1 Association for Systems Management
English-Russian electronics dictionary > Association for Systems Management
2 Association for Systems Management
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Association for Systems Management
3 Association
- Association for Information Systems Professionals
- Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association for Systems Management - American Software Association
- American Standards Association - Data Processing Management Association - National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians
- National Association of Communication System Engineers
- National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- National Association of Securities Dealers - Radio Manufactures Association
- Recording Industry Association of America - Systems and Procedures Association
- Telecommunication Industry Association -
4 Association
в соч.- American Communication Association
- American Radio Association
- American Radio-Telegraphists Association
- American Software Association
- American Standards Association
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association for Information Systems Professionals
- Association for Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association for Systems Management
- Association for Women in Computing
- Association of Cinematograph and Television Technicians
- Association of Computer Users
- Association of Data Processing Service Organizations
- Association of Machine Translation and Computational Linguistics
- Association of Microelectronic Professionals
- British Engineering Standards Association
- British Robot Association
- British Videogram Association
- Canadian Standards Association
- Cellular Telecommunication Industry Association
- Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
- Data Interchange Standards Association
- Data Processing Management Association
- Electronic Engineering Association
- Electronic Industries Association of Japan
- Electronic Industries Association
- Electronic Messaging Association
- European Computer Manufactures Association
- Exchange Carriers Standards Association
- Fiber Channel Association
- Independent Computer Consultants Association
- Information Systems Security Association
- Infrared Data Association
- Interactive Multimedia Association
- International Communication Association
- International Computer Facsimile Association
- International Computer Security Association
- International Standards Association
- International Trademark Association
- Japan Electronic Industry Development Association
- Japanese Industrial Robot Association
- Message-Oriented Middleware Association
- MIDI Manufacturer's Association
- Multimedia Telecommunications Association
- National Association of Broadcast Engineers and Technicians
- National Association of Broadcasters
- National Association of Communication System Engineers
- National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- National Association of Securities Dealers
- National Cable Television Association
- National Computer Graphics Association
- National Computer Security Association
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association
- National Electronics Distributors Association
- Optical Storage Technology Association
- Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
- Radio and Electronics Engineering Association
- Radio Manufactures Association
- Radio-Electronics-Television Manufacturers Association
- Recording Industry Association of America
- Scientific Apparatus Manufacturers Association
- SCSI Trade Association
- Semiconductor Industry Association
- Special Libraries Association
- Surface Mount Equipment Manufactures Association
- Systems and Procedures Association
- Telecommunication Industry Association
- Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
- Video Electronic Standard AssociationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Association
Компьютерная техника: Wisconsin Association for Systems Management -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. American Society for Microbiology2) Компьютерная техника: Abstract State Machine, Application Switch Menu, Application Switcher Menu3) Авиация: Aircraft Schematic Manual, Airline Specific Manual, Aircraft System Manual, располагаемая место-миля ( сокр. от available seat-mile), располагаемые кресло-мили4) Военный термин: Academy Sergeant Major, Active Shape Model, Airspace Management, Antarctica Service Medal, Armored Systems Modernization, Army Security Monitor, Army system management, Attache Support Message, Automated Scheduling Message, Auxiliary Storage Module, acting sergeant major, advanced scatterable mine, advanced surface missile, air service mechanic, air slewed missile, air superiority mission, air-to-surface missile, aircraft survival measures, airfield survival measures, antenna switching matrix, antiship missile, antisubmarine missile, armament sergeant major, artificer sergeant major, avionics shop maintenance6) Экономика: Area Sales Manager7) Автомобильный термин: acceleration simulation mode8) Астрономия: Apollo Service Module, Apollo Systems Manual9) Ветеринария: American Society of Mammalogists10) Металлургия: American Society for Metals11) Оптика: ampere second meter12) Сокращение: Administrative Support Manual (USPS), Advanced Sea Mine, Anti-Shipping Missile, Armored System Modernization (land-combat vehicles), Armored Systems Modernization program (US Army), Assamese, Automatic Sorting Machine (NP4000 will replace), assemble (auto manufacturing)13) Университет: Actuarial Study Materials14) Электроника: Adaptive Site Molecule, Advanced Semiconductor Materials15) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Server Management (Acer), Association of Systems Management (organization)16) Связь: Analog Subscriber Module17) Космонавтика: Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine and Life Sciences18) Транспорт: Active Stability Management, Air Space Monitoring, Available Seat Mile19) Экология: American Society for Microbiology20) SAP. союз работодателей машиностроительной промышленности21) Почта: Administrative Support Manual22) Образование: Associated Students Of Madison23) Полимеры: American Society of Metals, anion selective membrane24) Автоматика: automatic screw machine25) Лесопиление: автоматизированный бревнопильный станок с поворотным диском (automated swingblade mill)26) Авиационная медицина: audiosonometry27) Расширение файла: Assembly language source code file, Assembler language source (TASM, MASM)28) Нефть и газ: Area Safety Monitor29) Майкрософт: диспетчер нежелательной почты Antigen30) Общественная организация: Autism Society of Michigan31) Должность: Assistant Service Manager32) Чат: Alt Support Marriage34) Программное обеспечение: Aix San Manager, Application Switcher Manager35) Единицы измерений: Available Seat Miles -
7 asm
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. American Society for Microbiology2) Компьютерная техника: Abstract State Machine, Application Switch Menu, Application Switcher Menu3) Авиация: Aircraft Schematic Manual, Airline Specific Manual, Aircraft System Manual, располагаемая место-миля ( сокр. от available seat-mile), располагаемые кресло-мили4) Военный термин: Academy Sergeant Major, Active Shape Model, Airspace Management, Antarctica Service Medal, Armored Systems Modernization, Army Security Monitor, Army system management, Attache Support Message, Automated Scheduling Message, Auxiliary Storage Module, acting sergeant major, advanced scatterable mine, advanced surface missile, air service mechanic, air slewed missile, air superiority mission, air-to-surface missile, aircraft survival measures, airfield survival measures, antenna switching matrix, antiship missile, antisubmarine missile, armament sergeant major, artificer sergeant major, avionics shop maintenance6) Экономика: Area Sales Manager7) Автомобильный термин: acceleration simulation mode8) Астрономия: Apollo Service Module, Apollo Systems Manual9) Ветеринария: American Society of Mammalogists10) Металлургия: American Society for Metals11) Оптика: ampere second meter12) Сокращение: Administrative Support Manual (USPS), Advanced Sea Mine, Anti-Shipping Missile, Armored System Modernization (land-combat vehicles), Armored Systems Modernization program (US Army), Assamese, Automatic Sorting Machine (NP4000 will replace), assemble (auto manufacturing)13) Университет: Actuarial Study Materials14) Электроника: Adaptive Site Molecule, Advanced Semiconductor Materials15) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Server Management (Acer), Association of Systems Management (organization)16) Связь: Analog Subscriber Module17) Космонавтика: Austrian Society for Aerospace Medicine and Life Sciences18) Транспорт: Active Stability Management, Air Space Monitoring, Available Seat Mile19) Экология: American Society for Microbiology20) SAP. союз работодателей машиностроительной промышленности21) Почта: Administrative Support Manual22) Образование: Associated Students Of Madison23) Полимеры: American Society of Metals, anion selective membrane24) Автоматика: automatic screw machine25) Лесопиление: автоматизированный бревнопильный станок с поворотным диском (automated swingblade mill)26) Авиационная медицина: audiosonometry27) Расширение файла: Assembly language source code file, Assembler language source (TASM, MASM)28) Нефть и газ: Area Safety Monitor29) Майкрософт: диспетчер нежелательной почты Antigen30) Общественная организация: Autism Society of Michigan31) Должность: Assistant Service Manager32) Чат: Alt Support Marriage34) Программное обеспечение: Aix San Manager, Application Switcher Manager35) Единицы измерений: Available Seat Miles -
