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См. также в других словарях:

  • anecdata — (an.ik.DAY.tuh; an.ik.DAT.uh) n. Anecdotal evidence used as data in an attempt to prove a hypothesis or make a forecast. Also: anec data. Example Citations: So deep was Rose s conviction that she made a pilgrimage to the University of Washington… …   New words

  • anecdata — noun a) Anecdotal evidence. A handful of stores, just one mall, not what youd call a statistically significant sample. In fact, the most recent government report was that retail sales rose in January, which just goes to show why the journalists… …   Wiktionary

  • Proteus phenomenon — n. The tendency for early findings in a new area of research to alternate between opposite conclusions. Example Citations: Proteus is a sea god in Greek Mythology. He could change his shape at will. The Proteus phenomenon refers to early extreme… …   New words

  • Science (General) — Science General altmetrics anecdata black hole collaboratory cosmeceutical decimal dust directed sound dozenalist …   New words

  • agnotology — n. The study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. agnotological adj. Example Citations: The leaders of corporations and other institutions, it turns out, are not… …   New words

  • biostitute — (by.AWS.tuh.toot) n. A biologist who supports a company or activity that is harmful to the environment. biostitution n. Example Citations: I think the organization that Myron works for is an organization that is funded by the coal industry, by… …   New words

  • data hygiene — (day.tuh HY.jeen) n. Principles and practices that serve to maintain accuracy in computer data. Example Citation: Data hygiene the art of keeping a direct mail database clean and up to date could prove to be the most irritating new buzzword of… …   New words

  • data spill — n. The accidental transmission or display of private online data to a third party. Example Citation: Unintentional disclosures of personal information, called data spills, can occur when visitors click on a link to an external site. Browsers… …   New words

  • fact-free science — n. A scientific endeavour such as a computer simulation of a biological process that does not take into account real world constraints such as chemical or biological data. Example Citation: Biochemist Michael Behe calls evolution fact free… …   New words

  • manufactroversy — n. A contrived or non existent controversy, manufactured by political ideologues or interest groups who use deception and specious arguments to make their case. Example Citations: During a question and answer session after a talk I recently gave …   New words

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