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Communion, closed

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  • Communion, closed —  Причастие закрытое …   Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов

  • Communion (Christian) — This article is about interpersonal bonds in Christianity. For the Christian rite reenacting the Last Supper, see Eucharist. An ecumenical youth service The term communion is derived from Latin communio (sharing in common).[1 …   Wikipedia

  • closed communion —    Closed communion is the practice of limiting the Lord s Supper to members in good standing of the church. In denominations with an episcopal or presbyterial polity, communion may be limited to members of the denomination. In those with a… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Communion under both kinds — in Roman Catholicism is the reception under both species (i.e., both the consecrated bread and wine) of the Eucharist. Contents 1 Catholicism 1.1 Doctrine 1.2 Brief History of the practice in the Catholic Church …   Wikipedia

  • Communion (music) — Communion is an artist led organisation that combines elements of live promotion, publishing, records and production to create a hub for songwriters and musicians to develop and flourish in an increasingly competitive industry environment. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Communion — may refer to: Communion (Christian), the relationship between Christians as individuals or Churches Full communion, a term used when two (or more) distinct Christian Churches say they are sharing the same communion The Communion of Saints, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Closed communion — Part of the series on Communion also known as The Eucharist , The Lord s Supper Divine Liturgy or Sacrament Theology Real Presence Transubstantiation Transignification Sacramental Union Memorialism Consubstantiation Impanation Consecrat …   Wikipedia

  • Communion token — A communion token from Crawford, South Lanarkshire, 1840 A communion token is a metal token issued to members of Presbyterian churches in order to provide them entrance to the Lord s Supper. There were many types issued in Scotland in the 18th… …   Wikipedia

  • Communion and the developmentally disabled — Part of the series on Communion also known as The Eucharist , The Lord s Supper Divine Liturgy or Sacrament Theology Real Presence Transubstantiation Transignification Sacramental Union Memorialism Consubstantiation Impanation Consecrat …   Wikipedia

  • Communion (chant) — The Communion is the Gregorian chant sung during the distribution of the Eucharist in the Roman Rite Catholic Mass. It is one of the antiphonal chants of the Proper of the Mass, and the final chant in the proper. It is followed by the Post… …   Wikipedia

  • closed communion — noun see close communion …   Useful english dictionary

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