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
9 Asa
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
10 asa
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
11 AES
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. American Electrophoresis Society2) Компьютерная техника: adaptive echo canceller, atmospheric environment service3) Биология: American Eugenics Society4) Военный термин: ATCCS experimentation site, Advanced Encryption System, Airborne ELINT System, Army Education System, Army Engineer School, Army Engineer Service, Army Enterprise Strategy, Army Exchange Service, Army Experimentation Site, Army education scheme, Army excess property, Atomic Energy Site, aeromedical evacuation squadron, aeromedical evacuation system, air equipment and support, aircraft electrical system, area electronic supervisor, artillery equipment school, auxiliary encoder system5) Техника: Aerospace Electrical Society, Auger-electron spectroscopy, active electromagnetic system, aerospace electronics system, atomic emission spectroscopy, auxiliary engineered safeguards, Automatic Electronic Shutter6) Сельское хозяйство: agricultural experiment station8) Сокращение: A (Eickhorn GmbH & Co. fur Schneidwaren & Waffen (Germany)), Advanced ECM System, Advanced Exterior Sensor, Aircraft Electrical Society, American Entomological Society, American Ethnological Society, Artificial Earth Satellite, Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Automated Enrollment System (for Management Academy courses), Aerodrome Emergency Service, American Electromechanical Society, American Epilepsy Society (Американское общество по изучению эпилепсии), American Electroencephalographic Society (Американское электроэнцефалографическое общество), American Epidemiological Society (Американское эпидемиологическое общество), Atlantic Economic Society (Экономическое сообщество стран Атлантического региона)9) Университет: Association For Exchange Students10) Электроника: Auger Electron (Emission) Spectroscopy, Auger Electron Spectrum, Automatic Electronic Systems11) Вычислительная техника: Advanced Encryption-Standard, Asynchronous Event Scheduler, Asynchronous Events Services, Automatic Emulation Switching (Lexmark), Application Environment Service / Specification (OSF), Advanced Encryption Standard (Verschluesselung), advanced encryption standard, автоматическое переключение эмуляции, спецификации среды прикладных программ13) Иммунология: antieosinophil serum14) Космонавтика: aircraft earth station (станция слежения за КЛА, расположенная на самолёте)15) Транспорт: Automatic Energy Selector, Automotive Engine Specialties16) Фирменный знак: Advanced Energy Systems, Antique Electronic Supply17) Экология: Asian Environmental Society18) Деловая лексика: Automated Evaluation System19) Образование: American Embassy School20) Сетевые технологии: Application Environment Specifications, Audio Engineering Society, auto emulation switching, улучшенный стандарт шифрования (от "Advanced Encryption Standard")21) Полимеры: American Electrochemical Society, American Electroplaters Society22) Пластмассы: Poly (Acrylonitrile Ethylene Propylene Styrene)23) Химическое оружие: Agent emission standards24) Спектроскопия: atomic emission spectroscopy( сокр.) (атомная эмиссионная спектроскопия)25) Макаров: aerodrome emergence service, automated extraction system, оже-электронная спектрометрия26) Безопасность: auto electronic shutter27) NYSE. A E S Corporation28) Международная торговля: Automated Export System -
12 AMS
1) Общая лексика: aggregate measure of support, Служба маркетинга сельскохозяйственной продукции ( министерства сельского хозяйства США), Служба содействия сбыту сельскохозяйственной продукции (Lavrov)2) Компьютерная техника: Access Method Services, Associative Memory System3) Авиация: Aircraft Malfunction System, Aircratf Modification Status4) Медицина: acute mountain sickness, atypical measles syndrome5) Американизм: Award Management System6) Военный термин: Advanced Mapping Spectrometer, Anti Missile System, Archdiocese for the Military Services, Army Management School, Army Management Structure, Army Map Service, Army Medical Service, Army medical staff, Artillery and Missile School, Auto-Manual System, Autodin Mail Server, Automated Message System, Automated Meteorological System, Autonomous Message Switch, a minehunting sonar, actual military service, actuation mine simulator, advanced monopulse seeker, aeromechanics school, aeromobile service, aeronautical material specification, aeronautical material specification AMRSA, Army Materiel Readiness Support Activity, aeronautical material standards, air missile system, air movements section, aircraft mission system, alarm monitoring system, antenna mast sets, armament management system, artillery meteorological station, authority for material substitution, automated minefield system, automatic meteorological system, avionics maintenance squadron, артиллерийская метеорологическая станция7) Техника: Allegations Management System, acoustic measurement system, aerial monitoring system, aeronautical mobile service, altitude measurement system, amplifier subsystem, automatic monitoring system, auxiliary memory set8) Химия: Aerospace Material Specification9) Математика: Американское математическое общество (American Mathematical Society), среднее значение среднего квадрата (average mean square)10) Австралийский сленг: Aboriginal Medical Service11) Ветеринария: Australian Mammal Society12) Грубое выражение: American Made Shit13) Металлургия: Aircraft Material Specifications14) Телекоммуникации: Analog And Mixed Signal15) Сокращение: Academy of Military Science (USA), Acoustic Mine Sweep, Address Management System, Advanced Machining System, Advanced Missile System (US Navy), Aerospace Materials Specification (USA), Air Mail Service, Air Maintenance Squadron (USA), Aircraft Management System, Airspace Management Systems SA/NV (Belgium), Alternate Mailing Systems, American Material Standard, American Mathematical Society, American Meteorological Society, Analog/Mixed Signal, Apogee & Manoeuvring Stage, Appareillages et Materiels de Servitudes SA (France), Armoured Mortar System (UK), Army Map Service (US Army), Army Medical Services (UK), Artillery Meteorological System (Italy), Audio Monitoring System, Automated Management System, Automated Materiel System (USA), Automated Message Switch, Automatic Marking System, Autonomes Marine System, Auxiliary Minesweeper, Avionics Maintenance Squadron (USAF), Avionics Management System, Agricultural Marketing Service, Automated Manifest System, Advanced Memory System16) Университет: Academic Monitoring System, Association Of Malaysian Students17) Физика: акселераторная (тж. ускорительная) масс-спектрометрия (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry( метод радиоуглеродного датирования))18) Физиология: Active Mountain Sickness, Amylase, Anatomical Molding System19) Электроника: Automatic Music Sensor20) Вычислительная техника: Asymmetric Multiprocessing System, Обслуживание и Поддержка приложения ( Application Maintenance and Support), AUTODIN Mail Server (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Advanced Monitor System (OS, DEC, PDP 9, PDP 15), Andrew Mail / Message System (Unix), American Mathematical Society (organization, USA)21) Банковское дело: Cистема управления счетами (Account Management System)22) Транспорт: отделение SAE, занимающееся снабженческой деятельностью23) Фирменный знак: America Media Systems, American Musical Supply, Automated Machine Systems25) Деловая лексика: Accreditation Of Manufacturing Staff, Automated Marketing Strategies, Automatic Order Matching and Execution System26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: вспомогательный измерительный зонд (Auxiliary Measurement Sonde)27) Почта: Alternate Mailing System (=) дополнительная ( или) альтернативная почтовая система, Alternate Mailing System28) Сетевые технологии: Administration and Management Services, Automated Mail Systems, службы сетевого администрирования и управления29) Полимеры: Aeronautical Materials Specifications, Aerospace Materials Specifications, Aircraft Materials Specifications30) Автоматика: articulated mechanical structure, automated mechanical structure31) Контроль качества: aeronautical material specifications32) Сахалин Р: Asset Management System, Auxiliary Measurement Sonde33) Сахалин Ю: auxiliary measurement tool34) Расширение файла: Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file (Adobe PhotoShop)35) Уровнеметрия: Asset Management Solutions36) Аэропорты: Amsterdam, Netherlands37) НАСА: Automatic Maintenance Scheduler38) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Mathematics Software39) AMEX. American Shared Hospital Services -
