1 Common Market country
1) Экономика: страна - член Европейского экономического сообщества (Общего рынка), страна-член Европейского экономического сообщества, страна-член Общего рынка2) Кабельные производство: страна-член ЕЭС (Общего рынка) -
2 common market country
1) Экономика: страна - член Европейского экономического сообщества (Общего рынка), страна-член Европейского экономического сообщества, страна-член Общего рынка2) Кабельные производство: страна-член ЕЭС (Общего рынка) -
3 Common Market country
страна-член ЕЭС; страна-член Общего рынкаEnglish-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > Common Market country
4 Common Market country
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > Common Market country
5 Common Market country
ист.страна-член ЕЭС / Общего рынкаEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy > Common Market country
6 country
nстрана, государство -
7 country
1) страна2) родина, отечество3) район, сельская местность -
8 country
1. n1) страна; государство2) местность, территория3) (the country) деревня, сельская местность; провинция•to address the country — обращаться / выступать с обращением к стране
to antagonize a country — восстанавливать против себя какую-л. страну
to break with a country — разрывать (дипломатические) отношения с какой-л. страной
to bring a country under one's control — устанавливать контроль над страной
to control a country — контролировать положение в стране; управлять страной
to cut connections with a country — разрывать отношения / связи со страной
to declare war (up)on a country — объявлять войну какой-л. стране
to defect to a country — бежать в какую-л. страну
to distance oneself from a country — отмежевываться от какой-л. страны
to engulf a country — охватывать всю страну (о волне демонстраций, арестов и т.п.)
to enter a country illegally / without permission / by the back door — нелегально въезжать в страну
to flee to a country — бежать в какую-л. страну
to force a country to its knees — перен. ставить страну на колени
to gang up against a country — объединяться против какой-л. страны
to get tough with a country — занять жесткую позицию по отношению к какой-л. стране
to lead a country — руководить / управлять страной
to leave a country altogether — выходить из состава страны; отделяться от страны
to liberate a country — освобождать страну (от чужеземного ига и т.п.)
to make a country one's home — обретать родину в какой-л. стране
to move out of a country — выезжать из страны; покидать страну
to rule a country with an iron fist — править / управлять страной железной рукой
to start smiling at a country — начинать заигрывать с какой-л. страной
to strike back against a country — наносить ответный удар по какой-л. стране
to take over a country — брать на себя руководство / управление страной
- one country - two systemsto tighten one's grip on the country — усиливать свою власть в стране
- adoptive country
- advanced country
- African, Caribbean and Pacific countries
- agrarian country
- agricultural country
- aid-giving country
- all across the country
- applicant country
- arms-producing country
- arms-recipient country
- assisted country
- assisting country
- associated countries
- backward country
- belligerent country
- capital-exporting country
- capital-importing country
- change of policy on a country
- civilized country
- coastal country
- colonial country
- Common Market countries
- Commonwealth countries
- consuming country
- contributing country
- countries allied against smb
- countries of the Arab world
- countries of the Delhi Six
- countr's dissolution into several parts
- country at war
- country awashed with guns
- country divided on racial lines
- country has been battered by the financial crisis
- country is at crossroads
- country is falling apart
- country is heading towards dictatorship
- country is in the throes of a revolution
- country of adoption
- country of destination
- country of origin
- country of residence
- country of service
- country split apart by a civil war
- country torn apart by a guerilla war
- country under occupation
- creditor country
- debtor country
- defeated country
- deficit country
- dependent country
- developed country
- developing country
- disintegration of a country
- dismemberment of a country
- division of a country
- donor country
- economically dependent country
- economically independent country
- emergent country
- English-speaking countries
- enslaved country - exporting country
- ex-Warsaw Pact country
- flare-up between two countries
- for the good of the country
- founding of a country
- fragmentation of a country
- French-speaking African countries
- friendly country
- geographical position of a country
- geographically disadvantaged country
- giving country
- Gulf countries
- high-income country
- highly developed country
- highly industrialized country
- hinterland country
- home country
- host country
- importing country
