1 единица зоны воспроизводства
Atomic energy: blanket unitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > единица зоны воспроизводства
2 ячейка зоны воспроизводства
Nuclear physics: blanket unitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > ячейка зоны воспроизводства
3 четырёхцилиндровая секция двухсторонней офсетной печатной машины
1) Polygraphy: blanket-to-blanket unit2) Makarov: blanket-to-blanket unit (построенная по принципу "резина к резине")Универсальный русско-английский словарь > четырёхцилиндровая секция двухсторонней офсетной печатной машины
4 четырёхцилиндровая секция двусторонней офсетной печати
Engineering: blanket-to-blanket unitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > четырёхцилиндровая секция двусторонней офсетной печати
5 четырёхцилиндровая секция офсетной печатной машины для двусторонней печати
General subject: blanket to blanket unit (резина к резине)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > четырёхцилиндровая секция офсетной печатной машины для двусторонней печати
6 ячейка зоны воспроизводства
яф blanket unitРусско-английский физический словарь > ячейка зоны воспроизводства
7 осветлитель со взвешенным слоем осадка
1) Construction: solids-control unitУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > осветлитель со взвешенным слоем осадка
8 общая цена
1) General subject: blanket price (за весь купленный товар), unit price (на все купленное), overhead price2) Law: total price, common price3) Economy: blanket price (за весь купленный товар, состоящий из неоднородной продукции)4) Diplomatic term: blanket price (за весь купленный товар, состоящий из материалов или предметов разных сортов, размеров и т.п.) -
9 незаконнорождённый
1) General subject: adulterate, adulterine, base born, baseborn, bastard, bastardly, born on the wrong side of the blanket, born under the rose, illegitimate, love begotten, love-begotten, misborn, natural, spurious2) Obsolete: whoreson3) Poetical language: unfathered4) Latin: filius nullius5) Bookish: misbegot, misbegotten6) Law: adulterate (о ребёнке), adulterate (о ребенке), adulternate (о ребёнке), base estate, nameless, unlawful7) Economy: natural (о ребёнке), out of wedlock8) Makarov: base-born9) Archaic: born out of wedlock10) Taboo: get, (о ребёнке) on the side, (о ребёнке) outside11) Phraseological unit: colt over the fence (An illegitimate child.)12) Idiomatic expression: from the wrong side of the blanketУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > незаконнорождённый
10 поддерживающий ролик
1) Military: (гусеницы) carrier roller, (гусеницы) idler roller, (гусеницу) return roller2) Engineering: bearing roller, blanket roller, guide wheel, idler, idling roll, supporting roller3) Construction: idler (ленты транспортёра)4) Automobile industry: carrier roller (гусеницы), idler roller (напр. гусеницы)5) Mining: idler (ленты конвейера), track roller6) Metallurgy: support roll, supporting roll7) Mechanic engineering: traveling roll8) Automation: guide roller, guiding wheel, idle roller, idler (конвейера), support roller9) Roll stock: idle roller ( blanket, bearing)10) General subject: upper roller11) Caspian: idle unit (на конвейере морского трубоукладчика)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > поддерживающий ролик
11 комплексный
1. unitized2. compound3. comprehensive4. integrated5. blanket6. synthetic7. synthetical8. complex -
12 покрывать
•The seats of these valves are surfaced with a new alloy.
•The unit is given a coat of priming paint.
