broadcast banyan network — коммутационная схема с автоматическим блокированием, работающая в широковещательном режиме (в которой при появлении на входе двух и более сигналов на выход проходит только один из них) -
2 Basic / BBN
Information technology: BCPL -
3 Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc.
1) Abbreviation: BBN2) Information technology: BBN (Corporate name)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc.
4 9-борабицикло[3.3.1]нонан (лиганд)
Chemistry: 9-BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > 9-борабицикло[3.3.1]нонан (лиганд)
5 Bible Broadcasting Network
Religion: BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Bible Broadcasting Network
6 Bitmap graphics
File extension: ART (B&W, many - First Publisher - Xara Studio), ATK (Andrew Toolkit Raster Object file), B&W (black and white, atari - mac), BBNNG (BBN BitGraph terminal Display Pixel Data (DPD) sequence), BGA (OS/2), BIF (b&w Binary Image Format, Image Capture board), BIT (X11), BM (1bit text, X Window BitMap), BMP (PC Paintbrush - many), BOB (BOB Image file), BW (SGI image), BYU (Movie BYU format), CALS (Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support), CCRF (Calcomp Raster File, B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers), CEG (Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics), CM (8bit, Unix Puzzle), CMU (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap Formats), CMUWM (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap Formats), CMYK (raw cyan magenta yellow and black bytes), CORE (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file), CPI (Colorlab Processed Image), CSLM (Zeiss CSLM file), CUBE (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file, Cubicomp PictureMaker), CUBI (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file, Cubicomp PictureMaker), CVS (Canvas drawing), DCX (Multipage PCX - many faxes), DDB, DDIF (DEC DDIF file), DF (Hierarchical Data File, NCSA), DIB (Device Independent Bitmap), DPX (Digital Moving Picture Exchange, Cineon DPX file), EIDI (Electric Image EIDI file), ERM, FAC (UNIX Faceserver image file, Usenix FACE), FACE (UNIX Faceserver image file, Usenix FACE), FAL (image header information, Q0 format), FOP (Freedom of Press), FPX (Kodak FlashPix), G3 (Group 3 FAX file), GIF (GIF87A/GIF89A CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format), GIFF (GIF87A/GIF89A CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format), GIS (Erdas gray-scale image), GM (Autologic files), GM2 (mode 2 black/white, Autologic files), GO (GraphOn graphics file), GOULD (Gould scanner file), GRAY (raw gray bytes), HIPS (HIPS file), HRF (Hitachi Raster Format, CADCore), IAX (IBM Image Access eXecutive file), IC1 (Atari Image), ICR (NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file), ILBM (Amiga Interleaved Bitmap format), IM (Sun raster file), IM1 (1bit, Sun raster file), IM32 (32bit, Sun raster file), IM8 (8bit, Sun raster file), IRIS (Silicon Graphics RGB image file), IVB (Truevision Targa format), JIF (JPEG File Interchange Format), JPC (Japan Picture format), JPE (JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format), JPEG (JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format), JTF (JPEG Tagged Interchange Format), LAN (Erdas true colour image), LANDSAT (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file), LBM (Amiga Interleaved Bitmap format, Deluxe Paint), LISPM (Lisp Machine file), LJ (HP LaserJet graphics file), LTM (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data file), MBFAVS (AVS X image file), MBFX (AVS X image file), MIFF (Magick Image File Format), MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics), MPT (Multipage TIFF), NCSA (Hierarchical Data File, NCSA), NEO (Atari NeoChrome image file), NEWS (NeWS image file), NRF (Neutral Raster File), PAC (Atari STAD Image), PAT (1bit, Patent data, US Patent and Trademark Office), PDA, PICT2 (Apple Macintosh PICT file), PJ (HP PaintJet PCL graphics file), PJXL (HP PaintJet XL PCL graphics file), PNF (Portable Network graphics Frame, standalone stream), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), PNM (PBM Portable aNyMap), PR (Sun raster file), PRF (Pixel Run Format, Improces - Fastgraph), PSE (IBM printer Page SEgment), PSEG (IBM printer Page SEgment), PTX (Printronix graphics file), PUZZ (8bit, X11 Puzzle), PUZZLE (8bit, X11 Puzzle), PXR (Pixar image, Photoshop), PZL (8bit, Unix Puzzle), QDV (8bit, Random Dot QDV file), RAST (Sun raster image), RL8, RLE (Utah Run-Length Encoded image file), SR (Sun Rasterfile), TARGA (Truevision Targa format), TRIF (Tiled Raster Interchange Format), VGA (OS/2 bitmap) -