- indebted country
- independent country
- industrialized advanced countries
- industrialized developed countries
- industrially advanced countries
- industrially developed countries - invasion of a country
- inviting country
- island country
- land-locked country
- leading country
- least developed countries
- lender country
- lending country
- less-developed country
- littoral country
- low-income country
- low-tax country
- Maghreb countries
- major trading countries
- manufacturing country
- market-economy country
- Mediterranean country
- medium-sized country
- member country
- metropolitan country
- middle-sized country
- more developed country
- most seriously affected countries
- mother country
- MSA countries
- multilateral countries
- multinational country
- national characteristics of a country
- NATO countries
- needy country
- neighboring country
- neutral country
- new developing countries
- newly industrializing country
- nonaligned country
- nonassociated countries
- non-EU country
- nonmember country
- nonnuclear country
- nonoil country
- non-OPEC country
- nonsterling country
- nuclear country
- nuclear-free country
- offensive action into a country
- oil-consuming country
- oil-exporting country
- oil-importing country
- oil-producing country
- Old country
- one-crop country
- overpopulated country
- over-represented country
- participating country - peace-loving country
- Persian Gulf countries
- petroleum-exporting country
- petroleum-importing country
- planned economy country
- plight of a country
- political breakup of the country
- poor country
- populous country
- poverty-belt country
- poverty-stricken country
- primary exporting country
- primary producing country
- producing country
- prosperous country
- readmission of a country to an international organization
- receiving country
- recipient country
- reserve-currency country
- resource-poor country
- revitalization of the country
- satellite country
- self-sufficiency of a country
- semi-colonial country
- severely indebted country
- single-resource country
- small countries
- socialist country
- sponsor country
- staunchly Islamic country
- sterling country
- supplier country
- surplus country
- takeover of a country
- target country
- territorial claims on a country
- third countries
- Third World countries
- threshold country
- throughout the country
- trade-intensive country
- trading country
- transit country
- treaty country
- trouble country
- under-represented country
- unfriendly country
- unified country
- unsympathetic country
- vassal country
- veiled reference to a country
- war-crippled country
- war-ravaged country
- war-torn country
- well-developed country
- Western countries
- Western European country 2. attrудаленный от центра, провинциальный -
9 country
1. сущ.1)а) общ. страна (обозначение политического, национального, социального и культурного государственно организованного сообщества с акцентом на его географическом (пространственном) положении в мире или отдельном регионе; понятие страны синонимично понятию государства, но имеет более емкое культурно-историческое и социально-экономическое, нежели политическое содержание; включает понятие народа, нравов, обычаев, языка, особенности общества)member country — страна-член (какой-л. организации); страна-участница (какого-л. соглашения)
Syn:nation-state 2)See:Common Market countries, debtor country, deficit country, donor country, early transition country, state, government, advanced developing countries, advanced economies, countries in transition, developed countries, industrialized country, developing countries, less developed countries, least developed countries, less-advantaged countries, newly industrializing country, underdeveloped countries, undeveloped countries, Asian Tigers, Dynamic Asian Economies, First World, Second World, Third World, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific States, African, Caribbean and Pacific 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See:в) общ. родина, отечествоSyn:2) общ. деревня, сельская местность; провинцияin the country — в деревне, за городом; на даче
Syn:3) общ. местность, территория2. прил.wooded [mountainous, hilly, sandy, fertile, barren\] country — лесистая [гористая, холмистая, песчаная, плодородная, бесплодная\] местность
1) общ. сельский; деревенский2) общ. отдаленный от центра, провинциальный -
10 CM
