1 Compressed Gas Association
English-Russian dictionary of Oil Industry > Compressed Gas Association
1) Компьютерная техника: Computer Generated Art2) Авиация: Cleared and Graded Area4) Военный термин: Coast Guard Academy, Coast Guard Auxiliary5) Техника: contrast gate amplifier, crack gross analysis6) Шутливое выражение: Crayon Graphics Adapter7) Оптика: Compressed Gas Association8) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Group Alarm9) Сокращение: Color Graphics Adapter, Compagnie Generale d'Automatisme (France), Colour Graphic Adapter10) Электроника: Column Grid Array11) Вычислительная техника: Colour Graphics Adapter, color graphic adapter, адаптер цветной графики, цветной графический адаптер, Graphics Communications Association (organization)13) Воздухоплавание: Compagnie Generale d1Automatisme (Fr.)14) Медицинская техника: Corrected Gestational Age15) Химическое оружие: cylinder gas audit16) Расширение файла: CGA display font17) Энергосистемы: customer gain adjustment18) Должность: Certified General Accountant19) NYSE. Corus Group, PLC.20) Аэропорты: Craig, Alaska USA -
4 cga
1) Компьютерная техника: Computer Generated Art2) Авиация: Cleared and Graded Area4) Военный термин: Coast Guard Academy, Coast Guard Auxiliary5) Техника: contrast gate amplifier, crack gross analysis6) Шутливое выражение: Crayon Graphics Adapter7) Оптика: Compressed Gas Association8) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Group Alarm9) Сокращение: Color Graphics Adapter, Compagnie Generale d'Automatisme (France), Colour Graphic Adapter10) Электроника: Column Grid Array11) Вычислительная техника: Colour Graphics Adapter, color graphic adapter, адаптер цветной графики, цветной графический адаптер, Graphics Communications Association (organization)13) Воздухоплавание: Compagnie Generale d1Automatisme (Fr.)14) Медицинская техника: Corrected Gestational Age15) Химическое оружие: cylinder gas audit16) Расширение файла: CGA display font17) Энергосистемы: customer gain adjustment18) Должность: Certified General Accountant19) NYSE. Corus Group, PLC.20) Аэропорты: Craig, Alaska USA -
Сокращение: Compressed Gas Association (USA) -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Catabolite Activator Protein, hum. сокр. Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins, Единая сельскохозяйственная политика (Common Agricultural Policy( политика, проводимая Еврокомисией с целью оказания финансовой помощи сельскому хозяйству стран ЕС)), Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН)), Committee on Accounting Procedure, Common Agricultural Program2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Accommodations Program, Computer Aided Planning / Computer Aided Publishing, Computer And Printer, Cut And Paste, автоматизированное планирование (computer-aided planning), автоматизированная технологическая подготовка (computer-assisted planning)3) Биология: coronary artery pressure4) Авиация: computer aided publishing6) Американизм: Comprehensive Airport Program7) Спорт: Celebration Of Athletic Participation8) Военный термин: Canadian Air Publication, Capabilities, Capability, Configuration Audit Plan, Configuration and Alarm Panel, Crisis Action Planning, Crisis Action Procedures, Current Approved Program, centralized assignment procedure, chief aviation pilot, chloroacetophenone, civil air patrol, cleared as planned, combat air patrol, combat aircraft prototype, combined action platoon, combined action program, command analysis pattern, commander's audit program, commencing at a point, communications afloat program, community alert patrol, computerized assignment of personnel, contingency amphibious plan, contract administration panel, contractor-acquired property, control and authorization process, cost analysis plan, current assessment plan, ДВВ, барражирование, дежурство в воздухе9) Техника: cable access point, cleaner air package, codes and paging, continuous audit program, corrective action program, cryogenic associative processor, crystalline anisotropy field, current amplification factor10) Юридический термин: Child Assistance Program, Citizen Action Patrol, Crime Action Policy, Crime Awareness Program, Crimes Against Persons11) Бухгалтерия: Competency Assessment Program, Customer Approved Payment, chargeable accounting period12) Фармакология: cellulose acetate phthalate13) Финансы: ОАП, общая аграрная политика14) Биржевой термин: competitive advantage period15) Дипломатический термин: (Common Agricultural Policy) единая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС), (Common Agricultural Policy) общая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС)16) Телекоммуникации: Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation17) Сокращение: Capacity, Carrier Air Patrol, Carrierless Amplitude-Phase, Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France), Channel Access Protocol, Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas), Citizens Against Pornography, College of American Pathologists, Columbia Appletalk Package, Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA), Combat Ammunition Production (USAF), Combustible/Combustion Augmented Plasma, Commander's Advanced Planning System (USA), Common Agricultural Policy, Commonwealth Association of