1 шкала интеллекта Бельвью
Russian-english psychology dictionary > шкала интеллекта Бельвью
2 шкала Векслера - Бельвью
( для измерения интеллекта взрослых и подростков) Wechsler-Bellevue ScaleRussian-english psychology dictionary > шкала Векслера - Бельвью
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Bellevue, Washington — Bellevue City City of Bellevue Downtown Bellevue seen in … Wikipedia
scale — 1. A standardized test for measuring psychological, personality, or behavioral characteristics. SEE ALSO: score, test. 2. SYN: squama. 3. A small thin plate of horny epithelium, resembling a fish s., cast off from the skin … Medical dictionary
Wechsler-Bellevue test — Wechs·ler Belle·vue test bel .vyü n a test of general intelligence and coordination in adults that involves both verbal and performance tests and is now superseded by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale called also Wechsler Bellevue scale … Medical dictionary
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale — Wechs·ler Adult Intelligence Scale weks lər n an updated version of the Wechsler Bellevue test having the same structure but standardized against a different population to more accurately reflect the general population abbr. WAIS Wechsler David… … Medical dictionary
WECHSLER-BELLEVUE (ÉCHELLE D’INTELLIGENCE DE) — WECHSLER BELLEVUE ÉCHELLE D’INTELLIGENCE DE Publiée en 1939 à Baltimore par David Wechsler, alors chef de clinique à l’hôpital psychiatrique Bellevue (New York), le W.B.I.S. (Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale) est le premier test… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Washington Square (Bellevue, WA) — Washington Square is a convert|10.5|acre|m2|sing=on mixed use neighborhood currently under construction in downtown Bellevue, Washington. Developed by Wasatch Development Associates and designed by architect Collins Woerman, the project, also… … Wikipedia
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale — (WAIS) is a general test of intelligence (IQ), published in February 1955 as a revision of the Wechsler Bellevue test (1939), a battery of tests that is composed from subtests Wechsler adopted from the Army Tests (Yerkes, 1921).Wechsler defined… … Wikipedia
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Escala Wechsler de Inteligencia para Adultos) o WAIS es una prueba general de inteligencia (IQ o CI), publicada en febrero de 1955 como una revisión del test Wechsler Bellevue… … Wikipedia Español
Wechs|ler-Belle|vue Scale — «WEHKS luhr BEHL vyoo», Psychology. a series of tests to determine intelligence and mental age. ╂[< David Wechsler, an American psychologist, who devised it at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, New York] … Useful english dictionary
Wechsler test — Wechsler test, = Wechsler Bellevue Scale. (Cf. ↑Wechsler Bellevue Scale) … Useful english dictionary
Wechsler Scales — /weks leuhr/, Psychol. a group of intelligence tests, including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), later revised (WAIS R); the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), later revised (WISC R); the Wechsler Preschool and Primary… … Universalium