1) Общая лексика: Crisis Manager (SEIC), central meridian2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Modeled, Contextual Menus3) Биология: carboxymethyl4) Авиация: Conversion Manual, call maintenance, collective modification, crew member5) Медицина: cochlear micriphonics (микрофонный эффект улитки)6) Американизм: Consequence Management7) Военный термин: Canada Medal, Chairman's Memorandum, Changes Made, Chemical, Collection Management Division, Collection Manager, Colonial Marines, Combat Magic, Communication Management, Conceptual Model, Council Memorandum, Counter-mobility, Countermine Activities, Memorandum by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, career management, career motivation, center of mass, certificate of merit, chemical munitions, chief of maintenance, class of material, classified message, code message, collection management, combat materiel, command message, commander's manual, communications module, complementary manual, condition monitoring, confidential memorandum, continuous monitoring, contract management, contract modification, controlled minefield, corrective maintenance, cost model, countermeasures, countermortar, court martial, crewman, cruise missile, Countermeasure (s)8) Техника: Curtail M, camera module, coarse mixing, code modulation, color monitor, common memory, common-mode signal, communications memory, communications multiplexer, comparator, computer-manual, concentrating mirror, constant-mesh, contact mask, coolant melt, coolant mixing, core melt, radioelectronic countermeasures9) Сельское хозяйство: combustible matter10) Шутливое выражение: Condescension Man11) Химия: Cementitious Materials, Customized Microscopy12) Математика: Championship Manager, поправка на среднее значение (correction for mean), содержательная модель (conceptual model)13) Железнодорожный термин: Central Montana Rail Incorporated14) Юридический термин: Case Management, Colored Male15) Бухгалтерия: Compounding Method, Contribution Margin, маржинальная прибыль (стоимость продаж минус переменные затраты)16) Грубое выражение: Chick Magnet17) Дипломатический термин: (cruise missile) крылатая ракета18) Металлургия: country of melt19) Политика: Cameroon20) Телекоммуникации: Connection Manager, Communications Module (AT&T 5ESS)21) Сокращение: Certified Master, Cluster Munition, Common Market, Competent Munitions, Congregation of the Mission, Corresponding Member, CounterMine, Countermeasure, Court-Martial, circuit master, see C-M P&, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft), (type abbreviation) Corvette (Peruvian Navy; guided missile), Coal Measures, Colour Monitor, Communications, Compartmented Mode, Cost of Mission, cellular manufacturing22) Физиология: Cyclical Menses23) Шахматы: CheckMate24) Электроника: Cassette Module, Common Mode, Cross Modulation25) Вычислительная техника: . command mode, central module, computer module, control mark, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft, Space), Configuration Manager (BIOS, PNP), Compatibility Mode (PARISC, NM), Connection Management (RR, MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модуль связи, мультиплексор каналов связи, память на магнитных сердечниках, центральный модуль27) Иммунология: Clinical Modification, Clinical Modifications28) Биохимия: Quinacrine Mustard29) Онкология: Centimeter - 0.01 Meters30) Космонавтика: Command Module31) Картография: catholic mission32) Банковское дело: collusive merchant, Capital Market (IB&CM - Investment Banking and Capital Market)33) Фирменный знак: Cambridge Thermionics, Canyon Medical34) СМИ: Commercial Message, Contact Management35) Деловая лексика: Chosen Multiplier, антикризисный управляющий36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cubic meter37) Образование: Common Man38) Сетевые технологии: Cable Modem, Connection Management, Content Management, cache-movable, command mode, communication module, communication multiplexer, communication multiplexing, configuration management, contact manager, control module, core memory39) Полимеры: compression molding, compression-molded40) Автоматика: coolant management41) Контроль качества: correction for mean42) Пластмассы: Chlorinated Polyethylene Rubber43) Сахалин Р: construction Management44) Океанография: Current Meter45) Химическое оружие: chemical matters46) Безопасность: Cryptological Mathematics47) Расширение файла: Bitmap graphics (8bit, Unix Puzzle), Data (CraftMan)48) Нефть и газ: УКС, управляющий кризисными ситуациями49) Электротехника: cyclically magnetized50) США: Central Michigan51) Имена и фамилии: Charles Mack, Chris Miller52) Должность: Case Manager, Cast Member, Certified Manager, Chief Minister, Chill Master, Construction Manager53) Чат: Chat Maniac, Chat Monitor54) NYSE. Coles Myer, LTD.55) НАСА: Command Module (Apollo)56) Программное обеспечение: Cache Manager, Compilation Manager57) Единицы измерений: Circular Mils, Curly Maple -
11 Cm