Planners, Competitive Access Provider, Contractor Assessment Program (USA), Control & Audio Panel, Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO), Corporate Automation Plan, computer-aided planning, cost-awareness program, Cellular Array Processor, Countermeasures Advisory Panel, Consolidated Appeals Process18) Университет: Campus Access Point, Campus Accountability Partner, Capital Academic Program, Centre For Academic Practice, Clinical Advancement Program, Computer Analysis Project, Cumulative Average Point, Curricular Academic Program19) Физиология: Central Auditory Processing, Cognitive Affective And Physical20) Вычислительная техника: Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation, Central Arbitration Point, Communications-electronics Accommodation Program, Component Approval Process, computer-aided publishing, computer-assisted publishing, controlled access protection, автоматизированная подготовка полиграфической продукции, Computer Aided Planning (CIM), Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T), компьютерная издательская деятельность21) Нефть: caliper log, corporate accounting principles22) Генетика: белок-активатор катаболитных оперонов (димерный регуляторный белок, известный у прокариот; находясь в комплексе с циклическим монофосфатом, он связывается с промотором, активируя транскрипцию оперона, - например, lac-оперона E. coli)23) Иммунология: Cyclase Activating Pth24) Биохимия: Chloramphenicol25) Связь: CAMEL Application Part26) Воздухоплавание: Civil Aviation Planning Committee, Civil Aviation Publication27) Экология: Climate Applications Program28) СМИ: Community Access Programing, Community Arts Partnership, Content Acquisition Program, Coordination Actors And Production29) Деловая лексика: Change Acceleration Process, Change And Partnership, Client Appreciation Program, Collected And Assessed Problem, Committee Of Advertising Practice, Compliance Assurance Program, Coordinating Agency Partner, Cost Avoidance Program, Courtesy Awareness Programme, Customer Appreciation Program, общая сельскохозяйственная политика (ЕЭС, common agricultural policy), единая сельскохозяйственная политика (common agricultural policy)30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Concern, Action, Perspective31) Менеджмент: contract award price, ex capital expenditure32) Образование: Cooperative Advantage Program, Corrective Action Plan, Creative Arts Program33) Планирование: Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning)34) Валютные операции: коэффициент корректировки валютного курса (currency adjustment factor)35) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Analytical Processing, Columbia Appletalk Protocol, communication access point, communications access processor, competitive access providers, процессор доступа к среде передачи, пункт доступа к среде передачи36) Полимеры: cellulose acetate propionate, chloracetophenone37) Программирование: Compressed And Packed38) Автоматика: computer access processor, computer-aided production39) Контроль качества: continuous audit procedure40) Пластмассы: Centre For Amphiphilic Polymers, Coated Abrasive Product41) Океанография: Circum- Atlantic Project42) Пульмонология: community-acquired pneumonia43) Медицинская техника: customer acceptance procedure44) Химическое оружие: Chemical Activity, Pacific45) Авиационная медицина: cyclic alternating pattern46) Расширение файла: Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation, Communication Application Platform, Compressed music file, Computer Analysts and Programmers, Session capture file (ProComm - Telix), Caption (Ventura Publisher)47) Молекулярная биология: catabolic activator protein48) ООН: Control And Power49) Общественная организация: Childcare Action Project, Children Awaiting Parents, Christian Appalachian Project50) Должность: Career Alignment Profile, Career Apprenticeship Program, Come And Pay51) Программное обеспечение: Common Aftermarket Protocol -
7 Cap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Catabolite Activator Protein, hum. сокр. Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins, Единая сельскохозяйственная политика (Common Agricultural Policy( политика, проводимая Еврокомисией с целью оказания финансовой помощи сельскому хозяйству стран ЕС)), Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН)), Committee on Accounting Procedure, Common Agricultural Program2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Accommodations Program, Computer Aided Planning / Computer Aided Publishing, Computer And Printer, Cut And Paste, автоматизированное планирование (computer-aided planning), автоматизированная технологическая подготовка (computer-assisted planning)3) Биология: coronary artery pressure4) Авиация: computer aided publishing6) Американизм: Comprehensive Airport Program7) Спорт: Celebration Of Athletic Participation8) Военный термин: Canadian Air Publication, Capabilities, Capability, Configuration Audit Plan, Configuration and Alarm Panel, Crisis Action Planning, Crisis Action Procedures, Current Approved Program, centralized assignment procedure, chief aviation pilot, chloroacetophenone, civil air patrol, cleared as planned, combat air patrol, combat aircraft prototype, combined action platoon, combined action program, command