1 civil engineering
2 Civil engineering
குடியெந்திரவியல் -
3 Civil engineering assistant
குடியெந்தி£¤த்துணைவன் -
4 Civil engineering draughtsman
குடியெந்திரவியற் சித்திரன் -
5 civil engineering works
குடிமுறைப் பொறியியல் வேலைகள் -
6 Civil engineer
குடியெந்தி£¤, குடிசார்எந்தி£¤ -
7 sanitary engineering
பொதுத் தூய்மைப் பொறியியல் -
8 transportation engineering
9 Chartered civil engineer
பட்டயக் குடிசாரெந்தி£¤ -
10 Hydraulic engineering
நீரெந்திரவியல் -
11 Mechanical engineering
பொறி எந்திரவியல் -
12 Mining engineering
கனியெந்திரவியல் -
13 Municipal engineering
நகரசங்கவெந்திரவியல் -
14 acoustic properties
ஒலியியல் தன்மைகள் -
15 affiliated system
தொடா¢புள்ள முறை -
16 age of tide
ஏற்ற வற்ற காலம் -
17 altrops
நாதாங்கி -
18 anchor bolts
ஊன்று மரையாணி -
19 artesian spring
பொங்கு நீர்ஊற்று -
20 aslar masonry
அஸ்லார் கட்டுமானம்
См. также в других словарях:
civil engineering — ➔ engineering * * * civil engineering UK US noun [U] ► the work of designing, building, and repairing large public structures such as roads, bridges, water systems, and airports: »In civil engineering, a major component of functionality is safety … Financial and business terms
Civil engineering — Civil Civ il, a. [L. civilis, fr. civis citizen: cf. F. civil. See {City}.] 1. Pertaining to a city or state, or to a citizen in his relations to his fellow citizens or to the state; within the city or state. [1913 Webster] 2. Subject to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Civil engineering — Engineering En gi*neer ing, n. Originally, the art of managing engines; in its modern and extended sense, the art and science by which the properties of matter are made useful to man, whether in structures, machines, chemical substances, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
civil engineering — n. the branch of engineering dealing with the design and construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, waterworks, harbors, etc. civil engineer n … English World dictionary
Civil engineering — The Petronas Twin Towers, designed by architect Cesar Pelli and Thornton Tomasetti and Ranhill Bersekutu Sdn Bhd engineers, were the world s tallest buildings from 1998 to 2004. Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that… … Wikipedia
civil engineering — the work or profession of a civil engineer. * * * Profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public, including bridges, canals, dams, harbors, lighthouses, roads, tunnels, and environmental works (e.g., water… … Universalium
civil engineering — noun the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such public works as dams or bridges • Hypernyms: ↑engineering, ↑engineering science, ↑applied science, ↑technology • Hyponyms: ↑hydraulic engineering * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
civil engineering — N UNCOUNT Civil engineering is the planning, design, and building of roads, bridges, harbours, and public buildings. The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe … English dictionary
civil engineering — Those combat support and combat service support activities that identify, design, construct, lease, or provide facilities, and which operate, maintain, and perform war damage repair and other engineering functions in support of military… … Military dictionary
Civil Engineering and Development Department (Hong Kong) — Civil Engineering and Development Department 土木工程拓展署 Agency overview Headquarters Civil Engineering and Development Building, 101 Princess Margaret Road, Kowloon … Wikipedia
civil engineering — civil engi neering n [U] the planning, building, and repair of roads, bridges, large buildings etc >civil engineer n … Dictionary of contemporary English