1) Общая лексика: Crisis Manager (SEIC), central meridian2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Modeled, Contextual Menus3) Биология: carboxymethyl4) Авиация: Conversion Manual, call maintenance, collective modification, crew member5) Медицина: cochlear micriphonics (микрофонный эффект улитки)6) Американизм: Consequence Management7) Военный термин: Canada Medal, Chairman's Memorandum, Changes Made, Chemical, Collection Management Division, Collection Manager, Colonial Marines, Combat Magic, Communication Management, Conceptual Model, Council Memorandum, Counter-mobility, Countermine Activities, Memorandum by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, career management, career motivation, center of mass, certificate of merit, chemical munitions, chief of maintenance, class of material, classified message, code message, collection management, combat materiel, command message, commander's manual, communications module, complementary manual, condition monitoring, confidential memorandum, continuous monitoring, contract management, contract modification, controlled minefield, corrective maintenance, cost model, countermeasures, countermortar, court martial, crewman, cruise missile, Countermeasure (s)8) Техника: Curtail M, camera module, coarse mixing, code modulation, color monitor, common memory, common-mode signal, communications memory, communications multiplexer, comparator, computer-manual, concentrating mirror, constant-mesh, contact mask, coolant melt, coolant mixing, core melt, radioelectronic countermeasures9) Сельское хозяйство: combustible matter10) Шутливое выражение: Condescension Man11) Химия: Cementitious Materials, Customized Microscopy12) Математика: Championship Manager, поправка на среднее значение (correction for mean), содержательная модель (conceptual model)13) Железнодорожный термин: Central Montana Rail Incorporated14) Юридический термин: Case Management, Colored Male15) Бухгалтерия: Compounding Method, Contribution Margin, маржинальная прибыль (стоимость продаж минус переменные затраты)16) Грубое выражение: Chick Magnet17) Дипломатический термин: (cruise missile) крылатая ракета18) Металлургия: country of melt19) Политика: Cameroon20) Телекоммуникации: Connection Manager, Communications Module (AT&T 5ESS)21) Сокращение: Certified Master, Cluster Munition, Common Market, Competent Munitions, Congregation of the Mission, Corresponding Member, CounterMine, Countermeasure, Court-Martial, circuit master, see C-M P&, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft), (type abbreviation) Corvette (Peruvian Navy; guided missile), Coal Measures, Colour Monitor, Communications, Compartmented Mode, Cost of Mission, cellular manufacturing22) Физиология: Cyclical Menses23) Шахматы: CheckMate24) Электроника: Cassette Module, Common Mode, Cross Modulation25) Вычислительная техника: . command mode, central module, computer module, control mark, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft, Space), Configuration Manager (BIOS, PNP), Compatibility Mode (PARISC, NM), Connection Management (RR, MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модуль связи, мультиплексор каналов связи, память на магнитных сердечниках, центральный модуль27) Иммунология: Clinical Modification, Clinical Modifications28) Биохимия: Quinacrine Mustard29) Онкология: Centimeter - 0.01 Meters30) Космонавтика: Command Module31) Картография: catholic mission32) Банковское дело: collusive merchant, Capital Market (IB&CM - Investment Banking and Capital Market)33) Фирменный знак: Cambridge Thermionics, Canyon Medical34) СМИ: Commercial Message, Contact Management35) Деловая лексика: Chosen Multiplier, антикризисный управляющий36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cubic meter37) Образование: Common Man38) Сетевые технологии: Cable Modem, Connection Management, Content Management, cache-movable, command mode, communication module, communication multiplexer, communication multiplexing, configuration management, contact manager, control module, core memory39) Полимеры: compression molding, compression-molded40) Автоматика: coolant management41) Контроль качества: correction for mean42) Пластмассы: Chlorinated Polyethylene Rubber43) Сахалин Р: construction Management44) Океанография: Current Meter45) Химическое оружие: chemical matters46) Безопасность: Cryptological Mathematics47) Расширение файла: Bitmap graphics (8bit, Unix Puzzle), Data (CraftMan)48) Нефть и газ: УКС, управляющий кризисными ситуациями49) Электротехника: cyclically magnetized50) США: Central Michigan51) Имена и фамилии: Charles Mack, Chris Miller52) Должность: Case Manager, Cast Member, Certified Manager, Chief Minister, Chill Master, Construction Manager53) Чат: Chat Maniac, Chat Monitor54) NYSE. Coles Myer, LTD.55) НАСА: Command Module (Apollo)56) Программное обеспечение: Cache Manager, Compilation Manager57) Единицы измерений: Circular Mils, Curly Maple -
12 cM