•The coarser fragments sink fairly rapidly and blanket the lake floor with a thin layer of silt and sand.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > покрывать
13 досаждать
1) General subject: annoy, annoy (кому-л.), chagrin, chivy, disoblige, get in hair (кому-л.), get under the skin, itch, make oneself a nuisance, make things warm, molest, plague, roil, spite, thorn, torment, vex, worry, make a nuisance of oneself, make oneself a nuisance, make it warm for (кому-л.), pester (with questions, etc.), get on wick (кому-л.), get into somebody's hair2) American: faze3) Rare: hatchel4) Law: molest a person (кому-л.)5) Australian slang: cheese off, crap off, get up ( smb.'s) nose, give (smb.) the irrits (кому-л.), nark, pick holes in, pick on6) Jargon: bug, gripe, put the been on ( someone), cut7) Makarov: get on (smb.'s) wick (кому-л.), get under (smb.'s) skin (кому-л.), make a nuisance of oneself, make oneself a nuisance (to)8) Taboo: fart somebody off (кому-л.), stick like shit to a blanket -
14 надоедать
1) General subject: aggravate, annoy, badger, bind (поучениями), bore, bother, cloy, devil, dun, fuss, give (smb.) a pain in the neck (кому-л.), harry, hassle, herry, importune, interfere, make oneself a nuisance, make weary, molest, nickel and dime, nickel-and-dimed, nickel-and-diming, nickeled-and-dimed, nickeling-and-diming, niggle, pall (обыкн. pall on), peeve, pester, tease, tire, trouble, urge, weary, worry, buzz about, get on wick, make a nuisance of oneself, make a nuisance of oneself, make oneself a nuisance, persecute, keep at with (кому-л., чем-л.), get old (о шутке и т.п.), din2) Colloquial: blister, brown off, bug, feed up pass, plague, pop boring3) American: wig (кому-л.), stick in craw4) Obsolete: irk5) Rare: hatchel6) Australian slang: crap off, get in ( smb.'s) hair, get up (smb.'s) nose, nark, pick on, pull (smb.'s) leg, rough-house7) Scottish language: deave8) Jargon: bind (поучениями и т.п.), fool around, get (one's), get in (one's) hair, goat, bone, drag, ear, get, hound9) Makarov: get on (smb.'s) wick, make oneself a nuisance (to), ply, cheese off, feed up10) Taboo: ball somebody up (кому-л.), break somebody's balls (кому-л.), bugger somebody off (кому-л.), futz about (usu futz about with something), screw somebody (кому-л.), screw somebody up (кому-л.), stick like shit to a blanket12) Idiomatic expression: under my skin -
15 общий
1) General subject: aggregate (aggregate membership - общее число членов), all round, all-round, blanket, broad, collective, combined, common, community, conjoint, encyclical, g, general, generic, generical, in common, joint, mutual, net, nett, overall, (в сложных словах имеет значение) pan, public, total, vulgar, whole, corporate, global2) Medicine: constitutional, systemic3) Military: uniform4) Construction: cumulative6) Railway term: lax7) Accounting: single8) Finances: lump-sum9) Politics: overarching10) Psychology: catholic, corporational, schematic11) Abbreviation: comm13) Information technology: communal, generalized, shared15) Atomic energy: everyone's16) Metrology: integral, integrated17) Business: crude, united, high-level (о показателях)18) Sakhalin energy glossary: o/all19) Network technologies: sharable20) Robots: lumped21) Makarov: all-up, basic( problems), common (общего пользования), community (об учреждении и т.п.), constitutional (о заболевании), general (не частный), grand, lump, miscellaneous22) Logistics: allover -
16 пласт
2) Geology: aquifer, benk, contact bed, lentil, packet, sheet deposit, stratum, vein (редко)3) Military: flake5) Agriculture: furrow slice, seam (отрезаемый плугом)7) Railway term: strata8) Architecture: ply9) Mining: bank10) Forestry: surface11) Oil: blanket, delf, footing (на который опирается башмак обсадной колонны), fossiliferous bed, geological horizon, lay, shelf (породы), bench, couplet13) Geophysics: geologic horizon, horizon, slab14) Ecology: peat stratum (торфа)15) Petrography: zone17) Sakhalin energy glossary: fluid unit (в модели), inactive block (в модели, т.е. где нет фильтрации), inactive layer (в модели, т.е. где нет фильтрации), series, stratus (St), suite18) Oil&Gas technology reservoir19) Polymers: nappe20) Makarov: band, bench (угля), block, decke, pay, seam (напр. месторождения угля) -
17 полный