analysis pattern, commander's audit program, commencing at a point, communications afloat program, community alert patrol, computerized assignment of personnel, contingency amphibious plan, contract administration panel, contractor-acquired property, control and authorization process, cost analysis plan, current assessment plan, ДВВ, барражирование, дежурство в воздухе9) Техника: cable access point, cleaner air package, codes and paging, continuous audit program, corrective action program, cryogenic associative processor, crystalline anisotropy field, current amplification factor10) Юридический термин: Child Assistance Program, Citizen Action Patrol, Crime Action Policy, Crime Awareness Program, Crimes Against Persons11) Бухгалтерия: Competency Assessment Program, Customer Approved Payment, chargeable accounting period12) Фармакология: cellulose acetate phthalate13) Финансы: ОАП, общая аграрная политика14) Биржевой термин: competitive advantage period15) Дипломатический термин: (Common Agricultural Policy) единая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС), (Common Agricultural Policy) общая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС)16) Телекоммуникации: Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation17) Сокращение: Capacity, Carrier Air Patrol, Carrierless Amplitude-Phase, Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France), Channel Access Protocol, Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas), Citizens Against Pornography, College of American Pathologists, Columbia Appletalk Package, Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA), Combat Ammunition Production (USAF), Combustible/Combustion Augmented Plasma, Commander's Advanced Planning System (USA), Common Agricultural Policy, Commonwealth Association of Planners, Competitive Access Provider, Contractor Assessment Program (USA), Control & Audio Panel, Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO), Corporate Automation Plan, computer-aided planning, cost-awareness program, Cellular Array Processor, Countermeasures Advisory Panel, Consolidated Appeals Process18) Университет: Campus Access Point, Campus Accountability Partner, Capital Academic Program, Centre For Academic Practice, Clinical Advancement Program, Computer Analysis Project, Cumulative Average Point, Curricular Academic Program19) Физиология: Central Auditory Processing, Cognitive Affective And Physical20) Вычислительная техника: Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation, Central Arbitration Point, Communications-electronics Accommodation Program, Component Approval Process, computer-aided publishing, computer-assisted publishing, controlled access protection, автоматизированная подготовка полиграфической продукции, Computer Aided Planning (CIM), Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T), компьютерная издательская деятельность21) Нефть: caliper log, corporate accounting principles22) Генетика: белок-активатор катаболитных оперонов (димерный регуляторный белок, известный у прокариот; находясь в комплексе с циклическим монофосфатом, он связывается с промотором, активируя транскрипцию оперона, - например, lac-оперона E. coli)23) Иммунология: Cyclase Activating Pth24) Биохимия: Chloramphenicol25) Связь: CAMEL Application Part26) Воздухоплавание: Civil Aviation Planning Committee, Civil Aviation Publication27) Экология: Climate Applications Program28) СМИ: Community Access Programing, Community Arts Partnership, Content Acquisition Program, Coordination Actors And Production29) Деловая лексика: Change Acceleration Process, Change And Partnership, Client Appreciation Program, Collected And Assessed Problem, Committee Of Advertising Practice, Compliance Assurance Program, Coordinating Agency Partner, Cost Avoidance Program, Courtesy Awareness Programme, Customer Appreciation Program, общая сельскохозяйственная политика (ЕЭС, common agricultural policy), единая сельскохозяйственная политика (common agricultural policy)30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Concern, Action, Perspective31) Менеджмент: contract award price, ex capital expenditure32) Образование: Cooperative Advantage Program, Corrective Action Plan, Creative Arts Program33) Планирование: Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning)34) Валютные операции: коэффициент корректировки валютного курса (currency adjustment factor)35) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Analytical Processing, Columbia Appletalk Protocol, communication access point, communications access processor, competitive access providers, процессор доступа к среде передачи, пункт доступа к среде передачи36) Полимеры: cellulose acetate propionate, chloracetophenone37) Программирование: Compressed And Packed38) Автоматика: computer access processor, computer-aided production39) Контроль качества: continuous audit procedure40) Пластмассы: Centre For Amphiphilic Polymers, Coated Abrasive Product41) Океанография: Circum- Atlantic Project42) Пульмонология: community-acquired pneumonia43) Медицинская техника: customer acceptance procedure44) Химическое оружие: Chemical Activity, Pacific45) Авиационная медицина: cyclic alternating pattern46) Расширение файла: Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation, Communication Application Platform, Compressed music file, Computer Analysts and Programmers, Session capture file (ProComm - Telix), Caption (Ventura Publisher)47) Молекулярная биология: catabolic activator protein48) ООН: Control And Power49) Общественная организация: Childcare Action Project, Children Awaiting Parents, Christian Appalachian Project50) Должность: Career Alignment Profile, Career Apprenticeship Program, Come And Pay51) Программное обеспечение: Common Aftermarket Protocol -