1) Общая лексика: Crisis Manager (SEIC), central meridian2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Modeled, Contextual Menus3) Биология: carboxymethyl4) Авиация: Conversion Manual, call maintenance, collective modification, crew member5) Медицина: cochlear micriphonics (микрофонный эффект улитки)6) Американизм: Consequence Management7) Военный термин: Canada Medal, Chairman's Memorandum, Changes Made, Chemical, Collection Management Division, Collection Manager, Colonial Marines, Combat Magic, Communication Management, Conceptual Model, Council Memorandum, Counter-mobility, Countermine Activities, Memorandum by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, career management, career motivation, center of mass, certificate of merit, chemical munitions, chief of maintenance, class of material, classified message, code message, collection management, combat materiel, command message, commander's manual, communications module, complementary manual, condition monitoring, confidential memorandum, continuous monitoring, contract management, contract modification, controlled minefield, corrective maintenance, cost model, countermeasures, countermortar, court martial, crewman, cruise missile, Countermeasure (s)8) Техника: Curtail M, camera module, coarse mixing, code modulation, color monitor, common memory, common-mode signal, communications memory, communications multiplexer, comparator, computer-manual, concentrating mirror, constant-mesh, contact mask, coolant melt, coolant mixing, core melt, radioelectronic countermeasures9) Сельское хозяйство: combustible matter10) Шутливое выражение: Condescension Man11) Химия: Cementitious Materials, Customized Microscopy12) Математика: Championship Manager, поправка на среднее значение (correction for mean), содержательная модель (conceptual model)13) Железнодорожный термин: Central Montana Rail Incorporated14) Юридический термин: Case Management, Colored Male15) Бухгалтерия: Compounding Method, Contribution Margin, маржинальная прибыль (стоимость продаж минус переменные затраты)16) Грубое выражение: Chick Magnet17) Дипломатический термин: (cruise missile) крылатая ракета18) Металлургия: country of melt19) Политика: Cameroon20) Телекоммуникации: Connection Manager, Communications Module (AT&T 5ESS)21) Сокращение: Certified Master, Cluster Munition, Common Market, Competent Munitions, Congregation of the Mission, Corresponding Member, CounterMine, Countermeasure, Court-Martial, circuit master, see C-M P&, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft), (type abbreviation) Corvette (Peruvian Navy; guided missile), Coal Measures, Colour Monitor, Communications, Compartmented Mode, Cost of Mission, cellular manufacturing22) Физиология: Cyclical Menses23) Шахматы: CheckMate24) Электроника: Cassette Module, Common Mode, Cross Modulation25) Вычислительная техника: . command mode, central module, computer module, control mark, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft, Space), Configuration Manager (BIOS, PNP), Compatibility Mode (PARISC, NM), Connection Management (RR, MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модуль связи, мультиплексор каналов связи, память на магнитных сердечниках, центральный модуль27) Иммунология: Clinical Modification, Clinical Modifications28) Биохимия: Quinacrine Mustard29) Онкология: Centimeter - 0.01 Meters30) Космонавтика: Command Module31) Картография: catholic mission32) Банковское дело: collusive merchant, Capital Market (IB&CM - Investment Banking and Capital Market)33) Фирменный знак: Cambridge Thermionics, Canyon Medical34) СМИ: Commercial Message, Contact Management35) Деловая лексика: Chosen Multiplier, антикризисный управляющий36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cubic meter37) Образование: Common Man38) Сетевые технологии: Cable Modem, Connection Management, Content Management, cache-movable, command mode, communication module, communication multiplexer, communication multiplexing, configuration management, contact manager, control module, core memory39) Полимеры: compression molding, compression-molded40) Автоматика: coolant management41) Контроль качества: correction for mean42) Пластмассы: Chlorinated Polyethylene Rubber43) Сахалин Р: construction Management44) Океанография: Current Meter45) Химическое оружие: chemical matters46) Безопасность: Cryptological Mathematics47) Расширение файла: Bitmap graphics (8bit, Unix Puzzle), Data (CraftMan)48) Нефть и газ: УКС, управляющий кризисными ситуациями49) Электротехника: cyclically magnetized50) США: Central Michigan51) Имена и фамилии: Charles Mack, Chris Miller52) Должность: Case Manager, Cast Member, Certified Manager, Chief Minister, Chill Master, Construction Manager53) Чат: Chat Maniac, Chat Monitor54) NYSE. Coles Myer, LTD.55) НАСА: Command Module (Apollo)56) Программное обеспечение: Cache Manager, Compilation Manager57) Единицы измерений: Circular Mils, Curly Maple -
13 cm