13 ams
1) Общая лексика: aggregate measure of support, Служба маркетинга сельскохозяйственной продукции ( министерства сельского хозяйства США), Служба содействия сбыту сельскохозяйственной продукции (Lavrov)2) Компьютерная техника: Access Method Services, Associative Memory System3) Авиация: Aircraft Malfunction System, Aircratf Modification Status4) Медицина: acute mountain sickness, atypical measles syndrome5) Американизм: Award Management System6) Военный термин: Advanced Mapping Spectrometer, Anti Missile System, Archdiocese for the Military Services, Army Management School, Army Management Structure, Army Map Service, Army Medical Service, Army medical staff, Artillery and Missile School, Auto-Manual System, Autodin Mail Server, Automated Message System, Automated Meteorological System, Autonomous Message Switch, a minehunting sonar, actual military service, actuation mine simulator, advanced monopulse seeker, aeromechanics school, aeromobile service, aeronautical material specification, aeronautical material specification AMRSA, Army Materiel Readiness Support Activity, aeronautical material standards, air missile system, air movements section, aircraft mission system, alarm monitoring system, antenna mast sets, armament management system, artillery meteorological station, authority for material substitution, automated minefield system, automatic meteorological system, avionics maintenance squadron, артиллерийская метеорологическая станция7) Техника: Allegations Management System, acoustic measurement system, aerial monitoring system, aeronautical mobile service, altitude measurement system, amplifier subsystem, automatic monitoring system, auxiliary memory set8) Химия: Aerospace Material Specification9) Математика: Американское математическое общество (American Mathematical Society), среднее значение среднего квадрата (average mean square)10) Австралийский сленг: Aboriginal Medical Service11) Ветеринария: Australian Mammal Society12) Грубое выражение: American Made Shit13) Металлургия: Aircraft Material Specifications14) Телекоммуникации: Analog And Mixed Signal15) Сокращение: Academy of Military Science (USA), Acoustic Mine Sweep, Address Management System, Advanced Machining System, Advanced Missile System (US Navy), Aerospace Materials Specification (USA), Air Mail Service, Air Maintenance Squadron (USA), Aircraft Management System, Airspace Management Systems SA/NV (Belgium), Alternate Mailing Systems, American Material Standard, American Mathematical Society, American Meteorological Society, Analog/Mixed Signal, Apogee & Manoeuvring Stage, Appareillages et Materiels de Servitudes SA (France), Armoured Mortar System (UK), Army Map Service (US Army), Army Medical Services (UK), Artillery Meteorological System (Italy), Audio Monitoring System, Automated Management System, Automated Materiel System (USA), Automated Message Switch, Automatic Marking System, Autonomes Marine System, Auxiliary Minesweeper, Avionics Maintenance Squadron (USAF), Avionics Management System, Agricultural Marketing Service, Automated Manifest System, Advanced Memory System16) Университет: Academic Monitoring System, Association Of Malaysian Students17) Физика: акселераторная (тж. ускорительная) масс-спектрометрия (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry( метод радиоуглеродного датирования))18) Физиология: Active Mountain Sickness, Amylase, Anatomical Molding System19) Электроника: Automatic Music Sensor20) Вычислительная техника: Asymmetric Multiprocessing System, Обслуживание и Поддержка приложения ( Application Maintenance and Support), AUTODIN Mail Server (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Advanced Monitor System (OS, DEC, PDP 9, PDP 15), Andrew Mail / Message System (Unix), American Mathematical Society (organization, USA)21) Банковское дело: Cистема управления счетами (Account Management System)22) Транспорт: отделение SAE, занимающееся снабженческой деятельностью23) Фирменный знак: America Media Systems, American Musical Supply, Automated Machine Systems25) Деловая лексика: Accreditation Of Manufacturing Staff, Automated Marketing Strategies, Automatic Order Matching and Execution System26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: вспомогательный измерительный зонд (Auxiliary Measurement Sonde)27) Почта: Alternate Mailing System (=) дополнительная ( или) альтернативная почтовая система, Alternate Mailing System28) Сетевые технологии: Administration and Management Services, Automated Mail Systems, службы сетевого администрирования и управления29) Полимеры: Aeronautical Materials Specifications, Aerospace Materials Specifications, Aircraft Materials Specifications30) Автоматика: articulated mechanical structure, automated mechanical structure31) Контроль качества: aeronautical material specifications32) Сахалин Р: Asset Management System, Auxiliary Measurement Sonde33) Сахалин Ю: auxiliary measurement tool34) Расширение файла: Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file (Adobe PhotoShop)35) Уровнеметрия: Asset Management Solutions36) Аэропорты: Amsterdam, Netherlands37) НАСА: Automatic Maintenance Scheduler38) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Mathematics Software39) AMEX. American Shared Hospital Services -
14 SAM
1) Общая лексика: Supplier Approval Module2) Компьютерная техника: Sequential Access Model, Super Automated Machine, Switch Adapted Mouse, System Administration Manager3) Биология: S-adenosyl-L-methionine4) Медицина: S-adenosylmethionine, systolic anterior motion5) Американизм: Save American Manufacturing, Space Available Mail6) Спорт: Snowmobile Association Of Massachusetts, Stand Against Me, Student Athlete Mentor, Student Athlete Mentors7) Военный термин: (сокр. от surface-to-air missile) ракета класса "земля-воздух", Salvage All Materials, School of Aerospace Medicine, School of Assets Management, School of Aviation Medicine, Skill Allocation Module, Sleep/Activity Monitor, Software Asset Maintenance, Special Air Missions, Standard ARM missile, Summary Assessment Matrix, Super- Absorbent Material, selective automatic monitoring, self-propelled anthropomorphic manipulator, signal analyzing monitor, sound-absorbing material, special advisory message, special air mission, special airlift mission, special ammunition, specialized aircraft maintenance, stage assembly and maintenance, standard avionics module, surface-to-air missile, system accuracy model, system activity monitor, systems analysis machine, ЗУР, МСОС, Миссия по содействию осуществлению санкций, зенитная ракета, зенитная управляемая ракета8) Техника: Sound Abatement Membrane, safeguards assessment methodology, satellite amplitude modulation, selective activity monitor, semiconductor active memory, sequential access memory, serial analog memory, spectral analysis microcomputer, stabilized assay meter, stratospheric aerosol measurement, strong-absorption model, sub-audio magnetics, subsequent address message, substitute alloy material, surface-to-air missile system, synchronous amplitude modulation9) Шутливое выражение: Secret Agent Man, Slow As Molasses, Strategically Altered Mutant10) Религия: Senior Adult Ministries11) Юридический термин: Statements Acts Marriages13) Фармакология: standard analytical method14) Грубое выражение: Smart Assed Masochist15) Оптика: scanning Auger microscopy, scanning acoustical microscope16) Телекоммуникации: Service Access Multiplexer17) Сокращение: Samaritan