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  • CLXXXIII — матем. • Запись числа 183 римскими цифрами …   Словарь обозначений

  • Doctor Mellifluus — Catholicism portal Doctor Mellifluus is an encyclical of Pope Pius XII on the doctor of the Church Bernard of Clairvaux, given at Rome, St. Peter s, on the 24th of May, on the feast of Pentecost, 1953, in the 15th year of his pontificate …   Wikipedia

  • Mariology of the saints — This article is about the contributions of Roman Catholic saints to Mariology. For Anglican views, please see Anglican Marian theology Madonna and Child with saints by Duccio, 14th century Roman Catholic Mariology is the area of theology… …   Wikipedia

  • Blessed Virgin —     The Blessed Virgin Mary     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Blessed Virgin Mary     The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, the mother of God.     In general, the theology and history of Mary the …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mother of God —     The Blessed Virgin Mary     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Blessed Virgin Mary     The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, the mother of God.     In general, the theology and history of Mary the M …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Blessed Virgin Mary —     The Blessed Virgin Mary     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Blessed Virgin Mary     The Blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, the mother of God.     In general, the theology and history of Mary the Mother of God follow the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Чертков, Александр Дмитриевич — тайный советник, председатель Московского Общества истории и древностей российских, нумизмат, основатель Чертковской библиотеки; происходил из старинного русского дворянского рода, восходящего к XVI веку, и родился 19 го июня 1789 года в Воронеже …   Большая биографическая энциклопедия

  • Спафари-Милеску, Николай Гаврилович — (Spatar Nicolas Milescu, Nicolaus Spatarius Moldavolacone baron et olim generalis Walachiae) переводчик Посольского приказа, писатель, русский посланник в Китае. Родился около 1625 г., умер около 1709 г. С. называл себя Moldavolacon, и есть… …   Большая биографическая энциклопедия

  • Siraj ud-Daulah — Nawab of Bengal Reign April, 1756 – June, 1757 Full name Mîrzâ Mohammad Sirâjud Dawla Predecessor Ali Vardi Khan Successor …   Wikipedia

  • Eucherius of Lyon — Infobox Saint name=Saint Eucherius of Lyon birth date=say 380 death date=ca 449 feast day= venerated in=Roman Catholicism imagesize= caption= birth place= death place= titles= beatified date= beatified place= beatified by= canonized date=… …   Wikipedia

  • Bentham & Hooker system — An early taxonomic system, the Bentham Hooker system for seed plants was published in ::cite book|author = G. Bentham J.D. Hooker|year = three volumes, 1862–1883|title = Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata… …   Wikipedia

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