1) Общая лексика: Crisis Manager (SEIC), central meridian2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Modeled, Contextual Menus3) Биология: carboxymethyl4) Авиация: Conversion Manual, call maintenance, collective modification, crew member5) Медицина: cochlear micriphonics (микрофонный эффект улитки)6) Американизм: Consequence Management7) Военный термин: Canada Medal, Chairman's Memorandum, Changes Made, Chemical, Collection Management Division, Collection Manager, Colonial Marines, Combat Magic, Communication Management, Conceptual Model, Council Memorandum, Counter-mobility, Countermine Activities, Memorandum by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, career management, career motivation, center of mass, certificate of merit, chemical munitions, chief of maintenance, class of material, classified message, code message, collection management, combat materiel, command message, commander's manual, communications module, complementary manual, condition monitoring, confidential memorandum, continuous monitoring, contract management, contract modification, controlled minefield, corrective maintenance, cost model, countermeasures, countermortar, court martial, crewman, cruise missile, Countermeasure (s)8) Техника: Curtail M, camera module, coarse mixing, code modulation, color monitor, common memory, common-mode signal, communications memory, communications multiplexer, comparator, computer-manual, concentrating mirror, constant-mesh, contact mask, coolant melt, coolant mixing, core melt, radioelectronic countermeasures9) Сельское хозяйство: combustible matter10) Шутливое выражение: Condescension Man11) Химия: Cementitious Materials, Customized Microscopy12) Математика: Championship Manager, поправка на среднее значение (correction for mean), содержательная модель (conceptual model)13) Железнодорожный термин: Central Montana Rail Incorporated14) Юридический термин: Case Management, Colored Male15) Бухгалтерия: Compounding Method, Contribution Margin, маржинальная прибыль (стоимость продаж минус переменные затраты)16) Грубое выражение: Chick Magnet17) Дипломатический термин: (cruise missile) крылатая ракета18) Металлургия: country of melt19) Политика: Cameroon20) Телекоммуникации: Connection Manager, Communications Module (AT&T 5ESS)21) Сокращение: Certified Master, Cluster Munition, Common Market, Competent Munitions, Congregation of the Mission, Corresponding Member, CounterMine, Countermeasure, Court-Martial, circuit master, see C-M P&, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft), (type abbreviation) Corvette (Peruvian Navy; guided missile), Coal Measures, Colour Monitor, Communications, Compartmented Mode, Cost of Mission, cellular manufacturing22) Физиология: Cyclical Menses23) Шахматы: CheckMate24) Электроника: Cassette Module, Common Mode, Cross Modulation25) Вычислительная техника: . command mode, central module, computer module, control mark, Command Module (Apollo spacecraft, Space), Configuration Manager (BIOS, PNP), Compatibility Mode (PARISC, NM), Connection Management (RR, MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модуль связи, мультиплексор каналов связи, память на магнитных сердечниках, центральный модуль27) Иммунология: Clinical Modification, Clinical Modifications28) Биохимия: Quinacrine Mustard29) Онкология: Centimeter - 0.01 Meters30) Космонавтика: Command Module31) Картография: catholic mission32) Банковское дело: collusive merchant, Capital Market (IB&CM - Investment Banking and Capital Market)33) Фирменный знак: Cambridge Thermionics, Canyon Medical34) СМИ: Commercial Message, Contact Management35) Деловая лексика: Chosen Multiplier, антикризисный управляющий36) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: cubic meter37) Образование: Common Man38) Сетевые технологии: Cable Modem, Connection Management, Content Management, cache-movable, command mode, communication module, communication multiplexer, communication multiplexing, configuration management, contact manager, control module, core memory39) Полимеры: compression molding, compression-molded40) Автоматика: coolant management41) Контроль качества: correction for mean42) Пластмассы: Chlorinated Polyethylene Rubber43) Сахалин Р: construction Management44) Океанография: Current Meter45) Химическое оружие: chemical matters46) Безопасность: Cryptological Mathematics47) Расширение файла: Bitmap graphics (8bit, Unix Puzzle), Data (CraftMan)48) Нефть и газ: УКС, управляющий кризисными ситуациями49) Электротехника: cyclically magnetized50) США: Central Michigan51) Имена и фамилии: Charles Mack, Chris Miller52) Должность: Case Manager, Cast Member, Certified Manager, Chief Minister, Chill Master, Construction Manager53) Чат: Chat Maniac, Chat Monitor54) NYSE. Coles Myer, LTD.55) НАСА: Command Module (Apollo)56) Программное обеспечение: Cache Manager, Compilation Manager57) Единицы измерений: Circular Mils, Curly Maple -
14 CCM