1) General subject: absolute, abysmal, alive (чего-л.), all around, all inclusive (АД), all round, all-out, all-round, allout, ample, blank, blanket, bouncing, broad, charged, chock a block, chub, chubby, clear, complete, comprehensive, consummate, corpulent, cover to cover, cover-to-cover (о чтении, реферировании), crass, crowded, dead (dead silence - полная тишина), decisive, declared, dire, direct, down the line, down-the-line, entire, fat (толстый), fatty, flush (до краёв - о реке), fraught, fubsy, full, full blast, full blown, full bodied, full fledged, full length, full of, full-blast, full-blown, full-blown (о человеке), full-bodied, full-fledged, fully fledged, fully-fledged, gorbellied (о человеке), hole, (в сложных словах с греч. корнями) holo-, honest to god, honest to goodness, honest-to-God, honest-to-goodness, hundred per cent, hundred-per-cent, in flesh, instinct (жизни), integrate, lumping, obese, out and out, out-and-out, outright, overall, overblown, overendowed (чего-л.), overweight (о человеке, животном), perfect, plenary, plum, plump, plumpy, portly, profound, pudsy, pursy, radical, replete (чего-л.), rich, rife (чего-л.), roly poly, roly-poly, rotund, round, roundabout, self contained, self-contained, stark, stout, straight out, straight-out, teetotal, thick with (чего-л.), thorough, thorough paced, thorough-paced, total, unabbreviated, unabridged, uncurtailed, uncut (о тексте и т. п.), utter, vera, very, well lined, well padded, well rounded, well-lined (о животе), well-rounded, whole, implicit, integral, intact, sound, plein, -e, (при выборе одежды) plus size, unexpurgated, unquestioning2) Computers: full featured, full size3) Naval: chock-a-block, deliberate5) Slang: horizontally oriented6) Dialect: bonny7) Obsolete: compleat8) Literal: wholesale9) Botanical term: double10) Military: detailed11) Engineering: nonselective12) Bookish: orbicular13) Agriculture: butty (о структуре кожи)14) Jocular: plenitudinous, well-padded15) Rare: essential16) Mathematics: diametrical, everywhere defined, general, high, integrated17) Railway term: thick18) Automobile industry: gross19) Diplomatic term: overwhelming20) Forestry: fully stocked21) Politics: arrant, blatant, dyed-in-the-wool, hardcore, hardened, hopeless, inveterate, paid-up, unrelieved22) Scottish language: sonsy (преим. о женщине)23) TV: composite24) Abbreviation: f25) Jargon: all out, fulsome, (заполненный) jampacked, damn darn26) Information technology: definitive, exhaustive27) Business: full-time28) Drilling: aggregate29) Network technologies: end-to-edge (напр., end-to-edge access - полный доступ, в противоположность end-to-end - ограниченный)30) Polymers: full-scale31) Makarov: alert (with) (чего-л.), all-around, all-embracing, all-up, deep, deep (о звуке, голосе), diametric (о противоположности), diametrical (о противоположности), fleshly, fleshy, full-width, omnibus, plain, resulting, rich (о рифме), sheer, thoroughgoing, unabridged (о литературном произведении и т.п.)33) Taboo: damn, dang, (подражание произношению негров из южных штатов) sheet, shit, tomtit34) Tengiz: overall (inspection) -
18 элеваторная установка
1) Railway term: elevator unit2) Automation: blanket conveyor, hugger belt conveyorУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > элеваторная установка
19 фильтровать
Русско-английский словарь по информационным технологиям > фильтровать
См. также в других словарях:
Blanket-to-blanket unit — Четырёхцилиндровая секция двухсторонней офсетной печатной машины (построенная по принципу «резина к резине») … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Blanket-to-blanket unit — Четырёхцилиндровая секция двухсторонней офсетной печатной машины (построенная по принципу «резина к резине») … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Electric blanket — An electric blanket is a blanket with an integrated electrical heating device usually placed above the top bed sheet. Another variation of the electric blanket is the electric mattress pad, which is placed below the bottom bed sheet. Electric… … Wikipedia
Road Policing Unit — The Road Policing Unit (RPU) is the term for the traffic unit within the majority of all British police forces.ResponsibilitiesRPUs work with the National Roads Policing Strategy, which has five strands:* Casualty reduction. * Counter terrorism.… … Wikipedia
Deben (Egyptian weight unit) — The deben was an ancient Egyptian weight unit.Old and Middle KingdomStone weights from the Old Kingdom have been found, weighing about 13.6 grammes. Similar weights from the Middle Kingdom were discovered at Lisht. From the Middle Kingdom date… … Wikipedia
Deben (unit) — The deben was an ancient Egyptian weight unit … Wikipedia
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
List of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions — This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine Corps. Many of the words or phrases have varying levels of acceptance among different units or… … Wikipedia
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
List of U.S. Marine Corps acronyms and expressions — This is a list of acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Marine Corps. Many of the words or phrases have varying levels of acceptance among different units or… … Wikipedia
Mattress — For other uses, see Mattress (disambiguation). A pillow top queen size mattress. A mattress is a manufactured product to sleep or lie on, consisting of resilient materials and covered with an outer fabric or ticking. In the developed world it is… … Wikipedia