1 Assistant US Member, Allied Radio Frequency Agency
Military: ASMARFAУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Assistant US Member, Allied Radio Frequency Agency
2 Allied Radio Frequency Agency
Military: ARFA, Assistant US MemberУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Allied Radio Frequency Agency
3 помощник
1) General subject: Temporary Assistant, a helping hand, accessary, acolyte, adjunct, affiliate, aid, aid de camp, aidant, aide (руководителя), aide de camp, ancilla, ancillary, assistant, (Обычно у мангака помощники (один или несколько), которые помогают ему в создании манги. В их обязанности обычно входит черновая работа (подготовка эскизов, обводка, наложение текстур и пр.) при приеме помощника на работу его обыч assistant, auxiliary, booster, bottle holder, bottle-holder, candle-holder, coadjutor, contributor, dep., deputy, devil, factotum, favourer, gillie, help, help-mate, helper, helpmate, helpmeet, hod bearer, hod carrier, hod-bearer, hodman, offsider, second, stooge (добровольный), subsidiary, vice, ally, adjoint, second banana2) Aviation: facilitator3) Naval: mate4) Colloquial: aid-de-camp, aide-de-camp5) American: lieutenant, Backstopper6) Obsolete: adjutant7) Military: apprentice, assistant officer (офицера), backer-up8) History: yeoman (должностного лица), adjunet9) Construction: hand10) Religion: usher11) Law: advocate, aider, associate, auxiliary member12) Economy: assistant officer (младший сотрудник второго разряда), supporter13) Mining: marrow14) Diplomatic term: second-hand15) Abbreviation: ass., asst17) leg.N.P. alternate, substitute18) Makarov: adjuvant19) Ethology: helper (особь, проявляющая родительское отношение к чужим детёнышам) -
4 ассистент
1) assistant
2) (в университете и т.п.)
junior member of teaching or research staff* * ** * ** * * -
5 сотрудник
1) General subject: aid de camp, aide de camp, co-operator, collaborator, colleague, contributor, counterpart, employee, member, member of, officer (учреждения), press officer, regular, senior officer (official), staff, staffer (American Eng.), fellow-laborer, member of staff, business worker (индивидуум, который действует внутри моделируемой системы (организации), взаимодействует с другими сотрудниками и манипулирует бизнес-сущностями в процессе выполнения отдельных операций бизнес-процесса)2) Colloquial: (ближайший) aid-de-camp, aide-de-camp (ближайший), laborate (укор. от collaborate), collaborate3) American: agent (госучреждения)4) Military: officer5) Engineering: implementation officer6) Mathematics: associate7) Law: department officer, departmental officer, worker, personnel8) Economy: fundamentalist (банка или брокерской фирмы), staff member9) Accounting: executive10) Diplomatic term: press-officer11) Polygraphy: (постоянный) contributor (газеты, журнала), press-officer (какого-л. ведомства)12) Business: cooperator, fellow labourer, team member13) SAP. employee family/related person, employee object on loan, employee recurring payments/deductions14) Sakhalin energy glossary: expat, expatriate, expatriate employee15) leg.N.P. coworker, official (administrative)16) Aviation medicine: co-worker19) Phraseological unit: chase tail20) Microsoft: salesperson -
6 ассистент члена Олимпийской Семьи ассистент ОС
ассистент члена Олимпийской Семьи ассистент ОС
Основная функция ассистентов ОС — содействие членам ОС, за которыми они закреплены, во время всех соответствующих мероприятий Олимпийских игр, включая соревновательные, несоревновательные, культурные и другие специальные мероприятия. Ассистенты ОС оказывает услуги перевода (если необходимо).
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
Olympic Family assistant (OFA)
OFAs' main function is to assist their assigned OF member during the Olympic Games at all requested events including competition, non-competition, cultural and other special events. OFAs provide language assistance if necessary.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ассистент члена Олимпийской Семьи ассистент ОС
7 ассистент члена Паралимпийской Семьи
ассистент члена Паралимпийской Семьи
ассистент ПС
Основная функция ассистентов ПС — содействие членам ПС, за которыми они закреплены, с целью обеспечить их своевременное прибытие на все мероприятия Паралимпийских игр, требующие их присутствия, включая соревновательные, несоревновательные, культурные и другие специальные мероприятия. Ассистенты ПС оказывает услуги перевода (если необходимо).