Aramaic, Sea Air Mariner (USA), Self-Assembled Monolayer (bioelectronics), Self-propelled Acoustic-magnetic Mine-countermeasures vehicle (Sweden), Sentient Autonomous Mechanism, Signal Analysis Module, Single Agency Manager, Situation Awareness Mode, Small Android Model, Society of Airline Meteorologists, Sonde Aerologique Motorisee (Atmospheric sounding vehicle (France)), Space Available Mail (military airlift mail), Special Air Missions squadron (USAF), Stalking Awareness Month, Standard Avionic Module, Swept Amplitude Modulation, Systems Acquisition Manpower, SCSI-3 Architecture Model, Scanning Auger Microanalysis, Serial Access Memory, Shuttle Attachment Manipulator, Single Application Mode, Standard Allowed Minute, System Availability Model18) Университет: Student Access Module, Student Aid Management, Student Art Movement, Student Athletic Mentor, Students At Macquarie19) Электроника: Self Assembled Monolayer, Substrates Assembly And Microsystems, Synthetic Audio Micro20) Вычислительная техника: Security Access Manager, Sort And Merge, расширение файлов графики в формате Ami Professional, Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple), Security Access Manager (MS, Windows, XP), Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM), Standard Application Model (XTM), security account manager22) Иммунология: substrate-adhesion molecules23) Биохимия: S-аденозил-L-метионин24) Банковское дело: ипотека, по условиям которой заёмщик должен поделиться прибылью с кредитором (shared appreciation mortgage)25) Биотехнология: Significance Analysis of Microarrays26) Геофизика: электромагнитная разведка на инфразвуковых частотах27) Транспорт: Safety Always Matters, South American Region28) Воздухоплавание: Surface-to-Air Missiles29) Деловая лексика: Sales Access Module, Sales Advertising And Marketing, Self Adjusting Mattress, Site Assets Management30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: сканирующая акустическая микроскопия31) Образование: Self Assessment Method, Society for Adolescent Medicine, Sport Art And Music, Student Assistance Model, Student Attendance Monitoring, Styles, Abilities, And Motivations32) Инвестиции: shared appreciation mortgage33) Сетевые технологии: Scalable Active Management, Scalable Adsl Modem, Secure Access Management, Storage Application Model, System Administrator Means, sequential access method34) Автоматика: scanning acoustic microscope, sequential-access memory35) Ядерная физика: Strong Absorption Model36) Полупроводники: scanning acoustic microscopy37) Макаров: scanning Auger microprobe38) Безопасность: Symantec Antivirus For Macintosh39) Расширение файла: Security Accounts Manager (Microsoft), Single Application Mode (Microsoft)40) Военно-политический термин: Sanctions Assistance Missions41) HR. supervisory administrative management42) Имена и фамилии: Susan Allen Morgan43) Уровнеметрия: (3202) Smart Applications Module44) Должность: Security Accounts Manager, Service And Accounting Manager45) Чат: Samantha And My, Secret Admirer Of Me46) NYSE. Boston Beer, Inc. (Sam Adams)47) НАСА: Safety And Maintenance, Sensor Actuator Module, Sun Acquisition Mode, System Assurance Manage48) Программное обеспечение: Safety Argument Manager, Sofa Artwork Manager, Software Adaptation Management, Software Asset Management, Sound Audio Motion49) Музеи: Seattle Art Museum -
15 Sam
1) Общая лексика: Supplier Approval Module2) Компьютерная техника: Sequential Access Model, Super Automated Machine, Switch Adapted Mouse, System Administration Manager3) Биология: S-adenosyl-L-methionine4) Медицина: S-adenosylmethionine, systolic anterior motion5) Американизм: Save American Manufacturing, Space Available Mail6) Спорт: Snowmobile Association Of Massachusetts, Stand Against Me, Student Athlete Mentor, Student Athlete Mentors7) Военный термин: (сокр. от surface-to-air missile) ракета класса "земля-воздух", Salvage All Materials, School of Aerospace Medicine, School of Assets Management, School of Aviation Medicine, Skill Allocation Module, Sleep/Activity Monitor, Software Asset Maintenance, Special Air Missions, Standard ARM missile, Summary Assessment Matrix, Super- Absorbent Material, selective automatic monitoring, self-propelled anthropomorphic manipulator, signal analyzing monitor, sound-absorbing material, special advisory message, special air mission, special airlift mission, special ammunition, specialized aircraft maintenance, stage assembly and maintenance, standard avionics module, surface-to-air missile, system accuracy model, system activity monitor, systems analysis machine, ЗУР, МСОС, Миссия по содействию осуществлению санкций, зенитная ракета, зенитная управляемая ракета8) Техника: Sound Abatement Membrane, safeguards assessment methodology, satellite amplitude modulation, selective activity monitor, semiconductor active memory, sequential access memory, serial analog memory, spectral analysis microcomputer, stabilized assay meter, stratospheric aerosol measurement, strong-absorption model, sub-audio magnetics, subsequent address message, substitute alloy material, surface-to-air missile system, synchronous amplitude modulation9) Шутливое выражение: Secret Agent Man, Slow As Molasses, Strategically Altered Mutant10) Религия: Senior Adult Ministries11) Юридический термин: Statements Acts Marriages13) Фармакология: standard analytical method14) Грубое выражение: Smart Assed Masochist15) Оптика: scanning Auger microscopy, scanning acoustical microscope16) Телекоммуникации: Service Access Multiplexer17) Сокращение: Samaritan Aramaic, Sea Air Mariner (USA), Self-Assembled Monolayer (bioelectronics), Self-propelled Acoustic-magnetic Mine-countermeasures vehicle (Sweden), Sentient Autonomous Mechanism, Signal Analysis Module, Single Agency Manager, Situation Awareness Mode, Small Android Model, Society of Airline Meteorologists, Sonde Aerologique Motorisee (Atmospheric sounding vehicle (France)), Space Available Mail (military airlift mail), Special Air Missions squadron (USAF), Stalking Awareness Month, Standard Avionic Module, Swept Amplitude Modulation, Systems Acquisition Manpower, SCSI-3 Architecture Model, Scanning Auger Microanalysis, Serial Access Memory, Shuttle Attachment Manipulator, Single Application Mode, Standard Allowed Minute, System Availability Model18) Университет: Student Access Module, Student Aid Management, Student Art Movement, Student Athletic Mentor, Students At Macquarie19) Электроника: Self Assembled Monolayer, Substrates Assembly And Microsystems, Synthetic Audio Micro20) Вычислительная техника: Security Access Manager, Sort And Merge, расширение файлов графики в формате Ami Professional, Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple), Security Access Manager (MS, Windows, XP), Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM), Standard Application Model (XTM), security account manager22) Иммунология: substrate-adhesion molecules23) Биохимия: S-аденозил-L-метионин24) Банковское дело: ипотека, по условиям которой заёмщик должен поделиться прибылью с кредитором (shared appreciation mortgage)25) Биотехнология: Significance Analysis of Microarrays26) Геофизика: электромагнитная разведка на инфразвуковых частотах27) Транспорт: Safety Always Matters, South American Region28) Воздухоплавание: Surface-to-Air Missiles29) Деловая лексика: Sales Access Module, Sales Advertising And Marketing, Self Adjusting Mattress, Site Assets Management30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: сканирующая акустическая микроскопия31) Образование: Self Assessment Method, Society for Adolescent Medicine, Sport Art And Music, Student Assistance Model, Student Attendance Monitoring, Styles, Abilities, And Motivations32) Инвестиции: shared appreciation mortgage33) Сетевые технологии: Scalable Active Management, Scalable Adsl Modem, Secure Access Management, Storage Application Model, System Administrator Means, sequential access method34) Автоматика: scanning acoustic microscope, sequential-access memory35) Ядерная физика: Strong Absorption Model36) Полупроводники: scanning acoustic microscopy37) Макаров: scanning Auger microprobe38) Безопасность: Symantec Antivirus For Macintosh39) Расширение файла: Security Accounts Manager (Microsoft), Single Application Mode (Microsoft)40) Военно-политический термин: Sanctions Assistance Missions41) HR. supervisory administrative management42) Имена и фамилии: Susan Allen Morgan43) Уровнеметрия: (3202) Smart Applications Module44) Должность: Security Accounts Manager, Service And Accounting Manager45) Чат: Samantha And My, Secret Admirer Of Me46) NYSE. Boston Beer, Inc. (Sam Adams)47) НАСА: Safety And Maintenance, Sensor Actuator Module, Sun Acquisition Mode, System Assurance Manage48) Программное обеспечение: Safety Argument Manager, Sofa Artwork Manager, Software Adaptation Management, Software Asset Management, Sound Audio Motion49) Музеи: Seattle Art Museum -