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Chromosome Coordinating Meeting, (машина непрерывной разливки заготовки) continuous casting machine=continuous caster, смесь сердцевин кукурузных початков (Corn-Cob-Mix), Commercial Advisory Committee (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Comprehensive Client Manager, Configurable Computing Machine, Corba Component Model4) Авиация: Customized Completion Manual5) Американизм: Country Coordination Mechanism6) Спорт: Clews Competition Motorcycles7) Военный термин: Calibration Certification And Maintenance, Canadian Cadet Movement, Center for Composite Materials, Counter Counter-Measures, Crowd Control Munition, command and control module, confidential code message, countercountermeasures, cross-country movement8) Техника: central control and monitoring, combined cipher machine, combined coding machine, command and control marine system, constant current modulation, control computer module, convection current mode, crew/cargo module9) Химия: ККМ, критическая концентрация мицеллообразования, CMC11) Бухгалтерия: Check Control Module12) Автомобильный термин: central control module, comprehensive component monitor, continuous component monitor13) Музыка: Commercial Christian Music, Contemporary Christian Music14) Сокращение: Caribbean Common Market, Coalition of Catalog Mailers, Communications Control Module, Control, Civil & Military, Conventional Cruise Missile, Counter Countermeasures, Counter-CounterMeasure, Course Correction Module, controlled carrier modulation15) Университет: Cincinnati Conservatory Of Music16) Физика: Chain Crossing Model17) Вычислительная техника: Change Configuration Management, CORBA Component Model (CORBA)18) Нефть: cement-cut mud, condensate-cut mud, буровой раствор, загрязнённый цементом (cement-cut mud), буровой раствор, содержащий конденсат (condensate-cut mud)19) Микробиология: Czech Collection of Microorganisns (Чешская коллекция микроорганизмов)20) Иммунология: complete culture medium21) Фирменный знак: Canadian Cycle And Motor22) Экология: certification program for consulting meteorologists23) Образование: Children's Center of Montgomery24) Сетевые технологии: Client Connection Manager25) ЕБРР: concept clearance memorandum26) Океанография: Community Climate Model27) Макаров: complex coordinate method28) Расширение файла: Corba Component Mode, Mailbox (Lotus CC:Mail)29) Электротехника: communication control module, critical current margin30) Общественная организация: Consortium for Conservation Medicine31) Должность: Certified Chemoinformatics Master32) Хобби: Content And Collaboration Management -
15 ccm
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Chromosome Coordinating Meeting, (машина непрерывной разливки заготовки) continuous casting machine=continuous caster, смесь сердцевин кукурузных початков (Corn-Cob-Mix), Commercial Advisory Committee (SEIC)2) Компьютерная техника: Comprehensive Client Manager, Configurable Computing Machine, Corba Component Model4) Авиация: Customized Completion Manual5) Американизм: Country Coordination Mechanism6) Спорт: Clews Competition Motorcycles7) Военный термин: Calibration Certification And Maintenance, Canadian Cadet Movement, Center for Composite Materials, Counter Counter-Measures, Crowd Control Munition, command and control module, confidential code message, countercountermeasures, cross-country movement8) Техника: central control and monitoring, combined cipher machine, combined coding machine, command and control marine system, constant current modulation, control computer module, convection current mode, crew/cargo module9) Химия: ККМ, критическая концентрация мицеллообразования, CMC11) Бухгалтерия: Check Control Module12) Автомобильный термин: central control module, comprehensive component monitor, continuous component monitor13) Музыка: Commercial Christian Music, Contemporary Christian Music14) Сокращение: Caribbean Common Market, Coalition of Catalog Mailers, Communications Control Module, Control, Civil & Military, Conventional Cruise Missile, Counter Countermeasures, Counter-CounterMeasure, Course Correction Module, controlled carrier modulation15) Университет: Cincinnati Conservatory Of Music16) Физика: Chain Crossing Model17) Вычислительная техника: Change Configuration Management, CORBA Component Model (CORBA)18) Нефть: cement-cut mud, condensate-cut mud, буровой раствор, загрязнённый цементом (cement-cut mud), буровой раствор, содержащий конденсат (condensate-cut mud)19) Микробиология: Czech Collection of Microorganisns (Чешская коллекция микроорганизмов)20) Иммунология: complete culture medium21) Фирменный знак: Canadian Cycle And Motor22) Экология: certification program for consulting meteorologists23) Образование: Children's Center of Montgomery24) Сетевые технологии: Client Connection Manager25) ЕБРР: concept clearance memorandum26) Океанография: Community Climate Model27) Макаров: complex coordinate method28) Расширение файла: Corba Component Mode, Mailbox (Lotus CC:Mail)29) Электротехника: communication control module, critical current margin30) Общественная организация: Consortium for Conservation Medicine31) Должность: Certified Chemoinformatics Master32) Хобби: Content And Collaboration Management -
16 Angola
сущ.общ. Ангола (республика; столица — Луанда; государственный язык португальский; национальная валюта — кванза)See:kwanza, Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Southern African Development Community, African Union, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, lower middle-income countries, severely indebted, Sub-Saharan Africa, lusophone countries, IDA country -
