes Annotated47) NYSE. Casting Society Of America -
3 CsA
1) Общая лексика: capacity supply agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Communications Streaming Architecture, carrier servicing area3) Авиация: код-шеринговое соглашение (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), code sharing agreement (an interline agreement on jointly operated flights), код-шеринг4) Морской термин: Canada Shipping Act, Канадский Закон о судоходстве5) Медицина: Central Sleep Apnea6) Американизм: Commuter Student Association, Confederate States Alliance7) Военный термин: Central Security Agency, Central Supplies Agency, Central Supplies Agency of NATO, Chief Scientific Adviser, Chief Scientist, Army, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Chief of Staff, US Army, Combat Support Associates, Communications Agency, Communications Satellite Act, Confederate States Army, Controlled Shooting Area, Corps Storage Area, Corps Support Activity, central supply agency, close support area, combat surveillance agency, combat system architecture, commercial service area, commercial service authorization, computer system analyst, conical scan antenna, contractor support area, cross-service agreement, customer supply assistance, Combat Support Agency (ies)8) Техника: Computing Service Association, Cryogenic Society of America, carry-save adder, chopper-stabilized amplifier, conditional sum adder, core special assembly, core structure accident9) Сельское хозяйство: Community Supported Agricultural, Community Supported Agriculture, Consumer Supported Agriculture10) Шутливое выражение: Can't Stand America11) Математика: Cross Sectional Area12) Британский английский: Child Support Agency13) Юридический термин: Child Sexual Abuse, Community Safety Agency, Controlled Substances Act, Crime Syndicate Of America, Оценка Химической Безопасности (Chemical Safety Assessment( Регламент REACH)), Consulting Services Agreement14) Фармакология: Crystalline Sodium Amoxicillin15) Грубое выражение: Customer Shit Accepter, Cute Sexy Angel16) Телекоммуникации: Call Service Area, Carrier Service Area, Carrier Serving Area17) Сокращение: Canadian Space Agency, Candidate Supplemental Application (in USPS employee application process), Chief Scientific Adviser, defence scientific staff (UK), Chief of Staff, Army, Common Support Aircraft (US Navy), Common Support Aircraft, Computer Sciences of Australia Pty Limited, Computer System Architects Ltd (UK), Corps Supply Area, Customer / Supplier Agreement (USPS, 2008), Communication Signal Analyser, Confederate States of America18) Университет: Cambodian Student Association, Center For Supercomputing Applications, Central Student Accounting, Chinese Student Association, Chinese Students Association19) Электроника: CIM systems architecture20) Вычислительная техника: China Software Alliance, Chip System Architecture, Client Service Agent, Communication Signal Analyzer, common system area, Communication Streaming Architecture (Intel, MCH, DNB)22) Иммунология: Clinical Skills Assessment, chicken serum albumin23) Канадский термин: Canadian Securities Administrators (Канадские комиссии по регулированию рынка ценных бумаг)24) Фирменный знак: Continental Security Agency25) Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность: Civil, Structural, Architectural( архитектурно-строительные решения)26) СМИ: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts27) Деловая лексика: Common Sense Approach28) Бурение: обсадная колонна спущена до глубины (casing set at), Critical Speed Application29) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Канадская ассоциация стандартов (Canadian Standard Association), Civil, Structural, Architectural30) Сетевые технологии: API-интерфейс ведения календаря и планирования, Calendaring and Scheduling API, client/server architecture, архитектура клиент/сервер, контроллер безопасности сети с централизованным управлением, общая системная область защиты31) Полимеры: Canadian Standards Association32) Автоматика: common service area33) Пластмассы: Canadian Standards Associates34) Сахалин Р: Canadian Standard Association, Canadian standard association35) Научный термин: "Coordination and support actions" (Проекты типа "Coordination and support actions" направлены на координацию, согласование, налаживание связей и объединение научных проектов, программ, правил и норм программы FP7)36) Медицинская техника: charge sampling amplifier37) Химическое оружие: Chemical storage area, Chief of Staff of the Army, configuration status accounting38) Авиационная медицина: cross section area39) Макаров: cost of solar array40) Безопасность: Cisco Security Agent41) Расширение файла: InterComm ASCII Sheet File, Ultimate Ride Roller Coaster file, Calendaring and Scheduling API (IBM)42) Карачаганак: Condensate Sales Agreement (Договор купли-продажи газового конденсата, ДКПГК)43) Рыболовство: (Catch-Survey Analysis) модель популяционного анализа на основе синтеза учётных и промысловых индексов44) Электротехника: corrugated seamless aluminum (sheath)45) Должность: Certified Senior Advisor, Chief Software Architect, Community Standard Advisor, Customer Support Advisor, Customer Support Associate, Customized Services Administrator, Customized Services Administrators46) Правительство: Consolidated Statutes Annotated47) NYSE. Casting Society Of America
См. также в других словарях:
Controlled Substances Act — Acronym CSA Enacted by the 91st United States Congress Effective October 27, 1970 Citations Public La … Wikipedia
Controlled Substances Act — Ley estadounidense promulgada en 1970, que regula la prescripción y dispensación de fármacos psicoactivos, e incluye estimulantes, depresores y alucinógenos. La ley ofrece una lista de cinco categorías de fármacos de uso restringido, que dependen … Diccionario médico
Controlled Substances Act — Con·trolled Sub·stan·ces Act a federal law enacted in 1970 that regulates the prescribing and dispensing of psychoactive drugs, including narcotics, according to five schedules based on their abuse potential, medical acceptance, and ability to… … Medical dictionary
Removal of cannabis from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act — In the United States, all preparations of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or for medicinal purposes are currently classified under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the most tightly restricted category… … Wikipedia
Uniform Controlled Substances Act — The Uniform Controlled Substances Act was drafted by the US Department of Justice in 1969 [http://www.druglibrary.net/special/king/dhu/dhu28.htm The 1970 Act: Don t Sit There, Amend Something ] ] and promulgated by the National Conference of… … Wikipedia
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act — The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act is Canada s federal drug control statute. Passed in 1996 by the Chrétien government, it repeals the Narcotic Control Act and Parts III and IV of the Food and Drug Act and establishes eight Schedules of… … Wikipedia
Uniform Controlled Substances Act — A uniform and comprehensive law governing use, sale, and distribution of drugs and narcotics adopted by most states, including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. See 21 U.S.C.A. No. 801 et seq. for federal Act. See also Controlled Substance Acts … Black's law dictionary
Controlled Substances Penalties Amendments Act of 1984 — The Controlled Substances Penalties Amendments Act of 1984, 98 Stat. 2068 (21 U.S.C. § 841(b)), generally enhanced the penalties for violations of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. The 1984 legislation… … Wikipedia
Psychotropic Substances Act (United States) — The Psychotropic Substances Act of 1978 amended the Controlled Substances Act to ensure compliance with the Convention on Psychotropic Substances. [http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/21cfr/21usc/801a.htm 21 U.S.C. § 801a] notes, It is the intent… … Wikipedia
Administrative Controlled Substances Code Number — The Administrative Controlled Substances Code Number (ACSCN) is a number assigned to drugs listed on the schedules created by the Controlled Substances Act. The ACSCN is defined in 21 CFR § 1308.03(a). Each chemical/drug on one of the schedules… … Wikipedia
Controlled substance — For other uses, see Substance control (disambiguation). A controlled substance is generally a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession, or use are regulated by a government. This may include illegal drugs and prescription medications… … Wikipedia