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Blasius boundary layer stability problem

  • 1 Blasius boundary layer stability problem

    Авиасловарь > Blasius boundary layer stability problem

  • 2 problem

    1. проблема; задача
    2. проблема; трудность
    problem of three bodies
    aerodynamic problem
    aeroelastic problem
    aeroservoelastic problem
    bending problem
    best-range problem
    birdstrike problem
    Blasius boundary layer stability problem
    Bolza problem
    boundary value problem
    Boussinesq problem
    buckling problem
    calculus of variations problem
    Chebyshev problem
    compressible problem
    constrained problem
    contact problem
    continuum problem
    control problem
    corrosion problem
    coupling control problem
    crack problem
    cross-coupling problem
    cross-coupling robust design problem
    design problem
    deterministic problem
    direct problem
    discrete variable problem
    divergence problem
    eigenvalue problem
    elastic contact problem
    elastic torsion problem
    elastoplastic problem
    elastostatic problem
    engine problem
    engine-out problem
    estimation problem
    fatigue problem
    feedback problem
    fixed endpoint problem
    Flamant problem
    flap-lag problem
    flap-lag-torsion problem
    flight dynamics problem
    flutter problem
    g-LOC-in-flight problem
    g-tolerance problem
    guidance problem
    handling problem
    hardware problem
    high-order problem
    high-g problem
    icing problem
    impact problem
    in-service problem
    incompressible problem
    Lamb's problem
    landing problem
    lifting surface problem
    linear regulator problem
    linear quadratic Gaussian problem
    LQG problem
    maneuver problem
    mechanics problem
    minimax problem
    minimum time problem
    minimum time-to-climb problem
    minimum fuel problem
    minimum time to turn problem
    multi-input multi-output problem
    nonself-adjoint problem
    nonlinear inequality-constrained problem
    numerical problem
    optimal control problem
    optimal guidance problem
    optimization problem
    PIO problem
    plane stress problem
    post-buckling problem
    pursuit-evasion problem
    robustness problem
    rotor-fuselage problem
    rotorcraft problem
    saddle point problem
    safety-of-flight problem
    scattering problem
    stability problem
    stall problem
    statically determinate problem
    stepped-altitude problem
    stress problem
    Sturm-Liouville problem
    supersonic aircraft problem
    synthesis problem
    tail-rotor problem
    takeoff problem
    targeting problem
    thermoelasticity problem
    three-state problem
    time-delay-related problem
    traveling salesman problem
    twist problem
    two-dimensional airfoil problem
    two-point boundary value problem
    unconstrained problem
    variational problem
    vibration problem
    viscoelastic problem
    visibility problem
    visual problem

    Авиасловарь > problem

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