1 синий оттиск
1) Polygraphy: blue base, blueline image, light blue pull -
2 синяя копия
2) Polygraphy: blue copy, blue-key, blueline print, cyanotype copy3) Advertising: blue print, blueline reproduction4) Makarov: blue-key (служит для монтажа), blueline (позитивная), blueprint (негативная), heliographic print, shop print -
3 диазокопия
1) Engineering: diazo print, dyeline copy2) Polygraphy: blueline reproduction, diazo, diazocopy, diazoprint, diazotype, shop print3) Electronics: diazo duplicate -
4 синяя светокопия
1) Engineering: blueprint, heliographic print2) Advertising: blueline reproduction
См. также в других словарях:
Blueline reproduction — Диазокопия, «синька» … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
blueline — noun A reproduction of the material submitted for printing, computer generated or printed from film, provided to the customer for approval before the material is printed … Wiktionary
Whiteprint — is the commercial terminology to describe document reproduction using the diazo chemical process. It is also known as the blue line or blue line process. There are two components in this process: The diazonium salt: a light sensitive chemical The … Wikipedia
Architectural reprography — covers a variety of technologies, media, and supports typically used to make multiple copies of original technical drawings and related records created by architects, landscape architects, engineers, surveyors, mapmakers and other professionals… … Wikipedia
Reprography — is the reproduction of graphics through mechanical or electrical means, such as photography or xerography. Reprography is commonly used in catalogs and archives, as well as in the architectural, engineering, and construction industries.The… … Wikipedia