16 sam
1) Общая лексика: Supplier Approval Module2) Компьютерная техника: Sequential Access Model, Super Automated Machine, Switch Adapted Mouse, System Administration Manager3) Биология: S-adenosyl-L-methionine4) Медицина: S-adenosylmethionine, systolic anterior motion5) Американизм: Save American Manufacturing, Space Available Mail6) Спорт: Snowmobile Association Of Massachusetts, Stand Against Me, Student Athlete Mentor, Student Athlete Mentors7) Военный термин: (сокр. от surface-to-air missile) ракета класса "земля-воздух", Salvage All Materials, School of Aerospace Medicine, School of Assets Management, School of Aviation Medicine, Skill Allocation Module, Sleep/Activity Monitor, Software Asset Maintenance, Special Air Missions, Standard ARM missile, Summary Assessment Matrix, Super- Absorbent Material, selective automatic monitoring, self-propelled anthropomorphic manipulator, signal analyzing monitor, sound-absorbing material, special advisory message, special air mission, special airlift mission, special ammunition, specialized aircraft maintenance, stage assembly and maintenance, standard avionics module, surface-to-air missile, system accuracy model, system activity monitor, systems analysis machine, ЗУР, МСОС, Миссия по содействию осуществлению санкций, зенитная ракета, зенитная управляемая ракета8) Техника: Sound Abatement Membrane, safeguards assessment methodology, satellite amplitude modulation, selective activity monitor, semiconductor active memory, sequential access memory, serial analog memory, spectral analysis microcomputer, stabilized assay meter, stratospheric aerosol measurement, strong-absorption model, sub-audio magnetics, subsequent address message, substitute alloy material, surface-to-air missile system, synchronous amplitude modulation9) Шутливое выражение: Secret Agent Man, Slow As Molasses, Strategically Altered Mutant10) Религия: Senior Adult Ministries11) Юридический термин: Statements Acts Marriages13) Фармакология: standard analytical method14) Грубое выражение: Smart Assed Masochist15) Оптика: scanning Auger microscopy, scanning acoustical microscope16) Телекоммуникации: Service Access Multiplexer17) Сокращение: Samaritan Aramaic, Sea Air Mariner (USA), Self-Assembled Monolayer (bioelectronics), Self-propelled Acoustic-magnetic Mine-countermeasures vehicle (Sweden), Sentient Autonomous Mechanism, Signal Analysis Module, Single Agency Manager, Situation Awareness Mode, Small Android Model, Society of Airline Meteorologists, Sonde Aerologique Motorisee (Atmospheric sounding vehicle (France)), Space Available Mail (military airlift mail), Special Air Missions squadron (USAF), Stalking Awareness Month, Standard Avionic Module, Swept Amplitude Modulation, Systems Acquisition Manpower, SCSI-3 Architecture Model, Scanning Auger Microanalysis, Serial Access Memory, Shuttle Attachment Manipulator, Single Application Mode, Standard Allowed Minute, System Availability Model18) Университет: Student Access Module, Student Aid Management, Student Art Movement, Student Athletic Mentor, Students At Macquarie19) Электроника: Self Assembled Monolayer, Substrates Assembly And Microsystems, Synthetic Audio Micro20) Вычислительная техника: Security Access Manager, Sort And Merge, расширение файлов графики в формате Ami Professional, Symantec Anti-virus for Macintosh (Apple), Security Access Manager (MS, Windows, XP), Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM), Standard Application Model (XTM), security account manager22) Иммунология: substrate-adhesion molecules23) Биохимия: S-аденозил-L-метионин24) Банковское дело: ипотека, по условиям которой заёмщик должен поделиться прибылью с кредитором (shared appreciation mortgage)25) Биотехнология: Significance Analysis of Microarrays26) Геофизика: электромагнитная разведка на инфразвуковых частотах27) Транспорт: Safety Always Matters, South American Region28) Воздухоплавание: Surface-to-Air Missiles29) Деловая лексика: Sales Access Module, Sales Advertising And Marketing, Self Adjusting Mattress, Site Assets Management30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: сканирующая акустическая микроскопия31) Образование: Self Assessment Method, Society for Adolescent Medicine, Sport Art And Music, Student Assistance Model, Student Attendance Monitoring, Styles, Abilities, And Motivations32) Инвестиции: shared appreciation mortgage33) Сетевые технологии: Scalable Active Management, Scalable Adsl Modem, Secure Access Management, Storage Application Model, System Administrator Means, sequential access method34) Автоматика: scanning acoustic microscope, sequential-access memory35) Ядерная физика: Strong Absorption Model36) Полупроводники: scanning acoustic microscopy37) Макаров: scanning Auger microprobe38) Безопасность: Symantec Antivirus For Macintosh39) Расширение файла: Security Accounts Manager (Microsoft), Single Application Mode (Microsoft)40) Военно-политический термин: Sanctions Assistance Missions41) HR. supervisory administrative management42) Имена и фамилии: Susan Allen Morgan43) Уровнеметрия: (3202) Smart Applications Module44) Должность: Security Accounts Manager, Service And Accounting Manager45) Чат: Samantha And My, Secret Admirer Of Me46) NYSE. Boston Beer, Inc. (Sam Adams)47) НАСА: Safety And Maintenance, Sensor Actuator Module, Sun Acquisition Mode, System Assurance Manage48) Программное обеспечение: Safety Argument Manager, Sofa Artwork Manager, Software Adaptation Management, Software Asset Management, Sound Audio Motion49) Музеи: Seattle Art Museum -
17 accountant
сущ.1) эк. тр., учет бухгалтер (специалист, который на основании принципов бухгалтерского учета анализирует финансовую информацию и составляет финансовые отчеты)Whether an organisation calls its accountant a management accountant, a financial accountant or just an accountant doesn't matter. — Не имеет значения, как называть бухгалтера компании: бухгалтером по управленческому учету, финансовым бухгалтером или просто бухгалтером.
company’s accountant — бухгалтер компании
Syn:See:chief accountant, general accountant, junior accountant, semisenior, senior accountant а) accountant's department, accounting clerk, book-keeper, accountant-in-charge 2), in-charge accountant2) учет, ауд. специалист по учету (лицо, оказывающее бухгалтерские услуги, такие как составление финансовых отчетов и налоговых деклараций, аудиторская проверка финансовых документов и т. п.; часто специализируется на учете в определенных сферах, напр., налогообложении, производственном учете и т. п.)See:academic accountant, budget accountant, certified accountant, chartered accountant, cost accountant, costs accountant, financial accountant, independent accountant, industrial accountant, management accountant, practicing accountant, private accountant, professional accountant, property accountant, public accountant, senior accountant б), systems accountant, tax accountant, Accountants' index, accountant's liability, accountants professional liability insurance, accountant's lien, accountant's opinion, accountant privilege, accountant's report, accountant's responsibility, accountant-in-charge 1), in-charge accountant, Accountant's Magazine, Taxation for Accountants, The Accountant, The Accountant's Magazine, American Institute of Accountants, American Society of Woman Accountants, Association of Authorised Public Accountants, Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Association of Government Accountants, Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants, International Congress of Accountants, International Federation of Accountants, National Association of Accountants, National Society of Accountants, accounting 1) а), audit 1) а) accounting firm, financial statement, quality review 2)
* * *
(Acct.) 1) бухгалтер; квалифицированное лицо, имеющее диплом или лицензию на право заниматься бухгалтерским учетом; см. accounting; 2) = auditor.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *бухгалтер-ревизор; аудиторлицо, обученное ведению бухгалтерских книг, в которых регистрируются все финансовые трансакции коммерческих или иных организаций, и составлению периодической отчетности -
18 MES
- система оперативного управления производством
- система документирования медицинской помощи
- подвижная земная станция
подвижная земная станция
Земная станция подвижной спутниковой службы, предназначенная для работы во время движения и (или) во время остановок.