8 cap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Catabolite Activator Protein, hum. сокр. Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins, Единая сельскохозяйственная политика (Common Agricultural Policy( политика, проводимая Еврокомисией с целью оказания финансовой помощи сельскому хозяйству стран ЕС)), Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН)), Committee on Accounting Procedure, Common Agricultural Program2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Accommodations Program, Computer Aided Planning / Computer Aided Publishing, Computer And Printer, Cut And Paste, автоматизированное планирование (computer-aided planning), автоматизированная технологическая подготовка (computer-assisted planning)3) Биология: coronary artery pressure4) Авиация: computer aided publishing6) Американизм: Comprehensive Airport Program7) Спорт: Celebration Of Athletic Participation8) Военный термин: Canadian Air Publication, Capabilities, Capability, Configuration Audit Plan, Configuration and Alarm Panel, Crisis Action Planning, Crisis Action Procedures, Current Approved Program, centralized assignment procedure, chief aviation pilot, chloroacetophenone, civil air patrol, cleared as planned, combat air patrol, combat aircraft prototype, combined action platoon, combined action program, command analysis pattern, commander's audit program, commencing at a point, communications afloat program, community alert patrol, computerized assignment of personnel, contingency amphibious plan, contract administration panel, contractor-acquired property, control and authorization process, cost analysis plan, current assessment plan, ДВВ, барражирование, дежурство в воздухе9) Техника: cable access point, cleaner air package, codes and paging, continuous audit program, corrective action program, cryogenic associative processor, crystalline anisotropy field, current amplification factor10) Юридический термин: Child Assistance Program, Citizen Action Patrol, Crime Action Policy, Crime Awareness Program, Crimes Against Persons11) Бухгалтерия: Competency Assessment Program, Customer Approved Payment, chargeable accounting period12) Фармакология: cellulose acetate phthalate13) Финансы: ОАП, общая аграрная политика14) Биржевой термин: competitive advantage period15) Дипломатический термин: (Common Agricultural Policy) единая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС), (Common Agricultural Policy) общая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС)16) Телекоммуникации: Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation17) Сокращение: Capacity, Carrier Air Patrol, Carrierless Amplitude-Phase, Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France), Channel Access Protocol, Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas), Citizens Against Pornography, College of American Pathologists, Columbia Appletalk Package, Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA), Combat Ammunition Production (USAF), Combustible/Combustion Augmented Plasma, Commander's Advanced Planning System (USA), Common Agricultural Policy, Commonwealth Association of Planners, Competitive Access Provider, Contractor Assessment Program (USA), Control & Audio Panel, Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO), Corporate Automation Plan, computer-aided planning, cost-awareness program, Cellular Array Processor, Countermeasures Advisory Panel, Consolidated Appeals Process18) Университет: Campus Access Point, Campus Accountability Partner, Capital Academic Program, Centre For Academic Practice, Clinical Advancement Program, Computer Analysis Project, Cumulative Average Point, Curricular Academic Program19) Физиология: Central Auditory Processing, Cognitive Affective And Physical20) Вычислительная техника: Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation, Central Arbitration Point, Communications-electronics Accommodation Program, Component Approval Process, computer-aided publishing, computer-assisted publishing, controlled access protection, автоматизированная подготовка полиграфической продукции, Computer Aided Planning (CIM), Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T), компьютерная издательская деятельность21) Нефть: caliper log, corporate accounting principles22) Генетика: белок-активатор катаболитных оперонов (димерный регуляторный белок, известный у прокариот; находясь в комплексе с циклическим монофосфатом, он связывается с промотором, активируя транскрипцию оперона, - например, lac-оперона E. coli)23) Иммунология: Cyclase Activating Pth24) Биохимия: Chloramphenicol25) Связь: CAMEL Application Part26) Воздухоплавание: Civil Aviation Planning Committee, Civil Aviation Publication27) Экология: Climate Applications Program28) СМИ: Community Access Programing, Community Arts