17 Burundi
сущ.общ. Бурунди (республика; столица — Бужумбура; государственный язык французский; национальная валюта — франк Бурунди)See:Burundi franc, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Economic Community of Central African States, Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries, African Union, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, low-income countries, severely indebted, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, IDA country, Sub-Saharan Africa -
18 Comoros
сущ.общ. Коморские Острова (республика; столица — Морони; государственные языки арабский и французский; национальная валюта — коморский франк)See:Comoran franc, Arab Monetary Fund, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, African Union, League of Arab States, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, low-income countries, severely indebted, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, IDA country, Sub-Saharan Africa -
19 Congo
сущ.общ. (республика) Конго (республика; столица — Браззавиль; государственный язык французский; национальная валюта — франк КФА BEAC)Syn:See:CFA franc BEAC, CFA franc, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Economic and Monetary Community, Central Bank of Central African States, Central African Customs and Economic Union, Central African States Development Bank, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Economic Community of Central African States, African Union, developing countries, less developed countries, lower middle-income countries, severely indebted, Heavily Indebted Poor Countries, IDA country, Sub-Saharan Africa -
20 Djibouti
сущ.общ. Джибути (республика; столица — Джибути; государственные языки французский и арабский; национальная валюта — франк Джибути)Syn:See:Djibouti franc, Arab Monetary Fund, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Horn of Africa, African Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, League of Arab States, developing countries, least developed countries, less developed countries, less indebted, lower middle-income countries, IDA country, Sub-Saharan Africa, currency board
См. также в других словарях:
Presidency of the European Common Market — country currently assigned executive command of the European Common Market … English contemporary dictionary
common customs tariff — the charge upon goods from outside the European Communities to enter the common market. Along with the elimination of customs duties, this is the other major plank of the customs union that itself was, and is, a crucial part of the Common Market… … Law dictionary
Market-preserving federalism — is a special type of federalism that limits the degree to which a country’s political system can encroach upon its markets. [1]Weingast notes that there is a fundamental dilemma facing a government attempting to build and protect markets: the… … Wikipedia
Common Agricultural Policy — European Union This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the European Union … Wikipedia
market — marketer, n. /mahr kit/, n. 1. an open place or a covered building where buyers and sellers convene for the sale of goods; a marketplace: a farmers market. 2. a store for the sale of food: a meat market. 3. a meeting of people for selling and… … Universalium
Market entry strategy — A market entry strategy is the planned method of delivering goods or services to a target market and distributing them there. When importing or exporting services, it refers to establishing and managing contracts in a foreign country. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Country of origin — For the legal term from European law, see Country of origin principle. Swiss Made label on a TAG Heuer chronograph … Wikipedia
Market capitalization — (often market cap) is a measurement of the value of the ownership interest that shareholders hold in a business enterprise. It is equal to the share price times the number of shares outstanding (shares that have been authorized, issued, and… … Wikipedia
Market entry consultant — Market entry consultants provide consultancy services to private companies, corporations or government / non profit organizations for solving various business problems related to commencing sales/manufacturing/outsourcing operations in a new… … Wikipedia
Country Club Historic District (Omaha, Nebraska) — Country Club Historic District U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic District … Wikipedia
Market gardening — Market garden redirects here. For the World War II operation, see Operation Market Garden. In agriculture, market gardening is the relatively small scale production of fruits, vegetables and flowers as cash crops, frequently sold directly to… … Wikipedia