[ОСТ 45.124-2000 ]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
система документирования медицинской помощи
Одна из систем управления Играми. Данная система обеспечивает сбор информации относительно различных уровней медобеспечения и отчетов для организаций по управлению медицинскими службами (медицинской комиссии МОК и др.). Она также предоставляет онлайн-доступ к краткой истории болезни по каждому пациенту.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
medical encounters system
One of the Games management systems. The medical encounters system gathers information relative to the different levels of healthcare, generated reports for the medical management organizations (IOC Medical Commission and others) and provides an online summary of each case history.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
система оперативного управления производством
[Интент]Уровень оперативного управления реализуется с помощью MES-систем.
Классический подход при рассмотрении системы класса MES предполагает 11 функций, которыми такая система должна располагать. Эти функции были определены ассоциацией Manufacturing Execution Systems Association (MESA), и подробное их описание можно найти во многих источниках, например в книге Michael McClellan “Applying Manufacturing Execution Systems”.
Вряд ли найдётся ПО, которое в полной мере будет обладать всей необходимой для оперативного управления функциональностью
Поэтому говоря о программных реализациях оперативного управления, нужно прежде всего выделять самые важные для конкретной ситуации функции и выбирать ту систему, которая поможет решить соответствующие задачи. Не исключено, что для реализации определённого набора функций необходимо будет использовать несколько информационных систем, тесно интегрированных между собой.
Приведём пример такого подхода.
В качестве ядра системы оперативного управления производством может выступать классическая MES-система,
например Factelligence компании CIMNET, обладающая полным набором классических MES-функций. Однако существуют программные компонен ты, «заточенные» на решение определённых задач. Если требуется оптимизационное планирование, то функций модуля планирования MES Factelligence может не хватить и нужно использовать решения класса Advanced Planning Systems (APS), например программный продукт Preactor компании Preactor International, в тесной интеграции с MES-системой. На основе созданного в ERP объёмно-календарного плана производства APS-система сформирует оптимизированный по вы бранным критериям цеховой план.
Если стоит задача отслеживать плановые и учитывать оперативные ремонты оборудования, то совместно с MES-системой можно использовать систему класса Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). В этом случае при составлении плана производства будут учитываться связанные с ремонтами и техническим обслуживанием простои оборудования. В качестве EAM-системы может использоваться и решение на базе программного продукта DataStream.
Не всегда классические MES-системы имеют необходимые для решения специальных задач средства визуализации и агрегирования данных. Здесь их функцию могут выполнить системы класса Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI). Они позволяют создавать информационную среду, обладающую Web-интерфейсом, предоставляющую доступ к данным о производственных процессах предприятия и ключевым показателям эффективности и помогающую формировать различные виды отчётов о ежедневной деятельности предприятия. На основе полученной информации EMI-системы позволяют менеджерам принимать своевременные решения, направленные на увеличение эффективности производства и повышение качества выпускаемой продукции. Системы класса EMI позволяют собирать и анализировать данные не только с одного АРМ, линии или завода, но и с нескольких предприятий, расположенных как в одной стране, так и географически распределённых по всему миру. Представителем класса EMI-решений является система ActivePlant.
Решения задач оперативного управления производством невозможно реализовать в полной мере без системы, обеспечивающей получение фактических данных о проходящих на производстве процессах, обработки этих данных и передачи их для анализа, например, в MES систему. Безусловно, в любую ERP- или MES-систему можно ввести подобные данные вручную. Но минусы такого подхода очевидны: это низкая оперативность, высокая вероятность случайных и предумышленных ошибок. Во избежание этих минусов можно реализовать интеграцию MES-уровня с АСУ ТП. В этом случае на систему АСУ ТП возлагается не столько функция управления технологическим процессом, сколько функция регистрации событий, обработки полученной информации, её хранения и предоставления на верхние уровни информационной структуры в требуемом виде.
Таким образом, получаем структуру, изображённую на рис. 2.
Рис. 2. Структура, решающая задачи оперативного управления производствомВсе компоненты, входящие в эту структуру, принимают участие в решении задач оперативного управления производством. Грани, которыми они соприкасаются, — это области интеграции, где информационные потоки объединяют такие, на первый взгляд, разные программно-аппаратные структуры. Как видно, решаемые задачи охватываются различными программными решениями, и совсем не обязательно, что это будут классические, с точки зрения ассоциации MESA, 11 функций MES-системы. Выбор того, какими средствами будут решаться отдельные задачи, должен производиться очень тщательно, после всестороннего изучения бизнес-процессов, протекающих на предприятии. Поэтому важным элементом успешного внедрения такой комплексной системы, кроме технической реализации, является её организационная реализация.
[Владимир Демидов. Решение задач оперативного управления производством на различных уровнях информационной структуры предприятия. СТА 1/2006]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > MES
19 MAP
1) Общая лексика: белки, а (группа белков, обеспечивающих поступательное движение за счёт толкательного усилия (динеин, кинезин, синколин), а также связывание и стабильность комплексов микротрубочек (белки -МАР, МАР2), - например, в составе веретена деления)2) Медицина: microtubules associated proteins, mean airway pressure (среднее давление в дыхательных путях), среднее артериальное давление, (method of activated particles) МАЧ (метод активированных частиц), mitral annuloplasty, malignant atrophic papulosis3) Военный термин: Master Attack Plan, Materiel Acquisition Process, Ministry of Aircraft Production, management analysis program, management assessment program, manpower allocation procedure, mechanical ambush patrol, medical aid post, military aid program, military aptitude predictor, military audit project, military automatic pistol, missile and package tester, modular avionics packaging, multiple aim point, munitions acquisition plan, mutual aid program, mutual assistance pact, mutual assistance plan, mutual assistance program, Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR)4) Техника: Military Assistance Program, maintenance action plan, maintenance assessment package, maximum posteriori, memory allocation and protection, memory allocation and protection unit, message administration procedures, methodology assessment program, mitigation action plan, multiassociative processor, multiple-access processing, упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (modified atmosphere packaging)5) Сельское хозяйство: Monoammonium Phosphate, mean aortic pressure6) Химия: моноаммонийфосфат9) Страхование: market assistance plan10) Автомобильный термин: manifold absolute pressure - датчик давления во впускном коллекторе, manifold absolute pressure sensor, maniford absolute pressure (Krokodil), manifold absolute pressure (Krokodil)11) Оптика: measurement assurance program12) Телекоммуникации: Maintenance Administration Panel, Management Application Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (GM)13) Сокращение: MILSTAR Advanced Processor (USA), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Military Aid Program (USA), Military Assistance Program (USA), Ministry of Aviation Technology (Russia), Missed Approach Point, Mission Area Plan, Modular Acoustic Processor, Multiple Aim Point (USAF), Mutual Assistance Programme, Macroassembly Program, NATO Membership Action Plan, Linker Map (File Name Extension), MSN, Accessories, & PSP (Performance Service Plans) (Best Buy), Machinist Apprentice Program, Macro Arithmetic Processor, Macro Assembly Program, Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Madagascar Action Plan, Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate, Magnetic-Acoustic-Pressure, Magnetically Accelerated Projectile (Star Wars), Main Audio Program, Mainframe Acquisition Project, Maintenance Activation Plan, Maintenance Activity Pirmasens, Maintenance Analysis Procedures, Maintenance and Administrative Position (Nortel), Major Accounts Processing, Major Sync Point (ITU-T), Making Action Plans, Management Achievement Plan, Management Action Plan, Management Assistance Program, Management Process, Maneuverable Atmosphere Probe(s), Manifold Absolute