1 Australian Biological Resources Study
Общая лексика: Австралийский комитет по изучению биологических ресу (научная организация, занимающаяся исследованиями в области ботаники; ею издано несколько томов результатов исследований "Флора Австралии" 'Flora of Australia')Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Australian Biological Resources Study
2 Australian Biological Resources Study
Австралийский комитет по изучению биологических ресурсов (научная организация, занимающаяся исследованиями в области ботаники; ею издано несколько томов результатов исследований «Флора Австралии» {'Flora of Australia'})Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Australian Biological Resources Study
См. также в других словарях:
Australian Biological Resources Study — (ABRS) is a project undertaken by Parks Australia Division of Australia s Department of the Environment and Heritage.ABRS was founded in 1973 from the recommendations of a 1972 Senate Select Committee report on Wildlife Conservation. Its purpose… … Wikipedia
Australian Botanical Liaison Officer — is a secondment position, held for up to twelve months by an Australian botanist (or expert in Australian botany) at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, London, England in the United Kingdom. The position was created in 1937, and the first ABLO was … Wikipedia
Australian Plant Name Index — (APNI) URL: http://www.cpbr.gov.au/apni/ Коммерческий: Нет Тип сайта: База данных … Википедия
Australian Plant Name Index — The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is an online database of all published names of Australian vascular plants. It covers all names, whether current names, synonyms or invalid names. It includes bibliographic and typification details,… … Wikipedia
Australian Ringneck — For the tropical parakeet species, see Ringnecked Parakeet. Australian Ringneck … Wikipedia
Australian Plant Name Index — El Índice de Nombre Botánico de Australia: Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) es una database en línea, de todos los nombres publicados de las plantas vasculares de Australia. Cubre todos los nombres, así sean nombres corrientes, sinónimos o… … Wikipedia Español
Systematic Census of Australian Plants — The Systematic census of Australian plants, with chronologic, literary and geographic annotations , more commonly known as the Systematic Census of Australian Plants , also known by its standard botanic abbreviation Syst. Census Austral. Pl.… … Wikipedia
Australian Aborigine — aborigine (def. 2). * * * ▪ people Introduction any of the indigenous people of Australia. Australia is the only continent where the entire indigenous population maintained a single kind of adaptation hunting and gathering (hunting and… … Universalium
Australian Defence Force — Australian Defence Force … Wikipedia
Flore De L'Australie — Forêt d eucalyptus dans l État de Victoria … Wikipédia en Français
Flore de l'australie — Forêt d eucalyptus dans l État de Victoria … Wikipédia en Français