Partnership, Content Acquisition Program, Coordination Actors And Production29) Деловая лексика: Change Acceleration Process, Change And Partnership, Client Appreciation Program, Collected And Assessed Problem, Committee Of Advertising Practice, Compliance Assurance Program, Coordinating Agency Partner, Cost Avoidance Program, Courtesy Awareness Programme, Customer Appreciation Program, общая сельскохозяйственная политика (ЕЭС, common agricultural policy), единая сельскохозяйственная политика (common agricultural policy)30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Concern, Action, Perspective31) Менеджмент: contract award price, ex capital expenditure32) Образование: Cooperative Advantage Program, Corrective Action Plan, Creative Arts Program33) Планирование: Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning)34) Валютные операции: коэффициент корректировки валютного курса (currency adjustment factor)35) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Analytical Processing, Columbia Appletalk Protocol, communication access point, communications access processor, competitive access providers, процессор доступа к среде передачи, пункт доступа к среде передачи36) Полимеры: cellulose acetate propionate, chloracetophenone37) Программирование: Compressed And Packed38) Автоматика: computer access processor, computer-aided production39) Контроль качества: continuous audit procedure40) Пластмассы: Centre For Amphiphilic Polymers, Coated Abrasive Product41) Океанография: Circum- Atlantic Project42) Пульмонология: community-acquired pneumonia43) Медицинская техника: customer acceptance procedure44) Химическое оружие: Chemical Activity, Pacific45) Авиационная медицина: cyclic alternating pattern46) Расширение файла: Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation, Communication Application Platform, Compressed music file, Computer Analysts and Programmers, Session capture file (ProComm - Telix), Caption (Ventura Publisher)47) Молекулярная биология: catabolic activator protein48) ООН: Control And Power49) Общественная организация: Childcare Action Project, Children Awaiting Parents, Christian Appalachian Project50) Должность: Career Alignment Profile, Career Apprenticeship Program, Come And Pay51) Программное обеспечение: Common Aftermarket Protocol
См. также в других словарях:
Compressed Gas Association — The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) is the oldest major industrial and medical gas association in the world. In January 1913, Robert King sent a letter to the 75 manufacturers of compressed gases in the United States inviting them to attend a… … Wikipedia
Gas cylinder — For the mechanical devices used to impart a force from a pressurized liquid or gas, see pneumatic cylinder. For the large structures used to store town gas, see gas holder. Industrial compressed gas cylinders used for oxy fuel welding and cutting … Wikipedia
Gas industrial — Bombonas de gas comprimido con oxígeno y gas MAPP. Los gases industriales son un grupo de gases manufacturados que se comercializan con usos en diversas aplicaciones. Principalmente son empleados en procesos industriales, tales como la… … Wikipedia Español
Compressed natural gas — CNG redirects here. For other uses, see CNG (disambiguation). Blue diamond symbol used on CNG powered vehicles in North America … Wikipedia
Compressed air car — Tata/MDI OneCAT A compressed air car is a car that uses a motor powered by compressed air. The car can be powered solely by air, or combined (as in a hybrid electric vehicle) with gasoline, diesel, ethanol, or an electric plant with regenerative… … Wikipedia
Bottled gas — is a term used for substances which are gaseous at Standard temperature and pressure (STP) and have been compressed and stored in carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum or composite bottles known as gas cylinders. Gas state in cylinderThere are… … Wikipedia
Industrial gas — is a group of gases that are commercially manufactured and for uses in other applications. These gases are mainly used in an industrial processes, such as steelmaking, medical applications, fertilizer, semiconductors, etc,. They may be both… … Wikipedia
Asphyxiant gas — dablink|For main article see Asphyxia. An asphyxiant gas is a non toxic or minimally toxic gas which dilutes or displaces the oxygen containing atmosphere, leading to death by asphyxiation if breathed long enough. Toxic gases in large enough… … Wikipedia
Compressed Air and Gas Institute — Logo of the Compressed Air and Gas Institute. Compressed Air and Gas Institute or CAGI is an industry association located in Cleveland, Ohio. It was founded in 1915. CAGI is representing manufacturers of compressed air system equipment, including … Wikipedia
Compressed-air engine — A Compressed air engine is a Pneumatic actuator that creates useful work by expanding compressed air. They have existed in many forms over the past two centuries, ranging in size from handheld turbines up to several hundred horsepower. Some types … Wikipedia
Liquefied petroleum gas — (also called LPG, GPL, LP Gas, or liquid propane gas) is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles. It is increasingly used as an aerosol propellant and a refrigerant, replacing chlorofluorocarbons … Wikipedia