Pressure, Manpower Analysis Paper, Manufacturing Application Protocol, Manufacturing Assembly Procedure, Manufacturing Automated Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Profile, Mapei - Quick Step (Tour de France cycling sponsor), Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, Marine Advisory Program, Marine Animal Productions, Maritime Airborne Patrol, Market Access Program, Market Analysis Portfolio, Market Analysis and Planning (Sprint - ISMF), Market Area Planning, Marketing Association of Pakistan, Markovian Arrival Process (concept in probability theory), Mass Air Pressure (sensor), Master Action Plan, Master Amino Acid Pattern, Master of Applied Politics, Materiel Acquisition Plan, Maximum A Posteriori Probability, Maximum A Posteriori estimate, Mazda Advancement Plan, Mean Airway Pressure, Mean Annual Precipitation, Measure of Academic Progress, Measurement Adoption Process, Media Accelerated Processor, Media Access Procedure, Media Access Project, Media Awareness Project, Medical Advantage Plan (AARP), Medical Aid for Palestinians, Medical Assessment Process, Medical Assistance Plan, Medical Assistance Program, Medical Assistance Program International, Medicare Advocacy Project, Medication Access Program (Georgia), Melanesian Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Membrane Associated Protein, Memory Address Print, Memory Algorithm Processor, Memory Alliance Program, Memory Allocation Map, Merchant Account Provider, Merit Award Program (education), Mesh Access Point, Message Access Protocol, Message Application Part (Sprint), Message Application Programming, Messaging Application Protocol, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Metropolitan Area Program, Mian Azmat Professionals (cricket), Michigan Adventure Park (Muskegon, Michigan), Michigan Advocacy Project, Michigan Airglow Payload, Microprocessor Applications Project, Microtubule-Associated Protein, Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA), Microwave Assisted Process (for detection of pollutants), Midrange Alliance Program, Military Advisory Panel, Military Aeronautical Pentathlon, Military Assistance Program (US), Milstar Advanced Processor, Miniature Array Package, Minimum Acceptable Performance (Hekimian), Minimum Advertised Price, Minimum-Advertised Pricing, Mining Automation Program (MMS Canada), Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (Russian Federation), Minnesota AIDS Project, Mission Area Plan/Planning, Mission Assurance Plan, Mission Automation Plan, Missouri Assessment Program, Mitigation Action Plans, Mitogen-Activated Protein, Mitsubishi Assistance Package, Mixed Activation Products, Mobile Access Platform, Mobile Access Protocol, Mobile Agp Packet, Mobile Anchor Point, Mobile Antenna Platform, Mobile Application Part (GSM), Mobile Assistance Patrol, Mobility Anchor Point, Modern Aids to Planning, Modernization of Administrative Processes, Modified American Plan (hospitality industry), Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Modular Architecture Platform, Modular Avionics Package, Moisture, Ash and Protein, Mold Array Package, Monitored Asynchronous Protocol, Monitoring Attitudes of the Public (ACLI Survey), Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (Pande'mie Mondiale de VIH/SIDA), Monoammonium Phosphate (agrochemistry), Monophasic Action Potential (cardiac electrophysiology), Montana Advocacy Program, Montreal Action Plan, Morbidity and Performance Assessment, Morning After Pill, Mortgagor Assistance Program (mortgage industry CRM), Mortier Adhe'sif Pla^tre (French: Skim Coat Plaster; a construction material), Morton Area Players, Motivation for Academic Performance (Duke University), Motorist Assistance Patrol, Motorist Assurance Program, Mouse Antibody Production, Mouse Atlas Project, Move Assistance Program, Movement And Position (tracking system), Multi Access Portal, Multi Agent Planning, Multi-Agency Profiler, Multi-Agency Project, Multi-Country AIDS Program (World Bank), Multicultural Achievers Program, Multidimensional Assignment Problem, Multimodal Application Platform (LiteScape), Multiple Access Protocol, Multiple Aim Point System, Multiplexed Access Point, Multiplexer Access Point, Multiservice Access Platform, Municipal Airport, Mural Arts Program (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania public art project), Mutualized Access Point, Mutually Agreed Positions, Mycobacterium Avium-subspecies Paratuberculosis, missed approach procedure (US DoD)14) Вычислительная техника: Manageability, Availability, Performance, Microprocessor Analysis Package, Mobile Application Part, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors), Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM), Mobile Application Part (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модульный акустический процессор15) Нефть: maximum allowable pressure16) Генетика: microtubule-associated proteins17) Космонавтика: Mediterranean Action Plan, Middle Atmosphere Program (SCOSTEP)18) Воздухоплавание: Minimum Audible Pressure19) Упаковка: (modified atmosphere packaging) упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (МГС)20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Approvals Plan22) Сетевые технологии: мэйнфрейм, протокол автоматизации производства, центральная ЭВМ23) Полимеры: manifold air pressure24) Авиационная медицина: mean arterial pressure25) Расширение файла: Manufacturing Automation Protocol, Message Acceptance Pulse, Map file (usually created by compilers)26) Логистика: ПДЧ (Membership Action Plan - NATO)27) Карачаганак: Management Action Plan (План управленческих мероприятий) (отчёт по аудиту, мероприятия которые нужно провести по его результатам) -
20 Map
1) Общая лексика: белки, а (группа белков, обеспечивающих поступательное движение за счёт толкательного усилия (динеин, кинезин, синколин), а также связывание и стабильность комплексов микротрубочек (белки -МАР, МАР2), - например, в составе веретена деления)2) Медицина: microtubules associated proteins, mean airway pressure (среднее давление в дыхательных путях), среднее артериальное давление, (method of activated particles) МАЧ (метод активированных частиц), mitral annuloplasty, malignant atrophic papulosis3) Военный термин: Master Attack Plan, Materiel Acquisition Process, Ministry of Aircraft Production, management analysis program, management assessment program, manpower allocation procedure, mechanical ambush patrol, medical aid post, military aid program, military aptitude predictor, military audit project, military automatic pistol, missile and package tester, modular avionics packaging, multiple aim point, munitions acquisition plan, mutual aid program, mutual assistance pact, mutual assistance plan, mutual assistance program, Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR)4) Техника: Military Assistance Program, maintenance action plan, maintenance assessment package, maximum posteriori, memory allocation and protection, memory allocation and protection unit, message administration procedures, methodology assessment program, mitigation action plan, multiassociative processor, multiple-access processing, упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (modified atmosphere packaging)5) Сельское хозяйство: Monoammonium Phosphate, mean aortic pressure6) Химия: моноаммонийфосфат9) Страхование: market assistance plan10) Автомобильный термин: manifold absolute pressure - датчик давления во впускном коллекторе, manifold absolute pressure sensor, maniford absolute pressure (Krokodil), manifold absolute pressure (Krokodil)11) Оптика: measurement assurance program12) Телекоммуникации: Maintenance Administration Panel, Management Application Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (GM)13) Сокращение: MILSTAR Advanced Processor (USA), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Military Aid Program (USA), Military Assistance Program (USA), Ministry of Aviation Technology (Russia), Missed Approach Point, Mission Area Plan, Modular Acoustic Processor, Multiple Aim Point (USAF), Mutual Assistance Programme, Macroassembly Program, NATO Membership Action Plan, Linker Map (File Name Extension), MSN, Accessories, & PSP (Performance Service Plans) (Best Buy), Machinist Apprentice Program, Macro Arithmetic Processor, Macro Assembly Program, Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Madagascar Action Plan, Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate, Magnetic-Acoustic-Pressure, Magnetically Accelerated Projectile (Star Wars), Main Audio Program, Mainframe Acquisition Project, Maintenance Activation Plan, Maintenance Activity Pirmasens, Maintenance Analysis Procedures, Maintenance and Administrative Position (Nortel), Major Accounts Processing, Major Sync Point (ITU-T), Making Action Plans, Management Achievement Plan, Management Action Plan, Management Assistance Program, Management Process, Maneuverable Atmosphere Probe(s), Manifold Absolute Pressure, Manpower Analysis Paper, Manufacturing Application Protocol, Manufacturing Assembly Procedure, Manufacturing