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
Paralympic Family assistant (PFA)
PFAs' main function is to assist their assigned Paralympic Family member with their timely attendance during the Paralympic Games at all requested events including competition, non-competition, cultural and other special events. The PFA also provides language assistance if necessary.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ассистент члена Паралимпийской Семьи
8 работник
1) General subject: a pair of hands ( feet), clerk, doer, employee, functionary, hand, laborer, maid, man, member, official, worker (workers of the world, unite! - пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!), workhand, workman, jack, slave2) American: help (на ферме), hired man3) Military: operator4) Religion: labourer5) Law: hands, wage-earner, wage-worker6) Accounting: half-timer7) Forestry: jack (на погрузке)8) Jargon: razor-back, stiff9) Advertising: help10) Business: salaried man, working man11) SAP. processing clerk12) Warehouse: store clerk13) Makarov: assistant14) Archaic: knave15) SAP.tech. EE -
9 рядовой
1) General subject: common or garden, common-or-garden, enlisted man, garden variety, ordinary, private (о солдате), rank-and-file, ranker (солдат), rating (матрос), simple, soldier, tommy, tommy (прозвище английского солдата; тж. Tommy Atkins)2) Colloquial: garden-variety3) Slang: Government Issue4) American: (необученный) basic private (неспециалист), nonrated man, run-of-the5) Literal: low-level6) Military: GI, Joe Blow, Private (морская пехота, тарифный разряд E1), Private (PV2) (сухопутные войска, тарифный разряд E2), Private E-2, common soldier, common soldier (без специальной подготовки), doughboy, squad member (в составе пехотного отделения), squaddie, trooper, troopic, unranked, private soldier7) Jocular: poilu (особ. во время первой мировой войны)8) British English: squaddy9) Law: man10) Mining: pit-run, raw, rough, run of mine, run-of-pit, run-of-the-mine, unscreened11) Metallurgy: mine-run, through-and-through (об угле), thru'-and-thru' (об угле)12) Psychology: common13) Textile: ordinary (о проборке)15) Makarov: assistant, commercial, commercial grade, commonplace, consecutive, coursed (pavement), drill (sowing), in rows, run-of-mine (coal), serial, unsorted, windrow (harvester)16) Gold mining: ROM, run-of-mine (может быть руда, уголь и т.п.) -
10 ассистент
11 сотрудник
м( учреждения) employee, officer, assistant; ( газеты) newspaper staff member; ( журналист) staff writer- технический сотрудниксотру́дник отде́ла ка́дров — personnel officer
См. также в других словарях:
Assistant President of the Church — (also referred to as Associate President of the Church) was a position in the leadership hierarchy in the early days of the Latter Day Saint church founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. The Assistant President was the second highest authority in the… … Wikipedia
Assistant party leaders of the United States Senate — This article is part of the series: United States Senate … Wikipedia
Assistant referee (association football) — Two assistant referees (previously known as linesmen) assist the referee in controlling an association football match. An assistant referee indicates matters to the referee (usually initially by raising his flag, but nowadays also by wireless… … Wikipedia
Assistant Manager — An Assistant Manager is an employee of an organization with managerial authority. Examples of this position are usually found in retail, catering and hospitality environments where the need to have more than one member of daily operations… … Wikipedia
Assistant Chief of the Air Staff — The Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (ACAS) is a senior appointment in the Royal Air Force. The incumbent is in practical terms the deputy to the head of the RAF, the Chief of the Air Staff.The ACAS post was established in 1985 by eliminating the … Wikipedia
Member of technical staff — A Member of Technical Staff (MTS) is the title for permanent research staff at some institutions and companies. It is roughly equivalent to an assistant professor or associate professor at a university or a chief technical officer (CTO) in a… … Wikipedia
assistant — /euh sis teuhnt/, n. 1. a person who assists or gives aid and support; helper. 2. a person who is subordinate to another in rank, function, etc.; one holding a secondary rank in an office or post: He was assistant to the office manager. 3.… … Universalium
assistant professor — noun Date: 1827 a member of a college or university faculty who ranks above an instructor and below an associate professor • assistant professorship noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
assistant professor — n. member of a staff at a university whose classification is above instructor and below an associate professor … English contemporary dictionary
assistant — as•sis•tant [[t]əˈsɪs tənt[/t]] n. 1) a person who gives aid and support; helper 2) a person who is subordinate to another in rank, function, etc.; aide; adjutant 3) something that aids and supplements another 4) edu a faculty member in a college … From formal English to slang
assistant foreman — noun a member of a work gang who supervises the other workers • Syn: ↑straw boss • Hypernyms: ↑foreman, ↑chief, ↑gaffer, ↑honcho, ↑boss … Useful english dictionary