Перевод: с английского на русский

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См. также в других словарях:

  • anticipointment — n. A state of mind produced after having overly anticipated a particular event or purchase, thus creating unreasonably high expectations, and then been disappointed after the event or purchase has taken place because the expectations were not met …   New words

  • anticipointment — noun The state of mind resulting from excitedly anticipating a strongly promoted product, event, film, etc, and then being disappointed when it fails to meet the expectations generated by this promotion. The unparalleled media hype surrounding… …   Wiktionary

  • Anticipointment — A greatly awaited event that turns out to be a fizzer. For some, Y2K was an event of great anticipointment, especially if you were holed up in a shed in the desert surrounded by cans of Spam …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Anticipointment — A greatly awaited event that turns out to be a fizzer. For some, Y2K was an event of great anticipointment, especially if you were holed up in a shed in the desert surrounded by cans of Spam …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Sociology (General) — Sociology General acoustic privacy adorkable age heaping anticipointment antiskeptic banana problem behalfism …   New words

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