Automated Protocol, Manufacturing Automation Profile, Mapei - Quick Step (Tour de France cycling sponsor), Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, Marine Advisory Program, Marine Animal Productions, Maritime Airborne Patrol, Market Access Program, Market Analysis Portfolio, Market Analysis and Planning (Sprint - ISMF), Market Area Planning, Marketing Association of Pakistan, Markovian Arrival Process (concept in probability theory), Mass Air Pressure (sensor), Master Action Plan, Master Amino Acid Pattern, Master of Applied Politics, Materiel Acquisition Plan, Maximum A Posteriori Probability, Maximum A Posteriori estimate, Mazda Advancement Plan, Mean Airway Pressure, Mean Annual Precipitation, Measure of Academic Progress, Measurement Adoption Process, Media Accelerated Processor, Media Access Procedure, Media Access Project, Media Awareness Project, Medical Advantage Plan (AARP), Medical Aid for Palestinians, Medical Assessment Process, Medical Assistance Plan, Medical Assistance Program, Medical Assistance Program International, Medicare Advocacy Project, Medication Access Program (Georgia), Melanesian Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea), Membership Action Plan (NATO), Membrane Associated Protein, Memory Address Print, Memory Algorithm Processor, Memory Alliance Program, Memory Allocation Map, Merchant Account Provider, Merit Award Program (education), Mesh Access Point, Message Access Protocol, Message Application Part (Sprint), Message Application Programming, Messaging Application Protocol, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Metropolitan Area Program, Mian Azmat Professionals (cricket), Michigan Adventure Park (Muskegon, Michigan), Michigan Advocacy Project, Michigan Airglow Payload, Microprocessor Applications Project, Microtubule-Associated Protein, Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA), Microwave Assisted Process (for detection of pollutants), Midrange Alliance Program, Military Advisory Panel, Military Aeronautical Pentathlon, Military Assistance Program (US), Milstar Advanced Processor, Miniature Array Package, Minimum Acceptable Performance (Hekimian), Minimum Advertised Price, Minimum-Advertised Pricing, Mining Automation Program (MMS Canada), Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (Russian Federation), Minnesota AIDS Project, Mission Area Plan/Planning, Mission Assurance Plan, Mission Automation Plan, Missouri Assessment Program, Mitigation Action Plans, Mitogen-Activated Protein, Mitsubishi Assistance Package, Mixed Activation Products, Mobile Access Platform, Mobile Access Protocol, Mobile Agp Packet, Mobile Anchor Point, Mobile Antenna Platform, Mobile Application Part (GSM), Mobile Assistance Patrol, Mobility Anchor Point, Modern Aids to Planning, Modernization of Administrative Processes, Modified American Plan (hospitality industry), Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Modular Architecture Platform, Modular Avionics Package, Moisture, Ash and Protein, Mold Array Package, Monitored Asynchronous Protocol, Monitoring Attitudes of the Public (ACLI Survey), Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (Pande'mie Mondiale de VIH/SIDA), Monoammonium Phosphate (agrochemistry), Monophasic Action Potential (cardiac electrophysiology), Montana Advocacy Program, Montreal Action Plan, Morbidity and Performance Assessment, Morning After Pill, Mortgagor Assistance Program (mortgage industry CRM), Mortier Adhe'sif Pla^tre (French: Skim Coat Plaster; a construction material), Morton Area Players, Motivation for Academic Performance (Duke University), Motorist Assistance Patrol, Motorist Assurance Program, Mouse Antibody Production, Mouse Atlas Project, Move Assistance Program, Movement And Position (tracking system), Multi Access Portal, Multi Agent Planning, Multi-Agency Profiler, Multi-Agency Project, Multi-Country AIDS Program (World Bank), Multicultural Achievers Program, Multidimensional Assignment Problem, Multimodal Application Platform (LiteScape), Multiple Access Protocol, Multiple Aim Point System, Multiplexed Access Point, Multiplexer Access Point, Multiservice Access Platform, Municipal Airport, Mural Arts Program (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania public art project), Mutualized Access Point, Mutually Agreed Positions, Mycobacterium Avium-subspecies Paratuberculosis, missed approach procedure (US DoD)14) Вычислительная техника: Manageability, Availability, Performance, Microprocessor Analysis Package, Mobile Application Part, Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors), Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM), Mobile Application Part (MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems), модульный акустический процессор15) Нефть: maximum allowable pressure16) Генетика: microtubule-associated proteins17) Космонавтика: Mediterranean Action Plan, Middle Atmosphere Program (SCOSTEP)18) Воздухоплавание: Minimum Audible Pressure19) Упаковка: (modified atmosphere packaging) упаковывание в модифицированной газовой среде (МГС)20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Master Approvals Plan22) Сетевые технологии: мэйнфрейм, протокол автоматизации производства, центральная ЭВМ23) Полимеры: manifold air pressure24) Авиационная медицина: mean arterial pressure25) Расширение файла: Manufacturing Automation Protocol, Message Acceptance Pulse, Map file (usually created by compilers)26) Логистика: ПДЧ (Membership Action Plan - NATO)27) Карачаганак: Management Action Plan (План управленческих мероприятий) (отчёт по аудиту, мероприятия которые нужно провести по его результатам)
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См. также в других словарях:
National Association for Court Management — The National Association for Court Management (NACM) [1] is a non profit organization in the United States that promotes professional management education for court administrators and judges. In the United States and most other countries in the… … Wikipedia
Association for Computing Machinery — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ACM acrónimo de Association for Computing Machinery. Fue fundada en 1947 como la primera sociedad científica y educativa acerca de la Computación. Publica varias revistas y periódicos científicos relacionados con la… … Wikipedia Español
Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering — The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) was formerly known as the National Association of Industrial Technology (NAIT). ATMAE sets standards for academic program accreditation, personal certification, and… … Wikipedia
Association for Computing Machinery — Infobox Organization name = Association for Computing Machinery image border = size = 80x80 caption = formation = 1947 type = headquarters = New York, NY location = membership = 83,000 language = leader title = President leader name = Wendy Hall… … Wikipedia
Association for Information and Image Management — The Association for Information and Image Management or AIIM (pronounced aim ) is an international industry association focused on enterprise content management (ECM). AIIM defines ECM as the technologies used to capture, manage, store, preserve … Wikipedia
Association for Computing Machinery — Die Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) wurde 1947 als erste wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Informatik gegründet. Ziel der Organisation ist es, die „Kunst“, Wissenschaft und Anwendung der Informationstechnologie zu fördern („advancing… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Association for Business Communication — The Association for Business Communication (ABC) is the primary academic organization for the field of business communication scholarship, research, education and practice. The mission statement on its website reflects this: “The Association for… … Wikipedia
Association for Community Health Improvement — The Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI) is a public health organization founded in 2002. It is a program of the Health Research and Educational Trust and an affiliate of the American Hospital Association.Mission and Focus AreasThe … Wikipedia
Institute for the Management of Information Systems — The Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS) is the leading international association promoting excellence in the field of Information Systems Management through professional association and education. [cite book |title=OCR… … Wikipedia
Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol — ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) is a protocol for establishing Security Associations (SA) and cryptographic keys in an Internet environment. The protocol is defined by RFC 2408. Overview ISAKMP defines the… … Wikipedia
Management Development Institute — Motto Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam (Sanskrit) from the Gita 2:50 Motto in English Pefection in action is Yoga An act becomes perfect when you do it with all joy and without expecting anything in return … Wikipedia