1 Bits Of Ivory
Food industry: BOI -
2 Bits Per Inch
3 Bits Per Pixel
4 Bits Per Second
5 Bits Per Track
Abbreviation: bpt -
6 bits per channel
Engineering: BPC -
7 bits per minute
Engineering: BPM -
8 bits per picture element
Engineering: BIT/PELУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > bits per picture element
9 bits per second
10 bits/second
Abbreviation: bps (data processing) -
11 bits per point average for curves
количество битов, затрачиваемое на представление одной кривой в среднемАнгло-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > bits per point average for curves
12 интегрированная инженерно-аналитическая система IDEAS по бурильным долотам от компании SMITH BITS
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > интегрированная инженерно-аналитическая система IDEAS по бурильным долотам от компании SMITH BITS
13 7 (bits), Even (parity), 1
Information technology: 7E1 (stop bit, MODEM, BIT)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > 7 (bits), Even (parity), 1
14 8 (bits), No (parity bit), 1
Information technology: 8N1 (stop bit, MODEM, BIT)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > 8 (bits), No (parity bit), 1
15 Access Type Bits
File extension: ATB -
16 Application Specific Bits
Telecommunications: ASBУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Application Specific Bits
17 Flow Control Operator Bits
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Flow Control Operator Bits
18 Go Fast Bits
Jocular: GFB -
19 Group of bits used to encode a single letter, number, or symbol
Military: BYTEУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Group of bits used to encode a single letter, number, or symbol
20 Kilo Bits
Unit measures: KB
См. также в других словарях:
BITS — or bits may refer to: * Binary digits * Drill bits * The pieces of a Spanish dollar * Bits (Beanie Baby), a Beanie Baby bear produced by Ty, Inc. * Background Intelligent Transfer Service, a file transfer protocol * Birla Institute of Technology… … Wikipedia
Bits — steht als Kürzel für: Berliner Informationszentrum für Transatlantische Sicherheit Business and Information Technology School Background Intelligent Transfer Service Siehe auch Bit … Deutsch Wikipedia
BiTS — Vorlage:Infobox Hochschule/Mitarbeiter fehltVorlage:Infobox Hochschule/Professoren fehlt Business and Information Technology School Gründung 2000 Trägerschaft … Deutsch Wikipedia
BITS — Background Intelligent Transfer Service Background Intelligent Transfer Service, soit service de tranfert intelligent en arrière plan, (BITS) est un composant des systèmes d exploitation Microsoft Windows (Vista et Windows 2003) qui est utilisé… … Wikipédia en Français
bits — n pl British 1. primary sexual characteristics. In origin possibly a shortening of naughty bits , the word has become popular with all age groups since around 2000. Show us yer bits! He was doing acrobatics and his bits fell out. 2. See in bits … Contemporary slang
bits — v (bets, bitits, pres. bits) hunden bits brukar bitas … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
bits — Scottish Vernacular Dictionary boots or smart shoeseg. Example: a goat these bits af the back o a lorry … English dialects glossary
bits — Li ili i, oka, hunahuna, hunehune, Bits of news, nā hunehune mea hou … English-Hawaiian dictionary
bits — See twisty bits … Dictionary of automotive terms
Bits Studios — Тип Частная компания Год основания Предположительно, 1990 год Прежние названия … Википедия
bits and pieces — bits and bobs or bits and pieces Odds and ends • • • Main Entry: ↑bit * * * an assortment of small items weird bits and pieces of paraphernalia * * * bits and pieces 1 : small pieces There were broken bits and pieces of glass all over the floor.… … Useful english dictionary