7 Bolt Baraneck & Newman
Abbreviation: BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Bolt Baraneck & Newman
8 Bolt Beranek And Newman
Trademark term: BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Bolt Beranek And Newman
9 Bolt, Beranak, and Newman
Telecommunications: BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Bolt, Beranak, and Newman
10 Bolt, Beranek and Newman
Information technology: BBN (Hersteller)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Bolt, Beranek and Newman
11 Brains And Backbone Network
Physics: BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Brains And Backbone Network
12 Network Control Program
1) Computers: NCP2) Telecommunications: NCP (SNA, DNA)3) Information technology: NCP (BBN, ARPANET)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Network Control Program
13 broadband network
Engineering: BBN -
14 broadcast banyan network
Computers: BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > broadcast banyan network
15 brombenzylnitrile
Military: BBN -
16 Байесовские сети доверия
Oilfield: Bayesian Belief Network, BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Байесовские сети доверия
17 Современный термин, используемый для узлов в сетях ARPANET и MILNET
Internet: Packet Switch Node (Эти узлы служат для вызова IMP (Interface Message Processors) // PSN в настоящее время реализуются на миникомпьютерах BBN C30 или C300)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Современный термин, используемый для узлов в сетях ARPANET и MILNET
18 узел коммутации пакетов
1) Information technology: packet switch (в сети)2) Network technologies: PS, PSN, Packet Switch Node (Современный термин, используемый для узлов в сетях ARPANET и MILNET. Эти узлы служат для вызова IMP (Interface Message Processor). PSN в настоящее время реализуются на мини-компьютерах BBN C30 или C300), Packet-switch node (Название коммутатора пакетов в сети ARPANET), packet switch, packet switch node3) Security: packet switching node (сообщений)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > узел коммутации пакетов
19 9-борабицикло[3.3.1]нонан
Chemistry: (лиганд) 9-BBNУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > 9-борабицикло[3.3.1]нонан
20 Рэй Томлинсон
Ray Tomlinson (инженер фирмы BBN, принимавший участие в разработке системы электронной почты)Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > Рэй Томлинсон
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
BBN — might refer to:BBN The Business Branding Network, an international network of marketing and communications agencies with members in over 20 worldwide locations* BBN Technologies, formerly Bolt, Beranek and Newman, a technology company in… … Wikipedia
Bbn — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
BBN — (Bye Bye Now) goodbye for the present time (Internet chat slang) … English contemporary dictionary
BBN — Die Abkürzung BBN steht für: Bario in Sarawak in Malaysia, ein Flughafen nach dem IATA Flughafencode Bayesian Belief Network, fachsprachlich englisch für Bayes’sches Netz Berliner Bunker Netzwerk e. V. (Eigenschreibweise) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis … Deutsch Wikipedia
BBN — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
BBN Technologies — (originally Bolt Beranek and Newman) is a high technology company which provides research and development services. BBN is based next to Fresh Pond in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. It is perhaps best known for its work in the development of… … Wikipedia
BBN Report 1822 — specifies the method for connecting a host computer to an ARPANET router, called an Interface Message Processor (IMP). This connection and protocol is generally referred to as 1822 , the report number.The initial version of the 1822 protocol was… … Wikipedia
BBN LISP — was a dialect of the Lisp programming language by Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was based on L. Peter Deutsch s implementation of Lisp for the PDP 1 (called Basic PDP 1 LISP), which was developed from 1960 to 1964 … Wikipedia
BBN Butterfly — The BBN Butterfly was a massively parallel computer from the 1980s. It was named for the butterfly multi stage switching network around which it was built. Each machine had up to 512 CPUs, each with local memory, which could be connected to allow … Wikipedia
Bbn — … Википедия
BBN — Bolt Beranek And Newman (Business » Firms) *** Bible Broadcasting Network (Community » Religion) * Bario, Malaysia (Regional » Airport Codes) * Brains And Backbone Network (Academic & Science » Physics) … Abbreviations dictionary