1 Asiatic buffalo
Биология: азиатский буйвол (Bubalus arnee), индийский буйвол (Bubalus arnee) -
2 Asiatic buffalo
азиатский буйвол ( Bubalus arnee), индийский буйвол ( Bubalus arnee)* * * -
3 buffalo
1) (азиатский) буйвол ( Bubalus)2) африканский буйвол ( Syncerus)3) бизон ( Bison bison)4) ихт. буффало, иктиобус ( Ictiobus)•- Asiatic buffalo
- big-mouthed buffalo
- Cape buffalo
- Indian buffalo
- musk buffalo
- North American buffalo
- plains buffalo
- redmouth buffalo
- small-mouthed buffalo
- water buffalo
- wood buffalo* * *• бизон• буффало• иктиобус -
4 buffalo, Asiatic water
1. LAT Bubalus arnee Kerr2. RUS азиатский [индийский] буйвол m3. ENG (Asiatic) water [Indian] buffalo4. DEU Büffel m, (asiatischer) Wasserbüffel m5. FRA buffle m indien [de l'Inde]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > buffalo, Asiatic water
5 buffalo(e)s, Asiatic
1. LAT Bubalus H. Smith2. RUS (азиатские) буйволы pl3. ENG (Asiatic, water) buffalo(e)s4. DEU (asiatische) Büffel pl, (asiatische) Wasserbüffel pl5. FRA buffles pl d'AsieDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > buffalo(e)s, Asiatic
6 buffalo(e)s, Asiatic
1. LAT Bubalus H. Smith2. RUS (азиатские) буйволы pl3. ENG (Asiatic, water) buffalo(e)s4. DEU (asiatische) Büffel pl, (asiatische) Wasserbüffel pl5. FRA buffles pl d'AsieDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > buffalo(e)s, Asiatic
7 buffalo, Indian
1. LAT Bubalus arnee Kerr2. RUS азиатский [индийский] буйвол m3. ENG (Asiatic) water [Indian] buffalo4. DEU Büffel m, (asiatischer) Wasserbüffel m5. FRA buffle m indien [de l'Inde]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > buffalo, Indian
8 buffalo, water
1. LAT Bubalus arnee Kerr2. RUS азиатский [индийский] буйвол m3. ENG (Asiatic) water [Indian] buffalo4. DEU Büffel m, (asiatischer) Wasserbüffel m5. FRA buffle m indien [de l'Inde]DICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > buffalo, water
9 buffalo(e)s
1. LAT Bubalus H. Smith2. RUS (азиатские) буйволы pl3. ENG (Asiatic, water) buffalo(e)s4. DEU (asiatische) Büffel pl, (asiatische) Wasserbüffel pl5. FRA buffles pl d'Asie -
10 buffalo(e)s, water
1. LAT Bubalus H. Smith2. RUS (азиатские) буйволы pl3. ENG (Asiatic, water) buffalo(e)s4. DEU (asiatische) Büffel pl, (asiatische) Wasserbüffel pl5. FRA buffles pl d'AsieDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > buffalo(e)s, water
11 buffalo(e)s
1. LAT Bubalus H. Smith2. RUS (азиатские) буйволы pl3. ENG (Asiatic, water) buffalo(e)s4. DEU (asiatische) Büffel pl, (asiatische) Wasserbüffel pl5. FRA buffles pl d'Asie -
12 buffalo(e)s, water
1. LAT Bubalus H. Smith2. RUS (азиатские) буйволы pl3. ENG (Asiatic, water) buffalo(e)s4. DEU (asiatische) Büffel pl, (asiatische) Wasserbüffel pl5. FRA buffles pl d'AsieDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > buffalo(e)s, water
13 Indian buffalo
14 water buffalo
15 2998
1. LAT Bubalus H. Smith2. RUS (азиатские) буйволы pl3. ENG (Asiatic, water) buffalo(e)s4. DEU (asiatische) Büffel pl, (asiatische) Wasserbüffel pl5. FRA buffles pl d'Asie -
16 2999
1. LAT Bubalus arnee Kerr2. RUS азиатский [индийский] буйвол m3. ENG (Asiatic) water [Indian] buffalo4. DEU Büffel m, (asiatischer) Wasserbüffel m5. FRA buffle m indien [de l'Inde]
См. также в других словарях:
Asiatic buffalo — noun an Asian buffalo that is often domesticated for use as a draft animal • Syn: ↑water buffalo, ↑water ox, ↑Bubalus bubalis • Hypernyms: ↑Old World buffalo, ↑buffalo • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Asiatic water buffalo — azijinis buivolas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Bubalus arnee angl. Asiatic water buffalo; Indian buffalo; water buffalo vok. asiatischer Wasserbüffel; Büffel; Wasserbüffel rus. азиатский буйвол;… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Indian buffalo — noun upland buffalo of eastern Asia where true water buffaloes do not thrive; used for draft and milk • Hypernyms: ↑water buffalo, ↑water ox, ↑Asiatic buffalo, ↑Bubalus bubalis * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized I : an upland buffalo of… … Useful english dictionary
Old World buffalo — noun any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo • Syn: ↑buffalo • Hypernyms: ↑bovid • Hyponyms: ↑water buffalo, ↑water ox, ↑Asiatic buffalo, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
water buffalo — noun an Asian buffalo that is often domesticated for use as a draft animal (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑water ox, ↑Asiatic buffalo, ↑Bubalus bubalis • Hypernyms: ↑Old World buffalo, ↑buffalo … Useful english dictionary
USS Buffalo (1892) — The second USS Buffalo (later AD 8) was an auxiliary cruiser of the United States Navy, and later a destroyer tender. Buffalo was built in 1892 by Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, in Newport News, Virginia, as El Cid . Six months… … Wikipedia
Wild Asian Water Buffalo — Taxobox name = Wild Vlad Water Buffalo image width = 200px image caption = Wild Asian Water Buffalo Female with calf at Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India status = EN status system = iucn2.3 status ref = [IUCN2007|assessors=Asian Wild Cattle… … Wikipedia
Domestic water buffalo — Taxobox name = Domestic Asian Water buffalo image caption = Water buffalo cow in Thailand image width = 250px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Artiodactyla familia = Bovidae subfamilia = Bovinae tribus = Bovini genus … Wikipedia
Water buffalo rumen ecology — Water or Swamp Buffalo rumen ecology refers to the ecology of the rumen (the first chamber of the digestive system of a rudiment) of the water buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis )The rumen of the water buffalo has important differences to that of other… … Wikipedia
Indian buffalo — azijinis buivolas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Bubalus arnee angl. Asiatic water buffalo; Indian buffalo; water buffalo vok. asiatischer Wasserbüffel; Büffel; Wasserbüffel rus. азиатский буйвол;… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
water buffalo — azijinis buivolas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Bubalus arnee angl. Asiatic water buffalo; Indian buffalo; water buffalo vok. asiatischer Wasserbüffel; Büffel; Wasserbüffel rus. азиатский буйвол;… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas