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Chairman of the State Duma

  • 1 Chairman of the State Duma

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > Chairman of the State Duma

  • 2 Deputy Chairman of the State Duma

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > Deputy Chairman of the State Duma

  • 3 duma

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > duma

  • 4 Article 101

    1. The Council of the Federation shall elect from among its deputies the Chairman of the Council of the Federation and his deputies. The State Duma shall elect from among its deputies the Chairman of the State Duma and his deputies.
    2. The Chairman of the Council of the Federation and his deputes, the Chairman of the State Duma and his deputies chair sittings and shall be in charge of the internal routine work of the respective chamber. 3. The Council of the Federation and the State Duma shall set up committees and commissions, hold parliamentary hearings on issues in their authority. 4. Each of the chambers shall adopt its procedural rules and solve issues of procedure for its work. 5. For controlling the implementation of the federal budget the Council of the Federation and the State Duma shall create the Accounting Chamber, the composition and the rules of work of which are fixed by the federal law. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 101[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 101[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 101[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 101

  • 5 Article 83

    The President of the Russian Federation shall:
    a) appoint by agreement with the State Duma the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    b) have the right to chair meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation; c) adopt decision on the registration of the Government of the Russian Federation; d) present to the State Duma a candidate for the appointment to the post of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, raise before the State Duma the issue of dismissing the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; e) on the proposal by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation appoint and dismiss deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers; f) present to the Council of the Federation candidates for appointment as judges of the Constitution Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Higher Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation, as well as a candidate for the post of the Procurator-General of the Russian Federation; appoint judges of other federal courts; g) form and head the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the status of which is determined by the federal law; h) approve the military doctrine of the Russian Federation; i) form the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; j) appoint and dismiss plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation; k) appoint and dismiss the supreme command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; l) after consultations with corresponding committees and commissions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly appoint and recall diplomatic representatives of the Russian Federation in foreign States and international organizations.
    <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 83[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 83[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 83[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 83

  • 6 Article 111

    1. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation shall be appointed by the President of the Russian Federation with the consent of the State Duma.
    2. The proposal on the candidate to the post of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation shall be submitted not later than two weeks after a newly-elected President of the Russian Federation takes office or after the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation or one week after the State Duma rejects the candidate. 3. The State Duma shall consider the candidate nominated by the President of the Russian Federation for the post of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation during week after the submission of the nomination. 4. In case the State Duma rejects three times the candidates for the post of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, dissolve the State Duma and appoint new elections. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 111[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 111[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 111[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 111

  • 7 Article 103

    1. The jurisdiction of the State Duma includes:
    a) approving the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation by the President of the Russian Federation;
    b) solution of the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation; c) appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; d) appointment and dismissal of the Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounting Chamber; e) appointment and dismissal of the Commissioner for human rights, who acts according to the federal constitutional law; f) proclamation of amnesty; g) advancing of charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment.
    2. The State Duma shall adopt resolutions on the issues referred to its authority by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    3. Resolutions of the State Duma shall be adopted by a majority of the total number of the deputies of the State Duma, if other rules for adopting decisions are not stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 103[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 103[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 103[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 103

  • 8 Article 117

    1. The Government of the Russian Federation may offer to resign and the President of the Russian Federation either shall accept or reject the resignation.
    2. The President of the Russian Federation may take a decision on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation. 3. The State Duma may express no-confidence to the Government of the Russian Federation. A no-confidence resolution shall be adopted by a majority of votes of the total number of the deputies of the State Duma. After the State Duma expresses no-confidence to the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation shall be free to announce the resignation of the Government or to reject the decision of the State Duma. In case the State Duma again expresses no-confidence to the Government of the Russian Federation during three months, the President of the Russian Federation shall announce the resignation of the Government or dissolve the State Duma. 4. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation may raise before the State Duma the issue of no-confidence to the Government of the Russian Federation. If the State Duma votes no-confidence, the President shall adopt in seven days a decision on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation or dissolve the State Duma and announce new elections. 5. In case of a resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation it shall continue to work on the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation until a new Government of the Russian Federation is formed. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 117[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 117[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 117[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 117

  • 9 Article 92

    1. The President of the Russian Federation shall take up his powers since the moment of taking the oath of loyalty and cease to fulfil them with the expiration of the term of office and from the moment a newly-elected president is sworn in.
    2. The President of the Russian Federation shall cease to exercise his powers short of the term in case of his resignation, stable inability because of health reasons to exercise the powers vested in him or in case of impeachment. In this case the election of the President of the Russian Federation shall take place not later than three months since the termination of the powers short of the term. 3. In all cases when the President of the Russian Federation is incapable of fulfilling his duties, they shall temporarily fulfilled by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Acting President of the Russian Federation shall have no right to dissolve the State Duma, appoint a referendum, and also provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 92[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 92[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 92[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 92

См. также в других словарях:

  • Chairman of the State Duma — The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (lang rus Председатель Государственной Думы Федерального собрания Российской Федерации), also called Speaker (спикер), is the presiding officer of the lower house of …   Wikipedia

  • State Duma — The State TOC HistoryThe State Duma was first introduced in 1906 and was Russia s first elected parliament. The first two attempts by Tsar Nicholas II were too radical and ineffective and were subsequently dissolved after only a few months each.… …   Wikipedia

  • State Duma of the Russian Empire — was a legislative assembly in the late Russian Empire. It was convened four times.Under the pressure of the Russian Revolution of 1905, on August 6, 1905, Sergei Witte, appointed by Tsar Nicholas II to manage peace negotiations with Japan, issued …   Wikipedia

  • State Duma —    Formed in the wake of the constitutional crisis of 1993, the State Duma replaced the defunct Congress of People’s Deputies as the lower house of the Russian parliament. The Federation Council is the upper house; collectively the two are known… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

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  • State Council of Imperial Russia — The State Council ( Государственный Совет ) was the supreme state advisory body to the Tsar in Imperial Russia. 18th century Early Tsar s Councils were small and dealt primarily with the external politics.Peter I of Russia introduced the Secret… …   Wikipedia

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  • History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union — Communist Party of the Soviet Union History Organisation …   Wikipedia

  • Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation — Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Motto Competence, Responsibility, Prestige Established 1919 Type Public …   Wikipedia

  • Explanation attempts for the Russian apartment bombings — Many different explanations have been given for the Russian apartment bombings. The Russian apartment bombings were a series of explosions that hit apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999,… …   Wikipedia

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